Magyarország Enduro Bajnoksága - Sprintenduró 6. forduló ...
Magyarország Enduro Bajnoksága - Sprintenduró 6. forduló ...
Magyarország Enduro Bajnoksága - Sprintenduró 6. forduló ...
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VolaSoftControlPdf2012.11.11. / Szarkáspuszta 2012.11.12. at 15:18 / Page 2/5VolaVolaTimingTiming(ág <strong>Enduro</strong> Bajnoksága - Sprintenduró <strong>6.</strong> forduló (Szarkáspuszta)VÉGEREDMÉNY *MódosítottRank Bib. Name Club Motor Category Cr2 Rank Cr3 Rank Cr4 Rank Cr5 Rank Cr6 Rank Penalty Time Gap13 237 LANTOS József Energy Moto Team SE KTM OB 6:05.50 (18) 5:52.88 (16) 5:58.74 (16) 6:10.69 (14) 6:09.63 (13) 30:17.44 5:44.7014 277 TOKOS Gyula Markó-Motor SE Husqvarna OB 5:3<strong>6.</strong>00 (9) 5:48.15 (13) 5:57.82 (15) 6:5<strong>6.</strong>90 (20) 6:32.55 (14) 30:51.42 6:18.6815 261 LAUKÓ Mihály Energy Moto Team SE Kawasaki OB 5:54.23 (16) 5:42.72 (11) 5:49.08 (12) 6:01.28 (12) 8:0<strong>6.</strong>37 (17) 2:00.00 31:33.68 7:00.9416 824 BRÁTOSZIK Ferenc D-Napi KTM OB 5:38.69 (10) 5:52.58 (15) 5:41.30 (9) 5:3<strong>6.</strong>57 (7) 8:45.56 (18) 3:00.00 31:34.70 7:01.9617 222 HÁZOS Ferenc Team SE KTM OB 6:03.71 (17) 5:55.92 (17) 6:03.67 (17) 6:29.54 (17) 7:03.26 (15) 1:00.00 31:3<strong>6.</strong>10 7:03.3618 243 TÁMER Ferenc Paksi AMSE KTM OB 6:08.01 (19) 6:08.66 (19) 6:14.56 (19) 6:2<strong>6.</strong>26 (16) 7:25.30 (16) 1:00.00 32:22.79 7:50.0519 259 KONDÁKOR Tamás Érdi MRE Suzuki OB 6:34.88 (20) 6:27.08 (20) 6:28.19 (20) 6:35.05 (19) 8:47.40 (19) 2:00.00 34:52.60 10:19.8620 827 BORKA Attila D-Napi KTM OB 5:24.88 (5) 5:22.77 (6) 5:18.61 (6) 6:30.90 (18) 12:3<strong>6.</strong>27 (20) 6:00.00 35:13.43 10:40.692.o1 359 DINNYÉS Renátó 1WD MSE Kawasaki 2.o 4:53.57 (1) 4:52.20 (1) 4:49.89 (1) 4:48.78 (1) 4:4<strong>6.</strong>04 (1) 24:10.482 351 KOLMANICS László Speed-Tech MSE KTM 2.o 5:00.13 (3) 5:00.33 (3) 4:55.06 (2) 4:58.41 (3) 4:59.42 (2) 24:53.35 42.873 410 TURICZKI Tibor Dél Konstrukt KTM 2.o 4:58.85 (2) 4:59.15 (2) 4:55.37 (3) 5:00.32 (4) 5:04.76 (4) 24:58.45 47.974 302 MOLNÁR Krisztián Real Motorcentrum MSE KTM 2.o 5:04.21 (4) 5:0<strong>6.</strong>68 (4) 5:08.07 (9) 5:04.20 (6) 5:05.45 (5) 25:28.61 1:18.135 379 TICHY János Arrabona MSE Gas-Gas 2.o 5:11.80 (7) 5:10.48 (6) 5:05.95 (6) 5:03.48 (5) 5:05.82 (7) 25:37.53 1:27.056 307 ÁGOSTON György Arrabona MSE KTM 2.o 5:04.60 (5) 5:20.47 (14) 5:02.83 (4) 5:15.23 (11) 5:05.68 (6) 25:48.81 1:38.337 360 MOHOS Zoltán Markó-Motor SE Yamaha 2.o 5:18.44 (11) 5:15.39 (11) 5:07.65 (7) 5:08.34 (7) 5:04.60 (3) 25:54.42 1:43.948 332 BUCHVALD János Markó-Motor SE KTM 2.o 5:22.72 (14) 5:13.14 (8) 5:13.14 (12) 5:08.72 (8) 5:0<strong>6.</strong>85 (8) 26:04.57 1:54.099 365 KOVÁCS Norbert Sic-Yamaha Fehér KTM 2.o 5:04.95 (6) 5:10.28 (5) 5:05.63 (5) 4:54.17 (2) 6:04.27 (15) 1:00.00 26:19.30 2:08.8210 375 JAGER István Arrabona MSE KTM 2.o 5:19.31 (12) 5:20.77 (15) 5:18.45 (13) 5:17.02 (12) 5:18.57 (10) 26:34.12 2:23.6411 367 KOVÁCS Attila Sic-Yamaha Fehér Husaberg 2.o 5:18.22 (10) 5:10.67 (7) 5:07.93 (8) 5:3<strong>6.</strong>81 (20) 5:31.99 (12) 26:45.62 2:35.1412 483 KISS Attila Markó-Motor SE KTM 2.o 5:24.23 (16) 5:27.22 (19) 5:25.25 (14) 5:24.77 (16) 5:14.89 (9) 26:5<strong>6.</strong>36 2:45.8813 301 KERTICS Szilárd Arrabona MSE KTM 2.o 5:22.75 (15) 5:19.96 (13) 5:27.57 (16) 5:24.23 (15) 5:28.72 (11) 27:03.23 2:52.7514 357 MADARÁSZ Gábor Váci Naszály MSE Kawasaki 2.o 5:1<strong>6.</strong>63 (9) 5:13.66 (9) 5:10.25 (11) 5:12.84 (10) 6:24.30 (19) 1:00.00 27:17.68 3:07.2015 831 TERÉNYI Ákos D-Napi Gas-gas 2.o 5:19.52 (13) 5:15.18 (10) 5:25.52 (15) 5:20.18 (13) 6:23.27 (18) 1:00.00 27:43.67 3:33.1916 478 LISZKA Richárd Energy Moto Team SE KTM 2.o 5:40.52 (21) 5:3<strong>6.</strong>03 (20) 5:28.22 (17) 5:33.39 (19) 5:44.84 (13) 28:03.00 3:52.5217 321 WIMMER Sándor Bence* Markó-Motor SE KTM 2.o 5:37.60 (20) 5:44.30 (21) 5:34.13 (19) 5:48.91 (21) 6:08.64 (17) 28:53.58 4:43.1018 471 KERTÉSZ István Paksi AMSE KTM 2.o 6:00.75 (23) 5:53.02 (22) 6:00.87 (22) 5:57.36 (22) 6:07.80 (16) 29:59.80 5:49.3219 378 OROSZLÁN Ádám Moto-Complet SE Yamaha 2.o 5:28.21 (17) 5:2<strong>6.</strong>28 (17) 5:31.64 (18) 5:22.96 (14) 8:39.70 (23) 3:00.00 30:28.79 6:18.3120 388 NAGY Imre Gábor Dél-Konstrukt SE KTM 2.o 6:21.35 (26) 5:5<strong>6.</strong>19 (23) 5:55.75 (21) 6:24.31 (25) 5:55.79 (14) 30:33.39 6:22.9121 834 KLAUSZ Imre D-Napi KTM 2.o 6:04.60 (24) 6:01.67 (25) 6:13.62 (23) 6:09.57 (23) 7:13.14 (21) 1:00.00 31:42.60 7:32.1222 383 LAKATOS Tibor Arrabona MSE KTM 2.o 5:59.37 (22) 5:58.98 (24) 6:31.10 (26) 6:34.35 (26) 6:53.66 (20) 31:57.46 7:4<strong>6.</strong>9823 823 BALLUN Gergely D-Napi KTM 2.o 6:34.77 (27) 6:20.46 (26) 6:27.91 (25) 6:20.06 (24) 8:23.61 (22) 2:00.00 34:0<strong>6.</strong>81 9:5<strong>6.</strong>3324 489 TANÁCS Ferenc Sic-Yamaha Fehér Yamaha 2.o 5:14.82 (8) 5:19.40 (12) 5:08.24 (10) 5:28.04 (17) 26:24.07 (25) 21:00.00 47:34.57 23:24.0925 481 TANÁCS Csaba Sic-Yamaha Fehér Yamaha 2.o 5:3<strong>6.</strong>42 (19) 5:24.52 (16) 5:45.51 (20) 5:11.52 (9) 26:15.08 (24) 21:00.00 48:13.05 24:02.57DNF - Cr2467 NAGY Zoltán Paksi AMSE KTM 2.o