CSQ July 2022
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Table of Contents<br />
<strong>July</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
President’s Message…………………………………………………..… 3<br />
Community Corner: Delaware is Changing With the Times….............5<br />
Protecting Fragile Families: New Guidance to Improve Foster Care<br />
Referral Policies and Practices…………………………………….....…..8<br />
Introducing New IV-D Directors…………………………………………..14<br />
Procedural Justice in the Child Support Process……………………….20<br />
Electronic Document Exchange…………………………………………..27<br />
Preparation,Connection,and Competency in Hiring…..........................33<br />
Leadership Symposium Preview………………………………………….40
Lori Bengston<br />
NCSEA President<br />
Hello!<br />
I hope you are all enjoying the summer months and finding time to do the<br />
things you love. As I write this message, I am thinking back to last year<br />
when I was about to become the president of NCSEA, feeling a little<br />
anxious and excited all at the same time. I was contemplating my theme for<br />
the year, forming committees, and preparing for the passing of the gavel,<br />
and now, more than ever, the phrase “time flies” takes on a whole new<br />
meaning.<br />
Some of you may remember last year at the Leadership Symposium I was<br />
celebrating the birth of my five-day old grandson and becoming a first-time<br />
grandma! The phrase “time flies” fits that situation too, as he will celebrate<br />
his first birthday in a little over a month. Similar to my term as NCSEA<br />
president, I look back over the past year of my grandson’s life and am in<br />
awe of how much change and growth can happen in one short year. So<br />
many stages, accomplishments, and bright spots to reflect upon from the<br />
past, and such a bright future ahead. Time stops for no one, and that’s<br />
okay.<br />
As president and leader of the association, I often felt time was going too<br />
fast and there was still so much to do before the end of my term. Then I<br />
reminded myself that the privilege of being NCSEA president is just one<br />
short year, but the work continues, rather seamlessly, to the next president.<br />
The work toward our mission to promote and influence child support<br />
policies and services, and to educate, connect, and inspire those who work<br />
in child support never ends. While we have had some great<br />
accomplishments this year, many initiatives will carry over as we strive to<br />
do what’s best for the families we serve.
The role of NCSEA president has been the highlight of my 20+ years in the<br />
child support program. I would like to thank the Board of Directors and the<br />
Executive Committee for always supporting me and sharing their wisdom,<br />
experience, and passion for the program. Your support was invaluable to<br />
me. To the committee chairs and members, you are the heart and soul of<br />
this association. The work you do on a volunteer basis is second to none. I<br />
can’t thank you enough for all the times you said “yes” and the tireless<br />
hours you worked toward our mission. To the vendor community and all<br />
who pay to attend our events, there would be no NCSEA without your<br />
support. Ann Marie, Katie, Latrese, and our MCI partners, you are the glue<br />
that holds us all together. Last but not least, to my YoungWilliams family<br />
and my family at home, thank you for your support this past year and<br />
always!<br />
It has been an honor and a blessing to serve as your president, and I will<br />
forever be grateful for the opportunity. I will never forget the confidence you<br />
placed in me to serve this outstanding community of child support<br />
professionals. Soon I will place the gavel in the very capable hands of<br />
President-elect Jim Fleming, and I will look forward to continuing my<br />
service to NCSEA and supporting Jim wherever needed. I hope to see<br />
many of you at the Leadership Symposium in Charlotte, North Carolina,<br />
and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!<br />
All my best,<br />
Lori<br />
_________________________________________<br />
In addition to serving as NCSEA President, Lori Bengston is a Project Manager for<br />
Young Williams and has been active in the child support enforcement program for over<br />
16 years. She has direct supervision of the Nebraska Child Support Call Center,<br />
including the Early Intervention Project. Lori has been a speaker at many child support<br />
conferences on the topics of customer service, call centers, and early intervention. Lori<br />
has been active in NCSEA for many years, previously serving on the Board from 2007-<br />
2013. She is a Past President of the Western Intergovernmental Child Support<br />
Engagement Council (WICSEC) and the Nebraska Child Support Enforcement<br />
Association Board of Directors.
Delaware is Changing With the Times<br />
by Theodore G. Mermigos, Jr.<br />
Delaware Division of Child Support<br />
I consider myself a late bloomer in the realm of social media. It became<br />
apparent to me that I needed to catch up quickly if I was going to use social<br />
media to promote what we were doing at the Division of Child Support<br />
Services (DCSS) in Delaware. So this point doesn’t get missed, I am<br />
saying it in the first paragraph rather than in a later one: sometimes you<br />
must stretch beyond your comfort zone and do things that are a little<br />
uncomfortable to meet new successes. If you are not using social media to<br />
promote child support programs, offer help to child support participants, or<br />
share important information to the community at large, you are missing a<br />
huge opportunity. Every office has a social media savvy person that can<br />
help, or in some cases, take the lead on promoting your program on social<br />
media.<br />
During my 26 years as a State of Delaware employee, I have always<br />
considered myself an ambassador of the services my department and<br />
division provide to the public. Quality customer<br />
service always starts with communicating<br />
effectively with the public about what services are<br />
available, and where to begin to maneuver through<br />
the red tape and bureaucracy.<br />
One of the pledges we made in 2015 when we<br />
changed our state IV-D agency’s name by<br />
replacing the word “Enforcement” with the word “Services,” was to find<br />
better ways to connect with all of our customers. The old ways of<br />
communicating just weren’t cutting it anymore. Don’t get me wrong, we still<br />
honor traditional ways of communicating such as attending community<br />
events, signage, literature, and the occasional press release or radio<br />
commercial. However, we made the conscious decision to enter the world
of social media. After all, you must meet the people where they are, and my<br />
friends, that is on social media.<br />
DCSS started with creating a Division of Child Support Services Facebook<br />
page in January 2014. In the beginning, we used the site to post job<br />
openings and fairs, accept and respond to personal messages from our<br />
customers, send holiday and seasonal wishes, and share office closings<br />
and general information. We hovered around a couple hundred followers<br />
for a couple years, ignorant to Facebook’s full capacity to help us reach a<br />
public desperate for information—especially the last two years during the<br />
pandemic when customers were not able to freely visit local child support<br />
offices.<br />
In 2021, DCSS opened up a whole new world when we launched our first<br />
Facebook Live event. For those who don’t know, Facebook Live provides<br />
an opportunity to do live videos that<br />
can then be saved to the videos<br />
section of the Facebook page for<br />
future viewing. I can remember as if<br />
this were yesterday: minutes leading<br />
up to this first Facebook Live event,<br />
my employees in the office of the<br />
Director were anxious. They were<br />
worried no one would tune in, or if the public did tune in, what they would<br />
say. Would they be confrontational? Would they reveal too much personal<br />
information? And most worrisome to my employees, what would I say and<br />
how would I do answering questions on the spot?<br />
Forty members of the public tuned in to that first Facebook Live event. We<br />
knew after the first event that this was something we needed to continue.<br />
We established a specific day of the month (the first Monday), hour of the<br />
day (11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time), and came up with the name<br />
The Child Support Connection. The idea behind the time selection was that<br />
it occurs around lunch time and could accommodate parents in the<br />
workforce. DCSS employees from across the state submitted suggestions<br />
for the name of our new endeavor. We received approximately 65<br />
submissions, which my leadership team and I reviewed and voted on. That<br />
is when our Facebook Live became known as The Child Support<br />
The greatest advantage of The Child Support Connection is that we are<br />
communicating with the public in real time and giving the public an<br />
opportunity to ask questions, raise child support case concerns, and even<br />
express an opinion about us as an agency. Questions from the public come<br />
in via the comments—they write their specific question and for the most<br />
part, they keep their case specific questions free of identifiable information.<br />
I read their questions out loud on the live event and provide answers or<br />
instructions.<br />
The viewership is not always extremely high, but this gives me the<br />
opportunity to talk about DCSS enforcement tools,<br />
changes we are making, programs we are offering,<br />
upcoming events, how we handle intergovernmental<br />
cases, and general child support information.<br />
The DCSS Facebook page now has 5,202 followers<br />
and reaches families in nine other countries. There<br />
have been 23 live Child Support Connection events<br />
that have had approximately 17,000 views.<br />
Most participants in the child support process are looking for honest,<br />
straightforward information in a time-efficient manner. Using social media is<br />
an important and necessary tool to reach them. Facebook Live events have<br />
aided in filling in the gaps and overcoming communication barriers. After<br />
having such success on Facebook Live with The Child Support Connection,<br />
Delaware DCSS is now working on building and expanding our social<br />
media presence to Instagram and a YouTube Channel. We invite you to<br />
follow us!<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Ted Mermigos has been the IV-D Director at the Delaware Division of Child Support<br />
Services (DCSS) since April 1, 2015. Ted does a monthly Facebook Live Event, “The<br />
Child Support Connection,” the first Monday of every month at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time.<br />
Protecting Fragile Families: New<br />
Guidance to Improve Foster Care<br />
Referral Policies and Practices<br />
by Diane Potts, CGI<br />
On June 8, <strong>2022</strong>, the Children’s Bureau issued new policy guidance i on the<br />
referral process between child welfare and child support agencies. It is<br />
centered around the question that more and more child support programs<br />
recently have struggled with, namely, the “appropriateness” of referrals for<br />
parents working toward reunifying with their children. The new guidance<br />
recognizes that “[i]t is almost never the case that securing an assignment of<br />
the rights to child support is in the best interests of a child during the time<br />
the child is in title IV-E foster care.” ii<br />
Background<br />
Under federal law, a state child welfare agency must take “all steps” to<br />
secure an assignment to the state of any rights to child support on behalf of<br />
each child who is receiving title IV-E foster care maintenance payments by<br />
referring the case for child support services “where appropriate.” iii In 2012,<br />
the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) issued two policy<br />
guidance Information Memoranda (IM) on Title IV-E Referrals: IM-12-02 iv ,<br />
Requests for Locate Services, Referrals, and Electronic Interface, and IM-<br />
12-06 v , Requests for Locate Services, Referrals, and Electronic Interface<br />
between Child Welfare and Child Support Information Systems.<br />
Recognizing that the child support and child welfare programs serve many<br />
of the same children and families, OCSE explained that the agencies<br />
should work together to develop criteria for appropriate referrals “in the best<br />
interest of the child involved.” vi In OCSE’s view, an appropriate type of case<br />
may be if the child will remain in foster care for a period of time, if it helps<br />
the permanency planning process, or if collections will help relatives<br />
assume custody of the child. vii OCSE also provided examples of cases<br />
where a referral may not be appropriate including if the child is being
adopted or will be in foster care for only a short amount of time, as well as<br />
when the “parent(s) would be unable to comply with the permanency plan<br />
of reunification due to the financial hardship caused by paying child<br />
support” or if the parent who formerly did not reside with the child is a<br />
potential placement resource. viii<br />
Research studies conducted since OCSE’s guidance was published<br />
generally demonstrate that pursuing child support in foster care cases may<br />
cause harm to poor parents working towards reunification. The research<br />
also has found that pursuing child support in foster care cases is not cost<br />
effective.<br />
In addition, a study from Orange County, California found that for every<br />
dollar expended by the child support program to pursue support, only<br />
27 cents actually is collected—basically a $0.27 cost effectiveness ratio<br />
compared to the national average of $5.27 for all child support cases.<br />
Specifically, studies in Wisconsin ix and Minnesota x found that the vast<br />
majority of parents in the child welfare system are poor, with incomes<br />
below $10,000 per year. The Wisconsin study also found that establishing<br />
a child support order against a parent working to reunify substantially<br />
increased the time the child spends in out-of-home placement, with each<br />
$100 in child support increasing the time spent in foster care by six months.<br />
These studies began to cast doubt on the value of requiring child support<br />
payments from parents who are already poor and trying to reunite with their<br />
child.<br />
In addition, a study from Orange County, California xi found that for every<br />
dollar expended by the child support program to pursue support, only 27<br />
cents actually is collected—basically a $0.27 cost effectiveness ratio<br />
compared to the national average of $5.27 for all child support cases. xii<br />
Similarly, the Minnesota research estimated a cost-effectiveness ratio for<br />
their foster caseload of 36 cents for each dollar spent. xiii Finally, the Orange<br />
County study discovered that for every dollar paid in foster care<br />
maintenance payments, the federal government recoups only four cents<br />
through child support collections.<br />
Although OCSE has not issued any policy guidance as a result of the<br />
research, it did provide a new case closure criterion as part of the<br />
Flexibility, Efficiency, and Modernization in Child Support Enforcement
Programs Final Rule that became effective in December 2016. The new<br />
criterion provides that a child support program may close a case if:<br />
Another assistance program, including IV-A, IV-E, SNAP,<br />
and Medicaid, has referred a case to the IV-D agency that is<br />
inappropriate to establish, enforce, or continue to enforce a<br />
child support order and the custodial or noncustodial parent has<br />
not applied for services. xiv<br />
This provision provides child support programs with new flexibility to not<br />
pursue support for foster care referrals when doing so would not be in the<br />
best interest of the family and the reunification goal.<br />
NCSEA’s Resolution<br />
On August 11, 2020, the NCSEA Board adopted a “Resolution for A<br />
National Review of Child Support and Child Welfare<br />
Referral and Coordination Policies.” xv NCSEA recognized<br />
that there was inconsistency in policies and practices<br />
across the country, as well as inadequate informationsharing<br />
between the child support and child welfare<br />
agencies. In NCSEA’s opinion, “there appear to be few<br />
jurisdictions where the relationship between child support and child welfare<br />
agencies is functional and effective, and best practices of those positive<br />
collaborations are insufficiently understood and publicized.”<br />
NCSEA recognized the difference in pursuing support against the parent<br />
who did not reside with the child versus the parent who was the former<br />
custodian (“removal parent”) and is undergoing reunification efforts in the<br />
child welfare case. For the former, NCSEA explained that establishing and<br />
enforcing a child support obligation has considerable value including<br />
paternity establishment, a possible relative placement option, and most<br />
important, additional financial resources to the removal parent that can help<br />
hasten reunification.<br />
But pursuing child support is more problematic for a removal parent who is<br />
working towards reunification. NCSEA explained that federal law requires<br />
that reasonable efforts must be made to preserve and reunify families and<br />
make it possible for a child to return home safely. Citing the recent<br />
research, NCSEA recognized that there often are cases where a child<br />
support obligation against the removal parent may not be in the best<br />
interest of the child and family.
The resolution asked the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to<br />
develop guidance on the appropriateness of referrals for removal parents.<br />
Specifically, NCSEA advocated for guidance explaining that a referral to<br />
pursue support against the removal parent working towards reunification is<br />
appropriate against the removal parent only if the child welfare agency<br />
determines the referral is in the best interest of the child in foster care.<br />
NCSEA asked ACF for the following other initiatives as well:<br />
• Convene a federal-state workgroup<br />
consisting of child support and child welfare<br />
leaders at the federal level and from at least<br />
six states, as well as parents with experience<br />
as child welfare clients, that would:<br />
o Identify best practices for child<br />
support/child welfare interaction that<br />
can be disseminated nationally;<br />
o Develop recommendations for<br />
information-sharing between child support and child welfare<br />
agencies, including encouraging child welfare agencies to use<br />
FPLS data more productively;<br />
o Assess the impact of a best-interests-of-the-child standard for use<br />
of child support collections in foster care cases and whether states<br />
should consider the option of using such collections for a trust fund<br />
to help the custodial parent improve the child’s standard of living<br />
following reunification;<br />
o Specify an agenda for future research concerning the impact of<br />
child support establishment and enforcement on child welfare<br />
cases, especially children in out-of-home placements.<br />
• Fund research on the impact of child support referrals on out-of-home<br />
placement stays, cost-effectiveness, and related issues.<br />
• Identify best practices in child support/child welfare interactions and<br />
disseminate such information nationally.
New Children’s Bureau Guidance<br />
The Children’s Bureau issued new policy guidance in June <strong>2022</strong>, in order<br />
for child welfare agencies “to define more narrowly ‘where appropriate’ so<br />
that the default position in these determinations can be for the title IV-E<br />
agency not to secure an assignment of the rights to child support.” xvi The<br />
Children’s Bureau cited both the Minnesota and Orange County studies in<br />
explaining that securing a child support obligation is generally deemed not<br />
to be cost effective.<br />
Further, the new guidance recognizes that children<br />
in foster care have been removed from homes that<br />
qualify for financial assistance—meaning “that the<br />
parent(s) of these children are likely to be living in<br />
poverty.” In addition, reunification efforts require<br />
these parents to complete a variety of services such as therapy, parenting<br />
courses, substance abuse treatment, and family time sessions. Reducing<br />
income for these parents can divert from these efforts, potentially extending<br />
the reunification process.<br />
Therefore, according to the Children’s Bureau, it is almost never in the best<br />
interest of a child in foster care to require a parent undergoing reunification<br />
efforts to pay child support. Instead of having child welfare agencies make<br />
appropriateness determinations on a case-by-case basis as previous policy<br />
guidance had directed, child welfare agencies should be considering<br />
different, across-the-board policies such as not referring cases except in<br />
rare instances where there will be no adverse effects on the child or<br />
permanency plan. One other example would be a policy where the child<br />
welfare agency refers a case to the child support agency only where the<br />
parent’s income is above a specified income level.<br />
If a referral is made, child welfare agencies should review the case every<br />
six months to re-assess whether child support should continue. Finally, the<br />
Children’s Bureau encouraged the child welfare agency to work with the<br />
child support agency when considering the recent guidance and changes to<br />
the referral policies.<br />
Conclusion<br />
The new guidance issued by the Children’s Bureau is generally in line with<br />
NCSEA’s resolution adopted in August 2020, that recognized the potential<br />
harm caused by pursuing child support against removal parents living in
poverty and working towards reunification. Since OCSE’s guidance from<br />
2012 now seems inconsistent with the Children’s Bureau’s position, OCSE<br />
may be working on new guidance for child support agencies—especially in<br />
light of the new case closure criterion for inappropriate Title IV-E referrals.<br />
While it is too early to measure the overall impact of the guidance on either<br />
the child welfare or child support programs, the ideal result will be a more<br />
universal, family-centered approach to child support in foster care cases<br />
across the country.<br />
Diane Potts is a Director on the National Strategy Team at CGI Technologies and<br />
Solutions Inc. Diane serves on the NCSEA Board of Directors and is co-chair of<br />
NCSEA’s Policy and Government Relations Committee as well as an NCSEA Past-<br />
President, past Secretary, and an Honorary Lifetime Member. Diane also is on the<br />
Board of Directors for the Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support Association and is<br />
chair of its Intergovernmental Improvement Committee.<br />
Diane served for six years as Illinois Deputy Attorney General for Child Support. She<br />
was appointed as the official observer to the Uniform Law Commission’s amendment of<br />
the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA) on NCSEA’s behalf, and currently sits on the UPA’s<br />
Enactment Committee. In 2015, she received the Illinois Child Support Lifetime<br />
Achievement Award. Diane received her law degree from Washington University Law<br />
School and her undergraduate degree from University of Illinois.<br />
i<br />
Child Welfare Policy Manual, 8.4C Title IV-E, General Title IV-E Requirements, Child Support, Question<br />
and Answer 5, About | The Administration for Children and Families (hhs.gov).<br />
ii<br />
Id.<br />
iii<br />
42 U.S.C. §671(a)(17) (a state’s Title IV-E plan must provide that “where appropriate, all steps will be<br />
taken, including cooperative efforts with the State agencies administering the program funded under part<br />
A and plan approved under part D, to secure an assignment to the State of any rights to support on behalf<br />
of each child receiving foster care maintenance payments under [title IV-E]).”<br />
iv<br />
IM-12-02 Requests for Locate Services, Referrals, and Electronic Interface.<br />
v<br />
IM-12-06 Requests for Locate Services, Referrals, and Electronic Interface between Child Welfare and<br />
Child Support Information Systems.<br />
vi<br />
Supra at n.4 &5.<br />
vii<br />
Id.<br />
viii<br />
Id.<br />
ix<br />
Making parents pay: The unintended consequences of charging parents for foster care. (University of<br />
Wisconsin Institute for Research on Poverty found 85 percent of removal parents have incomes below<br />
$10,000 per year, well below the poverty line).<br />
x<br />
Child Support Collections to Offset Out of Home Placement Costs: A Study of Cost Effectiveness<br />
(hamline.edu) (80 percent of parents have income less than $10,000 per year).<br />
xi<br />
Child Support and Foster Care in California.<br />
xii<br />
FY 2021 Preliminary Data Report and Tables | The Administration for Children and Families (hhs.gov).<br />
xiii<br />
Supra at n.10.<br />
xiv<br />
45 CFR § 303.11(b)(20).<br />
xv<br />
Resolution-for-a-National-Review-of-Child-Support-and-Child-Welfare-Referral-and-Coordination-<br />
Policies_2020.pdf (ncsea.org)<br />
xvi<br />
Supra at n. 1.
Introducing New IV-D Directors<br />
By Konitra Jack<br />
Louisiana Support Enforcement Services<br />
Most job postings for child support directors include language that<br />
candidates should possess a commitment to the vision and function of the<br />
agency, strong leadership skills, and an ability to build consensus. The<br />
postings normally go on to describe individuals possessing a very specific<br />
skill set. Then you see the addition of “knowledge of federal and state child<br />
support laws and regulations,” which takes the list of qualifications from<br />
specific to exclusive. These two words seem similar, but they are not.<br />
There’s a difference and when you meet a IV-D director, you immediately<br />
know it. When I became a director, it did not take long to learn why.<br />
In September 2020, our director, Lydia Scales, announced that she was<br />
retiring, and I was given the reins as Louisiana CSE Director. Shortly after,<br />
I was invited to an “Ex-Ivy Dee” (IV-D) Annual Reunion. Now if you’ve ever<br />
met Robbie Endris, Lisa Andry (former Louisiana IV-D directors), or any of<br />
the other Ex-Ivy Dees, as they are known by, you surely wouldn’t blame<br />
Lydia for deciding to join that club. They were welcoming and ready to<br />
nurture the “future former” IV-D directors. Being with them gave me such a<br />
sense of hope and pride that I could one day join that club. It is truly<br />
inspiring that those who have held this position still have that passion for<br />
our program.<br />
And that’s the difference! When someone becomes a director, they are<br />
taking on another role in the family. They are welcomed with open arms<br />
and shown the way by their colleagues. They are supported, and they<br />
quickly learn to support their teams. I believe all of the IV-D directors and<br />
Ex-Ivy Dees would support my conclusion that being IV-D director is not<br />
easy. Nonetheless, each of them would likely say that it is one of the most<br />
rewarding experiences of their career. This article gives some of our
newest IV-D directors the opportunity to share their perspectives on what<br />
the role means to them.<br />
But first, let me introduce you to my colleagues:<br />
When someone becomes a director, they<br />
are taking on another role in the family.<br />
They are welcomed with open arms and<br />
shown the way by their colleagues.<br />
Chad Shook is Director for the Mississippi Department of<br />
Human Services, Division of Child Support. Chad comes to<br />
the agency after practicing law in various capacities in the<br />
Mississippi Delta, southwest Tennessee, and Hattiesburg for<br />
over 22 years.<br />
John Hurst currently serves as Assistant Deputy<br />
Commissioner/IV-D Director for the Georgia Department of<br />
Human Services, Division of Child Support Services (DCSS).<br />
With more than 30 years of professional experience, John<br />
began his career with DCSS as a case manager in the<br />
Atlanta office. John is a member of the ERICSA Board of<br />
Directors and an active member of NCSEA and NCCSD.<br />
Frank DiBiase serves as Associate Director, Rhode Island<br />
Department of Human Services, Office of Child Support<br />
Services. Frank started in December 1990 as legal counsel<br />
(line attorney) prosecuting the agency’s child support cases<br />
in the Rhode Island Family Court daily. He served as<br />
Senior Legal Counsel in child support and Chief Legal<br />
Counsel for the agency. In <strong>July</strong> 2021, Frank was named as the Child<br />
Support Director.
Tell me about your path to becoming the IV-D Director. How long have you<br />
been in the position?<br />
Chad Shook: I am an attorney by trade and practiced in the areas of<br />
family law and insurance for 22 years before beginning service as<br />
Mississippi's IV-D director in November 2020.<br />
John Hurst: I started my career in child support as an agent (case<br />
manager) in 1990. In 1994, I became a supervisor with Policy<br />
Studies, Inc., which was contracted with Georgia’s child support<br />
program to work non-TANF cases in Atlanta. After four years,<br />
MAXIMUS won the contract rebid, and I went to that company as an<br />
operations manager, where I stayed until 2007. I came back to work<br />
with the state in 2007 and held positions of compliance monitor, office<br />
manager, region manager, and deputy director before I was<br />
appointed as IV-D director in December 2020.<br />
Frank DiBiase: In 2004, with Sharon Santilli’s ascension from Chief<br />
Legal Counsel to Child Support Director, I was appointed as acting<br />
Chief Legal Counsel. In December 2004, I was honored to be made<br />
official Chief Legal Counsel of the agency. This appointment largely<br />
ended my days in court, as I graduated to legal issues and matters at<br />
a different level than individual cases. In May 2021, Director Santilli<br />
retired from state service. I was honored once again when in <strong>July</strong><br />
2021 I was appointed as the state’s child support director, which is<br />
Associate Director of the Rhode Island Office of Child Support<br />
Services (OCSS).<br />
What do you see as the role of the IV-D Director? Can you offer us a few<br />
examples?<br />
CS: I am very fortunate to have a seasoned team associated with our<br />
program. I am more an administrator than active hands-on manager<br />
of daily operations.<br />
JH: I’m not sure I can say that there is a primary role as there are so<br />
many different areas of focus. A few of the top roles include providing<br />
vision and oversight leadership to the program, serving as the face of<br />
the program for department leadership and the legislature, and
supporting the national child support organizations (NCCSD, NCSEA,<br />
ERICSA, and WICSEC).<br />
FD: My initial knee-jerk response to this question is that my primary<br />
responsibility is to make all the trains run on-time—or at least remain<br />
on the track. I think this is reflective of all the various components<br />
associated with the position. Perhaps at a more general level, I would<br />
say my “primary” role is to make sure child support payments are<br />
being paid for the benefit of children and families. But because there<br />
are so many components to the child support program, I tend to view<br />
my job as overseeing the various components of the program and<br />
advancing it down the track.<br />
Perhaps one of the most important aspects, I believe, involves full<br />
transparency with the staff so it hopefully views management as at<br />
least fair, reasonable, and committed to trying to address their needs.<br />
I reinforce the appreciation I have for every member of the agency by<br />
personally funding a random drawing every two months to choose a<br />
staff member who will receive $100 as a thank you.<br />
What was the most surprising part of your new job?<br />
CS: The bureaucratic red tape that causes government to move so<br />
slowly. Coming from the private sector, that has been the biggest<br />
adjustment for me.<br />
JH: I would say that one of the most surprising parts of this new role<br />
was that I had to learn to be careful with what I say. I learned quickly<br />
that I was often the final decision maker, and what I said could be<br />
taken as direction or a final decision. I’m a bit of an introvert naturally,<br />
and it surprised me that people listened to what I said!<br />
FD: Having been with the agency for more than 30 years and having<br />
worked very closely with the previous director, I was familiar with<br />
almost all the responsibilities associated with the position of child<br />
support director. There is one aspect that has surprised me—and in a<br />
pleasant way too. I did not realize that most of the other state child<br />
support directors worked in such a close manner. These other<br />
directors are constantly in communication, and most are eager to<br />
help others in any way possible. As much as I worked closely with our<br />
state’s previous director, I did not fully appreciate the degree to which<br />
other directors are a resource for guidance and assistance.
What is the key to a successful program?<br />
CS: Excellence in delivery of customer service.<br />
JH: I believe that effective communication is a key to any successful<br />
organization or program. It’s important that the program has a clear<br />
understanding of the direction, priorities, and goals so that everyone<br />
is paddling in the same direction. We recently converted to a new<br />
eFiling system and one of the first things we did was make sure we<br />
had a communication plan to ensure that our staff and key<br />
stakeholders were aware of the change, what the benefits of the new<br />
system were, and the rollout schedule.<br />
FD: I would identify four “keys” to a successful program activity. The<br />
first is resources. No matter the desire, if there simply are not<br />
sufficient funds or personnel, it can very easily derail a well-intended<br />
and even well-planned project.<br />
Secondly, good advance planning is a necessity. If an agency desires<br />
to embark on a major project, it needs to try to anticipate in advance<br />
as many potential issues that might arise or result from the effort as<br />
possible.<br />
Third, I cannot overstate how important knowledgeable and motivated<br />
senior staff are to the success of any endeavor. I say this because,<br />
regardless of the skill set of any child support agency director, it is<br />
impossible to be an expert in every category.<br />
Fourth, the entire agency needs to view the agency staff as a team. I<br />
think this is how best to achieve some ends where the result is<br />
dependent on a multitude of staff. It is necessary to reinforce that<br />
there is no one unit of the agency that is more important than<br />
another. This also requires the periodic recognition of staff when a<br />
project is achieved.<br />
What would you say to new and aspiring directors?<br />
CS: From my perspective, representing families in child support<br />
cases is vastly different from managing the IV-D program. The<br />
general public has no knowledge of the many regulations and
equirements and behind-the-scenes operations that result in a<br />
successful IV-D program.<br />
JH: For someone interested in becoming a IV-D director, I would<br />
recommend that you learn the “business” of child support. By that, I<br />
mean understand how the program and incentive funding works and<br />
what impacts the 157 report. Know how to drive performance.<br />
Secondly, I would encourage a potential director to become involved<br />
in the national organizations, such as NCSEA, ERICSA, WICSEC,<br />
and NTCSA. These organizations expose you to a great community<br />
of child support leaders and provide you the ability to help shape the<br />
direction of the child support program. Lastly, once you become a<br />
director, build a strong team around you. You will not have the ability<br />
to be too involved in day-to-day operations and you will need to rely<br />
on your leadership team to carry out your program’s vision.<br />
FD: I guess if I had to deliver one simple piece of advice, it would be<br />
do not hesitate to ask questions if you do not understand something,<br />
and do not hesitate to express a view even if you realize it is going to<br />
be a minority view. I have sometimes been struck that after I have<br />
raised what I thought was an obvious issue, someone in the group will<br />
readily admit that they had not thought of that, and sometimes I have<br />
been the person who says I did not anticipate a point raised by<br />
someone else. I think the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson (or a simpler<br />
variation by Thomas Carlyle) apply greatly in the child support world:<br />
“In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that<br />
I learn from him [or her].”<br />
Hopefully, with these interviews you’ve learned that above all things being<br />
director requires individuality and passion for the program. Though our<br />
states are different, organizations are different, and “official titles” are<br />
different, we all have the same passion. Special thanks to my colleagues<br />
for taking their time to share!<br />
Konitra Jack serves as Louisiana CSE Director, which directs the programmatic<br />
operations for the child support enforcement section. Konitra joined the Child Support<br />
Enforcement team in 2008 as a caseworker in Baton Rouge, LA. Konitra Jack is from<br />
Baker, LA. She is a wife and the mother of a 10 and 11-year-old. She holds a Bachelor<br />
of Science Degree in Mathematics, a Master’s in Business Administration, and Juris<br />
Doctorate from Southern University Law Center. Konitra serves on the NCSEA PGR,<br />
NCSEA U, and <strong>CSQ</strong> Committees. She also serves on the NCCSD Policy & Practice,<br />
Systems & Modernization, and Audit Committees, and the ERICSA Policy and<br />
Legislation Committee.
Procedural Justice in the Child Support<br />
Process: A Research-Informed Approach<br />
by Kate Wurmfeld, Center for Court Innovation<br />
The Procedural Justice-Informed Alternatives to Contempt (PJAC)<br />
demonstration project, which began in 2016, integrated principles of<br />
procedural justice into enforcement practices in six child support programs<br />
across the United States. Procedural justice involves perceptions of<br />
fairness in processes that resolve disputes and result in decisions.<br />
Research has shown that if people perceive a process to be fair, they will<br />
be more likely to accept the outcome whether or not the outcome was<br />
favorable to them. 1 It is important to note that procedural justice should not<br />
be a replacement for examining underlying structural issues and unfairness<br />
in systems. Instead, principles of procedural justice should be considered<br />
tools in a toolbox to achieve broader reforms in the way systems and<br />
professionals interact with and impact the public.<br />
The PJAC demonstration project targeted noncustodial parents who were<br />
at the point of being referred to the legal system for civil contempt of court. 2<br />
These parents had not met their child support obligations even though child<br />
support programs, based on state guidelines, had determined that they had<br />
the ability to pay. The PJAC demonstration project aimed to address<br />
parents’ reasons for not paying, improve the consistency of their payments,<br />
and promote their positive engagement with the other parent and their<br />
children, as well as the legitimacy of the child support program.<br />
1<br />
The PJAC demonstration was developed by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE),<br />
which is within the Administration for Children and Families in the Department of Health and Human<br />
Services. MDRC is leading a random assignment study of the model’s effectiveness in collaboration with<br />
research partners at MEF Associates and the Center for Court Innovation (CCI). Parents are assigned at<br />
random to either a program group offered PJAC services or to a control group not eligible to receive<br />
PJAC services; instead, the control group proceeds with the standard contempt process. Oversight of the<br />
evaluation is provided by the Georgia Division of Child Support Services. For an overview of the PJAC<br />
demonstration, see “Project.” Swaner et al. (2018).<br />
2<br />
The noncustodial parent is the parent who has been ordered to pay child support and is generally the<br />
parent who does not live with the child. The other parent is referred to as the custodial parent.
In 2020, PJAC added five new “peer learning” sites, 3 selected to address<br />
specific agency challenges and to develop their own procedural justiceinformed<br />
projects at various stages of the child support process. As<br />
opposed to focusing only on the contempt phase, they also considered<br />
establishment, modification, and enforcement. These new sites benefited<br />
from the experience and expertise of the original PJAC sites, and from<br />
training and technical assistance from the Office of Child Support<br />
Enforcement (OCSE), MDRC, MEF Associates, and the Center for Court<br />
Innovation.<br />
The PJAC grant is drawing to a close after six years of project development<br />
and implementation, and research and evaluation across six demonstration<br />
grant and five peer learning sites. OCSE and the PJAC partners hope that<br />
State and Tribal IV-D programs can draw from lessons learned to develop<br />
more family-centered practices, utilizing procedural justice principles to<br />
build trust, engage participants, and reduce bias in child support collection.<br />
This article will provide an overview of procedural justice research and<br />
guiding principles for the field as child support programs consider adopting<br />
a procedural justice-informed approach to service delivery. The article can<br />
also be viewed as a companion piece with the PJAC Implementation<br />
Guide, which contains specific guidance and examples for child support<br />
programs looking for practical ways to incorporate procedural justice in<br />
every stage of the child support process. 4 When adapted to local<br />
jurisdictions’ unique needs and characteristics, implementing these lessons<br />
will enable child support programs to promote procedural justice in the<br />
context of broader systems reform work.<br />
Procedural Justice Principles: What Does the Research Say?<br />
The guiding principle of procedural justice is that people believe that they<br />
are being treated fairly and with respect, and that their concerns are taken<br />
seriously. Research demonstrates a connection between how participants<br />
experience the process and their willingness to engage with the system. 5<br />
While procedural justice is well established in the legal field, the PJAC<br />
project is the first rigorous test of the impact of procedural justice on the<br />
child support process. While the findings from PJAC are still forthcoming,<br />
3<br />
The five peer learning sites are Georgia; St. Joseph County, Indiana; Minnesota; Texas; and Brown<br />
County, Wisconsin.<br />
4<br />
Procedural Justice in the Child Support Process | MDRC<br />
5<br />
Tyler (2003); Swaner et al. (2018).
the foundational research shows that people are more likely to view the<br />
legal system as fair when the following elements are present: 6<br />
Voice (participants have an opportunity to be heard): For participants in the<br />
child support process, being able to speak out (if they so choose) and to be<br />
heard and acknowledged by caseworkers and other agency personnel is<br />
essential. Custodial parents, who may have encountered other<br />
professionals who ignored or minimized their experiences, may be more<br />
likely to see the agency as a source of help. For noncustodial parents,<br />
research from other legal contexts demonstrates that when people feel they<br />
are being heard, their perceptions of fairness increase. They may then be<br />
more likely to engage with the child support system and make more<br />
consistent support payments.<br />
Respect (participants feel that they are being treated with dignity): When<br />
caseworkers and other agency staff members interact respectfully with all<br />
parties to a case (including respecting their roles as parents), participants<br />
are more likely to feel that the process is fair.<br />
Understanding (participants understand the child support process and how<br />
decisions are made): Participants are often confused by child support<br />
processes and procedural rules, the language the agency uses, and other<br />
aspects of their cases. When agencies clearly explain the rules and how<br />
they are applied, research confirms that participants are much more likely<br />
to understand how to meet their support obligations and to see the agency<br />
as a helpful resource.<br />
Neutrality (participants believe that decision-making is free from bias):<br />
Promoting neutrality does not mandate that all participants receive identical<br />
services and support. Instead, it requires that they be treated equitably and<br />
that they receive meaningful information and support tailored to assist them<br />
in their circumstances with their specific needs. Promoting this type of<br />
equity in service delivery can improve perceptions of fairness and help<br />
address underlying systemic issues that act as barriers to fairness,<br />
particularly among people from marginalized communities.<br />
Helpfulness (participants believe that staff members are interested in their<br />
specific situation, to the extent the law allows): Many noncustodial parents<br />
have complex needs that serve as barriers to complying with their child<br />
6<br />
Center for Court Innovation (2012); Rempel (2014).
support orders. They may have had negative and punitive experiences with<br />
the child support agency, making it difficult for them to trust that the agency<br />
is there to help. Promoting helpfulness, by supporting parents holistically<br />
and addressing their particular needs, has been shown to shift perceptions<br />
and can encourage parents to engage with the process. Custodial parents<br />
may also have had negative experiences. A helpful process will make it<br />
more likely that they, too, will trust the agency and view it as a resource.<br />
Every staff person in the child support agency can contribute to the fairness<br />
of the child support process based on how they treat participants, and the<br />
policies and procedures they promote. Child support professionals may<br />
recognize good, common-sense practices that engage clients, and may<br />
already be incorporating all or some of these practices in their work.<br />
However, many aspects of child support systems can serve as barriers to<br />
positively engaging participants.<br />
Guiding Principles and Overcoming Barriers to Implementing<br />
Procedural Justice<br />
Promoting fair and equitable processes is critical to increasing access to<br />
justice and building trust in legal and social service systems. The following<br />
principles address barriers to promoting procedural justice and access to<br />
justice generally.<br />
Cultural Responsiveness and Reducing Bias<br />
Cultural responsiveness may be defined as “the ability to learn from and<br />
relate respectfully with people of your own culture as well as those from<br />
other cultures.” 7 A culturally responsive agency will ensure that it is<br />
welcoming and truly accessible to individuals from all cultures within a<br />
community, including those from underserved or marginalized groups, and<br />
that child support processes are fair and understandable. Child support<br />
agencies may find it more challenging to engender trust among<br />
marginalized communities. People in these communities may be wary of<br />
government systems. They may have experienced historic oppression<br />
based on race or gender identity, disproportionate rates of incarceration,<br />
7<br />
National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (2008); Warshaw, Tinnon, and Cave<br />
and negative interactions with law enforcement and other legal entities.<br />
Promoting cultural responsiveness and working to eliminate bias in all child<br />
support services is critical to building trust. In addition to training staff<br />
members, child support programs should develop policies and use tools<br />
and resources that address bias and intercultural competence. In particular,<br />
they need to increase awareness of how bias or cultural blindness affects<br />
their delivery of services to a diverse caseload. 8<br />
Practices That Respond to Trauma<br />
One of the biggest challenges for child support programs is to understand<br />
the trauma many individuals have experienced in their personal lives and in<br />
their interactions with systems intended to help them. If child support<br />
programs can enhance procedures to account for trauma in the child<br />
support process and in their policies and decision-making, participants will<br />
be better able to avoid re-traumatization, engage with the system, and take<br />
advantage of interventions. Raising awareness among staff members of<br />
the existence of trauma and its effects on participants’ willingness to view<br />
the child support program as a resource is essential to effectively serving<br />
parents and children. 9<br />
Promoting Safety and Enhancing Responses to Intimate Partner<br />
Violence<br />
A total of 10.9 percent of child support cases nationally have a family<br />
violence indicator—that is, a mechanism in child support data systems that<br />
identifies a party as needing to have their personal information protected<br />
because of risks of domestic violence. Policies vary by state, but family<br />
violence indicators can also guide service delivery in other ways, typically<br />
involving additional safeguards to promote safety. Nevertheless, it is<br />
difficult to accurately measure the percentage of child support cases<br />
involving intimate partner violence. Survivors of violence often do not feel<br />
safe reporting their experiences. One large-scale survey of custodial<br />
parents suggests that close to four of ten fathers in the child support<br />
system have a history of domestic violence against the mother or child. 10<br />
Domestic violence involves coercive controlling behavior by one partner<br />
8<br />
The State of Minnesota is using the IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory; https://idiinventory.com) to<br />
build intercultural competence and to inform its procedural justice work.<br />
9<br />
Warshaw, Tinnon, and Cave (2018); The Trauma Stewardship institute (2021).<br />
10<br />
Osbourne et al. (2013).
against the other. It can affect how parties to a case interact with each<br />
other and with the child support agency. If it is not adequately understood<br />
or addressed, the program risks being complicit with the parent causing<br />
harm and endangering the safety and security of survivors. For example,<br />
survivors may not be able to advocate for themselves because of power<br />
imbalances or may be fearful of engaging in the process at all. Parents who<br />
cause harm may try to use the process to further exert control or harass the<br />
survivor parent. Programs should account for the possibility of intimate<br />
partner violence throughout the process and in every case. They need to<br />
train staff persons, implement screening, develop specific case<br />
management strategies, and collaborate with community service providers<br />
to provide appropriate referrals and interventions. 11<br />
Parenting Time and Child Support Processes 12<br />
Child support programs are clear that financial support and parenting time<br />
are legally separate issues. While there are valid reasons for this policy,<br />
and child support agencies are prohibited from using federal funds to<br />
address parenting times issues, the separation of these two core parenting<br />
functions poses a fundamental challenge in terms of how parents perceive<br />
the fairness of the child support process. From a noncustodial parent’s<br />
perspective, the system is solely focused on their responsibilities and<br />
completely disinterested in their rights. A custodial parent—even a parent<br />
who has experienced intimate partner violence—may not understand why<br />
they cannot access safe parenting time orders without the need for a<br />
separate action. In response, many child support agencies have developed<br />
mechanisms for addressing parenting time rights. Thirty-five states, for<br />
example, include some parenting time calculations in their child support<br />
guidelines. While this tacitly acknowledges the intertwined relationship of<br />
financial support and parenting time, it further clouds the validity of<br />
separating the two issues from many parents’ perspectives. Simply telling<br />
parents child support and parenting time are two separate legal issues, and<br />
that agencies cannot use federal child support funds to address parenting<br />
time, is insufficient to counter parents' distrust of this policy. Child support<br />
11<br />
The Center for Court Innovation (2016); Battered Women Justice Project (2021).<br />
12<br />
In some states where the child support agency has developed processes to incorporate a parenting<br />
time order into the initial child support order, policies and procedures have been implemented to address<br />
the critical safety issues posed by the high prevalence of domestic violence. These states screen for<br />
domestic violence, provide education to parents about safety modified parenting time options, collaborate<br />
with domestic violence service and legal assistance providers, and in some instances provide evidence<br />
for courts to use when establishing safety modified/restricted parenting time orders.
agencies must account for how parents perceive the separation of support<br />
and parenting time, and for the ways in which the policy could contribute to<br />
actual unfairness or lack of access for some parents. Services for parents<br />
going through the child support process should be streamlined and should<br />
facilitate access to parenting time where it is safe to do so. OCSE has<br />
helped states identify ways to use the federal Access and Visitation Grant<br />
funding to provide this kind of assistance to parents. 13<br />
Child support programs should be a port of entry for helpful services to<br />
combat poverty and ensure that parents can meet their support obligations<br />
and nurture their children. Too often, parents experience the system as<br />
punitive and unhelpful, and lack trust in the legitimacy of the process. By<br />
instituting family-centered practices using principles of procedural justice,<br />
programs can transform participants’ experiences and create a more fair<br />
and respectful process. As a result, parents will be more likely to engage<br />
with the process, view it as a resource, and be willing and able to<br />
consistently support and interact with their children.<br />
Kate Wurmfeld, Esq. is the Director of Family Court Programs at the Center for Court<br />
Innovation (Center). In this role, Kate oversees the Center’s Family Court operating<br />
projects and provides national technical assistance and strategic planning advice to<br />
courts wishing to improve their response to domestic violence. Kate has extensive<br />
experience providing direct legal services on cases involving domestic violence, most<br />
recently as a supervising attorney for Matrimonial and Family Law at New York Legal<br />
Assistance Group, where she handled divorce, custody, orders of protection and<br />
support matters in Supreme and Family Court throughout New York City. Kate<br />
graduated from Seton Hall Law School and Oberlin College.<br />
13<br />
Examples of AV grant-funded innovations include free access to mediation and waived filing fees for<br />
parenting time orders established at the same time as a child support order, online parenting time order<br />
legal forms generation platforms that provide parents with a ready-to-file parenting time order, and<br />
statewide legal assistance hotlines to help parents resolve parenting time conflicts and access legal<br />
services when needed.
Electronic Document Exchange: Image Delivery<br />
in a Heartbeat<br />
by Beth Dittus, North Dakota DHS/CSE<br />
Susan Smith, Indiana Child Support Bureau<br />
Christopher Breen, Massachusetts DOR/CSED<br />
Electronic Document Exchange (EDE) is an application within the federal<br />
Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Portal that is used by 40<br />
jurisdictions to securely exchange intergovernmental forms, and other<br />
forms, online. While EDE has always been a valuable tool for state and<br />
county IV-D programs, EDE took on added importance during the COVID-<br />
19 pandemic. With COVID-19, most jurisdictions saw a significant shift<br />
toward telework and a nationwide closure of child support offices that<br />
forced all states to grapple with logistical concerns, such as how to access<br />
documents received by mail, how to ensure those documents were<br />
processed within mandatory federal timeframes, and how to convert those<br />
documents into images that would remain accessible to staff for case<br />
consult and audit purposes.<br />
The IV-D programs in Indiana and North Dakota both use EDE extensively,<br />
though leverage its functionality in different manners. Susan Smith,<br />
Indiana’s IV-D Intergovernmental Liaison, and Beth Dittus with North<br />
Dakota’s IV-D program, took some time to share their EDE success stories.<br />
Indiana began using EDE in early 2014. While Indiana was not the first to<br />
embrace EDE, the extent to which Indiana began utilizing EDE and
continues to utilize EDE far exceeds the initial scope proposed to the<br />
agency.<br />
Indiana has a state-run, county-administered structure. There are 92<br />
counties with 91 enforcement offices that have cooperative agreements<br />
with the state to enforce child support cases. As the county offices are not<br />
on the state computer network, and Indiana does not have an encrypted e-<br />
mail system, the state mails its child support documents to the county<br />
offices. Indiana is not fully paperless; rather, it uses a legacy system that<br />
does not support document storage capabilities. Given these restrictions,<br />
EDE has been invaluable to Indiana. And for those states that are already<br />
paperless, EDE is a seamless tool all around.<br />
When EDE was first implemented in Indiana,<br />
fewer states were using it and most other<br />
states were not significant trading partners. It<br />
was determined that Indiana’s Central<br />
Registry would send all intergovernmental<br />
documents to the local county offices via EDE<br />
to give everyone some hands-on experience<br />
with the tool. Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) petitions<br />
received are now scanned on a multi-purpose device. A cover letter and<br />
acknowledgment are completed and attached to the scanned documents<br />
and these documents are subsequently sent to the counties via EDE for<br />
enforcement. Since the images are available in real-time, enforcement<br />
actions can commence immediately without any delay. Gone are the days<br />
of UIFSA petitions being ”lost in the mail.” In addition, Indiana immediately<br />
saw savings in postage costs.<br />
Soft copies of the UIFSA petitions are kept in a secure folder on the state<br />
server where their images remain available for future reference. EDE has<br />
greatly improved the ability of the Indiana Central Registry to provide more<br />
robust customer service to other states.<br />
Indiana’s local offices are now quite proficient at sending and receiving<br />
documents via EDE, and since EDE allows jurisdictions to relay images<br />
securely, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Federal Tax<br />
Information (FTI), Indiana decided to look for even more ways to leverage<br />
it. As a result of this reexamination, Indiana started using EDE as a twoway<br />
communication tool for many situations involving its local offices and<br />
offices at the state level. Indiana has also been using EDE to send its
Intergovernmental Case Reconciliation Error reports as well as documents<br />
for hearings and bankruptcies. Another area where Indiana uses EDE is its<br />
online application for IV-D services. These applications are processed at<br />
the state level and their associated documents are sent to the local offices<br />
with EDE. Lastly, Indiana plans to utilize EDE to exchange case files for<br />
data reliability and self-assessment audits for the first time this year.<br />
Indiana is in the process of implementing a new computer system for its IV-<br />
D program, named INvest, and is excited that staff will be able to upload<br />
documents to it. This will be a game-changer as it will allow documents<br />
from EDE to be downloaded and then directly uploaded to INvest, without<br />
the need for printing. Also, documents will be stored with respective cases<br />
in one place, instead of in<br />
multiple locations.<br />
North Dakota’s IV-D program<br />
is state-administered and<br />
organized by functional unit.<br />
Despite differences in<br />
organizational structure from<br />
EDE also allows states to limit access to<br />
certain portal users and produce reports<br />
summarizing requests, responses, and<br />
documents sent and received.<br />
Indiana, North Dakota likewise gained invaluable efficiency through EDE.<br />
North Dakota’s EDE implementation effort began during the planning phase<br />
of a federal grant project focused on improving intergovernmental<br />
casework. In 2019, OCSE awarded the Intergovernmental Case<br />
Processing Innovation Demonstration grant to North Dakota. In part, North<br />
Dakota’s project focused on improving communication with other states<br />
and decreasing processing timeframes in incoming and outgoing<br />
intergovernmental cases. EDE proved to be an asset in accomplishing<br />
these goals.<br />
During implementation, the agency took advantage of the EDE test<br />
environment to explore how to best use EDE to complement the statewide<br />
systems already in place. Through testing, it was discovered that it was<br />
very easy to move documents from EDE to the next appropriate workflow<br />
or electronic filing system. EDE turned out to be a much more convenient<br />
way to receive documents than regular mail because there was no<br />
scanning required. The documents could be kept in electronic form when<br />
moved from EDE to the next system.<br />
EDE also allows states to limit access to certain portal users and produce<br />
reports summarizing requests, responses, and documents sent and<br />
received. Capitalizing on these features, the agency was able to designate
specific users that would be responsible for receiving documents and<br />
responding to requests. These users were then able to forward documents,<br />
as needed, through the workflow system already in place. This approach<br />
was designed to ensure that all requests were responded to in a timely and<br />
consistent manner and that all documents were forwarded to the<br />
appropriate case manager. The report feature offers an extra safety net to<br />
assist in identifying outstanding requests and documents pending<br />
download, so all cases are accounted for and properly serviced.<br />
North Dakota implemented EDE in October 2020. The agency found that<br />
staff were excited to use EDE and “hit the ground running.” Due to the<br />
pandemic, most staff were telecommuting when the agency went live. Staff<br />
in other jurisdictions were also telecommuting and limited work capabilities<br />
associated with the pandemic meant that some states were able to receive<br />
documents and respond to requests only through electronic means during<br />
certain periods. Thus, the ability to send and receive documents<br />
electronically in intergovernmental cases became more important than<br />
ever.<br />
The agency immediately realized the efficiency achieved by electronically<br />
exchanging documents. There was no wait time associated with mailing<br />
intergovernmental packets or limited service requests for documents; it<br />
could be simply and quickly accomplished through EDE. Even workers who<br />
were initially intimidated to learn a new application found that it was userfriendly<br />
and enjoyed having a history of actions temporarily recorded for<br />
both jurisdictions to reference. In addition, mailing costs for lengthy<br />
intergovernmental packets and requests were avoided. On average, North<br />
Dakota sends about 75 intergovernmental packets to responding<br />
jurisdictions each month, while over<br />
100 requests for limited services are<br />
made each month to EDE states<br />
alone. Gaining efficiency while saving<br />
costs was a great success.<br />
North Dakota uses all EDE functions,<br />
including document requests.<br />
Intergovernmental workers have<br />
found EDE’s request feature<br />
particularly beneficial because it<br />
allows a request for common documents, such as certified orders and<br />
payment records, to be made without the completion of a Transmittal #3<br />
and Confidential Information Form. Additionally, electronic versions of the
documents sent and received are retained in EDE for a temporary period.<br />
Outgoing intergovernmental workers have found this retention feature<br />
particularly beneficial when a responding jurisdiction requests a specific<br />
document that was already provided in an initial intergovernmental packet.<br />
Communication is one of the biggest challenges faced in intergovernmental<br />
casework. During the pandemic, agencies have learned to communicate<br />
with each other in new and inventive ways, maximizing the use of<br />
technology to the greatest extent possible. North Dakota is currently in the<br />
process of implementing the Communication Center and is excited about<br />
the new features it offers. North Dakota looks forward to continuing its work<br />
with its partners via EDE and invites states considering utilizing the portal<br />
to communicate and exchange documents to reach out to learn more about<br />
North Dakota’s experience.<br />
The Indiana and North Dakota IV-D programs clearly illustrate the value of<br />
EDE, and the ability to use EDE for both internal and external image<br />
transfer. Whether your jurisdiction currently utilizes EDE or not, there is a<br />
quarterly EDE Consortium meeting, and all interested in EDE are welcome<br />
to attend. This group consists of states with significant EDE experience,<br />
states new to EDE, and states considering the use of EDE. Many state<br />
proposals come from these meetings, and OCSE has been receptive to<br />
feedback.<br />
If your jurisdiction has a question regarding EDE or would like to enroll in<br />
the EDE program, please contact the Office of Child Support Enforcement<br />
FPLS Support Team at FPLSSupport@acf.hhs.gov.<br />
For more information on how North Dakota and Indiana leverage EDE,<br />
please contact Beth Dittus at bldittus@nd.gov or Susan Smith at<br />
Susan.Smith@dcs.IN.gov.<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Beth Dittus has been with the North Dakota Child Support Division since 2013, serving in a<br />
dual role within the legal and policy units. As an attorney, she assists with various legal matters,<br />
including the statewide management of complex cases and appeals and provides support with<br />
legislative issues. In her policy role, she focuses her time on policy development and<br />
implementation in numerous areas, including specializing in intergovernmental child support<br />
proceedings.<br />
Susan Smith is the supervisor of the Intergovernmental Central Registry Unit for the Indiana<br />
Child Support Bureau. Susan has been with the Indiana State Child Support Bureau since<br />
January 1990, acting as the supervisor of the Intergovernmental Central Registry Unit (ICRU)<br />
since June 2007. She has served as the main point of contact for all things intergovernmental in
Indiana, including Electronic Document Exchange (EDE), Query Interstate Cases for Kids<br />
(QUICK), and the Intergovernmental Reference Guide (IRG) as well as how they all work<br />
together. Susan currently serves as a member of the ERICSA Policy and Legislation<br />
Committee.<br />
Christopher Breen is in his 30 th year of child support enforcement, his 19 th in a managerial<br />
capacity. Chris currently serves on multiple NCSEA committees. He is the Deputy Director for<br />
the Northern Region of the Massachusetts Department of Revenue’s Child Support<br />
Enforcement Division. Chris has also acted as project manager for several significant<br />
implementations, including Massachusetts’ recent Virtual Counter implementation that<br />
leverages Zoom breakout rooms to provide online customer service. He possesses a B.A. from<br />
Providence College with a focus in English, and an M.A. from the University of Massachusetts in<br />
English. He is currently pursuing an MBA degree.
Preparation,Connection,and Competency<br />
in Hiring: We’re Looking for the Best!<br />
by Tamara L. Thomas, Stanislaus County, California<br />
Long gone are the days when you could simply ask a few “Customer Service,”<br />
“Dealing with Conflict,” or “What is your management style?” questions to hire<br />
a good employee for your team or office. If you are in a position like most<br />
public and private agencies where attracting the right candidate for<br />
employment is centric to having success in your service delivery, you’ve<br />
probably gathered that employers are facing a post-pandemic labor market<br />
where employees hold a great deal of options deciding where they will elect to<br />
be employed. Despite these circumstances, employers still need to ensure that<br />
their hiring practices bring the right behaviors and competencies into their<br />
organizations by asking potential employees the appropriate legal and valuedriven<br />
questions. So, how do organizations make sure the best and the<br />
brightest are at the interview table?<br />
Here are three ways organizations, hiring panels, supervisors, and managers<br />
can use the brief interview time they have to best assess candidates.<br />
1. Prepare to Conduct an Effective Job Interview<br />
Candidates have more options in deciding what agency and job they may<br />
apply for, so make sure before running a recruitment that you can make the job<br />
attractive to potential job seekers. Review your job descriptions and flyers to<br />
ensure the classifications and job titles are as up-to-date as needed to enable<br />
you to construct relevant questions that will pique an applicant’s interest. Make<br />
sure job titles and typical tasks reflect today’s labor market expectations for<br />
similar positions. Do the duties and responsibilities listed reflect the actual<br />
current duties performed by incumbents or are they outdated? Many child<br />
support agencies have updated job titles to reflect an emphasis on customer<br />
service instead of enforcement. Agencies are moving away from titles that<br />
include “officer” to titles such as Child Support Specialists, Child Support<br />
Consultants, and Child Support Associates. Any changes to title and job tasks
may require an agency to meet and confer with the appropriate labor union. As<br />
this takes time, make sure that you and your Human Resource (HR) Team<br />
review the job classification requirements and titles prior to opening the<br />
recruitment. An updated job task analysis will help your agency form interview<br />
questions that paint a picture of the actual work being performed for the<br />
position for which you are hiring.<br />
Most job interviews tend to be nerve-racking. Prepare in<br />
advance to make the job interview enjoyable and<br />
comfortable for your applicants. It’s difficult for potential<br />
employees to put forward their best effort when their cortisol<br />
levels are soaring. Don’t try to intentionally make it a<br />
miserable experience. Give applicants an idea prior to arrival<br />
of what topics will be discussed. While you certainly wouldn’t<br />
disclose the actual questions for the interview, it’s perfectly<br />
acceptable to advise applicants of the topics or categories<br />
that are likely to be brought up. Purposefully trying to stump candidates does<br />
nothing but increase anxiety and limit your ability to accurately assess their<br />
skills. You never want interviews to be adversarial. Set a positive tone and<br />
remember applicants are also interviewing you.<br />
Try to make a connection even if your time with the applicant is brief. Be warm,<br />
friendly, and professional. To put candidates at ease, take some time to<br />
introduce your agency and explain the interview process. Emphasizing your<br />
humanity helps the candidates feel welcome, enabling you to see them in a<br />
more relaxed state to proceed with interview questions. One best practice is to<br />
provide applicants with a letter about the department, including its budget, its<br />
values, behavior, and quality expectations for employees in the workplace, and<br />
what they can expect from leadership if they choose to join the team. This<br />
letter should be provided in advance of any conditional offer or final interview<br />
so the applicant knows the department is interested in them.<br />
2. Identify Job-Related Behavioral Competencies and Create<br />
Behaviorally Anchored Interview Questions<br />
Creating appropriate interview questions is key to determining how well-suited<br />
an applicant is for the position. The best type of interview question allows a<br />
candidate to demonstrate a past ability to perform work in a specific situation.<br />
How well a person describes their experience will give you a much better<br />
understanding of the candidate. For example, almost anyone can answer the
question, “What’s your biggest accomplishment?” Not everyone, however, can<br />
answer questions like, “Can you share with me a major strategic decision you<br />
made in a previous role and how you went about making this decision? What<br />
did you feel most proud of about the decision? What did you learn from the<br />
experience?” To answer behavioral-based questions, candidates need to set<br />
up the situation, describe the tasks needing to be completed, explain what<br />
actions were completed, and talk in detail about the results. The quality of the<br />
outcomes they convey, and how well candidates demonstrate their skills and<br />
abilities, provide a much better understanding of candidates. Behavioral-based<br />
questions also provide insight into candidates’ ability to conduct themselves<br />
professionally, competently, and with confidence.<br />
So how do you determine what competencies upon which to base your<br />
interview questions? Any competency that is a key requirement of the job gives<br />
an opportunity to showcase quality and quantity efforts and serve your mission.<br />
In Stanislaus County, all leadership positions are tasked with 11 core<br />
leadership competencies that the county believes are essential to executives,<br />
managers, and mid-level supervisors. Each competency has a matrix that<br />
defines how well a person might<br />
demonstrate that competency. A few of<br />
those core leadership competencies<br />
include building effective teams,<br />
communication, conflict management,<br />
customer orientation, and effective<br />
decision making.<br />
Here is an example of how behavioral<br />
competencies can be used during the<br />
interview process. If your recruitment relies on the competency of effective<br />
decision making, choose behavioral questions to ask applicants, such as:<br />
• Looking over your experience and career, what was one of the hardest<br />
decisions you had to make as a manager? What made this a difficult<br />
decision?<br />
• Provide an example of an important decision you made that did not turn<br />
out to be the right decision and describe how you dealt with the resulting<br />
fallout.<br />
The following chart shows the layers of increasing skill demonstration to<br />
assess a candidate’s answer. Going across the columns from right to left, you<br />
will notice that a good answer builds upon a better answer, and the final left
column builds on skill demonstrated at the highest level of that competency.<br />
Higher level and benchmarkable competencies generally manifest by an<br />
outcome or solution that has an impact on an entire agency, team, or process.<br />
CORE<br />
Effective<br />
Decision<br />
Making<br />
SKILL<br />
• Makes timely<br />
decisions that<br />
demonstrate a<br />
broad and<br />
creative range of<br />
options and a<br />
view toward<br />
long-term<br />
solutions.<br />
• Gathers<br />
appropriate<br />
levels of data<br />
and conducts<br />
thorough<br />
analysis to make<br />
sound<br />
decisions.<br />
• Supports and<br />
rewards<br />
effective<br />
decisions made<br />
by middle<br />
managers.<br />
• Encourages new<br />
and creative<br />
alternatives.<br />
• Is valued by<br />
others for advice<br />
and solutions.<br />
OF SKILL<br />
• Makes timely<br />
decisions that<br />
demonstrate a<br />
broad and<br />
creative range<br />
of options.<br />
• Recommends<br />
best course of<br />
action based<br />
on thorough<br />
analysis of<br />
options and<br />
appropriate<br />
criteria or<br />
guidelines.<br />
• Supports and<br />
rewards<br />
effective<br />
decisions<br />
made by firstline<br />
supervisors.<br />
• Promotes new<br />
and creative<br />
alternatives.<br />
OF SKILL<br />
• Makes timely<br />
decisions<br />
based on the<br />
best<br />
information<br />
available.<br />
• Considers<br />
alternatives<br />
and selects the<br />
most effective<br />
ones.<br />
• Supports<br />
effective<br />
decisions<br />
made by<br />
employees.<br />
• Is open to new<br />
and creative<br />
alternatives.<br />
The more you conduct behavioral interviews focused on competencies tied to<br />
your organization, the more easily you will recognize higher levels of<br />
competency-based answers. The key to being a good evaluator is to ask<br />
yourself before using your recruitment rating system, “How well did the<br />
candidate demonstrate and answer the competency question by identifying the<br />
result of their prior performance and behavior?”
So, what makes a bad interview question bad? It’s always safest to ask only<br />
questions that solicit information from job candidates that directly apply to the<br />
skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform the job duties. Interview questions<br />
that discriminate against a candidate should never be used. Always avoid any<br />
question that raises information about a candidate’s age, race, religion,<br />
gender, disability status, or any other questions that refer to a protected class.<br />
Asking illegal questions could expose an organization to a discrimination claim<br />
and lawsuit. Employers should ensure that interviewers and anyone performing<br />
hiring responsibilities are well-versed in what qualifies as illegal interview<br />
questions. Here are some comparisons between illegal and legal questions:<br />
Work/Visa Status and Citizenship<br />
• Illegal: Are you a U.S. citizen? You sound like you have an accent,<br />
where are you from? Where were your parents born? What is your<br />
native language?<br />
• Legal: Are you authorized to work in the U.S.? What languages do<br />
you speak (only if relevant to the position)?<br />
Marital/Family Status<br />
• Illegal: Are you married? Do you have children? If so, what do you<br />
do for childcare? Are you planning to have children soon? Have you<br />
ever been divorced?<br />
• Legal: Are you willing and able to put in the amount of overtime<br />
and/or travel if the position requires it? Are you willing to relocate?<br />
Age<br />
• Illegal: How old are you? When were you born? How long have you<br />
been working?<br />
• Legal: Do you have any concerns about handling the long hours<br />
and extensive travel that this job entails? Are you at least 18 years<br />
of age (provided the job requires it)?<br />
Disability Status<br />
• Illegal: Do you have any disabilities or medical conditions? How is<br />
your health? Do you take any prescription drugs? Have you ever<br />
been in rehab?<br />
• Legal: Are you able to perform this job with or without reasonable<br />
accommodation? Do you have any conditions that would keep you<br />
from performing this job?<br />
Religion<br />
• Illegal: What is your religion? Are you practicing?<br />
• Legal: Can you work on weekends (only if the work requires it)?<br />
3. Consider Adding the Competencies of Creativity and Innovation to<br />
Your Organizational Profile<br />
The most important result of a behavioral-based interview is successfully<br />
predicting the chosen candidate’s future job performance. Consider using<br />
competencies like “creativity” and “innovation” to allow interviewees to freely<br />
express how they have developed new insights, questioned conventional<br />
approaches, encouraged innovations, and designed or implemented cuttingedge<br />
programs and workflows. Hiring for imagination and originality will attract<br />
people from all kinds of backgrounds, leading to an employee profile important<br />
to the larger success of the business. Hiring boards can help agencies by<br />
pointing out where an applicant has provided examples demonstrating<br />
creativity and innovation.<br />
Workplaces are at critical staffing junctures in addressing considerable<br />
vacancies and a lack of applicants. Hiring philosophies are changing rapidly,<br />
driven in part by the understanding that successful outcomes during the<br />
pandemic were largely rooted in the ability of employees and employers to be<br />
flexible and innovative. A creative workplace nurtures employees’ ability to<br />
create unique solutions to staffing and hiring challenges, even if employees<br />
haven’t fully learned or perfected the job’s technical skills. Employees hired<br />
with these types of competency traits will help develop and find new<br />
opportunities in the workplace while instilling a growth mindset.<br />
Talent management is no longer only an HR professional’s industry and<br />
responsibility, but the work of the collective organization. Inviting excellent<br />
talent to take their place in your organization starts with their opportunity to<br />
have interviews where they can showcase their competencies. Is the job well<br />
defined and accurate? Is the applicant connecting with your organization<br />
during the hiring experience? Do they have the opportunity to demonstrate<br />
their passion and interest to come and work for you? If you want the best and<br />
the brightest to accept employment with your agency, now is the time to<br />
reassess your recruiting practices to improve your ability to discover great<br />
candidates and turn them into your employees!<br />
Tamara Thomas is the Human Relations Director for the Stanislaus County Chief Executive<br />
Office in California and was previously the Stanislaus County California Department of Child<br />
Support Services Director. She has 33 years of county government experience, 27 of which<br />
were spent as a child support professional. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in<br />
Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco. Ms. Thomas has been a
frequent presenter and trainer for the California Child Support Directors Association (CSDA)<br />
and was President of the Western Intergovernmental Child Support Engagement Council<br />
(WICSEC) from 2016 to 2017. She was the first recipient of the National Child Support<br />
Enforcement Association’s (NCSEA) Outstanding Leadership Award in 2015. Most recently,<br />
she received the 2018 Stanislaus County Equal Rights Commission Award for exemplary<br />
service in Equal Employment Opportunity matters and leadership in promoting equal rights.<br />
She believes strongly in delivering excellent customer service and making a positive<br />
difference in the lives of both employees and the families served by public employees.
NCSEA <strong>2022</strong> Leadership Symposium:<br />
Take Your Skills to the Next Level!<br />
by Phyllis Nance, Linda Rhyne-McKinley, and Carla West<br />
NCSEA <strong>2022</strong> Leadership Symposium Co-Chairs<br />
The child support program needs dynamic, visionary leaders now more<br />
than ever. Shifting demographics, falling caseloads, and the Great<br />
Resignation instigated in part by the COVID-19 pandemic have created<br />
both significant challenges and opportunities. Are you ready to take your<br />
leadership skills to the next level to bring child support into the future?<br />
NCSEA’s Leadership Symposium is the premiere event for child support<br />
professionals to gain a national perspective on the IV-D program and hone<br />
leadership skills. The Symposium brings together top leaders and rising<br />
stars from across the nation to share ideas, explore new perspectives, and<br />
discover new ways to promote and deliver child support services. This<br />
year’s event will be held at The Westin Charlotte in historic downtown<br />
Charlotte, North Carolina, from August 7 to August 10. The location offers<br />
access to great food and the famous NASCAR Hall of Fame. The<br />
conference theme this year is “Level-Up: Transforming Tomorrow’s<br />
Leaders.” The Leadership Symposium Committee has worked diligently to<br />
create a next-level conference experience. We invite you to join us as we<br />
explore this theme through plenaries, workshops, and learning labs.<br />
“Team Synergy” kicks off the conference on Sunday. We’ve levelled up our<br />
Symposium Fair into a new experience aimed at amping up networking,<br />
brainstorming, and collaboration. Engage in Speed Networking and<br />
connect with new colleagues who can help you on your leadership journey<br />
beyond the conference. Participate in an Idea Exchange to kickstart<br />
thinking about the possibilities for the child support program. Tag our
Graffiti Board with thoughts, ideas, and images that express your<br />
experience throughout the event.<br />
We have six plenaries that focus on different facets of next-level leadership<br />
in the child support program. These are our “boss level” sessions—we’ve<br />
brought together leading experts and thought leaders to give us big-picture<br />
discussions about leadership, the future of the IV-D program, and the “why”<br />
behind our work.<br />
Our workshops offer an opportunity for leaders to take a deeper dive into<br />
promising practices, innovative programs and partnerships, and leadership<br />
trends. Over 30 workshops run the gamut from recruitment and retention to<br />
child support modernization, creating training rockstars, and beyond.<br />
We’re also excited to offer four learning labs this year. Our learning labs<br />
are designed to put your new skills into practice. Each of these highly<br />
interactive sessions will take you to the next level, whether it’s leading,<br />
talking about race, empowering parents to pay, or defeating domestic<br />
violence.<br />
For more details on the Symposium and to register,<br />
visit ncsealeadershipsymposium.org.<br />
See y’all in Charlotte!<br />
_________________________________________<br />
Phyllis Nance has 38 years of public service including 30 years in the child support<br />
program. She is currently the Director for the Alameda County Department of Child<br />
Support Services. She came to Alameda County in 2016 with 24 years of experience in<br />
the Kern County Department of Child Support Services, 8 of which she served as the<br />
Director. Phyllis has an extensive knowledge of the child support program and broad<br />
leadership experience having served in multiple leadership roles. Phyllis has a<br />
fundamental belief that child support creates a better life for children. She has a strong<br />
commitment to the child support program and currently serves on the boards of NCSEA<br />
and the California Child Support Directors Association (CSDA) as well as numerous<br />
committees advancing the value of child support. Phyllis has a Bachelor of Science in<br />
Organizational Management from the University of LaVerne and a Master’s Degree in<br />
Administration from Cal State Bakersfield.<br />
Linda Rhyne-McKinley has over 22 years in child support and is currently the Q&T<br />
Supervisor for Mecklenburg County Child Support Services, responsible for the training<br />
and professional development of 130+ staff members. Prior to her present role, she held<br />
several positions in the child support profession from front line child support agent to<br />
supervisory and managerial positions. Linda is currently on the NCSEA Board of
Directors and has served as NCSEA U Co-chair as well as several other NCSEA<br />
committees. She is an NCSEA U alum. She is a graduate of University of North<br />
Carolina-Chapel Hill.<br />
Carla West is Senior Director for Human Services and IV-D Director for the North<br />
Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. She is charged with integrating<br />
and improving access to person-centered services, helping individuals and families in<br />
North Carolina achieve self-sufficiency and improved well-being. Carla serves on the<br />
board of the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA), a member of<br />
the Policy Forum and <strong>CSQ</strong> committees, and is co-chair of NCSEA’s <strong>2022</strong> Leadership<br />
Symposium. A past president of the Eastern Regional Interstate Child Support<br />
Association (ERICSA), Carla is a member of ERICSA’s Honorary Board. She is an exofficio<br />
board member of the North Carolina Child Support Council and is on the board of<br />
the North Carolina Council for Developmental Disabilities. Carla has an M.B.A. and B.S.<br />
in Business Management from Bellevue University. She is a firm believer in trying things<br />
without fear of failure and strives to live a life of purpose.