Desnafitri Chamila_PhysioEx GCT activity 9 (exercise 1-6) & activity 10 (exercise 3)

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Review Sheet Results

1. What are two primary functions of the


Fungsi ginjal adalah sebagai sistem ekskresi dan regulasi

2. What are the components of the renal


Kapsula Bowman, arteriol eferent.

3. Starting with the renal corpuscle, list the components of the renal tubule as they are encountered

by filtrate.

Kapsula bowman, tubulus kontortus proksimal, lengkung Henle, tubulus kontortus distal, duktus


4. Describe the effect of decreasing the afferent arteriole radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Efeknya terjadi penurunan afferent radius adalah terjadi peningkatan tekanan dan peningkatan laju filtrasi. Sesuai

dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban prediksi saya.

5. Describe the effect of increasing the afferent arteriole radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika radius aferen meningkat, tekanan dan laju filtrasi juga meningkat. Berbeda dengan jawaban pada prediksi saya.

6. Describe the effect of decreasing the efferent arteriole radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Ketika radius eferen menurun, terjadi peningkatan tekanan dan laju filtrasi. Sesuai dengan perkiraan saya pada jawaban

prediksi saya.

7. Describe the effect of increasing the efferent radius on glomerular capillary pressure and

filtration rate.

Ketika radius eferen meningkat, terjadi penurunan tekanan dan laju filtrasi.


1. Sherwood, Lauralee. Fisiologi Manusia. Edisi 6. Jakarta: EGC; 2009.p 560 -80.

03/21/22 page 1

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