Winkhaus BlueChip prospektus - Frey Kft.

Winkhaus BlueChip prospektus - Frey Kft.

Winkhaus BlueChip prospektus - Frey Kft.


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<strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

key<br />

key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> <strong>BlueChip</strong> kulcs key<br />

blue,<br />

blue,<br />

translucent,<br />

translucent,<br />

RAL<br />

RAL<br />

5002,<br />

5002,<br />

standard<br />

standard<br />

colour<br />

colour<br />

kék, blue, RAL translucent, translucent, 5002, sztenderd RAL 5002, színstandard<br />

standard colour<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

blue, translucent, RAL 5002, standard colour<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

key<br />

key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> <strong>BlueChip</strong> kulcs key<br />

yellow,<br />

yellow,<br />

RAL<br />

RAL<br />

1021<br />

1021<br />

sárga, yellow, RAL RAL 1021 1021<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

yellow, RAL 1021<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> <strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> kulcs key<br />

red, RAL key 2003<br />

red,<br />

piros, red, RAL<br />

RAL 2003<br />

2003<br />

2003<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

red, RAL 2003<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> kulcs key<br />

green, RAL key6029<br />

zöld, green,<br />

green, RAL RAL<br />

RAL 6029 6029<br />

6029<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

green, RAL 6029<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong><br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key key<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> black, RAL key<br />

black, RAL<br />

kulcs 9005<br />

black,<br />

black,<br />

RAL<br />

RAL<br />

9005<br />

9005<br />

fekete, RAL 9005<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key<br />

black, RAL 9005<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> <strong>BlueChip</strong> key!<br />

key!<br />

Szabaduljon meg kulcscsomójától!<br />

<strong>BlueChip</strong> key!<br />

_______________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

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<strong>Frey</strong> Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató <strong>Kft</strong>., 2000 Szentendre, Dobogókői út 4., T: 26/802-166, F: 26/802-161<br />

Bemutatóterem nyitva tartása: h-p: 8.30 – 19.00, szo: 9.00 – 13.00, info@freykft.hu, www.freykft.hu

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