Daftar Belanja Produk Halal 2010 - Kantor Wilayah Riau

Daftar Belanja Produk Halal 2010 - Kantor Wilayah Riau

Daftar Belanja Produk Halal 2010 - Kantor Wilayah Riau


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Glucosamine HCL, Glu- 00170046271207 121209 Shanghai Al Amin Biotech<br />

cosamine Sulphate<br />

Co.,Ltd<br />

Glucose Liquid 00220016400701 210711 Budi British Bahan Pangan,<br />

PT<br />

Glucose Syrup 00120048280608 270610 Sama Satya Pacifi c, PT<br />

Maize Starch, Liquid<br />

Glucose, Maltodextrine,<br />

Dextrose Monohydrate,<br />

Maize Gluten<br />

00220048891108 041110 Riddhi Siddhi Gluco Biols<br />

Ltd<br />

Glycerin<br />

Refi ned Gliserin 0080021580802 220511 PT. Oleochem & Soap<br />

Industri<br />

Refi ned Glycerine 0080036450805 271011 PT. Sinar Antjol<br />

Maltodextrin<br />

Maltodextrin 00310048880908 230910 Associated British Budi, PT<br />

Maltodextrin 00200047120208 220210 Lautan Luas Tbk, PT<br />

(Shandong Duqing Inc)<br />

Maltodextrine (ZKA) 00200047080208 220210 Teguh Maju Bersama, PT<br />

Maltodextrin, Dextrose<br />

Monohydrate, Corn Starch,<br />

Maltitol<br />

00200047090208 220210 Astabumi Ciptadaya, PT<br />

Non-Nutritive Sweetener, Amino Acid<br />

Huachang DL-Methionine - 00270048360708 180710 Zhangjiagang Huachang<br />

Amino Acid<br />

Pharmaceutical<br />

Mannitol & Sorbitol Huaxu 00230050080309 170311 Hebei Huaxu Pharmaceutical<br />

Co., Ltd<br />

Sorbitol (LTS,TS-2,TS-7,TS-<br />

12,TS-35,NET), Sorbitol LTS<br />

Powder, Amameal, Hydrol<br />

Sorbitol Liquid; Indosorb TS-<br />

015; TS-2; TS-7; TS-2NC;<br />

TS-7 HM & TS-12, Glucose/<br />

Maltose Syrup; GS-32/75;<br />

GS-38/75; GS-44/82; GS-<br />

44/75; GS-25/75; GS-27/75<br />

dan HMS, Maltitol; Maltini<br />

M-50 & M-75, Dextrose<br />

Monohydrate Food Grade;<br />

DMH-FG & DMH-Coarse,<br />

Maltodextrin; MSX-12,<br />

MDX-18, MDX-29<br />

00220019950402 211110 Sorini Towa Berlian Corporindo,<br />

PT<br />

00220007611297 211110 Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo<br />

Tbk, PT<br />

Sucralose 00230048040508 280510 Alam Subur Tirta Kencana,<br />

PT<br />

Pembersih Lantai-Botol-Farm<br />

Divo Le, Divo A1, Divo Ultra<br />

Pengoles Loyang<br />

00170043380307 280411 PT. Diversey Indonesia<br />

Pinenacle Pancote 00100027181103 090410 PT Indo Fermex<br />

Tincol 00100037621105 010110 Industri Bakels, PD<br />

Purifi ed Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (CMC)<br />

Arbecel 00170019170202 230410 PT Arbe Chemindo<br />

Bonwell 00310049330109 60111 Hercules Chemicals (Jiangmen)<br />

Company Limited<br />

Soy Protein & Lecithine<br />

Maxten C/Centex, R/Centex,<br />

R-12, R-120, R-5000,<br />

FHC/Centex<br />

Meatex, Soya Protein Concentrate<br />

Powder-65, Soya<br />

Sauce Concentrate A-40,<br />

Soya Sauce Concentrate<br />

Mild, Soya Sauce Concentrate<br />

Proteina L, Proteina LC,<br />

Proteina MK, Proteina MC<br />

Soy Protein Isolate (Alpro),<br />

Soy Peptide Powder, Isofl avon,<br />

Soy Oligosaccharide<br />

00170039050306 230410 The Solae Company<br />

00270044630707 070411 PT. Pachira Distrinusa<br />

00190039760406 130610 Aneka Sarivita, PT<br />

00190050030209 240211 Alam Subur Tirta Kencana,<br />

PT<br />

Solec SG, IP, N, N IP 00170047800408 230410 The Solae Company<br />

Thickener&Stabilizer, Preservative<br />

Nisin 00310047890508 60510 Chemco Prima Mandiri, PT<br />

21 Kelompok Lain-Lain<br />

Nama <strong>Produk</strong><br />

Beras<br />

Beras Jagung; CG I, CG II,<br />

CG III, CG IV, CG V<br />

Sertifi kat Exp Produsen<br />

Steamrice, Boiled Rice 00330042711206 170311 Bumi Prima Raya, PT<br />

00100015810803 010110 Amylum Corn Mills, PT<br />

Biji Plastik<br />

Bijih Plastik 00170047580408 90410 Titan Petrokimia Nusantara,<br />

PT<br />

FVC Untuk Tutup Botol 00170052571009 271011 Ancol Terang, PT<br />

Polystyren (Resin / Biji<br />

Plastik)<br />

00170049700209 110211 Dow Chemical Indonesia,<br />

PT<br />

Bubur Instant<br />

Asia Potato 00090046051207 121209 PT. First Asiafood Industri<br />

Happyfood Potayo Family,<br />

Happyfood Kids Packs,<br />

Happyfood Potayo Kids<br />

Cups<br />

Ekstrak Tanaman<br />

00190050390409 280411 Balimuda Food, PT<br />

Chenguang 00240048020508 280510 Chenguang natural Pigment<br />

Group Co.,Ltd<br />

Djasula Wangi; Minyak Atsiri 00240050950609 240611 PT. Djasula Wangi<br />

DLBS 14, DLBS 32 00190051000609 240611 PT. Dexa Laboratories of<br />

Biomolecular Science<br />

Dried Light Malt Extract,<br />

Amber Malt, Caramal, Malt<br />

Extract<br />

00190052401009 071011 Coopers Brewery Ltd<br />

Ekstrak yang pembuatannya 00060046301207<br />

menggunakan Solvent Air,<br />

menggunakan Solvent ethanol<br />

+ air, Ekstrak Formulasi<br />

121209 PT. Tri Rahadja<br />

Haldin Liquid Extract 230410 Haldin Pacifi c Semesta, PT<br />

Haldin Powder Extract 00070023610903 230410 Haldin Pacifi c Semesta, PT<br />

IQF paprika Oleoresin 00240048030508 280510 Caretonoid Technologies<br />

S.A<br />

Malt Ekstract; Extra Malt,<br />

Extract Malt “D”, Nutri Malt,<br />

Super Malt<br />

Plant ekstrak and Its Derivatives<br />

00190050990609 240611 Shanghai AB Food and<br />

Beverages Ltd<br />

00190051910909 140911 Shenzhen Shenbao<br />

Huacheng Tech. Co.Ltd<br />

Tumbuhan dan Olahannya 00190052471009 271011 Firmenich Indonesia, PT<br />

TVP dan ISP 00190050890609 240611 PT. Aneka Sarivita<br />

Jagung Manis,jagung muda (dlm kaleng)<br />

Kiku 00190048440708 180710 Blambangan Foodpackers<br />

Indonesia, PT<br />

Kelapa Parut Kering/Kacang<br />

Desiccated Coconut 00190050410409 280411 Indo Utama Indah, PT<br />

Kelapa Parut Kering 00080016720801 010110 <strong>Riau</strong> Sakti United Plantations<br />

Kelapa Parut Kering AVI<br />

DC, Santan serbuk AVI<br />


0080048810908 100910 Aloevera Indonesia, PT<br />

Kelapa Parut Kering, 00080005080699 010110 Pulau Sambu (Guntung),<br />

Unsweetened Desiccated<br />

Coconut KARA, Aseptic<br />

Sweetened Coconut Milk,<br />

Air Kelapa / Coconut Water<br />

Coco Spot, Minyak Kelapa<br />

(CNO/Crude Coconut Oil),<br />

Copra Expeller / Bungkil ,<br />

Cream Coconut Square,<br />

Pasta Santan / Santan Kental<br />

/ Coconut Paste KARA,<br />

Santan Cair / Coconut<br />

Cream KARA, SIN-IND,<br />


Tepung Santan Kelapa /<br />

Coconut Milk Powder KARA<br />

& SIN-IND, Virgin Coconut<br />

Oil, Fair Price<br />

Kertas<br />

PT<br />

Kertas QPP (untuk pembua- 00170048740908 100910 Indah Kiat Pulp & Papper,<br />

tan Al Qur’an)<br />

PT<br />

Liquid chemical for<br />

00170049810209 110211 Amazon papyrus Chemi-<br />

tissu,Pulp<br />

Olahan Sayur & Buah<br />

cals, PT<br />

Acar 3 Warna 00190049960109 280411 PT. Foodindo Dwivestamas<br />

Belfoods Potato Stick 00190050470409 280411 Belfoods Indonesia<br />

CIP, Rodeo, Indomas Jamur, 00190021210702 260811 PT. Suryajaya Abadi<br />

Jagung<br />

Perkasa<br />

Forsters Pickle Cucumber, 00190006450997 60111 PT. Finindo Foods Indo-<br />

Forsters Acar Kol/Sauerkraut,<br />

Forsters Mixed Pickle<br />

nesia<br />

Kara, Fruitland 00120026180903 010110 <strong>Riau</strong> Sakti United Plantations<br />


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