‹download› [pDf] Balls of Fire: a Science of Life and Death

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------- https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/0976281422 ----------------------------------- Spanning 5,000 years of history from ancient Egypt to our technoprogressive 21st century, the science reviewed in Balls of Fire builds on The Isis Thesis (2004) and 12 journal articles (2005-2013). The Isis Thesis is a semiotic study of ancient Egyptian literature, artwork, ritual, and architecture, showing that ancient Egyptian deities are signs for human and microbial genes and proteins evolving into a new developmental form. Since the pharaoh&#8217s ancient ball-throwing rite is the origin of baseball, Balls of Fire uses a fantasy baseball game of dead and living thinkers to expose hidden historical knowledge about death and evolution. The study offers evidence that our behavior (baseball, myth, Christianity, alchemy, literature, art, capitalism, genetic engineering, our machinic culture, and so on) explains our potential to evolve at death into a unique developmental form. Although &#233lite historical rulers have veiled this knowledge, our behavior has stamped a viral footprint for evolution on the last 12,000 years of human history. Balls of Fire has been recognized as a Finalist in the 18th annual Foreword Reviews&#8217 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards under the Nonfiction Adult category of Body, Mind and Spirit. Here is the compl




Spanning 5,000 years of history from ancient Egypt to our technoprogressive 21st century, the science reviewed in Balls of Fire builds on The Isis Thesis (2004) and 12 journal articles (2005-2013). The Isis Thesis is a semiotic study of ancient Egyptian literature, artwork, ritual, and architecture, showing that ancient Egyptian deities are signs for human and microbial genes and proteins evolving into a new developmental form. Since the pharaoh&#8217s ancient ball-throwing rite is the origin of baseball, Balls of Fire uses a fantasy baseball game of dead and living thinkers to expose hidden historical knowledge about death and evolution. The study offers evidence that our behavior (baseball, myth, Christianity, alchemy, literature, art, capitalism, genetic engineering, our machinic culture, and so on) explains our potential to evolve at death into a unique developmental form. Although &#233lite historical rulers have veiled this knowledge, our behavior has stamped a viral footprint for evolution on the last 12,000 years of human history. Balls of Fire has been recognized as a Finalist in the 18th annual Foreword Reviews&#8217 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards under the Nonfiction Adult category of Body, Mind and Spirit. Here is the compl


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