MGT 418 Week 3 Individual Assignment Non Franchised Small Business Analysis

For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com • Select one of the following businesses to research on the Web: o Mel’s Country Cafe, Tomball, Texas o Hope Blooms Flowers and Things, Eagle, Idaho o Gentlemen’s Top Option, Burlington, Vermont • Write a 750 - to 1,050 - word paper in which you analyze the business as if you were considering its purchase. Explain your reasoning for each of these sections: o Evaluate the business model of the selected business.

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• Select one of the following businesses to research on the Web:
o Mel’s Country Cafe, Tomball, Texas
o Hope Blooms Flowers and Things, Eagle, Idaho
o Gentlemen’s Top Option, Burlington, Vermont
• Write a 750 - to 1,050 - word paper in which you analyze the business as if you were considering its purchase. Explain your reasoning for each of these sections:
o Evaluate the business model of the selected business.

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<strong>MGT</strong> <strong>418</strong> <strong>Week</strong> 3 <strong>Individual</strong> <strong>Assignment</strong>: <strong>Non</strong> <strong>Franchised</strong> <strong>Small</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />

<strong>Analysis</strong><br />

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http://www.uophelp.com/<strong>MGT</strong>-<strong>418</strong>/product-14248-<strong>MGT</strong>-<strong>418</strong>-<strong>Week</strong>-3-<br />

<strong>Individual</strong>-<strong>Assignment</strong>:-<strong>Non</strong>-<strong>Franchised</strong>-<strong>Small</strong>-<strong>Business</strong>-<strong>Analysis</strong><br />

For more course tutorials visit<br />

www.uophelp.com<br />

· Select one of the following businesses to research on the Web:<br />

o Mel’s Country Cafe, Tomball, Texas<br />

o Hope Blooms Flowers and Things, Eagle, Idaho<br />

o Gentlemen’s Top Option, Burlington, Vermont<br />

· Write a 750 - to 1,050 - word paper in which you analyze the business as if you were<br />

considering its purchase. Explain your reasoning for each of these sections:<br />

o Evaluate the business model of the selected business.<br />

o Assess the necessity for training to be provided to you by the seller.<br />

o Identify all of the issues you should investigate in the process of performing a feasibility<br />

analysis and due diligence.<br />

o Identify the areas in purchasing the business that you would try to negotiate with the<br />

seller.<br />

o Explain the advantages and disadvantages associated with purchasing the business you<br />

selected rather than starting a new business in the same industry.

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