READ [PDF] NKJV, Reference Bible, Classic Verse-by-Verse, Center-Column, Leathersoft, Gray, Red Letter, Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/0785253580.html - Book Synopsis : Sometimes you just need a classic!&nbspWith the&nbspNKJV Classic Verse-style, Center-column Reference Bible&nbspfrom Thomas Nelson, you get the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version, presented in a tried-and-true format: classic verse-style Scripture layout for easy navigation and more than 72,000 cross-references conveniently located in the center column. The traditional format is paired with a beautiful design and Thomas Nelson&#8217s exclusive Comfort Print&#174&nbsptypeface, making this a perfect gift and a worthy addition to any Bible reader&#8217s library.Features include:Verse-style Scripture format&nbspstarts each verse on its own line so it&#8217s easy to navigate the textOver 72,000 cross references&nbspallow you to find related passages quickly and easilyBible book introductions&nbspprovide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be readConcordance&nbspfor looking up a word&#8217s occurrences throughout the BibleFull color maps&nbspshow a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better contextDurable Smyth-sewn binding&nbsplays flat in your hand or on your deskEasy-to-read&nbsplarge&nbsp10-point NKJV Comfort Print

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/0785253580.html -
Book Synopsis :
Sometimes you just need a classic!&nbspWith the&nbspNKJV Classic Verse-style, Center-column Reference Bible&nbspfrom Thomas Nelson, you get the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James Version, presented in a tried-and-true format: classic verse-style Scripture layout for easy navigation and more than 72,000 cross-references conveniently located in the center column. The traditional format is paired with a beautiful design and Thomas Nelson&#8217s exclusive Comfort Print&#174&nbsptypeface, making this a perfect gift and a worthy addition to any Bible reader&#8217s library.Features include:Verse-style Scripture format&nbspstarts each verse on its own line so it&#8217s easy to navigate the textOver 72,000 cross references&nbspallow you to find related passages quickly and easilyBible book introductions&nbspprovide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be readConcordance&nbspfor looking up a word&#8217s occurrences throughout the BibleFull color maps&nbspshow a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better contextDurable Smyth-sewn binding&nbsplays flat in your hand or on your deskEasy-to-read&nbsplarge&nbsp10-point NKJV Comfort Print


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NKJV, Reference Bible, Classic Verse-by-Verse,

Center-Column, Leathersoft, Gray, Red Letter,

Thumb Indexed, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New

King James Version

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/0785253580.html - Book Synopsis :

Sometimes you just need a classic!&nbspWit the&nbspNKJ Classic

Verse-style, Center-column Reference Bible&nbspfro Thomas Nelson,

you get the full text of the Holy Bible in the trustworthy New King James

Version, presented in a tried-and-true format: classic verse-style

Scripture layout for easy navigation and more than 72,000 crossreferences

conveniently located in the center column. The traditional

format is paired with a beautiful design and Thomas

Nelson&#8217sexclusive Comfort Print&#174nbsptypeface, making this

a perfect gift and a worthy addition to any Bible

reader&#8217slibrary.Features include:Verse-style Scripture

format&nbspstats each verse on its own line so it&#8217seasy to

navigate the textOver 72,000 cross references&nbspallw you to find

related passages quickly and easilyBible book

introductions&nbspproide a concise overview of the background and

historical context of the book about to be

readConcordance&nbspforlooking up a word&#8217soccurrences

throughout the BibleFull color maps&nbspsho a visual representation of

Israel and other biblical locations for better contextDurable Smyth-sewn

binding&nbsplay flat in your hand or on your deskEasy-toread&nbsplare&nbsp10point

NKJV Comfort Print

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