Market Brief - ITPC Osaka

Market Brief - ITPC Osaka

Market Brief - ITPC Osaka

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. Food Sanitation Act, berdasarkan Peraturan MenteriKesehatan Tenaga Kerja dan Kesejahteraan Jepang No. 370mengenai "Standards and Criteria for Food and Additives"dibawah Food Sanitation Act, ditetapkan mengenai batasstandar residu pestisida yang terdapat pada rempah-rempah.Apabila produk/komiditi yang diimpor melebihi ambang batasyang ditentukan maka produk/komoditi tersebut tidak diizinkanberedar di pasar Jepang dan akan diberikan arahan selanjutnya.c. Daftar Instansi Terkait Peraturan Impor Rempah-Rempah:Plant Protection ActPlant Protection Division, Food Safety andConsumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and FisheriesFood Sanitation ActInspection and Safety Division, Department ofFood Safety, Pharmaceutical and Food SafetyBureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and WelfareCustoms Tariff ActCustoms and Tariff bureau, Ministry of FinanceJapanAct for Standardization and Proper Labeling ofAgricultural and Forestry ProductsLabeling and Standards Division, Food Safety andConsumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and FisheriesMeasurement ActMeasurement and Intellectual InfrastructureDivision, Industrial Science and Technology Policyand Environment Bureau, Ministry of Economy,Trade and IndustryTEL: +81-3-3502-8111http://www.maff.go.jpTEL: +81-3-5253-1111http://www.mhlw.go.jpTEL: +81-3-3581-4111http://www.mof.go.jpTEL: +81-3-3502-8111http://www.maff.go.jpTEL: +81-3-5253-1111http://www.mhlw.go.jp21

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