[ebook] download free The Armor of God - Teen Bible Study Book

(COPY LINK) : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/1535924195 Book Synopsis : All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you&#8212your emotions, your mind, your family and friends, your dreams, your future. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware&nbspand unarmed.&nbspIf you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, his reign stops right here, right now. With you.&nbspThe enemy always fails miserably&nbspwhen he meets someone ready for battle. Someone who is armed and dangerous.The Armor of God is more than just a biblical description of the believer's inventory. It is an action plan for putting on your armor and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory against the enemy. Yes. A strategy. TARGETED. SPECIFIC. PRECISE. DETAILED.Learn to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph. 6:10).Discover what to wear to ensure victory and employ the secret weapon to stop the devil in his tracks.Develop a personalized strategy to promptly put the enemy in his place.Take advantage of your position in Christ and experience the tangible, long-term effects of victory in practical, everyday living.Get prepared for a Bible study that will bring to light the war around you and challenge you to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in your life.B

(COPY LINK) : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/1535924195

Book Synopsis :
All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you&#8212your emotions, your mind, your family and friends, your dreams, your future. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware&nbspand unarmed.&nbspIf you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, his reign stops right here, right now. With you.&nbspThe enemy always fails miserably&nbspwhen he meets someone ready for battle. Someone who is armed and dangerous.The Armor of God is more than just a biblical description of the believer's inventory. It is an action plan for putting on your armor and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory against the enemy. Yes. A strategy. TARGETED. SPECIFIC. PRECISE. DETAILED.Learn to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph. 6:10).Discover what to wear to ensure victory and employ the secret weapon to stop the devil in his tracks.Develop a personalized strategy to promptly put the enemy in his place.Take advantage of your position in Christ and experience the tangible, long-term effects of victory in practical, everyday living.Get prepared for a Bible study that will bring to light the war around you and challenge you to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in your life.B

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The Armor of God - Teen Bible Study Book

The Armor of God - Teen Bible Study Book

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning, devilish enemy seeks

to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you&#8212yor emotions, your mind, your

family and friends, your dreams, your future. But his battle plan depends on catching

you unaware&nbspandunarmed.&nbspIfyou're tired of being pushed around and

caught with your guard down, his reign stops right here, right now. With

you.&nbspTheenemy always fails miserably&nbspwhe he meets someone ready for

battle. Someone who is armed and dangerous.The Armor of God is more than just a

biblical description of the believer's inventory. It is an action plan for putting on your

armor and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory against the enemy.

Yes. A strategy. TARGETED. SPECIFIC. PRECISE. DETAILED.Learn to be strong in

the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph. 6:10).Discover what to wear to ensure

victory and employ the secret weapon to stop the devil in his tracks.Develop a

personalized strategy to promptly put the enemy in his place.Take advantage of your

position in Christ and experience the tangible, long-term effects of victory in practical,

everyday living.Get prepared for a Bible study that will bring to light the war around you

and challenge you to suit up, stand firm, and secure victory in your life.Bible Study

Book includes 6 weeks of homework that can be completed between the 7 group

sessions. Includes leader helps and perforated prayer cards that can be torn out of the

back. Also available in digital format.&#8212PRSCILLA SHIRER&nbspisa homemade

cinnamon roll baker, Bible teacher and bestselling author who didn&#8217tknow she

was on The New York Times&#8217list (Fervent) until somebody else told her.

Because who has time to check lists when you are raising three sons? When Priscilla

and Jerry (who have been married for 19 years) are not busy leading Going Beyond

Ministries, they spend most of their time cleaning up after and trying to satisfy the

appetites of their very large boys. Priscilla has written many Bible studies on a myriad

of different biblical topics and personalities including Discerning the Voice of God,

Gideon, and Jonah. She first wrote The Armor of God Bible study in 2015 and now she

is excited to share this updated and adapted version with you.

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