a destra presupposto che a la izquierda para que ... - Schaffnerhof.ch
a destra presupposto che a la izquierda para que ... - Schaffnerhof.ch
a destra presupposto che a la izquierda para que ... - Schaffnerhof.ch
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a buen mercado a<br />
worth the money at<br />
à bon mar<strong>ch</strong>é à<br />
a buon mercato a<br />
debido a a cuadros<br />
because of <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><strong>que</strong>red (br.), <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ckered (am.)<br />
à cause de à carreaux, quadrillé<br />
a causa di a quadretti<br />
a <strong>la</strong> dere<strong>ch</strong>a suponiendo <strong>que</strong><br />
on the right, to the right provided that, given that<br />
à droite a condition <strong>que</strong><br />
a <strong>destra</strong> <strong>presupposto</strong> <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
a <strong>la</strong> <strong>izquierda</strong> <strong>para</strong> <strong>que</strong><br />
on the left, to the left with that, therewith<br />
à gau<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> a fin <strong>que</strong><br />
a sinistra affin<strong>ch</strong>é<br />
atrás, hacia atrás detrás<br />
backwards behind, aft, abaft<br />
à l'arrière, en arrière à l'arrière<br />
indietro, all'indietro dietro
puntual a excepción de<br />
punctual except of<br />
à l'heure exacte a l'exception de<br />
puntuale ad eccezione di<br />
dentro adentro, hacia dentro<br />
inside inwards<br />
à l'intérieur a l'intérieur<br />
all'interno a dentro<br />
con ocasión de dentro de, en<br />
on the occasion of within<br />
à l'occasion de à l'intérieur de, en<br />
in occasione di entro, in<br />
apenas<br />
aparte<br />
hardly, barely aside<br />
à peine, ne...guère à part<br />
appena da parte<br />
al alcance de <strong>la</strong> mano alrededor de<br />
handy, ready to hand approximate, about, circa<br />
à portée de <strong>la</strong> main à peu près, environ<br />
a portata di mano<br />
a través de (adv.) a través de<br />
across through, thru, across<br />
à travers à travers<br />
di traverso (adv.) attraverso di<br />
abandonado en voz baja<br />
abandoned in a low voice<br />
abandonné à voix basse<br />
abbandonato a bassa voce<br />
matar abandonar<br />
to s<strong>la</strong>ughter to abandon<br />
abattre abandonner<br />
macel<strong>la</strong>re abbandonare<br />
<strong>la</strong>drar abundante<br />
to bark abundant<br />
aboyer abondant<br />
abbaiare abbondante<br />
ausente abreviar<br />
absent to abbreviate<br />
absent abréger<br />
assente abbreviare
abstemio absoluto<br />
abstinent absolute<br />
abstinent<br />
absurd<br />
absurde<br />
absolu<br />
astinente assoluto<br />
absurdo abstracto<br />
abstract<br />
abstrait<br />
assurdo astratto<br />
acelerar abusar<br />
to accelerate, to speed up to abuse<br />
accélérer abuser<br />
accelerare abusare<br />
aceptar acentuar<br />
to accept to emphasize, to accent<br />
accepter accentuer<br />
accettare accentare<br />
acompañar accesible<br />
to accompany rea<strong>ch</strong>able, accesible<br />
accompagner accessible<br />
accompagnare raggiungibile
acordar, conceder cumplir<br />
to grant to fulfill, to comply<br />
accorder accomplir<br />
accordare esaudire<br />
acoger parir<br />
to receive, to welcome to bear, to give birth<br />
accueillir accou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r, enfanter, naître<br />
accogliere partorire<br />
comprar acusar<br />
to buy to accuse<br />
a<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ter accuser<br />
comprare accusare<br />
ácido alqui<strong>la</strong>r con opción a compra<br />
sour, acid, sulky to lease<br />
acide, aigre a<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ter en crédit-bail<br />
acido il leasing<br />
adquirir acústico<br />
to acquire, to get acoustic<br />
acquérir acousti<strong>que</strong><br />
acquistare acustico
activo absolver<br />
active to absolve, to dis<strong>ch</strong>arge<br />
actif acquitter<br />
attivo assolvere<br />
ajustar actual<br />
to adapt actual, current, topical<br />
adapter actuel<br />
adattare attuale<br />
adiós! sumar<br />
good bye! to add, to sum up<br />
adieu!<br />
additionner<br />
addio! addizionare<br />
administrar admitir<br />
to administrate, to manage to admit<br />
administrer admettre<br />
amministrare ammettere<br />
adoptar admirar<br />
to adopt to admire<br />
adopter admirer<br />
adottare ammirare
suavizar adorar<br />
to soften, to mitigate to adore<br />
adoucir adorer<br />
mitigare adorare<br />
airear endulzar, dulcificar<br />
to air to sweeten<br />
aérer adoucir<br />
areare addolcire<br />
empeorar afirmar<br />
to deteriorate to affirm<br />
aggraver affirmer<br />
aggravare affermare<br />
agitar actuar<br />
to agitate to act<br />
agiter agir<br />
agitare agire<br />
agradable agrandar<br />
pleasant to en<strong>la</strong>rge<br />
agréable agrandir<br />
piacevole ingrandire
ayudar agríco<strong>la</strong><br />
to help agricultural<br />
aider agricole<br />
aiutare agricolo<br />
afi<strong>la</strong>r, aguzar amargado<br />
to sharpen embittered<br />
aiguiser aigri<br />
affi<strong>la</strong>re amareggiato<br />
amable en otra parte<br />
kind somewhere else, elsewhere<br />
aimable ailleurs<br />
amabile altrove<br />
amar cariñoso<br />
to love loving, affectionate<br />
aimer aimant<br />
amare affettuoso<br />
así <strong>que</strong>rer<br />
so<br />
to like<br />
ainsi aimer<br />
così piacere molto
caber añadir, agregar<br />
to fit to enclose<br />
entrer en ajouter, joindre<br />
starci aggiungere, allegare<br />
alcohólico a<strong>la</strong>rmar<br />
alcoholic to alert, to a<strong>la</strong>rm<br />
alcooli<strong>que</strong> a<strong>la</strong>rmer<br />
alcolico al<strong>la</strong>rmare<br />
ir, andar alemán, alemana<br />
to go german<br />
aller<br />
allemand<br />
andare tedesco<br />
acostarse ir en bicicleta<br />
to go to bed to cycle, to ride a bike<br />
aller au lit aller à bicyclette<br />
andare a letto andare in bicicletta<br />
aliado recoger<br />
allied to pick up, to fet<strong>ch</strong>, to collect<br />
allié aller <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
alleato andare a prendere
encender, poner diga!<br />
to swit<strong>ch</strong> on, to turn on, to power on hello!<br />
allumer, mettre en mar<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> allôt!<br />
accendere, innestare pronto! (telefono)<br />
alfabético entonces<br />
alphabetical then, at that time<br />
alphabéti<strong>que</strong> alors, à cette épo<strong>que</strong><br />
alfabetico allora<br />
amontonar por turno<br />
to heap up, to pile up, to amass alternately<br />
amasser, entasser alternativement, en alternance<br />
ammassare alternativamente<br />
ambicioso ambiguo<br />
ambitious ambiguous<br />
ambitieux ambigu<br />
ambizioso ambiguo<br />
amargo mejorar<br />
bitter<br />
to improve<br />
amer améliorer<br />
amaro migliorare
amortizar perdonar<br />
to amortize, to pay off, to redeem to amnesty<br />
amortir amnistier<br />
ammortizzare graziare<br />
divertido enamorado<br />
funny, sportful in love<br />
amusant amoureux<br />
divertente innamorato<br />
anestesiar Que te diviertas!<br />
to stun, to anesthetize Have fun!, Have a good time!<br />
anesthésier Amuse-toi bien!<br />
anestetizzare Buon divertimento!<br />
animar inglés<br />
to animate, to incite english<br />
animer ang<strong>la</strong>is<br />
animare inglese<br />
armar armado<br />
to arm armed<br />
armer<br />
armé<br />
armare armato
anual anunciar<br />
annual to announce<br />
annuel annoncer<br />
annuale annunciare<br />
antes cance<strong>la</strong>r, anu<strong>la</strong>r<br />
before, earlier to cancel<br />
antérieurement annuler<br />
prima<br />
cancel<strong>la</strong>re, annul<strong>la</strong>re<br />
antipático anticipado, antes de tiempo<br />
unsymphatic premature<br />
antipathi<strong>que</strong> anticipé, prématuré<br />
antipatico prematuro<br />
ap<strong>la</strong>nar antiguo<br />
to f<strong>la</strong>tten, to p<strong>la</strong>in anti<strong>que</strong>, ancient<br />
ap<strong>la</strong>nir anti<strong>que</strong><br />
appianare antico<br />
l<strong>la</strong>mar pertenecer a<br />
to call to belong to<br />
appeler appartenir à<br />
<strong>ch</strong>iamare appartenere a
aplicar, emplear apetitoso<br />
to apply appetizing<br />
appli<strong>que</strong>r appétissant<br />
impiegare appetitoso<br />
aprender ap<strong>la</strong>udir<br />
to learn to app<strong>la</strong>ud<br />
apprendre app<strong>la</strong>udir<br />
apprendere, im<strong>para</strong>re app<strong>la</strong>udire<br />
acercar amansar<br />
to approa<strong>ch</strong> to domesticate, to tame<br />
appro<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r apprivoiser, domesti<strong>que</strong>r<br />
avvicinare addomesticare<br />
apto <strong>para</strong>, conveniente profundizar<br />
suitable, convenient to deepen<br />
approprié approfondir<br />
adatto approfondire<br />
aprobar consentir en, aprobar a<br />
to approve to accede, to agree<br />
approuver approuver<br />
approvare aderire
despúes acerbo<br />
after tart, harsh<br />
après âpre<br />
dopo aspro<br />
despúes de después, luego<br />
after, when afterwards, <strong>la</strong>ter<br />
après <strong>que</strong> .... après<br />
dopo <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> dopo<br />
árabe pasado mañana<br />
arabic the day after tomorrow<br />
arabe après-demain<br />
arabo dopodomani<br />
comp<strong>la</strong>ciente arrancar<br />
accommodating, fair to pull out<br />
arrangeant arra<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
compiacente strappare<br />
arrestar, detener <strong>para</strong>r<br />
to arrest to halt, to stop<br />
arrêter arrêter<br />
arrestare fermare, fermarsi
arrogante<br />
arrogant<br />
arrogant<br />
arrogante<br />
llegar<br />
to arrive<br />
arriver<br />
arrivare<br />
artificial rociar<br />
artificial to spritz, to sprinkle, to spout<br />
artificiel arroser<br />
artificiale spruzzare<br />
atracar, asaltar artístico<br />
to raid, to hold up, to ambush artistic<br />
assaillir artisti<strong>que</strong><br />
assalire di sorpresa artistico<br />
bastante (adv.) asesinar<br />
enough to murder, to assassinate<br />
assez de (adv.) assassiner<br />
abbastanza (adv.) assassinare<br />
derribar asistir<br />
to knock down to assist<br />
assommer assister<br />
abbattere assistere
sofisticado asegurar<br />
refined, sophisticated to secure<br />
astucieux, raffiné assurer<br />
astuto assicurare<br />
atacar atar<br />
to attack to tie up<br />
atta<strong>que</strong>r atta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r, lier<br />
attaccare legare<br />
esperar alcanzar, lograr<br />
to expect to rea<strong>ch</strong><br />
attendre atteindre<br />
aspettare raggiungere<br />
atención! atento<br />
attention!, look out! attentive<br />
attention! attentif<br />
attenzione! attento<br />
atestar aterrizar<br />
to certify, to attest to <strong>la</strong>nd<br />
attester atterrir<br />
autenticare atterrare
atraer tibio, temp<strong>la</strong>do<br />
to attract lukewarm<br />
attirer tiède, attiédi<br />
attirare, adescare tiepido<br />
capturar atractivo, atrayente<br />
to cat<strong>ch</strong> attractive<br />
attraper, capturer attractif, attrayant<br />
ac<strong>ch</strong>iappare attraente, allettante<br />
al contado, en efectivo atribuir<br />
cash to attribute<br />
au comptant attribuer<br />
in contanti attribuire<br />
a lo sumo en lugar de, en vez de<br />
at most, at the most instead of, in p<strong>la</strong>ce of<br />
au maximum au lieu de<br />
al massimo invece di<br />
por lo menos como máximo (adv.)<br />
at least maximum, maximal<br />
au moins au maximum (adv.)<br />
almeno al massimo (adv.)
al reverso lo más pronto<br />
on the back side earliest, soonest<br />
au revers au plus tôt<br />
a tergo al più presto<br />
ninguno hasta <strong>la</strong> vista!, hasta luego!<br />
none good bye!, see you!, so long!<br />
aucun au revoir!<br />
nessuno arrivederci!<br />
aumentar encima de<br />
to increase above of<br />
augmenter au-dessus de<br />
aumentare al di sopra di<br />
también hoy<br />
also, too, as well today<br />
aussi aujourd'hui<br />
an<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> oggi<br />
automático tanto<br />
automatic so mu<strong>ch</strong><br />
automati<strong>que</strong> autant <strong>que</strong><br />
automatico tanto
autorizado autónomo<br />
authorized, entitled autonomous<br />
autorisé<br />
autonome<br />
autorizzato autonomo<br />
otro, otra alrededor de<br />
others around<br />
autre autour de ....<br />
altro, altra intorno ... a<br />
austríaco por lo demás<br />
austrian else, otherwise<br />
autri<strong>ch</strong>ien autrement<br />
austriaco altrimenti<br />
tragar descalzo<br />
to swallow barefoot<br />
avaler aux pieds nus<br />
inghiottire a piedi nudi<br />
avanzar ade<strong>la</strong>ntado<br />
to advance advanced<br />
avancer avancé<br />
avanzare avanzato
antes <strong>que</strong>, antes de antes de<br />
before before, ago<br />
avant <strong>que</strong> avant<br />
prima <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, prima di<br />
blind<br />
prima<br />
avaro anteayer<br />
mean, miserly, tight-fisted the day before yesterday<br />
avare avant-hier<br />
avaro l'altro ieri (m.)<br />
cegar con<br />
to g<strong>la</strong>re, to dazzle with<br />
aveugler avec<br />
abbagliare con<br />
ciego advertir<br />
to warn<br />
aveugle avertir<br />
cieco avvertire<br />
tener avisar<br />
to have to advise<br />
avoir aviser<br />
avere avvisare
confiar en necesitar<br />
to trust in, to rely upon to need<br />
avoir confiance en, se fier à avoir besoin de<br />
fidarsi di avere bisogno di<br />
avergonzarse tener frío<br />
to be ashamed to be cold<br />
avoir honte avoir froid<br />
vergognarsi avere freddo<br />
marearse deprimido<br />
to be seasick depressed<br />
avoir le mal de mer avoir le cafard<br />
avere il mal di mare depresso<br />
tener lugar soler<br />
to happen, to take p<strong>la</strong>ce to use to<br />
avoir lieu avoir l'habitude de<br />
avere luogo solere<br />
tener ma<strong>la</strong> suerte intentar<br />
to be unlucky to intend<br />
avoir mal<strong>ch</strong>ance avoir l'intention de<br />
avere sfortuna intendere
saber a tener razón<br />
to taste of to be right<br />
avoir un goût de avoir raison<br />
sapere di avere ragione<br />
confesar tender a<br />
to confess to tend to, to trend<br />
avouer, confesser avoir une tendance<br />
confessare tendere a<br />
bostezar bañarse<br />
to yawn, to gape to bath<br />
bâiller baigner<br />
sbadigliare bagnare<br />
bajar besar<br />
to drop, to fall, to go down to kiss<br />
baisser baiser<br />
affondare baciare<br />
barrer ba<strong>la</strong>ncear<br />
to sweep to sway, to wobble<br />
ba<strong>la</strong>yer ba<strong>la</strong>ncer<br />
scopare barcol<strong>la</strong>re
obstruir, atascar acordonar, cerrar<br />
to jam, to plug to block, to lock, to inhibit<br />
bou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r, se bou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r barrer<br />
ostruire sbarrare<br />
construir bajo<br />
to build low<br />
bâtir, construire bas<br />
costruire basso<br />
golpear pegar, pegarse<br />
to hit to thrash, to drub<br />
battre battre, se battre<br />
battere pic<strong>ch</strong>iare<br />
hermoso, bello derrotar, batir<br />
beautiful to beat<br />
beau battre<br />
bello battere<br />
tartamudear mu<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
to stutter, to stammer mu<strong>ch</strong>, many, a lot, plenty of<br />
bégayer beaucoup<br />
balbettare molto
tonto, estúpido bendecir<br />
thumb, dull, stupid, silly to bless<br />
bête bénir<br />
stupido benedire<br />
aun<strong>que</strong> bien<br />
although, even though well<br />
bien <strong>que</strong> bien<br />
ben<strong>ch</strong>é, sebbene bene<br />
bi<strong>la</strong>teral<br />
bi<strong>la</strong>teral<br />
bi<strong>la</strong>terale<br />
bienvenido<br />
welcome<br />
bi<strong>la</strong>téral bienvenue<br />
benvenuto<br />
herir b<strong>la</strong>nco<br />
to injure, to hurt, to harm white<br />
blesser b<strong>la</strong>nc<br />
ferire bianco<br />
blindado azul<br />
armoured blue<br />
blindé bleu<br />
blindato blu, azzurro
lo<strong>que</strong>ar rubio<br />
to block, to blockade<br />
blo<strong>que</strong>r<br />
blond<br />
blond<br />
bloccare biondo<br />
cojear beber<br />
to limp, to hobble to drink<br />
boiter boire<br />
zoppicare bere<br />
bueno, bondadoso bueno<br />
benign, kind good<br />
bon bon<br />
clemente buono<br />
barato <strong>que</strong> aprove<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>!<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ap enjoy your meal!, bon appetit!<br />
bon mar<strong>ch</strong>é bon appetit!<br />
a buon mercato buon appetito!<br />
Que vaya bien! buenos dias!<br />
All the best! good morning!<br />
Bonne <strong>ch</strong>ance! bonjour!<br />
Auguri! buon giorno!
uenas tardes! buenas no<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>s!<br />
good evening! good night<br />
bonsoir! bonne nuit!<br />
buona sera! buona notte!<br />
moverse or<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to move to border, to gird<br />
se bouger border<br />
muoversi incastonare, or<strong>la</strong>re<br />
zumbar hervir, bullir<br />
to hum, to sum to seethe, to boil<br />
bourdonner bouillir<br />
ronzare bollire<br />
tapar burgués<br />
to stuff middle-c<strong>la</strong>ss, bourgeois<br />
bourrer, fourrer bourgeois<br />
rammendare borghese<br />
valiente, intrépido tambalearse<br />
brave<br />
to wobble, to shake<br />
brave, vail<strong>la</strong>nt branler, vaciller<br />
valoroso trabal<strong>la</strong>re
il<strong>la</strong>nte<br />
bril<strong>la</strong>nt<br />
bril<strong>la</strong>nte<br />
gross<br />
en suma<br />
brilliant in short<br />
bref<br />
insomma<br />
vejar bril<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to pick on, to bully, to harass to shine<br />
brimer, tracasser briller<br />
vessare bril<strong>la</strong>re<br />
<strong>que</strong>mar, arder cepil<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to burn to brush<br />
brûler brosser<br />
bruciare, ardere spazzo<strong>la</strong>re<br />
marrón nebuloso, brumoso<br />
brown misty, foggy, nebulous<br />
brun brumeux<br />
bruno nebbioso<br />
bruto brusco<br />
brus<strong>que</strong><br />
brut brus<strong>que</strong><br />
lordo brusco
uidoso<br />
brutal<br />
noisy brutal, vio<strong>la</strong>nt<br />
bruyant brutal, rude<br />
rumoroso<br />
brutale<br />
sel<strong>la</strong>r esconder<br />
to seal to hide<br />
ca<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ter, sceller ca<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
sigil<strong>la</strong>re nascondere<br />
calmar calcu<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to calm to calcu<strong>la</strong>te<br />
calmer calculer<br />
calmare calco<strong>la</strong>re<br />
acampar camuf<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to camp, to tent to camouf<strong>la</strong>ge, to disguise<br />
camper camoufler<br />
campeggiare camuffare<br />
pues capaz de<br />
than to be able<br />
car capable de<br />
poi<strong>ch</strong>é, giac<strong>ch</strong>é capace di
cuadrado acariciar<br />
square, quadrate to caress, to stroke<br />
carré caresser<br />
quadrato accarezzare<br />
estropear estropeado<br />
to ruin, to break broken, corrupt<br />
casser cassé, foutu<br />
rompere rotto<br />
católico romper<br />
catholic to break, to crack<br />
catholi<strong>que</strong> casser, rompre, briser<br />
cattolico rompere<br />
este causar<br />
this, these to cause<br />
ce causer<br />
<strong>que</strong>sto causare<br />
esta no<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> esta mañana<br />
tonight this morning<br />
cette nuit ce matin<br />
stanotte stamattina
ceder esta tarde<br />
to give way this evening<br />
céder ce soir<br />
cedere stasera<br />
celebrar famoso<br />
to celebrate famous<br />
célébrer célèbre<br />
celebrare famoso<br />
cien, ciento soltero<br />
hundred unmarried, single<br />
cent célibataire<br />
cento celibe<br />
cierto central<br />
certain central<br />
sûr, certain central<br />
certo centrale<br />
es decir cesar<br />
that means to stop<br />
c'est-à-dire cesser, arrêter<br />
cioè smettere, cessare
cambiar <strong>la</strong> mar<strong>ch</strong>a cambiar<br />
to <strong>ch</strong>ange gears, to shift to <strong>ch</strong>ange<br />
<strong>ch</strong>anger de vitesse <strong>ch</strong>anger<br />
cambiare velocità cambiare<br />
zaherir cantar<br />
to bawl out to sing<br />
<strong>ch</strong>apitrer <strong>ch</strong>anter<br />
sferzare, pettinare cantare<br />
cada vez cada (inv.)<br />
every time, ea<strong>ch</strong> time ea<strong>ch</strong>, every<br />
<strong>ch</strong>a<strong>que</strong> fois <strong>ch</strong>a<strong>que</strong><br />
ogni volta ogni, ognuno, ognuna<br />
cargar característico<br />
to load, to <strong>ch</strong>arge <strong>ch</strong>aracteristically<br />
<strong>ch</strong>arger caractéristi<strong>que</strong><br />
caricare caratteristico<br />
caritativo encargar<br />
<strong>ch</strong>aritable to <strong>ch</strong>arge<br />
<strong>ch</strong>aritable <strong>ch</strong>arger<br />
caritatevole incaricare
cazar encantador<br />
to hunt, to <strong>ch</strong>ase <strong>ch</strong>arming<br />
<strong>ch</strong>asser<br />
<strong>ch</strong>armant<br />
cacciare incantevole<br />
expulsar ahuyentar<br />
to drive away to drive away, to banish<br />
<strong>ch</strong>asser <strong>ch</strong>asser<br />
scacciare cacciare<br />
caliente hacer cosquil<strong>la</strong>s<br />
hot, warm to titil<strong>la</strong>te, to tickle<br />
<strong>ch</strong>aud <strong>ch</strong>atouiller<br />
caldo solleticare<br />
caro calentar<br />
expensive to heat<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r <strong>ch</strong>auffer<br />
caro riscaldare<br />
cagar buscar<br />
to shit, to crap to sear<strong>ch</strong>, to look for<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ier <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
cacare cercare
escoger químico<br />
to <strong>ch</strong>oose <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>mical<br />
<strong>ch</strong>oisir <strong>ch</strong>imi<strong>que</strong><br />
scegliere <strong>ch</strong>imico<br />
cristiano <strong>ch</strong>ocar, escandalizar<br />
Christian<br />
to shock<br />
<strong>ch</strong>rétien <strong>ch</strong>o<strong>que</strong>r<br />
cristiano scioccare<br />
susurrar crónico<br />
to whisper <strong>ch</strong>ronic<br />
<strong>ch</strong>u<strong>ch</strong>oter <strong>ch</strong>roni<strong>que</strong><br />
sussurrare cronico<br />
quinientos cinco<br />
five hundred five<br />
cinq cents cinq<br />
cin<strong>que</strong>cento cin<strong>que</strong><br />
quinto, quinta cincuenta<br />
fifth fifty<br />
cinquième cinquante<br />
quinto cinquanta
civil circu<strong>la</strong>r<br />
civil circu<strong>la</strong>r<br />
civil circu<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
civile circo<strong>la</strong>re<br />
c<strong>la</strong>sificar c<strong>la</strong>ro<br />
to c<strong>la</strong>ss, to c<strong>la</strong>ssify bright<br />
c<strong>la</strong>sser c<strong>la</strong>ir<br />
c<strong>la</strong>ssificare <strong>ch</strong>iaro<br />
tocar el c<strong>la</strong>xon clásico<br />
to hoot, to honk c<strong>la</strong>ssical<br />
c<strong>la</strong>xonner c<strong>la</strong>ssi<strong>que</strong><br />
suonare il c<strong>la</strong>cson c<strong>la</strong>ssico<br />
relucir guiñar, pestañear<br />
to blink to blink, to wink<br />
clignoter cligner des yeux<br />
<strong>la</strong>mpeggiare ammiccare<br />
atascar peinar<br />
to jam, to c<strong>la</strong>mp to comb<br />
coincer coiffer<br />
bloccarsi pettinare
colectivo pegajoso<br />
collective sticky, gluey, c<strong>la</strong>mmy<br />
collectif col<strong>la</strong>nt<br />
collettivo appiccicoso<br />
pegar coleccionar<br />
to glue, to stick to collect<br />
coller collectionner<br />
incol<strong>la</strong>re raccogliere, collezionare<br />
cuánto?, cuánta? colorar<br />
how mu<strong>ch</strong>?, how many? to colour (GB), to color (Am.), to dye<br />
combien de? colorer<br />
quanto? tingere<br />
ordenar por cuánto tiempo?<br />
to order how long?<br />
commander combien de temps?<br />
ordinare quanto tempo?<br />
como como<br />
how as<br />
comme comme<br />
come come
como si como previsto<br />
as if according to p<strong>la</strong>n, s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>duled<br />
comme si comme prévu<br />
come se come stabilito<br />
ano<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>cer comenzar, empezar, iniciar<br />
to darken to begin, to start<br />
commencer à faire nuit commencer<br />
dormic<strong>ch</strong>iare cominciare, iniziare<br />
cometer cómo?<br />
to commit how?, what did you say?<br />
commettre comment?<br />
commettere come?<br />
común cómodo<br />
common convenient, comfortable<br />
commun commode<br />
comunitario comodo<br />
común, ordinario, trivial común<br />
common, ordinary, trivial common<br />
commun, ordinaire, habituel commun<br />
comune, ordinario, trito comune
concentrar comunicar<br />
to compact, to condense to communicate<br />
compacter, densifier communi<strong>que</strong>r<br />
comprimere comunicare<br />
compatible com<strong>para</strong>r<br />
compatible to compare<br />
compatible comparer<br />
compatibile <strong>para</strong>gonare<br />
completo, entero competente<br />
complete competent, qualified<br />
complet, entier compétent<br />
completo, intero competente<br />
complicar complicado<br />
to complicate complicated<br />
compli<strong>que</strong>r compliqué<br />
complicare complicato<br />
comprensible cance<strong>la</strong>r<br />
comprehensible, understandable to obliterate, to stamp<br />
compréhensible composter, oblitérer<br />
comprensibile obliterare
comprender, entender comprensivo<br />
to understand, to comprehend understanding<br />
comprendre compréhensif<br />
comprendere, capire comprensivo<br />
comprometer malentender, entender mal<br />
to compromise to misunderstand<br />
compromettre comprendre mal<br />
compromettere capire male<br />
tener previsto contar<br />
to intend, to purpose to count<br />
projeter, compter faire compter<br />
avere l'intenzione di contare<br />
contar con fiarse de<br />
to count on to rely on<br />
compter sur compter sur<br />
contare su affidarsi a<br />
concernir desmenuzar<br />
to concern, to affect to shred, to <strong>ch</strong>op<br />
concerner, regarder concasser<br />
riguardare, concernere sminuzzare
concordar, coincidir concluir<br />
to mat<strong>ch</strong>, correspond to conclude<br />
concorder conclure<br />
concordare dedurre<br />
condenar concreto<br />
to sentence, to condemn concrete<br />
condamner concret<br />
condannare concreto<br />
conducir conductor<br />
to drive conductive<br />
conduire conducteur<br />
guidare conduttore<br />
confidencial confiado<br />
confidential confident<br />
confidentiel confiant<br />
confidenziale fiducioso<br />
confirmar confiar<br />
to confirm to entrust, to confide<br />
confirmer confier<br />
confermare affidare
confundir confiscar<br />
to confound, to mix up to confiscate<br />
confondre confis<strong>que</strong>r<br />
scambiare se<strong>que</strong>strare<br />
confortable conforme<br />
comfortable mat<strong>ch</strong>ing<br />
confortable conforme<br />
comodo conforme<br />
conjugar conge<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to conjugate to freeze<br />
conjuguer congeler<br />
coniugare conge<strong>la</strong>re<br />
conectar conocer<br />
to connect, to plug to know<br />
connecter connaître<br />
collegare conoscere<br />
conquistar conocido<br />
to con<strong>que</strong>r known, well known<br />
conquérir connu<br />
conquistare conosciuto, noto
concienzudo dedicar, consagrar<br />
conscientious to dedicate<br />
consciencieux consacrer<br />
coscienzioso dedicare<br />
aconsejar consciente<br />
to advise, to counsel, to give advice conscious<br />
conseiller conscient<br />
consigliare cosciente<br />
conservar conservador<br />
to preserve conservative<br />
conserver conservateur<br />
conservare conservatore<br />
conso<strong>la</strong>r considerable<br />
to console considerable<br />
consoler considérable<br />
conso<strong>la</strong>re considerevole<br />
consumir consolidar<br />
to consume to consolidate<br />
consommer consolider<br />
consumare consolidare
constatar constante<br />
to determine constant<br />
constater constant<br />
constatare costante<br />
contemporáneo contagioso<br />
contemporary infectious, contagious<br />
contemporain contagieux<br />
contemporaneo contagioso<br />
contento contener<br />
content, satisfied to contain<br />
content contenir<br />
contento contenere<br />
contrario continuar<br />
contrary, opposite, converse to continue<br />
contraire continuer<br />
contrario continuare<br />
contagiar en contra de<br />
to infect contrary to<br />
contaminer contrairement à<br />
contaminare incontro
contradecir contra<br />
to contradict against<br />
contredire contre<br />
contraddire contro<br />
contro<strong>la</strong>r contribuir<br />
to control to contribute<br />
contrôler contribuer<br />
control<strong>la</strong>re contribuire<br />
adecuado, adecuada convencer, persuadir<br />
adequate to persuade, to convince<br />
convenable convaincre, persuader<br />
adeguato convincere, persuadere<br />
convertir convenir, encajar bien, ir bien<br />
to convert to fit, to suit, to mat<strong>ch</strong><br />
convertir convenir<br />
convertire convenire, andare bene<br />
cordial, afectuoso copiar<br />
cordial, heartily to copy<br />
cordial copier<br />
cordiale copiare
correspondiente correcto<br />
corresponding correct<br />
correspondant correct<br />
corrispondente corretto<br />
corregir corresponder<br />
to correct to conform, to comply<br />
corriger correspondre<br />
correggere corrispondere<br />
coser corromper<br />
to sew to bribe<br />
coudre corrompre<br />
cucire corrompere<br />
hundir correr<br />
to sink to flow<br />
couler couler<br />
affondare, immergere scorrere<br />
culpable hundirse<br />
guilty to sink, to go down<br />
coupable couler, s'enfoncer<br />
colpevole tramontare, sprofondare
cortar agudo<br />
to cut sharp<br />
couper coupant<br />
tagliare tagliente<br />
corriente animoso, valiente<br />
current courageous<br />
courant courageux<br />
corrente coraggioso<br />
acodado usual, habitual, corriente<br />
bent usual<br />
courbe courant, habituel<br />
piegato usuale<br />
corto correr<br />
short to run<br />
court courir<br />
corto correre<br />
costar breve<br />
to cost brief<br />
coûter court, bref<br />
costare breve
cubrir, tapar cubierto<br />
to cover covered<br />
couvrir couvert<br />
coprire coperto<br />
temer escupir<br />
to be afraid, to fear to spit<br />
craindre cra<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
temere sputare<br />
rizar crear<br />
to curl, to frizz to create<br />
crêper, froncer créer<br />
increspare, arricciare creare<br />
hueco cavar<br />
hollow to dig, to tren<strong>ch</strong><br />
creux creuser<br />
cavo scavare<br />
gritar exc<strong>la</strong>mar<br />
to shout, to cry, to scream to exc<strong>la</strong>im<br />
crier exc<strong>la</strong>mer<br />
gridare esc<strong>la</strong>mare
criticar crítico<br />
to criticize critical<br />
criti<strong>que</strong>r criti<strong>que</strong><br />
criticare critico<br />
cruzar creer<br />
to crossbreed to believe<br />
croiser croire<br />
incrociare credere<br />
crujiente crecer<br />
crisp, crispy, crun<strong>ch</strong>y to grow<br />
croustil<strong>la</strong>nt croître, grandir<br />
croccante crescere<br />
cruel crudo<br />
cruel raw<br />
cruel cru<br />
crudele crudo<br />
cocer en el horno, freír recoger<br />
to bake to pick, to gather<br />
cuire cueillir<br />
cuocere nel forno cogliere
cocido cocer, cocinar<br />
boiled to cook<br />
cuite cuire<br />
cotto cucinare, cuocere<br />
cultivar culto<br />
to cultivate educated<br />
cultiver cultivé<br />
coltivare colto, educato<br />
cultural criar<br />
cultural to breed<br />
culturel cultiver, élever<br />
culturale allevare<br />
primero, en primer lugar curioso<br />
first curious<br />
d'abord curieux<br />
dapprima curioso<br />
en todas <strong>la</strong>s direcciones peligroso<br />
crisscross dangerous<br />
dans tous les sens dangereux<br />
a <strong>destra</strong> e sinistra pericoloso
con anticipación bai<strong>la</strong>r<br />
in advance to dance<br />
d'avance danser<br />
in anticipo bal<strong>la</strong>re<br />
estatal colorado<br />
state coloured, colored<br />
de l'état de couleur<br />
statale colorato<br />
por principio de nuevo<br />
in principle again<br />
de principe de nouveau<br />
di principio di nuovo<br />
de nada! de pura raza<br />
you're welcome! pedigreed<br />
service! de race pure<br />
prego! purosangue<br />
en todo caso evidentemente<br />
however evidently, apparently<br />
de toute façon évidemment<br />
comun<strong>que</strong> evidentemente
cargar desembarcar<br />
to <strong>ch</strong>arge, to debit to disembark<br />
débiter débar<strong>que</strong>r<br />
addebitare sbarcare<br />
desabro<strong>ch</strong>ar rebosar<br />
to unbutton to overflow<br />
déboutonner déborder<br />
sbottonare traboccare<br />
desengañar, decepcionar decente<br />
to disappoint decent, proper<br />
décevoir décent<br />
deludere decente<br />
destrozar descargar<br />
to disrupt, to rip to unload<br />
dé<strong>ch</strong>irer dé<strong>ch</strong>arger<br />
stracciare scaricare<br />
decisivo decidir<br />
decisive to decide<br />
décisif décider<br />
decisivo decidere
ecortar dec<strong>la</strong>rar<br />
to cut out to dec<strong>la</strong>re<br />
découper déc<strong>la</strong>rer<br />
ritagliare di<strong>ch</strong>iarare<br />
averiguar descubrir<br />
to find out to discover<br />
découvrir découvrir<br />
individuare scoprire<br />
pagar aduana, dec<strong>la</strong>rar describir<br />
to pay duty on to describe<br />
dédouaner décrire<br />
sdoganare descrivere<br />
defectuoso desemba<strong>la</strong>r<br />
defective to unwrap<br />
défectueux défaire<br />
difettoso disfare<br />
prohibir defender<br />
to forbid, to prohibit, to interdict to defend<br />
défendre, interdire, prohiber défendre<br />
proibire, vietare difendere
definir prohibido<br />
to define forbidden<br />
définir défensé, interdit, prohibé<br />
definire vietato<br />
desmontar definitivo<br />
to root out, to stub<br />
definite<br />
défri<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r définitif<br />
dissodare definitivo<br />
as<strong>que</strong>roso desconge<strong>la</strong>r<br />
disgusting to defrost, to unfreeze<br />
dégoûtant dégeler<br />
s<strong>ch</strong>ifoso sconge<strong>la</strong>re<br />
disfrazar repugnante<br />
disguise loathsome, disgusting<br />
déguiser, travestir répugnant, infect<br />
disfrazare ripugnante<br />
ya fuera (adv.)<br />
already outside<br />
déjà dehors<br />
già fuori (adv.)
almorzar desayunar<br />
to have lun<strong>ch</strong>, to lun<strong>ch</strong> to have breakfast, to breakfast<br />
déjeuner déjeuner<br />
pranzare far co<strong>la</strong>zione<br />
delicioso delicado<br />
delicious delicate<br />
délicieux délicat<br />
delizioso delicato<br />
mañana entregar<br />
tomorrow to hand over<br />
demain délivrer<br />
domani consegnare<br />
preguntar mañana de madrugada<br />
to ask tomorrow morning<br />
demander demain matin<br />
<strong>ch</strong>iedere, domandare domattina<br />
desmentir mudarse<br />
to disc<strong>la</strong>im, to deny to remove<br />
démentir déménager<br />
smentire sloggiare
de<br />
de<br />
permanecer<br />
from, of to sojourn, to linger, to stay<br />
demeurer<br />
di soggiornare<br />
democrático medio<br />
democratic<br />
half<br />
démocrati<strong>que</strong> demi<br />
democratico mezzo<br />
descomponer demoler<br />
to take apart to demolish<br />
démonter démolir<br />
scomporre demolire<br />
denunciar demostrar (-ue-)<br />
to denounce to demonstrate<br />
dénoncer démontrer<br />
denunciare dimostrare<br />
ade<strong>la</strong>ntar espeso<br />
to overtake dense, crowded<br />
dépasser, doubler, devancer dense<br />
sorpassare denso
dependiente sobresalir<br />
dependent, depending to overtop, to surmount<br />
dépendant surmonter, surpasser, dépasser<br />
dipendente sorpassare<br />
gastar depender de<br />
to spend to depend on<br />
dépenser dépendre de<br />
spendere dipendere da<br />
ap<strong>la</strong>zar, posponer desp<strong>la</strong>zar<br />
to postpone to move, to disp<strong>la</strong>ce, to shift<br />
dép<strong>la</strong>cer dép<strong>la</strong>cer<br />
rimandare rinviare<br />
<strong>la</strong>mentar disgustar<br />
to <strong>la</strong>ment, to deplore to displease<br />
déplorer dép<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
<strong>la</strong>mentare dispiacere<br />
depositar deponer, depositar<br />
to deposit to put down<br />
déposer déposer<br />
depositare deporre
últimamente menospreciar<br />
<strong>la</strong>tterly, newly to despise, to disdain<br />
depuis peu déprécier, dédaigner<br />
da poco sprezzare<br />
insensato desde<br />
unreasonable since<br />
déraisonnable depuis, a partir de<br />
irragionevole da, fin da, a datare da<br />
derrapar molestar, estorbar<br />
to slide, to slip to disturb, to bother, to trouble<br />
déraper déranger<br />
sbandare disturbare, molestare<br />
detrás de último<br />
behind <strong>la</strong>st, least, final, ultimate<br />
derrière dernier<br />
dietro di ultimo<br />
desam<strong>para</strong>do desagradable<br />
helpless unpleasant, unpleasing<br />
désarmé, en détresse désagréable<br />
privo d'aiuto spiacevole
ajar posponer<br />
to get out to discriminate<br />
descendre désavantager<br />
scendere penalizzare<br />
desierto descender<br />
deserted to descend<br />
désert descendre<br />
deserto scendere, andare giù<br />
desacostumbrar desesperar<br />
to break a habit, to give up to despair<br />
déshabituer désespérer<br />
disabituar disperare<br />
desinfectar rozar<br />
to desinfect to weed<br />
désinfecter désherber, sarcler<br />
disinfettare sar<strong>ch</strong>iare, diserbare<br />
dibujar desear<br />
to draw to desire, to wish<br />
dessiner désirer<br />
disegnare desiderare
desprender destituir<br />
to break off to depose<br />
déta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r destituer<br />
staccare destituire<br />
detal<strong>la</strong>do deshacer<br />
detailed to deta<strong>ch</strong><br />
détaillé déta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
dettagliato staccare<br />
deteriorar de verano, veraniego<br />
to get worse, to worsen, to deteriorate summery<br />
détériorer d'étè, estival<br />
peggiorare estivo<br />
determinar determinado<br />
to determine determined<br />
déterminer déterminé<br />
determinare determinato<br />
dos destruir<br />
two to destroy<br />
deux détruire<br />
due distruggere
depreciar, devaluar doscientos<br />
to devalue twohundred<br />
dévaloriser, oblitérer deux cent<br />
deprezzare duecento<br />
de<strong>la</strong>nte de<strong>la</strong>nte de<br />
in front before, in front of<br />
devant devant<br />
davanti davanti a<br />
hacerse, ponerse desarrol<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to get, to become to develop<br />
devenir développer<br />
diventare sviluppare<br />
destornil<strong>la</strong>r adivinar<br />
to screw off, to unscrew to guess<br />
dévisser deviner<br />
svitare indovinare<br />
competente, profesional deber<br />
workmanlike, skilled to have to, to must<br />
d'expert, de spécialiste devoir<br />
da specialista dovere
dictar de ordinario<br />
to dictate normally<br />
dicter d'habitude, normalement<br />
dettare di solito<br />
difamar Dios<br />
to caluminate God<br />
diffamer Dieu<br />
calunniare Dio<br />
difícil diferente, distinto<br />
difficult different<br />
difficile différent<br />
difficile differente<br />
digno digerir<br />
worthy to digest<br />
digne digérer<br />
degno digerire<br />
cenar disminuir<br />
to have dinner, to dinner to decrease<br />
dîner diminuer<br />
cenare diminuire
decir diplomático<br />
to say diplomatic<br />
dire diplomati<strong>que</strong><br />
dire diplomatico<br />
dirigir directo<br />
to direct direct<br />
diriger direct<br />
dirigere diretto<br />
discreto presidir<br />
discreet, discrete to preside<br />
discret présider<br />
discreto dirigere, capitanare<br />
desaparecer discutir<br />
to disappear to discuss<br />
dis<strong>para</strong>ître discuter<br />
sparire, scomparire discutere<br />
disponer disponible<br />
to p<strong>la</strong>n, to dispose avai<strong>la</strong>ble, on-hand<br />
disposer disponible<br />
disporre disponibile
distinguir, diferenciar disolver, deshacer<br />
to differ, to distinguish to dissolve<br />
distinguer dissoudre, résoudre<br />
differire, distinguere scomporre, risolvere<br />
divertir distraer<br />
to entertain to distract, to deflect<br />
divertir, amuser, distraire distraire<br />
divertire distrarre<br />
distribuir despistado<br />
to distribute absent-minded<br />
distribuer distrait<br />
distribuire distratto<br />
varios diluir<br />
different, various to dilute<br />
divers<br />
diluer<br />
diversi, vari diluire<br />
divorciarse dividir<br />
to divorce to share, to divide, to split<br />
divorcer diviser<br />
farsi divorziare dividere
décimo diez<br />
tenth ten<br />
dixième dix<br />
decimo dieci<br />
diecisiete diecinueve<br />
seventeen nineteen<br />
dix-sept dix-neuf<br />
diciassette diciannove<br />
dominar de segunda mano<br />
to dominate second-hand<br />
dominer d'occasion<br />
dominare di seconda mano<br />
así <strong>que</strong> <strong>que</strong> lástima!, <strong>que</strong> pena!<br />
therefore, well now it's a pity!, what a pity!<br />
donc dommage!<br />
dun<strong>que</strong> peccato!<br />
dar a entender<br />
dar<br />
to hint to give<br />
donner à entendre donner<br />
alludere a dare
dar <strong>la</strong> razón dar de comer<br />
to agree, to bear out to feed<br />
donner raison donner à manger<br />
dare ragione dare da mangiare<br />
dormir cuyo, cuya<br />
to sleep whose<br />
dormir dont<br />
dormire cui<br />
de dónde? dosificar<br />
where from? to dose<br />
d'où? doser<br />
di dove? dosare<br />
dob<strong>la</strong>r doble<br />
to double double<br />
doubler double<br />
raddoppiare doppio<br />
dudar du<strong>ch</strong>ar<br />
to doubt to have a shower, shower<br />
douter dou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
dubitare fare <strong>la</strong> doccia
suave dudoso<br />
mild<br />
dubious, doubtable<br />
doux douteux<br />
mite dubbioso<br />
doce dulce<br />
twelve sweet<br />
douze doux<br />
dodici dolce<br />
dere<strong>ch</strong>o dramático<br />
straight ahead, straight on dramatic<br />
droit dramati<strong>que</strong><br />
diritto drammatico<br />
medio, central cómico<br />
middle funny, witty<br />
du milieu drôle<br />
medio buffo<br />
engañar del norte<br />
to <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>at, to dupe northern<br />
duper, frauder du nord, septentrional<br />
ingannare settentrionale
duradero duro<br />
durable, <strong>la</strong>sting hard<br />
durable dur<br />
durevole duro<br />
durar endurecer<br />
to <strong>la</strong>st to harden<br />
durer durcir<br />
durare indurire<br />
escapar dinámico<br />
to escape dynamic<br />
é<strong>ch</strong>apper dynami<strong>que</strong><br />
scappare dinamico<br />
vencer el ... graduar<br />
to fall due on ..., to become due on ... to grade, to graduate<br />
é<strong>ch</strong>oir é<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>lonner<br />
scadere graduare<br />
suspender fracasar<br />
to fail an examination to fail<br />
é<strong>ch</strong>ouer, louper é<strong>ch</strong>ouer<br />
essere bocciato fallire
estal<strong>la</strong>r ac<strong>la</strong>rar<br />
to burst to clear, to c<strong>la</strong>rify<br />
éc<strong>la</strong>ter éc<strong>la</strong>ircir<br />
scoppiare <strong>ch</strong>iarire<br />
escu<strong>ch</strong>ar económico<br />
to listen economical<br />
écouter économi<strong>que</strong><br />
ascoltare economico<br />
escribir atropel<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to write run over, overrun<br />
écrire écraser<br />
scrivere investire<br />
escrito a mano escrito<br />
handwritten written<br />
écrit à <strong>la</strong> main écrit<br />
manoscritto scritto<br />
eficaz ejecutar<br />
effective to carry out, to execute<br />
efficace effectuer<br />
efficace effetuare
igual asustar<br />
same, equal to frighten, to affright<br />
égal effrayer<br />
uguale spaventare<br />
egoísta igualmente<br />
selfish, egoistic likewise, also<br />
égoïste également<br />
egoista altrettanto<br />
eléctrico elástico<br />
electric e<strong>la</strong>stic<br />
électri<strong>que</strong> é<strong>la</strong>sti<strong>que</strong><br />
elettrico e<strong>la</strong>stico<br />
elegante<br />
elegant<br />
elegante<br />
electrónico<br />
electronic<br />
élégant électroni<strong>que</strong><br />
elettronico<br />
eliminar educar<br />
to eliminate to educate<br />
éliminer élever, édu<strong>que</strong>r<br />
rimuovere educare
apartado elegir<br />
remote, far off to elect, to vote<br />
éloigné élire<br />
remoto eleggere<br />
alejar lejos<br />
to leave distant<br />
éloigner éloigné, distant<br />
allontanare lontano<br />
embellecer, hermosear empa<strong>que</strong>tar<br />
to embellish, to beautify to pack, to wrap<br />
embellir emballer<br />
abbellire imbal<strong>la</strong>re<br />
embotel<strong>la</strong>r enojoso<br />
to bottle, to fill annoying<br />
embouteiller embêtant<br />
imbottigliare spiacevole<br />
emigrar surgir<br />
to emigrate to emerge<br />
émigrer émerger<br />
emigrare emergere
emocionar conmovedor<br />
to tou<strong>ch</strong> tou<strong>ch</strong>ing, moving, agitating<br />
remuer, tou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r, émouvoir tou<strong>ch</strong>ant, émouvant<br />
commuovere commovente<br />
api<strong>la</strong>r, amontonar impedir<br />
to stack, to pile up to prevent<br />
empiler empê<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
accatastare impedire<br />
emocionado envenenar<br />
moved, tou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>d to poison<br />
ému empoisonner<br />
commosso avvelenare<br />
ade<strong>la</strong>nte al parecer<br />
forward apparently, seemingly<br />
en avant apparemment, selon toute apparence<br />
avanti apparentemente<br />
abajo estar harto de<br />
down, below to be tired of<br />
en bas en avoir assez de<br />
in fondo essere stufo di
desunido, desavenido con respecto a<br />
divided regarding<br />
en désaccord en ce qui concerne<br />
discorde riguardo a, re<strong>la</strong>tivo a<br />
enfrente en efecto<br />
opposite, facing in fact, indeed<br />
en face de, vis-à-vis de en effet<br />
di fronte a infatti<br />
en masa arriba<br />
masses of above<br />
en masse en haut<br />
in massa sopra<br />
además a <strong>la</strong> vez, al mismo tiempo<br />
besides simultaneously<br />
en outre en même temps<br />
inoltre nello stesso tempo<br />
resumiendo especialmente<br />
summarizing, recapitu<strong>la</strong>ting especially<br />
en résumé particulièrement, en particulier<br />
concludendo partico<strong>la</strong>rmente
cobrar en vano<br />
to collect in vain<br />
encaisser en vain, pour rien<br />
incassare invano<br />
encantado embarazada<br />
delighted pregnant<br />
en<strong>ch</strong>anté enceinte<br />
incantato incinta<br />
alentar todavía, aún<br />
to encourage<br />
infantil<br />
infantile<br />
still<br />
encourager encore<br />
incoraggiare ancora<br />
enérgico dañar<br />
energetic to damage<br />
énergi<strong>que</strong> endommager<br />
energico danneggiare<br />
enervante<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ildlike nerve-racking<br />
enfantin énervant<br />
lubrificar encerrar<br />
to grease to lock up<br />
engraisser enfermer<br />
ingrassare rin<strong>ch</strong>iudere<br />
apartar, quitar enigmático<br />
to remove, to take away mysterious<br />
enlever énigmati<strong>que</strong><br />
togliere enigmatico<br />
aburrir enemigo<br />
to bore enemy, hostile<br />
ennuyer ennemi<br />
annoiare nemico<br />
enorme<br />
enorme<br />
aburrido<br />
enormous, huge boring, dull<br />
énorme ennuyeux<br />
noioso<br />
registrar grabar<br />
to register to record<br />
enregistrer enregistrer<br />
registrare registrare
juntos enseñar<br />
together to tea<strong>ch</strong><br />
ensemble enseigner<br />
insieme insegnare<br />
enterrar, sepultar oír<br />
to bury to hear<br />
enterrer entendre<br />
seppellire udire<br />
enteramente obstinado<br />
totaly, fully stubborn, obstinate, pigheaded<br />
entièrement entêté, têtu<br />
tutto testardo<br />
entrenar implicar<br />
to train, to exercise, to work out to involve, to entangle<br />
entraîner impli<strong>que</strong>r<br />
allenare implicare<br />
entre<br />
entre<br />
impedir<br />
between to impede, to hamper, to obstruct<br />
entraver<br />
fra ostaco<strong>la</strong>re
emprender entre otras cosas<br />
to undertake among other things<br />
entreprendre entre autres<br />
intraprendere fra l'altro<br />
entrar afiliarse<br />
to enter to join<br />
entrer adhérer, entrer<br />
entrare aderire<br />
mantener entretanto<br />
to maintain in the meantime, meanwhile<br />
entretenir entre-temps<br />
mantenere intanto<br />
envidiar envolver<br />
to envy to wrap, to envelop<br />
envier envelopper<br />
invidiare involtare<br />
esparcir mandar, enviar<br />
to spread, to scatter to send<br />
répandre envoyer<br />
spandere, spargere mandare
deletrear ahorrar<br />
to spell to save<br />
épeler épargner<br />
sil<strong>la</strong>bare risparmiare<br />
picante efímero<br />
spicy, piquant perishable, fading<br />
épicé, piquant, salé éphémère<br />
piccante fugace<br />
casarse condimentar, aromatizar<br />
to marry to spice<br />
épouser épicer<br />
sposare condire<br />
equilibrar agotado<br />
to ba<strong>la</strong>nce sold out<br />
équilibrer épuisé<br />
bi<strong>la</strong>nciare esaurito<br />
equivalente equipar<br />
equivalent to equip, to rig<br />
équivalent équiper<br />
equivalente equipaggiare
español escarpado<br />
spanish steep<br />
espagnol escarpé, raide<br />
spagnolo ripido<br />
esbozar esperar<br />
to sket<strong>ch</strong>, to draft, to outline to hope<br />
esquisser espérer<br />
s<strong>ch</strong>izzare, abbozzare sperare<br />
esencial intentar, ensayar, probar<br />
essential to try, to attempt<br />
essentiel essayer, tenter<br />
essenziale tentare<br />
valorar acuñar<br />
to value, to assess to coin, to stamp<br />
évaluer, estimer estamper, gaufrer (papier)<br />
valutare coniare<br />
y estimar, apreciar<br />
and to estimate<br />
et<br />
estimer, apprécier<br />
e stimare
apagar etcétera<br />
to swit<strong>ch</strong> off, to turn off, to power off and so on<br />
éteindre<br />
et cetera<br />
spegnere e così via<br />
extender borrar<br />
to expand tu erase, to rub out<br />
étendre gommer, effacer<br />
stendere spegnere<br />
extenso ampliar<br />
extended, vast to amplify, to extend, to enhance<br />
étendu étendre, e<strong>la</strong>rgir<br />
ampio ampliare<br />
estornudar eterno<br />
to sneeze eternal<br />
éternuer éternel<br />
starnutire eterno<br />
extraño sofocar<br />
strange, odd to asphyxiate, to suffocate<br />
étrange étouffer<br />
strano soffocare, asfissiare
ser, estar extranjero<br />
to be foreign, strange<br />
être étranger<br />
essere straniero<br />
estar de acuerdo estar tumbado, estar tendido<br />
to agree to lie<br />
être d'accord être cou<strong>ch</strong>é<br />
essere d'accordo essere disesto<br />
estar de pie aprobar, consentir en<br />
to stand to agree, to acquiesce<br />
être debout consentir, être d'accord<br />
stare in piedi acconsentire<br />
competir estar en celo<br />
to compete to be in heat<br />
être en concurrence être en <strong>ch</strong>aleur<br />
concorrere essere in calore<br />
retrasar retrasarse<br />
to de<strong>la</strong>y to be <strong>la</strong>te<br />
être en retard être en retard<br />
tardare, ritardare ritardarsi
estar acostumbrado a yacer<br />
to be used to to lie<br />
être habitué à être étendu<br />
essere abituato giacere<br />
estre<strong>ch</strong>o oriundo de<br />
narrow, tight descending from<br />
étroit être originaire de<br />
stretto originario di<br />
europeo estudiar<br />
european to study<br />
européen étudier<br />
europeo studiare<br />
evadirse evacuar<br />
to break out to evacuate<br />
évader évacuer<br />
scappare evacuare<br />
evidente<br />
evidente<br />
despierto<br />
obvious awake<br />
évident éveillé<br />
exacto evitar<br />
exact to avoid<br />
exact éviter<br />
esatto evitare<br />
exagerar exagerado<br />
to exaggerate exaggerated<br />
exagérer exagéré<br />
esagerare esagerato<br />
excelente examinar<br />
excellent to examine<br />
excellent examiner<br />
eccellente esaminare<br />
excesivo excepcionalmente<br />
excessive, exuberant exceptionally<br />
excessif exceptionnellement<br />
eccessivo eccezionalmente<br />
excitar excitado<br />
to excite excited<br />
exciter excité<br />
eccitare eccitato
exclusivo excluir<br />
exclusive to exclude<br />
exclusif exclure<br />
esclusivo escludere<br />
ejemp<strong>la</strong>r disculpar, excusar<br />
exemp<strong>la</strong>ry to excuse<br />
exemp<strong>la</strong>ire excuser<br />
esemp<strong>la</strong>re (adj.) scusare<br />
exhortar ejercer<br />
to admonish, to exhort to exercise<br />
exhorter exercer<br />
esortare esercitare<br />
existir exigir<br />
to exist to demand<br />
exister exiger<br />
esistere esigere<br />
expedir horrendo<br />
to forward, to dispat<strong>ch</strong> horrendous, dreadful<br />
expédier exorbitant<br />
spedire orrendo
explicar expirar<br />
to exp<strong>la</strong>in to expire<br />
expli<strong>que</strong>r expirer, se périmer<br />
spiegare scadere<br />
explorar explotar<br />
to explore to exploit<br />
explorer exploiter<br />
esplorare sfruttare<br />
explosivo estal<strong>la</strong>r<br />
explosive<br />
to explode, to detonate<br />
explosif exploser<br />
esplosivo esplodere<br />
exponer exportar<br />
to exhibit, to disp<strong>la</strong>y to export<br />
exposer exporter<br />
esporre esportare<br />
explícito<br />
explicit<br />
extra<br />
extra<br />
exprès, explicite exprès<br />
esplicito<br />
expresivo expresamente, adrede<br />
expressive<br />
intentionally, deliberately<br />
expressif expresément<br />
espressivo intenzionalmente, apposta<br />
exterior circunscribir<br />
external, outer to circumscribe<br />
extérieur exprimer par une périphrase<br />
esterno circoscrivere, <strong>para</strong>frasare<br />
extraordinario exprimir<br />
extraordinary to s<strong>que</strong>eze<br />
extraordinaire extraire<br />
eccezionale, straordinario spremere<br />
dar gritos de alegría extremo<br />
to <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>er<br />
extreme<br />
exulter extrême<br />
esultare estremo<br />
fastidiar fabricar<br />
to bother, to irritate, to annoy to fabricate, to manufacture<br />
fâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r fabri<strong>que</strong>r<br />
indispettire, far arrabbiare fabbricare
fácil disgustar, irritar<br />
easy, simple to annoy, to disgust<br />
facile irriter, fâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
facile, leggero irritare<br />
soso facilitar<br />
f<strong>la</strong>vourless, tasteless to relieve, to lighten, to ease<br />
fade, mièvre, insipide faciliter<br />
insipido, insulso facilitare<br />
hacer débil<br />
to make weak, feeble<br />
faire<br />
faible<br />
fare debole<br />
prestar atención ape<strong>la</strong>r a<br />
to wat<strong>ch</strong> out, to be attentive to appeal<br />
faire attention faire appel à<br />
badare a appel<strong>la</strong>rsi<br />
<strong>ch</strong>antajear rega<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to b<strong>la</strong>ckmail, to extort to give, to donate<br />
faire <strong>ch</strong>anter faire cadeau<br />
ricattare rega<strong>la</strong>re
espiar hacer ejercicios<br />
to spy to do gymnastics<br />
faire de l'espionnage faire de <strong>la</strong> gymnasti<strong>que</strong><br />
spiare fare ginnastica<br />
a<strong>la</strong>bar hacer compras, ir de compras<br />
to praise, to <strong>la</strong>ud to shop, to pur<strong>ch</strong>ase<br />
faire des compliments faire des a<strong>ch</strong>ats<br />
lodare, vantare fare le spese<br />
bajar averiguar<br />
to let down, to lower to resear<strong>ch</strong>, to investigate<br />
faire descendre faire des re<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>s<br />
abbassare indagare<br />
hacer co<strong>la</strong> comerciar<br />
to <strong>que</strong>ue (br.), to line up (am.) to trade<br />
faire <strong>la</strong> <strong>que</strong>ue faire du commerce<br />
fare <strong>la</strong> coda commerciare<br />
apartarse doler<br />
to avoid, to elude to a<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, to hurt<br />
faire p<strong>la</strong>ce<br />
faire mal<br />
s<strong>ch</strong>ivare dolere
poner en remojo l<strong>la</strong>mar por señas<br />
to soak to wave<br />
faire tremper faire signe<br />
inzuppare accennare<br />
crujir esforzarse<br />
to rustle to make an effort, to exert<br />
faire un léger bruit faire un effort<br />
frusciare sforzarsi<br />
inclinar <strong>la</strong> cabeza peregrinar<br />
to nod to go on a pilgrimage<br />
faire un signe de tête faire un pèlerinage<br />
annuire pellegrinare<br />
falsificar caminar<br />
to falsify, to counterfeit to wander, to hike<br />
falsifier, contrefaire faire une randonnée<br />
falsificare camminare<br />
fanático familiar<br />
fanatic familiar<br />
fanati<strong>que</strong> familier<br />
fanatico familiare
fascinar fantástico<br />
to fascinate fantastic<br />
fasciner fantasti<strong>que</strong><br />
affascinare fantastico<br />
cansado<br />
tired<br />
fatigué<br />
stanco<br />
fatal<br />
fatal<br />
fatal<br />
fatale<br />
falso segar<br />
false, wrong to mow<br />
faux fau<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r, tondre<br />
falso falciare, mietere<br />
favorito favorable<br />
favourite, favorite favourable (br.), favorable (am.)<br />
favori favorable<br />
favorito favorevole<br />
felicitar favorecer<br />
to congratu<strong>la</strong>te, to felicitate to favour, to favor<br />
féliciter favoriser<br />
felicitare favorire
hender, partir femenino<br />
to split, to <strong>ch</strong>op female<br />
fendre féminin<br />
fendere femminile<br />
cerrado firme<br />
closed firm<br />
fermé ferme<br />
<strong>ch</strong>iuso fermo<br />
cerrar fermentar<br />
to close, to shut to ferment<br />
fermer fermenter<br />
<strong>ch</strong>iudere fermentare<br />
fértil cerrar con l<strong>la</strong>ve<br />
fertile to lock<br />
fertile fermer à clé<br />
fertile <strong>ch</strong>iudere a <strong>ch</strong>iave<br />
festejar fertilizar, abonar<br />
to party, to fete to fertilize<br />
fêter fertiliser<br />
festeggiare concimare
prometido fiable<br />
engaged reliable, steady<br />
fiancé fiable<br />
fidanzato fidato<br />
orgulloso<br />
fiel<br />
proud faithful, loyal<br />
fier fidèle<br />
orgoglioso fedele<br />
fino filmar<br />
fine, delicate to film, to shoot<br />
fin filmer<br />
fine, fino, fina filmare<br />
financiar por fin, finalmente<br />
to finance finally<br />
financer finalement<br />
finanziare finalmente<br />
fiscal terminar, acabar<br />
tax to end, to finish, to terminate, to cease<br />
fiscal finir, terminer<br />
fiscale finire, terminare
fijar fijo<br />
to fix fixed<br />
fixer fixe<br />
fissare fisso<br />
citarse acordar<br />
to appoint, to fix a date to agree upon<br />
fixer un rendez-vous<br />
flexible<br />
flexible<br />
flexible<br />
flotter<br />
fixer<br />
darsi un appuntamento mettersi d´accordo con<br />
florecer ha<strong>la</strong>gar<br />
to flower, to bloom, to blossom to f<strong>la</strong>tter, to b<strong>la</strong>ndish<br />
fleurir f<strong>la</strong>tter<br />
fiorire lusingare<br />
floreciente<br />
flowering, blooming, flourishing<br />
fleurissant<br />
flessibile fiorente<br />
flotar flirtear<br />
to float to flirt<br />
flirter<br />
nuotare amoreggiare
funcionar oficiar<br />
to function to officiate, to hold office<br />
fonctionner fonctionner<br />
funzionare essere in carica, fungere<br />
fundar, establecer<br />
to found, to establish<br />
fundamental<br />
fundamental<br />
fonder fondamental<br />
fondare fondamentale<br />
forzar fundir, fundirse<br />
to force to melt<br />
forcer fondre<br />
forzare fondere<br />
ta<strong>la</strong>drar forzar a<br />
to drill to force to<br />
percer, forer forcer à<br />
forare costringere a<br />
fraguar<br />
global<br />
to forge all in, f<strong>la</strong>t<br />
forger forfaitaire, global<br />
battere il ferro, ordire forfettario
fuerte formar<br />
strong to form<br />
fort<br />
former<br />
forte formare, costituire<br />
acomodado, pudiente, adinerado alto<br />
wealthy, prosperous loud<br />
fortuné, cossu<br />
fort<br />
benestante ad alta voce<br />
registrar loco<br />
to sear<strong>ch</strong> mad, crazy<br />
fouiller fou<br />
perquisire pazzo, matto<br />
frágil entregar, proveer<br />
fragile, breakable to deliver, to furnish<br />
fragile fournir, livrer<br />
fragile fornire<br />
francés fresco<br />
fren<strong>ch</strong> fresh<br />
français frais<br />
francese fresco
vistoso sobrepasar<br />
striking, attracting attention to overstep, to exceed<br />
frappant<br />
fran<strong>ch</strong>ir<br />
vistoso oltrepassare<br />
frenar l<strong>la</strong>mar a <strong>la</strong> puerta<br />
to brake to knock<br />
freiner frapper à <strong>la</strong> porte<br />
frenare bussare al<strong>la</strong> porta<br />
frecuente murmurar<br />
fre<strong>que</strong>nt to rustle<br />
fré<strong>que</strong>nt frémir, bruire<br />
fre<strong>que</strong>nte muggire<br />
friccionar frecuentar<br />
to rub to attend<br />
frictionner fré<strong>que</strong>nter<br />
frizionare fre<strong>que</strong>ntare<br />
fructificar frío<br />
to yield fruit, to bear fruit cold<br />
fructifier froid<br />
fruttare freddo
ahumado huir<br />
smoked to flee<br />
fumé fuir<br />
affumicato fuggire<br />
ahumar fumar<br />
to smoke to smoke<br />
fumer fumer<br />
affumicare fumare<br />
furioso nefasto<br />
furious, mad baneful<br />
furieux, en rage funeste, néfaste<br />
arrabbiato, furioso nefasto, funesto<br />
ganar futuro<br />
to win, to gain future<br />
gagner futur<br />
guadagnare futuro<br />
ganar vencer<br />
to earn to win<br />
gagner gagner<br />
guadagnare vincere
guardar garantizar<br />
to guard to guarantee<br />
garder garantir<br />
custodire garantire<br />
malgastar, prodigar, derro<strong>ch</strong>ar aparcar, par<strong>que</strong>ar, estacionar<br />
to waste to park<br />
gaspiller garer, stationner<br />
sprecare par<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ggiare<br />
mimar podrido<br />
to spoil, to coddle, to pamper spoiled<br />
gâter, <strong>ch</strong>oyer gâté<br />
viziare guasto<br />
he<strong>la</strong>r, conge<strong>la</strong>r izquierdo<br />
to freeze left<br />
geler gau<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
ge<strong>la</strong>re sinistro<br />
general fastidioso<br />
general annoying<br />
général gênant<br />
generale fastidioso
generalizar por lo general, generalmente<br />
to generalize in general<br />
généraliser généralement, en générale<br />
generalizzare generalmente<br />
genial<br />
geniale<br />
generoso<br />
ingenious generous<br />
génial généreux<br />
generoso<br />
germinar amable<br />
to germinate, to germ friendly, kind<br />
germer gentil<br />
germinare gentile<br />
resba<strong>la</strong>r resba<strong>la</strong>dizo<br />
to slip slippery, slick<br />
glisser glissant<br />
scivo<strong>la</strong>re scivoloso<br />
inf<strong>la</strong>r glorioso<br />
to blow up, to inf<strong>la</strong>te glorious<br />
gonfler glorieux<br />
gonfiare glorioso
merendar gótico<br />
to have a snack gothic<br />
prendre le casse-croûte gothi<strong>que</strong><br />
merendare gotico<br />
gobernar gotear<br />
to govern, to reign to drop<br />
gouverner goutter<br />
governare goccio<strong>la</strong>re<br />
grande grácil<br />
great, big graceful, dainty<br />
grand gracile<br />
grande grazioso<br />
graso estupendo<br />
fat great<br />
gras<br />
grandiose<br />
grasso grandioso<br />
rascar gratuito<br />
to scrat<strong>ch</strong>, to scrape free, gratis<br />
gratter gratuit<br />
grattare<br />
injertar grave<br />
to graft serious, earnest, severe<br />
greffer grave, sérieux<br />
innestare grave<br />
mullir granizar<br />
to loosen, to limber up to hail<br />
dégager grêler<br />
smuovere grandinare<br />
<strong>ch</strong>irriar tostar<br />
to s<strong>que</strong>ak to toast<br />
grincer griller<br />
cigo<strong>la</strong>re tostare<br />
gruñir gris<br />
to grunt grey<br />
grogner gris<br />
grugnire grigio<br />
gordo gruñir<br />
thick, fat to growl<br />
gros gronder<br />
grosso ringhiare
curar tosco<br />
to cure, to heal, to mend dumpy, clumsily<br />
guérir grossier<br />
guarire tozzo<br />
habitar hábil<br />
to live, to reside skillful<br />
habiter habile, adroit<br />
abitare abile<br />
azadonar acostumbrado<br />
to hack habitual, familiar<br />
ha<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r habituel<br />
zappare abituato<br />
jadear odiar<br />
to gasp, to pant, to wheeze to hate<br />
haleter haïr, détester<br />
ansimare odiare<br />
alto disminuido<br />
high handicapped, disabled<br />
haut<br />
handicapé<br />
alto handicappato
heredar semanal<br />
to inherit weekly<br />
hériter hebdomadaire<br />
ereditare settimanale<br />
tardar gradar, rastril<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to hesitate to harrow<br />
hésiter, tarder herser<br />
esitare erpicare<br />
feliz afortunadamente<br />
happy fortunately<br />
heureux heureusement<br />
felice fortunatamente<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ocar contra afortunado<br />
to bump into, to impinge on lucky, fortunate<br />
heurter contre heureux<br />
urtare contro fortunato<br />
ano<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> ayer<br />
yesterday evening yesterday<br />
hier soir<br />
hier<br />
ieri sera ieri
histórico izar<br />
historical to hoist<br />
histori<strong>que</strong> hisser, arborer<br />
storico issare<br />
honrar honesto, sincero<br />
to honour honest<br />
honorer honnête, sincère<br />
onorare onesto, sincero<br />
excepto<br />
except<br />
hormis, sauf, excepté<br />
horizontal<br />
horizontal<br />
horizontal<br />
eccetto, tranne orizzontale<br />
exento de aduana horrible, horroroso<br />
duty free horrible<br />
hors taxes horrible, affreux<br />
esente da dazio orribile<br />
hostil hospita<strong>la</strong>rio<br />
hostile hospitable<br />
hostile hospitalier<br />
ostile ospitale
humilde humano<br />
humble<br />
human<br />
humble humain<br />
umile umano<br />
humidificar húmedo<br />
to moisten, to humidify, to wet humid, damp<br />
humidifier, mouiller humide<br />
umettare umido<br />
higiénico humil<strong>la</strong>r<br />
hygienic to humble, to humiliate<br />
hygiéni<strong>que</strong> humilier<br />
igienico umiliare<br />
aquí hipócrita<br />
here hypocritical, dissembling<br />
ici hypocrite<br />
qui ipocrita<br />
ignorar<br />
to ignore<br />
ideal<br />
ideal<br />
ignorer idéal<br />
ignorare<br />
hay No hay de qué!<br />
there are Don't mention it!<br />
il y a Il n'y a pas de quoi!, Je vous en prie!<br />
ci sono Non c'è di <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>!<br />
iluminar ilegal<br />
to light, to illuminate<br />
immune<br />
immune<br />
illegal<br />
illuminer illégal<br />
illuminare<br />
illegale<br />
inminente imitar<br />
imminent to imitate<br />
imminent imiter<br />
imminente imitare<br />
inmune inmóvil, fijo<br />
immobile<br />
immunisé immobile<br />
immobile<br />
imperfecto impar<br />
imperfect odd, uneven<br />
imparfait impair<br />
imperfetto dispari
impecable impaciente<br />
impeccable impatient<br />
impeccable impatient<br />
ineccepibile impaziente<br />
impermeable impenetrable<br />
impermeable, impervious impenetrable<br />
imperméable impénétrable<br />
impermeabile impenetrabile<br />
suplicar insolente<br />
to supplicate, to solicit boldfaced, perky, saucy<br />
implorer, supplier impertinent, insolent<br />
invocare, implorare insolente<br />
importante descortés<br />
important impolite<br />
important impoli<br />
importante scortese<br />
imponer importar<br />
to impose, to enforce to import<br />
imposer importer<br />
imporre importare
impresionante imposible<br />
impressive impossible<br />
impressionnant impossible<br />
impressionante impossibile<br />
imprimir impresionar<br />
to print to impress<br />
imprimer impressionner<br />
stampare impressionare<br />
imprudente improvisar<br />
incautious, unwary to improvise<br />
imprudent improviser<br />
imprudente improvvisare<br />
inacabado<br />
unfinished, uncompleted<br />
impotente<br />
impotent<br />
ina<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>vé impuissant<br />
incompiuto<br />
impotente<br />
inaugurar inadecuado<br />
to inaugurate inadequate<br />
inaugurer inadéquat<br />
inaugurare inadeguato, sconveniente
incapaz <strong>para</strong> el trabajo incapaz<br />
unfit for work incapable<br />
incapable de travailler incapable<br />
inabile al <strong>la</strong>voro incapace<br />
incendiar irrompible<br />
to light, to set fire to unbreakable, nonbreakable<br />
incendier incassable<br />
incendiare infrangibile<br />
incluido inalterado<br />
including un<strong>ch</strong>anged<br />
inclus in<strong>ch</strong>angé<br />
incluso, compreso immutato<br />
incómodo incoherente<br />
uncomfortable incoherent<br />
incommode incohérent<br />
scomodo incoerente<br />
incomprensible incompleto<br />
incomprehensible incomplete<br />
incompréhensible incomplet<br />
incomprensibile incompleto
inconsciente desconocido<br />
unconscious unknown<br />
inconscient inconnu<br />
inconscio sconosciuto<br />
indecente frívolo<br />
undecent careless<br />
indécent, inconvenant inconscient<br />
incedente spensierato<br />
increíble inconveniente<br />
unbelievable indecorous, unseemly<br />
incroyable inconvenant<br />
incredibile sconveniente<br />
compensar, indemnizar indeciso<br />
to compensate undecisive<br />
indemniser indécis<br />
indennizzare, risarcire indeciso<br />
indiferente independiente<br />
indifferent<br />
indifferente<br />
independent<br />
indifférent indépendant<br />
indirecto indicar<br />
indirect to indicate<br />
indirect indi<strong>que</strong>r<br />
indiretto indicare<br />
desorientar individual<br />
to mislead, to misguide individual<br />
induire en erreur, tromper individuel<br />
ingannare individuale<br />
industrializar indulgente<br />
to industrialize indulgent<br />
industrialiser indulgent<br />
industrializzare indulgente<br />
desigual industrial<br />
unequal industrial<br />
inégal industriel<br />
disuguale industriale<br />
inexacto, impreciso inevitable<br />
unexact, imprecise unavoidable<br />
inexact, imprécis inévitable<br />
impreciso inevitabile
menor<br />
infame<br />
lower, minor, lesser infamous, disgraceful<br />
inférieur infâme<br />
inferiore<br />
infame<br />
infinito inferior<br />
infinite, endless inferior<br />
infini inférieur<br />
infinito inferiore<br />
influenciar inflexible<br />
to influence unyielding<br />
influencer inflexible<br />
influenzare intransigente<br />
informar influyente<br />
to inform influential<br />
informer influent<br />
informare influente<br />
poco común ingrato<br />
unusual ungrateful, ingrate<br />
inhabituel ingrat<br />
insolito ingrato
jeringar inha<strong>la</strong>r<br />
to inject to inhale<br />
injecter inhaler<br />
iniettare ina<strong>la</strong>re<br />
<strong>la</strong> injusticia injusto<br />
l'injustice (f.) unjust<br />
injustice (f.) injuste<br />
l'ingiustizia (f.) ingiusto<br />
inocente innato<br />
innocent innate, inborn<br />
innocent inné<br />
innocente innato<br />
inolvidable innumerable<br />
unforgettable countless<br />
inoubliable innombrable<br />
indimenticabile innumerevole<br />
inquieto inoxidable<br />
restless stainless, rustproof<br />
inquiet inoxydable<br />
inquieto inossidabile
inquietar inquietante<br />
to worry, to disquiet concerning, worrying, a<strong>la</strong>rming<br />
inquiéter inquiétant<br />
inquietare inquietante<br />
insignificante insertar<br />
insignificant to insert<br />
insignifiant insérer<br />
insignificante inserire<br />
insistir en insistente<br />
to insist upon, to insist on insistent, urgent<br />
insister sur insistant<br />
piccarsi di qualcosa, insistere insistente<br />
insistentemente insta<strong>la</strong>r<br />
urgently to install<br />
instamment installer<br />
insistentemente istal<strong>la</strong>re<br />
instruir instintivo<br />
to brief, to instruct instinctive<br />
instruire instinctif<br />
istruire istintivo
insultar, injuriar insuficiente<br />
to insult insufficient<br />
insulter insuffisant<br />
insultare insufficiente<br />
intacto insoportable<br />
intact insupportable, unbearable<br />
intact insupportable<br />
intatto insopportabile<br />
intenso inteligente<br />
intensive<br />
intense<br />
intenso<br />
interessante<br />
intelligent, bright<br />
intelligent<br />
intelligente<br />
interesante premeditado, intencionado<br />
interesting intentional, deliberate<br />
intéressant intentionnel<br />
intenzionale, premediato<br />
interior interesar<br />
interior to be interested in, to interest<br />
intérieur, interne intéresser<br />
interiore interessare
interior internacional<br />
internal<br />
international<br />
interne international<br />
interno internazionale<br />
interrogar interpretar<br />
to <strong>que</strong>stion, to <strong>que</strong>rry, to interrogate to interpret<br />
interroger interprêter<br />
interrogare interpretare<br />
intervenir interrumpir<br />
to intervene to interrupt<br />
intervenir interrompre<br />
intervenire interrompere<br />
intimidar íntimo<br />
to intimidate intimate<br />
intimider<br />
intime<br />
intimidire intimo<br />
inútil introducir<br />
useless, needless to introduce<br />
inutile introduire<br />
inutile introdurre
invertir inventar<br />
to invest to invent<br />
investir inventer<br />
investire inventare<br />
involuntario invitar<br />
involuntary to invite<br />
involontaire inviter<br />
involontario invitare<br />
regar irreconciliable<br />
to irrigate, to water irreconci<strong>la</strong>bly<br />
irriguer irréconciliable<br />
irrigare inconciliabile<br />
ais<strong>la</strong>r irritado, disgustado<br />
to iso<strong>la</strong>te irritated, angry, mad<br />
isoler irrité, fa<strong>ch</strong>é<br />
iso<strong>la</strong>re irritato<br />
borra<strong>ch</strong>o italiano<br />
drunk, drunken italian<br />
ivre italien<br />
ubriaco italiano
envidioso celoso<br />
envious, grudging jealous<br />
envieux, jaloux jaloux<br />
invidioso geloso<br />
amarillo jamás, nunca<br />
yellow never<br />
jaune jamais<br />
giallo mai<br />
ojalá amarillear<br />
hopefully, hope so to get yellow, to yellow<br />
j'espère, espérons jaunir<br />
speriamo <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> ingiallire<br />
joven botar<br />
young to throw away<br />
jeune jeter<br />
giovane buttare via<br />
guapo, bonito ayunar<br />
pretty to fast<br />
joli jeûner<br />
carino digiunare
alegre jugar<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>erful to p<strong>la</strong>y<br />
joyeux, gai jouer<br />
allegro<br />
giocare<br />
juzgar judicial<br />
to judge judicial<br />
juger judiciaire<br />
giudicare giudiziario<br />
jurar jurar<br />
to swear, to vow to swear, to curse<br />
jurer jurer<br />
giurare imprecare<br />
hasta jurídico<br />
until, till, as long as legal, juridical, juristic<br />
jusqu'à juridi<strong>que</strong><br />
fino a, fin<strong>ch</strong>é giuridico<br />
justo hasta ahora<br />
right up to now, so far<br />
juste jusqu'à présent<br />
giusto finora
juvenil justificar<br />
youthful, juvenile to justify<br />
juvénile justifier<br />
giovanile giustificare<br />
el infarto de miocardio secuestrar<br />
heart attack to kidnap, to hijack<br />
l'infarctus du myocarde (m.) enlever, kidnapper<br />
lo infarto cardiaco rapire<br />
allí ahí (2. Stufe)<br />
there there<br />
là là<br />
lì, là qua<br />
ahí dentro el tobillo<br />
in it, inside ankle<br />
là-dedans <strong>la</strong> <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ville<br />
dentro il malleolo<br />
<strong>la</strong> bahía el toldo<br />
bay awning, tarpauline, b<strong>la</strong>nket<br />
<strong>la</strong> baie <strong>la</strong> bâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> baia il telone
<strong>la</strong> ba<strong>la</strong>nza <strong>la</strong> bañera<br />
ba<strong>la</strong>nce bath, bath tub<br />
<strong>la</strong> ba<strong>la</strong>nce <strong>la</strong> baignoire<br />
<strong>la</strong> bi<strong>la</strong>ncia <strong>la</strong> vasca<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelota el columpio<br />
ball swing<br />
<strong>la</strong> balle <strong>la</strong> ba<strong>la</strong>nçoire<br />
<strong>la</strong> pal<strong>la</strong> l'altalena (f.)<br />
el plátano, <strong>la</strong> banana <strong>la</strong> ba<strong>la</strong>ustrada, el pasamano<br />
banana railing, banister<br />
<strong>la</strong> banane <strong>la</strong> balustrade<br />
<strong>la</strong> banana il <strong>para</strong>petto<br />
el cómic <strong>la</strong> raya<br />
comic stripe, strap<br />
<strong>la</strong> bande dessinée <strong>la</strong> bande<br />
il fumetto <strong>la</strong> striscia<br />
<strong>la</strong> barba el banco<br />
beard bank<br />
<strong>la</strong> barbe <strong>la</strong> ban<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> barba <strong>la</strong> banca
<strong>la</strong> barricada <strong>la</strong> pértiga<br />
barricade bar, pole, rod<br />
<strong>la</strong> barricade <strong>la</strong> barre<br />
<strong>la</strong> barricata <strong>la</strong> pertica<br />
<strong>la</strong> base <strong>la</strong> barrera<br />
base, basis barrier<br />
<strong>la</strong> base <strong>la</strong> barrière<br />
<strong>la</strong> base <strong>la</strong> barriera<br />
<strong>la</strong> belleza <strong>la</strong> batal<strong>la</strong><br />
beauty battle<br />
<strong>la</strong> beauté <strong>la</strong> bataille<br />
<strong>la</strong> bellezza <strong>la</strong> battaglia<br />
<strong>la</strong> nuera <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ya<br />
daughter-in-<strong>la</strong>w spade<br />
<strong>la</strong> belle-fille <strong>la</strong> bê<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> nuora <strong>la</strong> vanga<br />
<strong>la</strong> cuñada <strong>la</strong> suegra<br />
sister-in-<strong>la</strong>w mother-in-<strong>la</strong>w<br />
<strong>la</strong> belle-soeur <strong>la</strong> belle-mère<br />
<strong>la</strong> cognata <strong>la</strong> suocera
<strong>la</strong> Biblia <strong>la</strong> tontería<br />
bible stupidity<br />
<strong>la</strong> Bible <strong>la</strong> bêtise<br />
<strong>la</strong> Bibbia <strong>la</strong> stupidità<br />
<strong>la</strong> bicicleta, <strong>la</strong> bici <strong>la</strong> biblioteca<br />
bicycle library<br />
<strong>la</strong> bicyclette <strong>la</strong> bibliothè<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> bicicletta <strong>la</strong> biblioteca<br />
<strong>la</strong> cerveza <strong>la</strong> bienvenida<br />
beer welcome<br />
<strong>la</strong> bière <strong>la</strong> bienvenue<br />
<strong>la</strong> birra il benvenuto<br />
el <strong>ch</strong>iste, <strong>la</strong> broma <strong>la</strong> bifuracación<br />
joke, wit, quip junction, turn-off<br />
<strong>la</strong> b<strong>la</strong>gue <strong>la</strong> bifurcation<br />
<strong>la</strong> barzel<strong>la</strong>tta il bivio<br />
<strong>la</strong> bobina <strong>la</strong> herida, <strong>la</strong> lesión<br />
spool, bobbin injury, harm<br />
<strong>la</strong> bobine <strong>la</strong> blessure, <strong>la</strong> lésion<br />
<strong>la</strong> bobina, <strong>la</strong> spo<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> lesione, <strong>la</strong> ferita
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ta <strong>la</strong> bebida<br />
box drink<br />
<strong>la</strong> boîte <strong>la</strong> boisson<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ttina <strong>la</strong> bevanda<br />
el buzón <strong>la</strong> caja<br />
mailbox, postbox box<br />
<strong>la</strong> boîte aux lettres <strong>la</strong> boîte<br />
<strong>la</strong> cassetta delle lettere <strong>la</strong> scato<strong>la</strong><br />
el apartado de correos <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ta<br />
post office box can (am.), tin (br.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> boîte postale <strong>la</strong> boîte de conserve<br />
<strong>la</strong> casel<strong>la</strong> postale (C.P.) <strong>la</strong> scato<strong>la</strong> di conserva<br />
<strong>la</strong> comp<strong>la</strong>cencia <strong>la</strong> bomba<br />
goodwill, gesture of goodwill bomb<br />
<strong>la</strong> bonne volonté <strong>la</strong> bombe<br />
<strong>la</strong> compiacenza <strong>la</strong> bomba<br />
el bollo <strong>la</strong> bondad<br />
bump, buckle kindness<br />
<strong>la</strong> bosse <strong>la</strong> bonté<br />
il bernoccolo <strong>la</strong> bontà
<strong>la</strong> boca <strong>la</strong> bota<br />
mouth boot<br />
<strong>la</strong> bou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> botte<br />
<strong>la</strong> bocca lo stivale<br />
<strong>la</strong> carnicería el bocado<br />
but<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r's shop bite, morsel<br />
<strong>la</strong> bou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>rie <strong>la</strong> bou<strong>ch</strong>ée<br />
<strong>la</strong> macelleria il boccone<br />
el lodo, el fango, el barro <strong>la</strong> hebil<strong>la</strong>, el bro<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
mud, warp, sludge<br />
buckle<br />
<strong>la</strong> boue <strong>la</strong> boucle<br />
il fango <strong>la</strong> fibbia<br />
<strong>la</strong> bujia <strong>la</strong> cande<strong>la</strong>, <strong>la</strong> ve<strong>la</strong><br />
sparking plug, spark plug candle<br />
<strong>la</strong> bougie <strong>la</strong> bougie<br />
<strong>la</strong> cande<strong>la</strong> d'accensione <strong>la</strong> cande<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> bo<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> panadería<br />
ball bakery<br />
<strong>la</strong> boule <strong>la</strong> bou<strong>la</strong>ngerie<br />
<strong>la</strong> sfera <strong>la</strong> panetteria
<strong>la</strong> beca <strong>la</strong> bolsa<br />
bursary, grant, fellowship stock ex<strong>ch</strong>ange<br />
<strong>la</strong> bourse d'études <strong>la</strong> bourse<br />
<strong>la</strong> borsa di studio <strong>la</strong> borsa<br />
<strong>la</strong> botel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> brúju<strong>la</strong><br />
bottle compass<br />
<strong>la</strong> bouteille <strong>la</strong> boussole<br />
<strong>la</strong> bottiglia <strong>la</strong> busso<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> rama el ojal<br />
bran<strong>ch</strong>, economic sector buttonhole<br />
<strong>la</strong> bran<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> boutonnière<br />
il ramo l'oc<strong>ch</strong>iello (m.)<br />
el <strong>la</strong>drillo el cepillo de dientes<br />
brick toothbrush<br />
<strong>la</strong> bri<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> brosse à dents<br />
il mattone lo spazzolino da denti<br />
<strong>la</strong> carretil<strong>la</strong> el cepillo<br />
wheelbarrow brush<br />
<strong>la</strong> brouette <strong>la</strong> brosse<br />
<strong>la</strong> carrio<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> spazzo<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> cabaña <strong>la</strong> burbuja<br />
hut, cottage bubble, blister<br />
<strong>la</strong> cabane <strong>la</strong> bulle, <strong>la</strong> vessie<br />
<strong>la</strong> capanna <strong>la</strong> bol<strong>la</strong><br />
el escondrijo <strong>la</strong> cabina<br />
hiding-p<strong>la</strong>ce, hideaway, cranny cabin<br />
<strong>la</strong> ca<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tte <strong>la</strong> cabine<br />
il nascondiglio <strong>la</strong> cabina<br />
<strong>la</strong> caja <strong>la</strong> jau<strong>la</strong><br />
cash box, till cage<br />
<strong>la</strong> caisse <strong>la</strong> cage<br />
<strong>la</strong> cassa <strong>la</strong> gabbia<br />
el calendario <strong>la</strong> caja de enfermedad<br />
calendar health insurance<br />
<strong>la</strong> calendrier <strong>la</strong> caisse ma<strong>la</strong>die<br />
il calendario <strong>la</strong> cassa ma<strong>la</strong>ttia<br />
el compañero <strong>la</strong> calva<br />
comrade, mate, fellow, buddy (am.) bald head<br />
le camarade <strong>la</strong> calvitie<br />
il compagno <strong>la</strong> testa calva
<strong>la</strong> campaña el campo<br />
campaign countryside<br />
<strong>la</strong> campagne <strong>la</strong> campagne<br />
<strong>la</strong> campagna <strong>la</strong> campagna<br />
<strong>la</strong> capacidad el infame<br />
ability, capability scoundrel, knave, vil<strong>la</strong>in<br />
<strong>la</strong> capacité, l'aptitude (f.) <strong>la</strong> canaille<br />
<strong>la</strong> capacità il mascalzone<br />
<strong>la</strong> característica <strong>la</strong> capital<br />
<strong>ch</strong>aracteristic capital<br />
<strong>la</strong> caractérisit<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> capitale<br />
<strong>la</strong> caratteristica <strong>la</strong> capitale<br />
<strong>la</strong> caricatura <strong>la</strong> caravana<br />
caricature caravan<br />
<strong>la</strong> caricature <strong>la</strong> caravane<br />
<strong>la</strong> caricatura <strong>la</strong> roulotte<br />
<strong>la</strong> zanahoria el hazmerreír<br />
carrot patsy<br />
<strong>la</strong> carotte <strong>la</strong> caricature<br />
<strong>la</strong> carota il personaggio da bur<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> carrozería <strong>la</strong> carrera<br />
car body career<br />
<strong>la</strong> carrosserie <strong>la</strong> carrière<br />
<strong>la</strong> carrozzeria <strong>la</strong> carriera<br />
el mapa (m.) <strong>la</strong> tarjeta<br />
map card<br />
<strong>la</strong> carte géographi<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> carte<br />
<strong>la</strong> carta geografica <strong>la</strong> carta<br />
el mapa de carreteras <strong>la</strong> tarjeta postal<br />
road map postcard<br />
<strong>la</strong> carte routière <strong>la</strong> carte postale<br />
<strong>la</strong> carta stradale <strong>la</strong> cartolina<br />
el cuartel <strong>la</strong> cascada<br />
barrack waterfall<br />
<strong>la</strong> caserne <strong>la</strong> cascade<br />
<strong>la</strong> caserma <strong>la</strong> cascata<br />
<strong>la</strong> catedral <strong>la</strong> categoría<br />
cathedral category<br />
<strong>la</strong> cathédrale <strong>la</strong> catégorie<br />
<strong>la</strong> cattedrale, il duomo <strong>la</strong> categoria
<strong>la</strong> caución <strong>la</strong> causa<br />
bail, bail out reason, cause<br />
<strong>la</strong> caution <strong>la</strong> cause<br />
<strong>la</strong> cauzione <strong>la</strong> causa<br />
el cinturón el sótano<br />
belt cel<strong>la</strong>r<br />
<strong>la</strong> ceinture <strong>la</strong> cave<br />
<strong>la</strong> cintura <strong>la</strong> cantina<br />
<strong>la</strong> célu<strong>la</strong> el cinturón de seguridad<br />
cell safety belt, seatbelt<br />
<strong>la</strong> cellule <strong>la</strong> ceinture de sécurité<br />
<strong>la</strong> cellu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> cintura di sicurezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> ceremonia <strong>la</strong> cerámica<br />
ceremony ceramic, ceramics<br />
<strong>la</strong> cérémonie <strong>la</strong> cérami<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> cerimonia <strong>la</strong> ceramica<br />
<strong>la</strong> certeza <strong>la</strong> cereza<br />
certitude, certainty <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>rry<br />
<strong>la</strong> certitude <strong>la</strong> cerise<br />
<strong>la</strong> certezza <strong>la</strong> ciliegia
<strong>la</strong> piel de gallina <strong>la</strong> cadena<br />
goose pimples, goose skin <strong>ch</strong>ain<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>air de poule <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aîne<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelle d'oca <strong>la</strong> catena<br />
<strong>la</strong> gandu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> sil<strong>la</strong><br />
deck<strong>ch</strong>air <strong>ch</strong>air, stool<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aise longue <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aise<br />
<strong>la</strong> sedia a sdraio <strong>la</strong> sedia<br />
el cuarto, <strong>la</strong> habitación el calor<br />
<strong>ch</strong>amber heat, warmth<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ambre <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aleur<br />
<strong>la</strong> stanza il caldo, il calore<br />
<strong>la</strong> habitación doble el dormitorio<br />
double room bedroom<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ambre à deux lits <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ambre à cou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
<strong>la</strong> camera a due letti <strong>la</strong> camera da letto<br />
<strong>la</strong> capil<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> habitación individual<br />
<strong>ch</strong>apel single room<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>apelle <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ambre individuelle<br />
<strong>la</strong> cappel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> camera singo<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> misericordia <strong>la</strong> carga<br />
<strong>ch</strong>arity load, burden<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>arité, <strong>la</strong> miséricorde <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>arge<br />
<strong>la</strong> carità il carico<br />
el arado <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>arne<strong>la</strong><br />
plough, plow (am.)<br />
bat<br />
hinge<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>arrue <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>arnière<br />
l'aratro (m.) <strong>la</strong> cerniera<br />
el calcetín <strong>la</strong> caza<br />
sock hunt<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aussette <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>asse<br />
il calzerotto, il calzino <strong>la</strong> caccia<br />
el murcié<strong>la</strong>go <strong>la</strong> zapatil<strong>la</strong><br />
loafer, shoe<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>auve-souris <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aussure basse<br />
il pipistrello <strong>la</strong> scarpetta, <strong>la</strong> scarpa bassa<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>imenea <strong>la</strong> cal<br />
<strong>ch</strong>imney lime, limestone<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>minée <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aux<br />
il camino il calcio
<strong>la</strong> oruga <strong>la</strong> camisa<br />
caterpil<strong>la</strong>r, grub shirt<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>nille <strong>la</strong> <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>mise<br />
il bruco <strong>la</strong> camicia<br />
<strong>la</strong> química <strong>la</strong> cabra<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>mistry goat<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>imie <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>èvre<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>imica <strong>la</strong> capra<br />
<strong>la</strong> crónica <strong>la</strong> cosa<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ronicle thing, matter, cause, issue<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>roni<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ose<br />
<strong>la</strong> cronaca <strong>la</strong> cosa<br />
el b<strong>la</strong>nco <strong>la</strong> caída<br />
target, butt fall<br />
<strong>la</strong> cible <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ute<br />
il bersaglio <strong>la</strong> caduta<br />
<strong>la</strong> cicatriz el cebollino<br />
scar <strong>ch</strong>ives<br />
<strong>la</strong> cicatrice <strong>la</strong> ciboulette<br />
<strong>la</strong> cicatrice <strong>la</strong> cipollina
<strong>la</strong> cigüeña el cigarillo<br />
stork cigarette<br />
<strong>la</strong> cigogne <strong>la</strong> cigarette<br />
<strong>la</strong> cicogna <strong>la</strong> sigaretta<br />
<strong>la</strong> circunstancia <strong>la</strong> circunferencia<br />
circumstance circumference<br />
<strong>la</strong> circonstance <strong>la</strong> circonférence<br />
<strong>la</strong> circostanza <strong>la</strong> circonferenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> circu<strong>la</strong>ción en sentido contrario <strong>la</strong> circu<strong>la</strong>r<br />
oncoming traffic circu<strong>la</strong>r, newsletter<br />
<strong>la</strong> circu<strong>la</strong>tion en sens inverse <strong>la</strong> circu<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
il traffico in senso contrario il circo<strong>la</strong>re<br />
<strong>la</strong> cera <strong>la</strong> circu<strong>la</strong>ción<br />
wax circu<strong>la</strong>tion, circuit<br />
<strong>la</strong> cire <strong>la</strong> circu<strong>la</strong>tion, le cycle<br />
<strong>la</strong> cera <strong>la</strong> circo<strong>la</strong>zione<br />
<strong>la</strong> camil<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> cita<br />
stret<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r quotation, citation<br />
<strong>la</strong> civière <strong>la</strong> citation<br />
<strong>la</strong> barel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> citazione
<strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>se <strong>la</strong> civilización<br />
c<strong>la</strong>ss civilization<br />
<strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>sse <strong>la</strong> civilisation<br />
<strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>sse <strong>la</strong> civiltà<br />
<strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>ve de tuerca <strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>ve<br />
spanner, wren<strong>ch</strong> key<br />
<strong>la</strong> clé de serrage <strong>la</strong> clé<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iave a forcel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iave<br />
<strong>la</strong> campana el aire acondizionado<br />
bell air condition<br />
<strong>la</strong> clo<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> climatisation<br />
<strong>la</strong> campana l'impianto di aria condizionata (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> coalición <strong>la</strong> cerca<br />
coalition fence<br />
<strong>la</strong> coalition <strong>la</strong> clôture<br />
<strong>la</strong> coalizione il recinto<br />
<strong>la</strong> co<strong>la</strong>boración el peinado<br />
col<strong>la</strong>boration hairstyle, hairdo<br />
<strong>la</strong> col<strong>la</strong>boration <strong>la</strong> coiffure<br />
<strong>la</strong> col<strong>la</strong>borazione <strong>la</strong> pettinatura
<strong>la</strong> colección el pegamento, <strong>la</strong> co<strong>la</strong><br />
collection glue<br />
<strong>la</strong> collection <strong>la</strong> colle, <strong>la</strong> glu<br />
<strong>la</strong> collezione <strong>la</strong> col<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> colisión <strong>la</strong> colina<br />
crash hill<br />
<strong>la</strong> collision <strong>la</strong> colline<br />
<strong>la</strong> collisione <strong>la</strong> collina<br />
<strong>la</strong> urbanización <strong>la</strong> colonia<br />
settlement colony<br />
<strong>la</strong> colonie <strong>la</strong> colonie<br />
il centro residenziale <strong>la</strong> colonia<br />
<strong>la</strong> vértebra <strong>la</strong> columna<br />
spine, vertebral column column<br />
<strong>la</strong> colonne vertébrale <strong>la</strong> colonne<br />
<strong>la</strong> colonna vertebrale <strong>la</strong> colonna<br />
<strong>la</strong> combinación el mono<br />
combination overall, jumpsuit<br />
<strong>la</strong> combinaison <strong>la</strong> combinaison<br />
<strong>la</strong> combinazione <strong>la</strong> tuta
el pedido <strong>la</strong> comedia<br />
order comedy<br />
<strong>la</strong> commande, l'ordre (m.) <strong>la</strong> comédie<br />
<strong>la</strong> ordinazione <strong>la</strong> commedia<br />
<strong>la</strong> comisión <strong>la</strong> comisión<br />
commission commission<br />
<strong>la</strong> commission <strong>la</strong> commission<br />
<strong>la</strong> provvigione <strong>la</strong> commissione<br />
<strong>la</strong> comunidad <strong>la</strong> cómoda<br />
community <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>st of drawers, commode<br />
<strong>la</strong> communauté <strong>la</strong> commode<br />
<strong>la</strong> comunità il cassettone<br />
<strong>la</strong> comunicación el municipio<br />
communication municipality, community<br />
<strong>la</strong> communication <strong>la</strong> commune<br />
<strong>la</strong> comunicazione il comune<br />
<strong>la</strong> com<strong>para</strong>ción <strong>la</strong> comunicación<br />
comparison communication, note<br />
<strong>la</strong> com<strong>para</strong>ison <strong>la</strong> communication<br />
il <strong>para</strong>gone il comunicato
<strong>la</strong> composición <strong>la</strong> competición<br />
composition contest<br />
<strong>la</strong> composition <strong>la</strong> compéticion<br />
<strong>la</strong> composizione <strong>la</strong> gara<br />
<strong>la</strong> contabilidad <strong>la</strong> comprensión<br />
accounting comprehension<br />
<strong>la</strong> comptabilité <strong>la</strong> compréhension<br />
<strong>la</strong> contabilità <strong>la</strong> comprensione<br />
<strong>la</strong> concesión <strong>la</strong> condesa<br />
concession countess<br />
<strong>la</strong> concession <strong>la</strong> comtesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> concessione <strong>la</strong> contessa<br />
el pepino <strong>la</strong> conclusión<br />
cucumber conclusion<br />
<strong>la</strong> concombre <strong>la</strong> conclusion<br />
il cetriolo <strong>la</strong> conclusione<br />
<strong>la</strong> condena <strong>la</strong> competencia<br />
condemnation competition<br />
<strong>la</strong> condamnation <strong>la</strong> concurrence<br />
<strong>la</strong> condanna <strong>la</strong> concorrenza
el comportamiento, <strong>la</strong> conducta <strong>la</strong> condición<br />
behaviour (br.), behavior (am.) condition<br />
<strong>la</strong> conduite <strong>la</strong> condition<br />
il comportamento <strong>la</strong> condizione<br />
<strong>la</strong> conferencia, <strong>la</strong> exposicón <strong>la</strong> tubería<br />
lecture pipeline<br />
<strong>la</strong> conférence <strong>la</strong> conduite<br />
<strong>la</strong> conferenza, <strong>la</strong> recitazione <strong>la</strong> tubazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> confianza <strong>la</strong> conferencia<br />
trust conference<br />
<strong>la</strong> confiance <strong>la</strong> conférence<br />
<strong>la</strong> fiducia <strong>la</strong> conferenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> confusión <strong>la</strong> merme<strong>la</strong>da<br />
confusion, mess marma<strong>la</strong>de, jam<br />
<strong>la</strong> confusion <strong>la</strong> confiture<br />
<strong>la</strong> confusione <strong>la</strong> marmel<strong>la</strong>ta<br />
el conocimiento <strong>la</strong> coyuntura<br />
knowledge business cycle<br />
<strong>la</strong> connaissance <strong>la</strong> conjoncture<br />
<strong>la</strong> conoscenza <strong>la</strong> congiuntura
<strong>la</strong> consecuencia <strong>la</strong> conciencia<br />
conse<strong>que</strong>nce conscience<br />
<strong>la</strong> consé<strong>que</strong>nce <strong>la</strong> conscience<br />
<strong>la</strong> conseguenza <strong>la</strong> coscienza<br />
<strong>la</strong> consideración <strong>la</strong> conserva<br />
consideration preservered food, tin (br.), can (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> considération <strong>la</strong> conserve<br />
il riguardo, <strong>la</strong> considerazione <strong>la</strong> conserva<br />
el consuelo <strong>la</strong> consigna<br />
conso<strong>la</strong>tion, comfort, so<strong>la</strong>ce luggage deposit, luggage locker<br />
<strong>la</strong> conso<strong>la</strong>tion <strong>la</strong> consigne<br />
<strong>la</strong> conso<strong>la</strong>zione il deposito bagagli<br />
<strong>la</strong> constitución el consumo<br />
constitution consumption<br />
<strong>la</strong> constitution <strong>la</strong> consommation<br />
<strong>la</strong> costituzione il consumo<br />
<strong>la</strong> infección, el contagio <strong>la</strong> construcción<br />
infection, contagion construction<br />
<strong>la</strong> contamination, l'infection (f.) <strong>la</strong> construction<br />
il contagio, l'infezione (f.) <strong>la</strong> costruzione
<strong>la</strong> contradicción <strong>la</strong> continuación<br />
contradiction, objection continuation<br />
<strong>la</strong> contradiction <strong>la</strong> continuation<br />
<strong>la</strong> contraddizione <strong>la</strong> continuazione<br />
el contrabando <strong>la</strong> coacción<br />
smuggling enforcement, compulsion<br />
<strong>la</strong> contrebande <strong>la</strong> contrainte<br />
il contrabbando <strong>la</strong> costrizione<br />
<strong>la</strong> conversación <strong>la</strong> contribución<br />
conversation contribution<br />
<strong>la</strong> conversation <strong>la</strong> contribution<br />
<strong>la</strong> conversazione il contributo<br />
<strong>la</strong> cooperativa <strong>la</strong> convicción<br />
cooperative conviction<br />
<strong>la</strong> coopérative <strong>la</strong> conviction<br />
<strong>la</strong> cooperativa <strong>la</strong> convinzione<br />
<strong>la</strong> con<strong>ch</strong>a <strong>la</strong> copia<br />
shell, c<strong>la</strong>m, mussel copy<br />
<strong>la</strong> coquille <strong>la</strong> copie<br />
<strong>la</strong> con<strong>ch</strong>iglia <strong>la</strong> copia
<strong>la</strong> cesta <strong>la</strong> papelera<br />
basket waste-paper basket, wastebasket<br />
<strong>la</strong> corbeille, le panier <strong>la</strong> corbeille à papier<br />
il cesto il cestino<br />
el cuerno <strong>la</strong> cuerda<br />
horn cord, rope<br />
<strong>la</strong> corne <strong>la</strong> corde<br />
il corno <strong>la</strong> corda<br />
<strong>la</strong> conexión, el en<strong>la</strong>ce, <strong>la</strong> correspondencia <strong>la</strong> correspondencia<br />
connection correspondence<br />
<strong>la</strong> correspondance, <strong>la</strong> liaison <strong>la</strong> correspondance<br />
il collegamento, <strong>la</strong> coincidenza <strong>la</strong> corrispondenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> costil<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> costa<br />
rib coast<br />
<strong>la</strong> côte <strong>la</strong> côte<br />
<strong>la</strong> costo<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> costa<br />
el estrato <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>uleta, <strong>la</strong> costeleta (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong>yer <strong>ch</strong>op, cutlet<br />
<strong>la</strong> cou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> côtelette<br />
lo strato <strong>la</strong> costoletta
el color el pañal<br />
colour (br.), color (am.) nappy (br.), diaper (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> couleur le <strong>la</strong>nge<br />
il colore il pannolino<br />
<strong>la</strong> cúpu<strong>la</strong> el corte<br />
dome cut, section, serration<br />
<strong>la</strong> coupole, le dôme <strong>la</strong> coupe<br />
<strong>la</strong> cupo<strong>la</strong> il taglio<br />
<strong>la</strong> corona el patio<br />
crown yard, court, patio, courtyard<br />
<strong>la</strong> couronne <strong>la</strong> cour<br />
<strong>la</strong> corona il corte, il cortile<br />
<strong>la</strong> carrera <strong>la</strong> correa de transmisión<br />
race driving belt<br />
<strong>la</strong> course <strong>la</strong> courroie de transmission<br />
<strong>la</strong> corsa <strong>la</strong> cinghia di trasmissione<br />
<strong>la</strong> costumbre <strong>la</strong> prima<br />
custom, convention cousin<br />
<strong>la</strong> coutume <strong>la</strong> cousine<br />
il costume <strong>la</strong> cugina
<strong>la</strong> manta <strong>la</strong> costura<br />
cover, b<strong>la</strong>nket seam, join<br />
<strong>la</strong> couverture <strong>la</strong> couture<br />
<strong>la</strong> coperta <strong>la</strong> cucitura<br />
el espasmo el mantel, <strong>la</strong> sobremesa<br />
cramp, spasm tablecloth<br />
<strong>la</strong> crampe <strong>la</strong> nappe<br />
il crampo <strong>la</strong> tovaglia<br />
<strong>la</strong> crema <strong>la</strong> corbata<br />
cream tie<br />
<strong>la</strong> crème <strong>la</strong> cravate<br />
<strong>la</strong> panna <strong>la</strong> cravatta<br />
<strong>la</strong> nata montada <strong>la</strong> crema<br />
whipped cream cream<br />
<strong>la</strong> crème <strong>ch</strong>antilly <strong>la</strong> crème<br />
<strong>la</strong> panna montata <strong>la</strong> crema<br />
<strong>la</strong> crisis <strong>la</strong> criminalidad<br />
crisis crime rate<br />
<strong>la</strong> crise <strong>la</strong> criminalité<br />
<strong>la</strong> crisi <strong>la</strong> criminalità
<strong>la</strong> cruzada <strong>la</strong> crítica<br />
crusade criticism<br />
<strong>la</strong> croisade <strong>la</strong> criti<strong>que</strong><br />
l'incrocio (m.) <strong>la</strong> critica<br />
<strong>la</strong> costra <strong>la</strong> cruz<br />
crust cross<br />
<strong>la</strong> croûte <strong>la</strong> croix<br />
<strong>la</strong> crosta <strong>la</strong> croce<br />
<strong>la</strong> cu<strong>ch</strong>ara <strong>la</strong> jarra<br />
spoon jar, jug, mug<br />
<strong>la</strong> cuillère <strong>la</strong> cru<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il cuc<strong>ch</strong>iaio <strong>la</strong> brocca<br />
<strong>la</strong> culpa <strong>la</strong> cocina<br />
guilt, b<strong>la</strong>me kit<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>n<br />
<strong>la</strong> culpabilité <strong>la</strong> cuisine<br />
<strong>la</strong> colpa <strong>la</strong> cucina<br />
<strong>la</strong> agricultura <strong>la</strong> cultura<br />
til<strong>la</strong>ge, tilth culture<br />
<strong>la</strong> culture arable <strong>la</strong> culture<br />
le colture arabili <strong>la</strong> cultura
<strong>la</strong> curiosidad <strong>la</strong> cura<br />
curiosity cure<br />
<strong>la</strong> curiosité <strong>la</strong> cure<br />
<strong>la</strong> curiosità <strong>la</strong> cura<br />
<strong>la</strong> fe<strong>ch</strong>a <strong>la</strong> señora<br />
date <strong>la</strong>dy, madam<br />
<strong>la</strong> date <strong>la</strong> dame<br />
<strong>la</strong> data <strong>la</strong> signora<br />
<strong>la</strong> decisión <strong>la</strong> rotura<br />
decision rip, rupture<br />
<strong>la</strong> décision <strong>la</strong> fissure, <strong>la</strong> crevasse, <strong>la</strong> dé<strong>ch</strong>irure<br />
<strong>la</strong> decisione lo strappo<br />
el descubrimiento <strong>la</strong> dec<strong>la</strong>ración de impuestos<br />
discovery tax return, tax dec<strong>la</strong>ration<br />
<strong>la</strong> découverte <strong>la</strong> déc<strong>la</strong>ration d'impôts<br />
<strong>la</strong> scoperta <strong>la</strong> di<strong>ch</strong>iarazione dei redditi<br />
<strong>la</strong> derrota <strong>la</strong> deducción<br />
defeat deduction, discount<br />
<strong>la</strong> défaite <strong>la</strong> déduction<br />
<strong>la</strong> sconfitta <strong>la</strong> trattenuta
<strong>la</strong> definición <strong>la</strong> defensa<br />
definition defence (br.), defense (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> définition <strong>la</strong> défense<br />
<strong>la</strong> definizione <strong>la</strong> difesa<br />
<strong>la</strong> pregunta <strong>la</strong> demanda<br />
demand re<strong>que</strong>st<br />
<strong>la</strong> demande <strong>la</strong> demande<br />
<strong>la</strong> domanda <strong>la</strong> ri<strong>ch</strong>iesta, <strong>la</strong> domanda<br />
<strong>la</strong> solicitud <strong>la</strong> demanda de empleo<br />
re<strong>que</strong>st, c<strong>la</strong>im application for a job, job application<br />
<strong>la</strong> demande, <strong>la</strong> motion, <strong>la</strong> requête <strong>la</strong> demande d'emploi<br />
<strong>la</strong> ri<strong>ch</strong>iesta, <strong>la</strong> petizione <strong>la</strong> domanda d'impiego<br />
<strong>la</strong> dimisión el picor<br />
resignation it<strong>ch</strong>, it<strong>ch</strong>ing<br />
<strong>la</strong> démission <strong>la</strong> démangeaison<br />
le dimissioni il prurito<br />
<strong>la</strong> señorita <strong>la</strong> democracia<br />
miss<br />
democracy<br />
<strong>la</strong> demoiselle <strong>la</strong> démocratie<br />
<strong>la</strong> signorina <strong>la</strong> democrazia
<strong>la</strong> dentadura el diente<br />
teeth, denture (art.) tooth<br />
<strong>la</strong> denture <strong>la</strong> dent<br />
<strong>la</strong> dentatura il dente<br />
<strong>la</strong> destinación <strong>la</strong> bajada<br />
destination descent, way down<br />
<strong>la</strong> destination <strong>la</strong> descente<br />
<strong>la</strong> destinazione <strong>la</strong> discesa<br />
<strong>la</strong> devaluación <strong>la</strong> deuda<br />
devaluation debt<br />
<strong>la</strong> dévalorisation <strong>la</strong> dette<br />
<strong>la</strong> svalutazione il debito<br />
<strong>la</strong> adivinanza, el enigma <strong>la</strong> desviación<br />
mistery, riddle diversion, detour<br />
<strong>la</strong> devinette <strong>la</strong> déviation<br />
l'indovinello (m.) <strong>la</strong> deviazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> diarrea <strong>la</strong> lema<br />
diarrhea motto, mottoe<br />
<strong>la</strong> diarrhée <strong>la</strong> devise<br />
<strong>la</strong> diarrea <strong>la</strong> divisa
<strong>la</strong> diferencia <strong>la</strong> dictadura<br />
difference dictatorship<br />
<strong>la</strong> différence <strong>la</strong> dictature<br />
<strong>la</strong> differenza <strong>la</strong> dittatura<br />
<strong>la</strong> transmisión <strong>la</strong> dificultad<br />
transmission difficulty<br />
<strong>la</strong> diffusion <strong>la</strong> difficulté<br />
<strong>la</strong> trasmissione <strong>la</strong> difficoltà<br />
<strong>la</strong> dignidad <strong>la</strong> digestión<br />
dignity digestion<br />
<strong>la</strong> dignité <strong>la</strong> digestion<br />
<strong>la</strong> dignità <strong>la</strong> digestione<br />
<strong>la</strong> dirección <strong>la</strong> dimensión<br />
direction, management dimension<br />
<strong>la</strong> direction <strong>la</strong> dimension<br />
<strong>la</strong> direzione <strong>la</strong> dimensione<br />
<strong>la</strong> disciplina <strong>la</strong> directiva<br />
discipline directive, guideline, policy<br />
<strong>la</strong> discipline <strong>la</strong> directive<br />
<strong>la</strong> disciplina <strong>la</strong> direttiva
<strong>la</strong> discusión <strong>la</strong> discoteca<br />
discussion discothe<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> discussion <strong>la</strong> discothè<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> discussione <strong>la</strong> discoteca<br />
<strong>la</strong> descalificación <strong>la</strong> disputa<br />
disqualification dispute<br />
<strong>la</strong> disqualification <strong>la</strong> dispute<br />
<strong>la</strong> squalifica <strong>la</strong> disputa<br />
<strong>la</strong> aduana <strong>la</strong> distancia<br />
customs office distance<br />
<strong>la</strong> douane <strong>la</strong> distance<br />
<strong>la</strong> dogana, l'ufficio doganale (m.) <strong>la</strong> distanza<br />
el dolor <strong>la</strong> du<strong>ch</strong>a<br />
pain, a<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> shower<br />
<strong>la</strong> douleur <strong>la</strong> dou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il dolore <strong>la</strong> doccia<br />
el drama <strong>la</strong> docena<br />
drama dozen<br />
<strong>la</strong> drame <strong>la</strong> douzaine<br />
il dramma <strong>la</strong> dozzina
<strong>la</strong> duración <strong>la</strong> droga<br />
duration drug<br />
<strong>la</strong> durée <strong>la</strong> drogue<br />
<strong>la</strong> durata <strong>la</strong> droga<br />
<strong>la</strong> vaporización <strong>la</strong> dinastía<br />
evaporation dynasty<br />
l'évaporation (f.) <strong>la</strong> dynastie<br />
<strong>la</strong> evaporazione <strong>la</strong> dinastia<br />
<strong>la</strong> fábu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> extensión<br />
fairytale, fable extension<br />
<strong>la</strong> fable l'extension (f.), l'expansion (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> favo<strong>la</strong> l'estensione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> cuenta <strong>la</strong> fa<strong>ch</strong>ada<br />
invoice, bill storefront, facade<br />
<strong>la</strong> facture <strong>la</strong> façade<br />
<strong>la</strong> fattura <strong>la</strong> facciata<br />
<strong>la</strong> quiebra <strong>la</strong> debolidad<br />
bankruptcy weakness<br />
<strong>la</strong> faillite <strong>la</strong> faiblesse<br />
il fallimento <strong>la</strong> debolezza
<strong>la</strong> falsificación el hambre (f.!)<br />
forgery, counterfeit hunger<br />
<strong>la</strong> falsification <strong>la</strong> faim<br />
<strong>la</strong> contraffazione <strong>la</strong> fame<br />
<strong>la</strong> hambruna <strong>la</strong> familia<br />
famine family<br />
<strong>la</strong> famine <strong>la</strong> famille<br />
<strong>la</strong> fame, <strong>la</strong> carestia <strong>la</strong> famiglia<br />
<strong>la</strong> fantasía <strong>la</strong> jactancia, <strong>la</strong> presunción<br />
fantasy boasting, bragging<br />
<strong>la</strong> fantasie <strong>la</strong> fanfaronnade, <strong>la</strong> jactance<br />
<strong>la</strong> fantasia <strong>la</strong> vanteria<br />
el cansancio <strong>la</strong> harina<br />
tiredness, fatigue flour<br />
<strong>la</strong> fatigue <strong>la</strong> farine<br />
<strong>la</strong> stan<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>zza <strong>la</strong> farina<br />
el favor <strong>la</strong> guadaña<br />
favour (br.), favor (am.) scythe<br />
<strong>la</strong> faveur <strong>la</strong> faux<br />
il favore <strong>la</strong> falce
<strong>la</strong> hembra <strong>la</strong> hada<br />
female fairy<br />
<strong>la</strong> femelle <strong>la</strong> fée<br />
<strong>la</strong> femmina <strong>la</strong> fata<br />
<strong>la</strong> ventana <strong>la</strong> mujer<br />
window woman<br />
<strong>la</strong> fenêtre <strong>la</strong> femme<br />
<strong>la</strong> finestra <strong>la</strong> donna<br />
<strong>la</strong> finca <strong>la</strong> hendidura<br />
farm gap, split<br />
<strong>la</strong> ferme <strong>la</strong> fente<br />
<strong>la</strong> fattoria <strong>la</strong> crepa, <strong>la</strong> fenditura, <strong>la</strong> fessura<br />
<strong>la</strong> fermentación <strong>la</strong> hazienda, <strong>la</strong> estancia<br />
fermentation farm<br />
<strong>la</strong> fermentation <strong>la</strong> ferme<br />
<strong>la</strong> fermentazione <strong>la</strong> fattoria<br />
<strong>la</strong> fiesta el cierre<br />
celebration, festival closure, lock<br />
<strong>la</strong> fête <strong>la</strong> fermeture<br />
<strong>la</strong> festa <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iusura
<strong>la</strong> hoja <strong>la</strong> hoja<br />
leaf sheet<br />
<strong>la</strong> feuille <strong>la</strong> feuille<br />
<strong>la</strong> foglia il foglio<br />
<strong>la</strong> prometida <strong>la</strong> novia<br />
fiancé bride<br />
<strong>la</strong> fiancée <strong>la</strong> mariée<br />
<strong>la</strong> fidanzata <strong>la</strong> sposa<br />
el bramante <strong>la</strong> fibra<br />
packthread, cord, string fibre (br.), fiber (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> ficelle <strong>la</strong> fibre<br />
lo spago <strong>la</strong> fibra<br />
<strong>la</strong> fidelidad el cordón<br />
fidelity cord, string, <strong>la</strong>nyard<br />
<strong>la</strong> fidélité <strong>la</strong> ficelle<br />
<strong>la</strong> fedeltà lo spago<br />
<strong>la</strong> fiebre el orgullo<br />
fever pride<br />
<strong>la</strong> fièvre <strong>la</strong> fierté<br />
<strong>la</strong> febbre l'orgoglio (m.)
<strong>la</strong> fi<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> figura<br />
<strong>que</strong>ue (br.), line (am.) figure<br />
<strong>la</strong> file <strong>la</strong> figure<br />
<strong>la</strong> fi<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> figura<br />
<strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>ma <strong>la</strong> hija<br />
f<strong>la</strong>me daugther<br />
<strong>la</strong> f<strong>la</strong>mme <strong>la</strong> fille<br />
<strong>la</strong> fiamma <strong>la</strong> figlia<br />
<strong>la</strong> fle<strong>ch</strong>a el <strong>ch</strong>arco<br />
arrow puddle<br />
<strong>la</strong> flè<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> f<strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> freccia <strong>la</strong> pozzanghera<br />
<strong>la</strong> flota <strong>la</strong> flor<br />
fleet flower<br />
<strong>la</strong> flotte <strong>la</strong> fleur<br />
<strong>la</strong> flotta il fiore<br />
<strong>la</strong> fe <strong>la</strong> f<strong>la</strong>uta<br />
belief, faith flute<br />
<strong>la</strong> foi <strong>la</strong> flûte<br />
<strong>la</strong> fede il f<strong>la</strong>uto
<strong>la</strong> feria el hígado<br />
fair, trade show liver<br />
<strong>la</strong> foire <strong>la</strong> foie<br />
<strong>la</strong> fiera il fegato<br />
<strong>la</strong> función <strong>la</strong> locura<br />
function insanity, madness<br />
<strong>la</strong> fonction <strong>la</strong> folie<br />
<strong>la</strong> funzione <strong>la</strong> pazzia<br />
<strong>la</strong> fuerza <strong>la</strong> fundación<br />
force, strength foundation<br />
<strong>la</strong> force <strong>la</strong> fondation<br />
<strong>la</strong> forza <strong>la</strong> fondazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> formalidad el bos<strong>que</strong>, <strong>la</strong> selva<br />
formality forest, wood<br />
<strong>la</strong> formalité <strong>la</strong> forêt, le bois<br />
<strong>la</strong> formalità il bosco, <strong>la</strong> foresta<br />
<strong>la</strong> fórmu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> forma<br />
formu<strong>la</strong> form, shape, trim<br />
<strong>la</strong> formule <strong>la</strong> forme<br />
<strong>la</strong> formu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> forma
<strong>la</strong> fortuna, <strong>la</strong> suerte <strong>la</strong> fortaleza<br />
fortune, luck fortress, stronghold<br />
<strong>la</strong> fortune <strong>la</strong> forteresse<br />
<strong>la</strong> fortuna <strong>la</strong> fortezza<br />
el tenedor <strong>la</strong> multitud, <strong>la</strong> mu<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>dumbre<br />
fork crowd<br />
<strong>la</strong> four<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tte <strong>la</strong> foule<br />
<strong>la</strong> for<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tta <strong>la</strong> fol<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> hormiga <strong>la</strong> furgoneta<br />
ant pickup car, delivery van<br />
<strong>la</strong> fourmi <strong>la</strong> fourgonette, <strong>la</strong> camionette<br />
<strong>la</strong> formica <strong>la</strong> camionetta<br />
<strong>la</strong> fresa el fresco<br />
strawberry coolness, freshness<br />
<strong>la</strong> fraise <strong>la</strong> fraî<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ur<br />
<strong>la</strong> frago<strong>la</strong> il fresco<br />
Francia <strong>la</strong> frambuesa<br />
France raspberry<br />
La France <strong>la</strong> framboise<br />
Francia il <strong>la</strong>mpone
el susto <strong>la</strong> fraude, el engaño, <strong>la</strong> estafa<br />
jolt, terror, shock <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>at, fraude<br />
<strong>la</strong> frayeur, le terreur <strong>la</strong> fraude<br />
lo spavento <strong>la</strong> frode<br />
<strong>la</strong> frontera <strong>la</strong> fricción<br />
frontier, boundary friction<br />
<strong>la</strong> frontière <strong>la</strong> friction<br />
<strong>la</strong> frontiera <strong>la</strong> frizione<br />
el humo <strong>la</strong> huida<br />
smoke flight, escape<br />
<strong>la</strong> fumée <strong>la</strong> fuite<br />
il fumo <strong>la</strong> fuga<br />
<strong>la</strong> fusión el cohete<br />
fusion rocket, missile<br />
<strong>la</strong> fusion <strong>la</strong> fusée<br />
<strong>la</strong> fusione il razzo<br />
<strong>la</strong> garantía <strong>la</strong> alegría<br />
guarantee, warranty <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>erfulness<br />
<strong>la</strong> garantie <strong>la</strong> gaieté<br />
<strong>la</strong> garanzia <strong>la</strong> allegria
<strong>la</strong> estación central <strong>la</strong> guardia<br />
main station guard, sentry, sentinel<br />
<strong>la</strong> gare centrale <strong>la</strong> garde<br />
<strong>la</strong> stazione centrale <strong>la</strong> guardia<br />
<strong>la</strong> guarnición el agregado<br />
supplement enclosure, inset<br />
<strong>la</strong> garniture l'ajout (m.)<br />
il contorno, i contorni l'allegato<br />
<strong>la</strong> generación <strong>la</strong> he<strong>la</strong>da<br />
generation frost<br />
<strong>la</strong> génération <strong>la</strong> gelée<br />
<strong>la</strong> generazione il gelo<br />
<strong>la</strong> bofetada <strong>la</strong> geografía<br />
s<strong>la</strong>p in the face geography<br />
<strong>la</strong> gifle <strong>la</strong> géographie<br />
lo s<strong>ch</strong>iaffo <strong>la</strong> geografia<br />
<strong>la</strong> ventanil<strong>la</strong> (co<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, ...) el he<strong>la</strong>do<br />
window ice cream<br />
<strong>la</strong> g<strong>la</strong>ce (voiture) <strong>la</strong> g<strong>la</strong>ce<br />
il finestrino il ge<strong>la</strong>to
<strong>la</strong> goma <strong>la</strong> gloria<br />
rubber (br.), eraser (am.) fame, glory<br />
<strong>la</strong> gomme <strong>la</strong> gloire<br />
<strong>la</strong> gomma <strong>la</strong> gloria<br />
el trago <strong>la</strong> garganta<br />
gulp, slug throat, gorge<br />
<strong>la</strong> gorgée <strong>la</strong> gorge<br />
il sorso <strong>la</strong> go<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> gota <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aveta<br />
drop split pin<br />
<strong>la</strong> goutte <strong>la</strong> goupille<br />
<strong>la</strong> goccia <strong>la</strong> copiglia, <strong>la</strong> bietta<br />
<strong>la</strong> grasa <strong>la</strong> gracia<br />
fat grace, mercy<br />
<strong>la</strong> graisse <strong>la</strong> grâce<br />
il grasso <strong>la</strong> grazia<br />
Gran Bretaña <strong>la</strong> gramática<br />
Great Britain grammar<br />
La Grande-Bretagne <strong>la</strong> grammaire<br />
Gran Bretagna <strong>la</strong> grammatica
<strong>la</strong> abue<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> grandeza<br />
grandmother size<br />
<strong>la</strong> grand-mère <strong>la</strong> grandeur<br />
<strong>la</strong> nonna <strong>la</strong> grandezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> gratitud el granero, el pajar<br />
gratitude, thankfulness barn<br />
<strong>la</strong> gratitude, <strong>la</strong> reconnaissance <strong>la</strong> grange<br />
<strong>la</strong> gratitudine il granaio<br />
<strong>la</strong> rana el granizo<br />
frog hail, volley<br />
<strong>la</strong> grenouille <strong>la</strong> grêle<br />
<strong>la</strong> rana <strong>la</strong> grandine<br />
<strong>la</strong> reja <strong>la</strong> huelga<br />
grid, <strong>la</strong>ttice strike<br />
<strong>la</strong> grille <strong>la</strong> grève<br />
l'inferriata (f.) lo sciopero<br />
<strong>la</strong> gripe <strong>la</strong> mueca<br />
influenza, flu grimace<br />
<strong>la</strong> grippe <strong>la</strong> grimace<br />
l'influenza (f.) <strong>la</strong> smorfia
<strong>la</strong> cueva el embarazo<br />
grotto, cave pregnancy<br />
<strong>la</strong> grotte <strong>la</strong> grossesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> grotta <strong>la</strong> gravidanza<br />
<strong>la</strong> avispa <strong>la</strong> grúa<br />
wasp crane<br />
<strong>la</strong> guêpe <strong>la</strong> grue<br />
<strong>la</strong> vespa <strong>la</strong> gru<br />
<strong>la</strong> guirnalda <strong>la</strong> guerra<br />
gar<strong>la</strong>nd, festoon<br />
war<br />
<strong>la</strong> guir<strong>la</strong>nde <strong>la</strong> guerre<br />
<strong>la</strong> ghir<strong>la</strong>nda <strong>la</strong> guerra<br />
<strong>la</strong> gimnasia <strong>la</strong> guitarra<br />
gymnastics guitar<br />
<strong>la</strong> gymnasti<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> guitare<br />
<strong>la</strong> ginnastica <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>itarra<br />
el trineo el odio<br />
sledge, sleigh hate, hatred<br />
<strong>la</strong> luge, le traîneau <strong>la</strong> haine<br />
<strong>la</strong> slitta il odio
<strong>la</strong> entrevista <strong>la</strong> humedad<br />
interview humidity, dampness<br />
l'interview (f.) <strong>la</strong> humidité<br />
l'intervista (f.) l'umidità<br />
los celos <strong>la</strong> envidia<br />
jealousy envy, jealousy<br />
<strong>la</strong> jalousie l'envie (f.), <strong>la</strong> jalousie<br />
<strong>la</strong> gelosia l'invidia<br />
<strong>la</strong> mu<strong>ch</strong>a<strong>ch</strong>a <strong>la</strong> pierna<br />
girl<br />
leg<br />
<strong>la</strong> jeune fille <strong>la</strong> jambe<br />
<strong>la</strong> ragazza <strong>la</strong> gamba<br />
<strong>la</strong> alegría <strong>la</strong> juventud<br />
joy, pleasure youth<br />
<strong>la</strong> joie <strong>la</strong> jeunesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> gioia <strong>la</strong> gioventù<br />
<strong>la</strong> yegua <strong>la</strong> mejil<strong>la</strong><br />
mare <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ek<br />
<strong>la</strong> jument, <strong>la</strong> cavale <strong>la</strong> joue<br />
<strong>la</strong> caval<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> guancia
<strong>la</strong> justicia <strong>la</strong> falda<br />
justice skirt<br />
<strong>la</strong> justice <strong>la</strong> jupe<br />
<strong>la</strong> giustizia <strong>la</strong> gonna<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>na <strong>la</strong> fealdad<br />
wool ugliness<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ine <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ideur<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>na <strong>la</strong> bruttezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> le<strong>ch</strong>uga <strong>la</strong> le<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ría<br />
lettuce dairy<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>itue <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>iterie<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ttuga <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>tteria<br />
<strong>la</strong> lám<strong>para</strong> <strong>la</strong> hoja<br />
<strong>la</strong>mp b<strong>la</strong>de<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>mpe <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>me<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>mpada <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ma<br />
el idioma (m.), <strong>la</strong> lengua, el lenguaje <strong>la</strong> linterna de bolsillio<br />
<strong>la</strong>nguage pocket <strong>la</strong>mp, f<strong>la</strong>shlight (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ngue <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>mpe de po<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> lingua <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>mpadina tascabile
<strong>la</strong> linterna <strong>la</strong> lengua extranjera<br />
<strong>la</strong>ntern foreign <strong>la</strong>nguage<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>nterne <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ngue étrangère<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>nterna <strong>la</strong> lingua straniera<br />
<strong>la</strong> lágrima el an<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
tear width<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>rme <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>rgeur<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>crima <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>rghezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> lección el listón<br />
lesson <strong>la</strong>th<br />
<strong>la</strong> leçon <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>tte<br />
<strong>la</strong> lezione l'assicel<strong>la</strong> (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> carta <strong>la</strong> leyenda<br />
letter<br />
legend<br />
<strong>la</strong> lettre <strong>la</strong> légende<br />
<strong>la</strong> lettera <strong>la</strong> leggenda<br />
el <strong>la</strong>bio <strong>la</strong> letra<br />
lip <strong>ch</strong>aracter, letter<br />
<strong>la</strong> lèvre <strong>la</strong> lettre, le caractère<br />
il <strong>la</strong>bbro <strong>la</strong> lettera
<strong>la</strong> librería <strong>la</strong> libertad<br />
bookshop freedom<br />
<strong>la</strong> librairie <strong>la</strong> liberté<br />
<strong>la</strong> libreria <strong>la</strong> libertà<br />
<strong>la</strong> línea <strong>la</strong> licencia<br />
line licence<br />
<strong>la</strong> ligne <strong>la</strong> licence<br />
<strong>la</strong> linea <strong>la</strong> licenza<br />
el límite <strong>la</strong> lima<br />
limit file<br />
<strong>la</strong> limite <strong>la</strong> lime<br />
il limite <strong>la</strong> lima<br />
<strong>la</strong> lista <strong>la</strong> limonada<br />
list lemonade, fizzy drink<br />
<strong>la</strong> liste <strong>la</strong> limonade<br />
<strong>la</strong> lista <strong>la</strong> limonata<br />
<strong>la</strong> entrega <strong>la</strong> literatura<br />
delivery literature<br />
<strong>la</strong> livraison <strong>la</strong> littérature<br />
<strong>la</strong> consegna <strong>la</strong> letteratura
el giro <strong>la</strong> libra<br />
idiom, phrase pound<br />
<strong>la</strong> locution <strong>la</strong> livre<br />
<strong>la</strong> locuzione <strong>la</strong> libbra<br />
el <strong>la</strong>rgo <strong>la</strong> ley<br />
length <strong>la</strong>w<br />
<strong>la</strong> longueur <strong>la</strong> loi<br />
<strong>la</strong> lunghezza <strong>la</strong> legge<br />
el elogio, <strong>la</strong> a<strong>la</strong>banza <strong>la</strong> lotería<br />
praise lottery<br />
les louanges (f.) <strong>la</strong> loterie<br />
<strong>la</strong> lode <strong>la</strong> lotteria<br />
<strong>la</strong> luz <strong>la</strong> lealtad<br />
light loyalty<br />
<strong>la</strong> lumière <strong>la</strong> loyauté<br />
<strong>la</strong> luce <strong>la</strong> lealtà<br />
<strong>la</strong> luna de miel <strong>la</strong> luna<br />
honeymoon moon<br />
les lunes de miel <strong>la</strong> lune<br />
<strong>la</strong> luna di miele <strong>la</strong> luna
<strong>la</strong> máquina <strong>la</strong> dislocación<br />
ma<strong>ch</strong>ine luxation, dislocation<br />
<strong>la</strong> ma<strong>ch</strong>ine <strong>la</strong> luxation<br />
<strong>la</strong> mac<strong>ch</strong>ina <strong>la</strong> lussazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> máquina de coser <strong>la</strong> máquina calcu<strong>la</strong>dora<br />
sewing ma<strong>ch</strong>ine calcu<strong>la</strong>tor<br />
<strong>la</strong> ma<strong>ch</strong>ine à coudre <strong>la</strong> ma<strong>ch</strong>ine à calculer<br />
<strong>la</strong> mac<strong>ch</strong>ina da cucire <strong>la</strong> calco<strong>la</strong>trice<br />
<strong>la</strong> mano (f.) <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>vadora<br />
hand washing ma<strong>ch</strong>ine<br />
<strong>la</strong> main <strong>la</strong> ma<strong>ch</strong>ine à <strong>la</strong>ver<br />
<strong>la</strong> mano (f.) <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>vatrice<br />
<strong>la</strong> editorial <strong>la</strong> casa<br />
publisher, publishing house house<br />
<strong>la</strong> maison d'éditions, éditions <strong>la</strong> maison<br />
<strong>la</strong> casa editrice <strong>la</strong> casa<br />
<strong>la</strong> mayúscu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> mayoría<br />
capital letter majority<br />
<strong>la</strong> majuscule <strong>la</strong> majorité<br />
<strong>la</strong> maiusco<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> maggioranza
<strong>la</strong> torpeza <strong>la</strong> enfermedad<br />
clumsiness disease, illness, sickness<br />
<strong>la</strong> ma<strong>la</strong>dresse, <strong>la</strong> gau<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>rie <strong>la</strong> ma<strong>la</strong>die<br />
il malgarbo <strong>la</strong> ma<strong>la</strong>ttia<br />
<strong>la</strong> maldición <strong>la</strong> ma<strong>la</strong> suerte, <strong>la</strong> desgracia<br />
curse, oath misfortune, bad luck<br />
<strong>la</strong> malédiction <strong>la</strong> mal<strong>ch</strong>ance<br />
<strong>la</strong> maledizione <strong>la</strong> sfortuna, <strong>la</strong> disgrazia<br />
<strong>la</strong> manga <strong>la</strong> deformación<br />
sleeve deformity<br />
<strong>la</strong> man<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> malformation<br />
<strong>la</strong> manica <strong>la</strong> malformazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> manifestación <strong>la</strong> mandarina<br />
demonstration, manifestation mandarin, tangerine<br />
<strong>la</strong> manifestation <strong>la</strong> mandarine<br />
<strong>la</strong> manifestazione il mandarino<br />
<strong>la</strong> maniobra <strong>la</strong> manive<strong>la</strong><br />
manoeuvre crank, handle<br />
<strong>la</strong> manoeuvre <strong>la</strong> manivelle<br />
<strong>la</strong> manovra <strong>la</strong> manovel<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> mercancía el ático<br />
ware, commodity, goods attic, attic floor<br />
<strong>la</strong> mar<strong>ch</strong>andise <strong>la</strong> mansarde<br />
<strong>la</strong> merce il so<strong>la</strong>io<br />
el escalón <strong>la</strong> mar<strong>ch</strong>a<br />
step, level mar<strong>ch</strong>, walk<br />
<strong>la</strong> mar<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> mar<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il gradino <strong>la</strong> marcia<br />
el escalón <strong>la</strong> mar<strong>ch</strong>a atrás<br />
pace, step reverse gear<br />
<strong>la</strong> mar<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, l'é<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>lon (m.) <strong>la</strong> mar<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> arrière<br />
lo scalino <strong>la</strong> retromarcia<br />
el margen <strong>la</strong> marea alta<br />
margin high tide<br />
<strong>la</strong> marge <strong>la</strong> marée haute<br />
il margine l'alta marea (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> marioneta <strong>la</strong> marina<br />
marionette, puppet navy<br />
<strong>la</strong> marionette <strong>la</strong> marine<br />
<strong>la</strong> marionetta <strong>la</strong> marina
<strong>la</strong> marca <strong>la</strong> ol<strong>la</strong>, <strong>la</strong> cacero<strong>la</strong>, <strong>la</strong> marmita<br />
brand cooking pot<br />
<strong>la</strong> mar<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> marmite<br />
<strong>la</strong> marca <strong>la</strong> pento<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> asignatura <strong>la</strong> masa<br />
subject<br />
mass<br />
<strong>la</strong> matière <strong>la</strong> masse<br />
<strong>la</strong> disciplina <strong>la</strong> massa<br />
<strong>la</strong> materia prima <strong>la</strong> materia<br />
raw material<br />
matter<br />
<strong>la</strong> matière première <strong>la</strong> matière<br />
<strong>la</strong> materia prima <strong>la</strong> materia<br />
<strong>la</strong> malicia <strong>la</strong> madurez<br />
malice ripeness, maturity<br />
<strong>la</strong> mé<strong>ch</strong>anceté <strong>la</strong> maturité<br />
<strong>la</strong> malignità <strong>la</strong> maturità<br />
<strong>la</strong> medal<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> bajeza<br />
medal nastiness, vil<strong>la</strong>iny<br />
<strong>la</strong> médaille <strong>la</strong> mé<strong>ch</strong>anceté, <strong>la</strong> va<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>rie<br />
<strong>la</strong> medaglia <strong>la</strong> perfidia
el mediterráneo <strong>la</strong> medicina<br />
Mediterranean Sea medicine<br />
<strong>la</strong> Méditerranée <strong>la</strong> médicine, le remède<br />
il Mediterraneo <strong>la</strong> medicina, il farmaco<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelea <strong>la</strong> medusa<br />
melee, brawl jellyfish<br />
<strong>la</strong> mêlée <strong>la</strong> méduse<br />
<strong>la</strong> zuffa <strong>la</strong> medusa<br />
<strong>la</strong> memoria <strong>la</strong> melodía<br />
memory melody<br />
<strong>la</strong> mémoire <strong>la</strong> mélodie<br />
<strong>la</strong> memoria <strong>la</strong> melodia<br />
<strong>la</strong> mentalidad el ama de casa (f.!)<br />
mentality housewife<br />
<strong>la</strong> mentalité <strong>la</strong> ménagère<br />
<strong>la</strong> mentalità <strong>la</strong> casalinga<br />
<strong>la</strong> equivocación <strong>la</strong> menta<br />
oversight, slip, mishap peppermint<br />
<strong>la</strong> méprise <strong>la</strong> menthe<br />
<strong>la</strong> svista <strong>la</strong> menta
<strong>la</strong> madre el mar<br />
mother sea, ocean<br />
<strong>la</strong> mère <strong>la</strong> mer<br />
<strong>la</strong> madre il mare<br />
<strong>la</strong> medida de precaución <strong>la</strong> medida<br />
precaution measure<br />
<strong>la</strong> mésure de précaution <strong>la</strong> mesure<br />
<strong>la</strong> misura precauzionale <strong>la</strong> misura<br />
el método el pronóstico del tiempo<br />
method weather forecast, weather report<br />
<strong>la</strong> méthode <strong>la</strong> météo<br />
il metodo le previsioni del tempo<br />
<strong>la</strong> mina <strong>la</strong> migaja<br />
mine crumb<br />
<strong>la</strong> mine <strong>la</strong> miette<br />
<strong>la</strong> mina <strong>la</strong> bricio<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> minúscu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> minoría<br />
small letter, lower-case <strong>ch</strong>aracter minority<br />
<strong>la</strong> minuscule <strong>la</strong> minorité<br />
<strong>la</strong> minusco<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> minoranza
<strong>la</strong> miseria el minuto<br />
misery, ca<strong>la</strong>mity minute<br />
<strong>la</strong> misère <strong>la</strong> minute<br />
<strong>la</strong> miseria il minuto<br />
<strong>la</strong> moda el encargo<br />
fashion order, assignment<br />
<strong>la</strong> mode <strong>la</strong> mission<br />
<strong>la</strong> moda l'incarico (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> mitad <strong>la</strong> segadora-tril<strong>la</strong>dora<br />
half<br />
combine harvester<br />
<strong>la</strong> moitié <strong>la</strong> moissonneuse-batteuse<br />
<strong>la</strong> metà <strong>la</strong> mietitrebbiatrice<br />
<strong>la</strong> vuelta (esp.), el vuelto (am.) <strong>la</strong> calderil<strong>la</strong>, el suelto<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ange <strong>ch</strong>ange<br />
<strong>la</strong> monnaie <strong>la</strong> monnaie<br />
<strong>la</strong> spiccio<strong>la</strong> gli spiccioli<br />
<strong>la</strong> montaña <strong>la</strong> moneda<br />
mountain currency<br />
<strong>la</strong> montagne <strong>la</strong> monnaie<br />
<strong>la</strong> montagna <strong>la</strong> valuta
el reloj <strong>la</strong> subida, <strong>la</strong> ascensión<br />
wat<strong>ch</strong>, clock ascent, way up<br />
<strong>la</strong> montre <strong>la</strong> montée<br />
l'orologio (m.) <strong>la</strong> salita<br />
<strong>la</strong> marea baja <strong>la</strong> moral<br />
low tide, ebb tide morale, morals<br />
<strong>la</strong> marée basse <strong>la</strong> morale<br />
<strong>la</strong> bassa marea <strong>la</strong> morale<br />
<strong>la</strong> muerte <strong>la</strong> mordedura<br />
death bite<br />
<strong>la</strong> mort <strong>la</strong> morsure<br />
<strong>la</strong> morte il morso<br />
<strong>la</strong> moto, <strong>la</strong> motocicleta el mosaico<br />
motorbike, motorcycle mosaic<br />
<strong>la</strong> moto <strong>la</strong> mosaï<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> motocicletta il mosaico<br />
el musgo <strong>la</strong> mosca<br />
moss fly<br />
<strong>la</strong> mousse <strong>la</strong> mou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il musco <strong>la</strong> mosca
<strong>la</strong> mostaza el bigote<br />
mustard whisker, musta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> moutarde <strong>la</strong> mousta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> senape i baffi<br />
<strong>la</strong> variedad el promedio<br />
diversity average<br />
<strong>la</strong> multiplicité, <strong>la</strong> diversité <strong>la</strong> moyenne<br />
<strong>la</strong> molteplicità <strong>la</strong> media<br />
<strong>la</strong> música <strong>la</strong> mora<br />
music b<strong>la</strong>ckberry<br />
<strong>la</strong> musi<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> mûre<br />
<strong>la</strong> musica <strong>la</strong> mora<br />
el cuento el nacimiento<br />
story, narrative birth<br />
<strong>la</strong> narration, le conte <strong>la</strong> naissance<br />
il racconto <strong>la</strong> nascita<br />
<strong>la</strong> nacionalidad <strong>la</strong> nación<br />
nationality, citizenship nation<br />
<strong>la</strong> nationalité <strong>la</strong> nation<br />
<strong>la</strong> nazionalità <strong>la</strong> nazione
<strong>la</strong>s náuseas <strong>la</strong> naturaleza<br />
nausea, qualm nature<br />
<strong>la</strong> nausée <strong>la</strong> nature<br />
<strong>la</strong> nausea <strong>la</strong> natura<br />
<strong>la</strong> nieve <strong>la</strong> necesidad<br />
snow necessity<br />
<strong>la</strong> neige <strong>la</strong> nécessité<br />
<strong>la</strong> neve <strong>la</strong> necessità<br />
<strong>la</strong> sobrina el ni<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
niece ni<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> nièce <strong>la</strong> ni<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> nipote <strong>la</strong> nic<strong>ch</strong>ia<br />
<strong>la</strong> avel<strong>la</strong>na <strong>la</strong> nobleza<br />
hazelnut nobility, aristocracy<br />
<strong>la</strong> noisette <strong>la</strong> noblesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> nocciuo<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> nobiltà<br />
<strong>la</strong> nota <strong>la</strong> norma<br />
note norm<br />
<strong>la</strong> note <strong>la</strong> norme<br />
l'appunto (m.) <strong>la</strong> norma
<strong>la</strong> novedad el alimento<br />
newness, novelty nourishment<br />
<strong>la</strong> nouveauté <strong>la</strong> nourriture<br />
<strong>la</strong> novità l'alimento (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> no<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> noticia<br />
night message<br />
<strong>la</strong> nuit <strong>la</strong> nouvelle<br />
<strong>la</strong> notte <strong>la</strong> notizia<br />
el algodón <strong>la</strong> nuca<br />
cotton wool neck<br />
<strong>la</strong> ouate <strong>la</strong> nu<strong>que</strong><br />
l'ovatta (f.) <strong>la</strong> nuca<br />
<strong>la</strong> página el oído<br />
page hearing<br />
<strong>la</strong> page <strong>la</strong> ouïe<br />
<strong>la</strong> pagina l'udito (m.)<br />
el par <strong>la</strong> paja<br />
pair straw<br />
<strong>la</strong> paire <strong>la</strong> paille<br />
il paio <strong>la</strong> paglia
el pánico <strong>la</strong> paz<br />
panic peace<br />
<strong>la</strong> pani<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> paix<br />
il panico <strong>la</strong> pace<br />
<strong>la</strong> papelería <strong>la</strong> avería<br />
stationery shop break down, mishap, glit<strong>ch</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> papeterie <strong>la</strong> panne<br />
<strong>la</strong> cartoleria <strong>la</strong> panna<br />
<strong>la</strong> parce<strong>la</strong> el desfile<br />
parcel, plot, lot <strong>para</strong>de<br />
<strong>la</strong> parcelle <strong>la</strong> <strong>para</strong>de, le défilé<br />
<strong>la</strong> parcel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>para</strong>ta<br />
<strong>la</strong> parroquia el paréntesis<br />
parish parenthesis, bracket<br />
<strong>la</strong> paroisse <strong>la</strong> parenthèse<br />
<strong>la</strong> parroc<strong>ch</strong>ia <strong>la</strong> parentesi<br />
el paso superior <strong>la</strong> pa<strong>la</strong>bra de honor<br />
crossover, overpass word of honour<br />
<strong>la</strong> passerelle <strong>la</strong> parole d'honneur<br />
<strong>la</strong> passerel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> paro<strong>la</strong> d'onore
<strong>la</strong> pasión <strong>la</strong> afición<br />
passion hobby<br />
<strong>la</strong> souffrance, <strong>la</strong> passion l'hobby, <strong>la</strong> passion<br />
<strong>la</strong> passione il hobby<br />
<strong>la</strong> paciencia el colgador<br />
patience coat hook<br />
<strong>la</strong> patience <strong>la</strong> patère<br />
<strong>la</strong> pazienza l'attaccapanni (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> patria <strong>la</strong> pastelería<br />
native country, father<strong>la</strong>nd cake shop, pastry shop<br />
<strong>la</strong> patrie <strong>la</strong> pâtisserie<br />
<strong>la</strong> patria <strong>la</strong> pasticceria<br />
<strong>la</strong> pausa <strong>la</strong> pata<br />
break, rest paw<br />
<strong>la</strong> pause <strong>la</strong> patte<br />
<strong>la</strong> pausa <strong>la</strong> zampa<br />
<strong>la</strong> piel <strong>la</strong> pobreza<br />
skin poverty<br />
<strong>la</strong> peau <strong>la</strong> pauvreté<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelle <strong>la</strong> povertà
el pedal el melcotón<br />
pedal pea<strong>ch</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> pédale <strong>la</strong> pê<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il pedale <strong>la</strong> pesca<br />
el cuadro <strong>la</strong> pena privativa<br />
painting prison sentence, custodial sentence<br />
le tableau, <strong>la</strong> peinture <strong>la</strong> peine de prison<br />
il quadro <strong>la</strong> pena detentiva<br />
<strong>la</strong> pa<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> pintura<br />
shovel painting<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelle <strong>la</strong> peinture<br />
<strong>la</strong> pa<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> pittura<br />
el césped el ovillo<br />
<strong>la</strong>wn, turf, grass ball, clew<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelouse <strong>la</strong> pelote<br />
il prato il gomitolo<br />
el pensamiento <strong>la</strong> penínsu<strong>la</strong><br />
thought peninsu<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> pensée <strong>la</strong> péninsule<br />
il pensiero <strong>la</strong> peniso<strong>la</strong>
el período <strong>la</strong> perforadora<br />
period drilling ma<strong>ch</strong>ine<br />
<strong>la</strong> période <strong>la</strong> perceuse<br />
il periodo il trapano<br />
<strong>la</strong> per<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> periferia<br />
pearl periphery<br />
<strong>la</strong> perle <strong>la</strong> périphérie<br />
<strong>la</strong> per<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> periferia<br />
<strong>la</strong> perseverancia el permiso<br />
endurance, persistence permission<br />
<strong>la</strong> persévérance <strong>la</strong> permission<br />
<strong>la</strong> perseveranza il permesso<br />
<strong>la</strong> persona <strong>la</strong> personalidad<br />
person personality<br />
<strong>la</strong> personne <strong>la</strong> personnalité<br />
<strong>la</strong> persona il personaggio, <strong>la</strong> personalità<br />
el interesado el conocido<br />
interested party, interested person acquaintance, friend<br />
<strong>la</strong> personne qui s'intéresse <strong>la</strong> personne de ma connaissance<br />
l'interessato (m.) il conoscente
<strong>la</strong> nieta <strong>la</strong> pérdida<br />
granddaughter loss<br />
<strong>la</strong> petite-fille <strong>la</strong> perte<br />
<strong>la</strong> nipote <strong>la</strong> perdita<br />
el miedo <strong>la</strong> ufanidad<br />
fear, angst wantonness, cockiness<br />
<strong>la</strong> peur <strong>la</strong> pétu<strong>la</strong>nce<br />
<strong>la</strong> paura <strong>la</strong> baldanza<br />
<strong>la</strong> fase <strong>la</strong> farmacia<br />
phase pharmacy, drugstore (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> phase <strong>la</strong> pharmacie<br />
<strong>la</strong> fase <strong>la</strong> farmacia<br />
<strong>la</strong> foto <strong>la</strong> filosofía<br />
photo, picture philosophy<br />
<strong>la</strong> photo <strong>la</strong> philosophie<br />
<strong>la</strong> fotografia <strong>la</strong> filosofia<br />
<strong>la</strong> frase <strong>la</strong> fotocopia<br />
sentence photocopy, copy<br />
<strong>la</strong> phrase <strong>la</strong> photocopie<br />
<strong>la</strong> frase <strong>la</strong> fotocopia
<strong>la</strong> pieza, el trozo, el pedazo <strong>la</strong> física<br />
piece physics<br />
<strong>la</strong> pièce <strong>la</strong> physi<strong>que</strong><br />
il pezzo <strong>la</strong> fisica<br />
el recambio <strong>la</strong> moneda<br />
rep<strong>la</strong>cement part, spare part coin<br />
<strong>la</strong> pièce de re<strong>ch</strong>ange <strong>la</strong> pièce de monnaie<br />
il ricambio <strong>la</strong> moneta<br />
<strong>la</strong> pi<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> piedra<br />
battery stone<br />
<strong>la</strong> pile <strong>la</strong> pierre, le caillou<br />
<strong>la</strong> pi<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> pietra<br />
el pico <strong>la</strong> píldora<br />
pick pill<br />
<strong>la</strong> pio<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> pilule<br />
il piccone <strong>la</strong> pillo<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> picadura de insecto <strong>la</strong> pica<br />
insect bite spit, spear<br />
<strong>la</strong> piqûre d'insecte <strong>la</strong> pi<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> puntura d'insetto lo spiedo
<strong>la</strong> piscina cubierta <strong>la</strong> piscina<br />
indoor pool swimming pool<br />
<strong>la</strong> piscine couverte <strong>la</strong> piscine<br />
<strong>la</strong> piscina coperta <strong>la</strong> piscina<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>za <strong>la</strong> piedad<br />
p<strong>la</strong>ce mercy, pity<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ce <strong>la</strong> pitié<br />
<strong>la</strong> piazza <strong>la</strong> pietà<br />
el l<strong>la</strong>no, <strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>nura <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ya<br />
p<strong>la</strong>in, level bea<strong>ch</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ine <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ge<br />
<strong>la</strong> pianura <strong>la</strong> spiaggia<br />
<strong>la</strong> tab<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> broma<br />
board, p<strong>la</strong>nk, shelf jest, spoof, joke<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>n<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>isanterie<br />
l'asse (f.) lo s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>rzo<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>nta <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>neta<br />
p<strong>la</strong>nt<br />
p<strong>la</strong>net<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>nte <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>nète<br />
<strong>la</strong> pianta il pianeta
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ca de matrícu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ca<br />
number p<strong>la</strong>te (br.), license p<strong>la</strong>te (am.) s<strong>la</strong>b, panel, f<strong>la</strong>g, tile<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong> d'immatricu<strong>la</strong>tion <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> targa <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>stra<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>taforma el letrero<br />
p<strong>la</strong>tform shield, sign<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>te-forme le panneau, <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> piattaforma l'insegna (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> lluvia el listón<br />
rain moulding (br.), molding (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> pluie <strong>la</strong> plinthe<br />
<strong>la</strong> pioggia il listello<br />
<strong>la</strong> mayor parte de <strong>la</strong> pluma<br />
greatest part of feather<br />
<strong>la</strong> plupart de <strong>la</strong> plume<br />
<strong>la</strong> maggior parte di <strong>la</strong> piuma<br />
el sartén <strong>la</strong> pulmonía<br />
pan pneumonia<br />
<strong>la</strong> poêle <strong>la</strong> pneumonie<br />
<strong>la</strong> padel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> polmonite
<strong>la</strong> empuñadura <strong>la</strong> poesía<br />
handle, handhold poem<br />
<strong>la</strong> poignée <strong>la</strong> poésie<br />
<strong>la</strong> maniglia <strong>la</strong> poesia<br />
<strong>la</strong> pera <strong>la</strong> punta<br />
pear peak<br />
<strong>la</strong> poire <strong>la</strong> pointe<br />
<strong>la</strong> pera <strong>la</strong> punta<br />
<strong>la</strong> policía el pe<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
police <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>st<br />
<strong>la</strong> police <strong>la</strong> poitrine<br />
<strong>la</strong> polizia il petto<br />
<strong>la</strong> pomada <strong>la</strong> política<br />
ointment politics<br />
<strong>la</strong> pommade <strong>la</strong> politi<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> pomata <strong>la</strong> politica<br />
<strong>la</strong> patata, <strong>la</strong> papa (am.) <strong>la</strong> manzana<br />
potato apple<br />
<strong>la</strong> pomme de terre <strong>la</strong> pomme<br />
<strong>la</strong> patata <strong>la</strong> me<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> pob<strong>la</strong>ción <strong>la</strong> bomba<br />
popu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
pump<br />
<strong>la</strong> popu<strong>la</strong>tion <strong>la</strong> pompe<br />
<strong>la</strong> popo<strong>la</strong>zione <strong>la</strong> pompa<br />
<strong>la</strong> puerta <strong>la</strong> porce<strong>la</strong>na<br />
door porce<strong>la</strong>in<br />
<strong>la</strong> porte <strong>la</strong> porce<strong>la</strong>ine<br />
<strong>la</strong> porta il porcel<strong>la</strong>na<br />
<strong>la</strong> posición <strong>la</strong> porción<br />
position portion, serving<br />
<strong>la</strong> position <strong>la</strong> portion<br />
<strong>la</strong> posizione <strong>la</strong> porzione<br />
<strong>la</strong> posibilidad <strong>la</strong> posesión<br />
possibility property, possession, holdings<br />
<strong>la</strong> possibilité <strong>la</strong> possession<br />
<strong>la</strong> possibilità il possesso<br />
el cubo de basura el correo<br />
trash bin, rubbish bin post, mail<br />
<strong>la</strong> poubelle <strong>la</strong> poste<br />
<strong>la</strong> pattumiera <strong>la</strong> posta
<strong>la</strong> gallina el polvo<br />
<strong>ch</strong>icken, poult, hen powder<br />
<strong>la</strong> poule <strong>la</strong> poudre<br />
<strong>la</strong> gallina <strong>la</strong> polvere<br />
<strong>la</strong> pudrición, <strong>la</strong> putrefacción <strong>la</strong> muñeca<br />
rottenness, putrefaction puppet, doll<br />
<strong>la</strong> pourriture, <strong>la</strong> putréfaction <strong>la</strong> poupée<br />
<strong>la</strong> putrefazione, il marciume <strong>la</strong> bambo<strong>la</strong><br />
el brote <strong>la</strong> persecución<br />
shoot, sprout pursuit, <strong>ch</strong>ase<br />
<strong>la</strong> pousse, le sarment <strong>la</strong> poursuite<br />
il germoglio, il sarmento <strong>la</strong> persecuzione<br />
<strong>la</strong> práctica <strong>la</strong> viga, el madero<br />
practice beam, timber<br />
<strong>la</strong> prati<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> poutre, <strong>la</strong> solive<br />
<strong>la</strong> pratica <strong>la</strong> trave<br />
<strong>la</strong> prescripción <strong>la</strong> preferencia<br />
regu<strong>la</strong>tion, prescription preference<br />
<strong>la</strong> prescription <strong>la</strong> préférence<br />
<strong>la</strong> prescrizione <strong>la</strong> preferenza
<strong>la</strong> presencia <strong>la</strong> precedencia<br />
presence, attendance precedence<br />
<strong>la</strong> présence <strong>la</strong> préséance<br />
<strong>la</strong> presenza <strong>la</strong> precedenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> prensa <strong>la</strong> presidencia<br />
press presidency<br />
<strong>la</strong> presse <strong>la</strong> présidence<br />
<strong>la</strong> pressa <strong>la</strong> presidenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> prueba <strong>la</strong> presión<br />
proof pressure<br />
<strong>la</strong> preuve <strong>la</strong> pression<br />
<strong>la</strong> prova <strong>la</strong> pressione<br />
<strong>la</strong> oración <strong>la</strong> previsión<br />
prayer prediction, forecast<br />
<strong>la</strong> prière <strong>la</strong> prévision<br />
<strong>la</strong> preghiera <strong>la</strong> previsione<br />
<strong>la</strong> princesa el premio<br />
princess prize, reward<br />
<strong>la</strong> princesse <strong>la</strong> prime<br />
<strong>la</strong> principessa il premio
el en<strong>ch</strong>ufe <strong>la</strong> primacía<br />
socket, jack priority, primacy<br />
<strong>la</strong> prise de courant <strong>la</strong> priorité<br />
<strong>la</strong> presa di corrente il primato<br />
<strong>la</strong> productividad <strong>la</strong> producción<br />
productivity production<br />
<strong>la</strong> productivité <strong>la</strong> production<br />
<strong>la</strong> produttività <strong>la</strong> produzione<br />
<strong>la</strong> profundidad <strong>la</strong> profesión<br />
depth profession, job<br />
<strong>la</strong> profondeur <strong>la</strong> profession<br />
<strong>la</strong> profondità <strong>la</strong> professione<br />
el paseo <strong>la</strong> presa<br />
walk, stroll booty, prey<br />
<strong>la</strong> promenade <strong>la</strong> proie<br />
<strong>la</strong> passeggiata <strong>la</strong> preda<br />
<strong>la</strong> pronunciación <strong>la</strong> promesa<br />
pronunciation promise<br />
<strong>la</strong> prononciation <strong>la</strong> promesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> pronuncia <strong>la</strong> promessa
<strong>la</strong> proporción <strong>la</strong> propaganda<br />
proportion propaganda<br />
<strong>la</strong> proportion <strong>la</strong> propagande<br />
<strong>la</strong> proporzione <strong>la</strong> propaganda<br />
<strong>la</strong> propiedad <strong>la</strong> propuesta<br />
property, belonging suggestion, proposal, proposition<br />
<strong>la</strong> propriété <strong>la</strong> proposition<br />
<strong>la</strong> proprietà <strong>la</strong> proposta<br />
<strong>la</strong> protección el bienestar<br />
protection wealth, prosperity<br />
<strong>la</strong> protection <strong>la</strong> prospérité<br />
<strong>la</strong> protezione il benessere<br />
<strong>la</strong> protesta <strong>la</strong> protección del medio ambiente<br />
protest environmental protection<br />
<strong>la</strong> protestation <strong>la</strong> protection de l'environnement<br />
<strong>la</strong> protesta <strong>la</strong> protezione dell'ambiente<br />
el cuidado <strong>la</strong> provincia<br />
care province<br />
<strong>la</strong> prudence <strong>la</strong> province<br />
<strong>la</strong> precauzione, <strong>la</strong> caute<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> provincia
el hedor <strong>la</strong> cirue<strong>la</strong><br />
sten<strong>ch</strong>, reek plum<br />
<strong>la</strong> puanteur <strong>la</strong> prune<br />
il puzzo <strong>la</strong> prugna, <strong>la</strong> susina<br />
<strong>la</strong> publicación <strong>la</strong> pubertad<br />
publication puberty<br />
<strong>la</strong> publication <strong>la</strong> puberté<br />
<strong>la</strong> pubblicazione <strong>la</strong> pubertà<br />
<strong>la</strong> potencia <strong>la</strong> publicidad<br />
potency advertising<br />
<strong>la</strong> puissance <strong>la</strong> publicité<br />
<strong>la</strong> potenza <strong>la</strong> pubblicità<br />
el castigo el potencial<br />
punishment, penalty potential<br />
<strong>la</strong> punition le potentiel<br />
<strong>la</strong> punizione il potenziale<br />
el grano <strong>la</strong> pena<br />
pimple, hickey trouble, hassle<br />
<strong>la</strong> pustule <strong>la</strong> peine<br />
<strong>la</strong> pustoletta <strong>la</strong> pena
<strong>la</strong> cantidad <strong>la</strong> calidad<br />
quantity quality<br />
<strong>la</strong> quantité <strong>la</strong> qualité<br />
<strong>la</strong> quantità <strong>la</strong> qualità<br />
<strong>la</strong> co<strong>la</strong>, el rabo <strong>la</strong> cuestión<br />
tail <strong>que</strong>stion<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>que</strong>ue <strong>la</strong> <strong>que</strong>stion<br />
<strong>la</strong> coda <strong>la</strong> <strong>que</strong>stione<br />
<strong>la</strong> raza el recibo<br />
race receipt, quittance<br />
<strong>la</strong> race <strong>la</strong> quittance, le reçu<br />
<strong>la</strong> razza <strong>la</strong> ricevuta<br />
<strong>la</strong> radio (esp.), el radio (am.) <strong>la</strong> raíz<br />
radio root<br />
<strong>la</strong> radio <strong>la</strong> racine<br />
<strong>la</strong> radio <strong>la</strong> radice<br />
<strong>la</strong> ráfaga de viento <strong>la</strong> radiografía<br />
b<strong>la</strong>st, gust x-ray picture, radiograph<br />
<strong>la</strong> rafale <strong>la</strong> radiographie<br />
il buffo <strong>la</strong> radiografia
<strong>la</strong> razón <strong>la</strong> cólera, <strong>la</strong> rabia, <strong>la</strong> ira<br />
reason rage, fury<br />
<strong>la</strong> raison <strong>la</strong> rage, <strong>la</strong> colère<br />
<strong>la</strong> ragione <strong>la</strong> rabbia, l'ira (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> reacción <strong>la</strong> motivación<br />
reaction reason<br />
<strong>la</strong> réaction <strong>la</strong> raison, le motif<br />
<strong>la</strong> reazione <strong>la</strong> motivazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> recepción <strong>la</strong> realidad<br />
reception, <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ck-in desk reality<br />
<strong>la</strong> réception <strong>la</strong> réalité<br />
<strong>la</strong> ricezione <strong>la</strong> realtà<br />
<strong>la</strong> investigación, <strong>la</strong> exploración <strong>la</strong> busca<br />
resear<strong>ch</strong> sear<strong>ch</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> re<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> scientifi<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> re<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, <strong>la</strong> quête<br />
<strong>la</strong> ricerca <strong>la</strong> cerca<br />
<strong>la</strong> cose<strong>ch</strong>a <strong>la</strong> rec<strong>la</strong>mación<br />
harvest, crop comp<strong>la</strong>int<br />
<strong>la</strong> récolte <strong>la</strong> réc<strong>la</strong>mation<br />
<strong>la</strong> raccolta il rec<strong>la</strong>mo
<strong>la</strong> recompensa <strong>la</strong> recomendación<br />
reward recommendation<br />
<strong>la</strong> récompense <strong>la</strong> recommandation<br />
<strong>la</strong> ricompensa <strong>la</strong> raccomandazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> reducción <strong>la</strong> redacción<br />
reduction editorial office, editorial staff<br />
<strong>la</strong> réduction <strong>la</strong> rédaction<br />
<strong>la</strong> riduzione <strong>la</strong> redazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> reforma <strong>la</strong> reflexión<br />
reform reflection, consideration<br />
<strong>la</strong> réforme <strong>la</strong> réflexion<br />
<strong>la</strong> riforma <strong>la</strong> riflessione<br />
<strong>la</strong> región <strong>la</strong> dirección<br />
region direction<br />
<strong>la</strong> région <strong>la</strong> régie<br />
<strong>la</strong> regione <strong>la</strong> regia<br />
<strong>la</strong> reina <strong>la</strong> reg<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>que</strong>en rule<br />
<strong>la</strong> reine <strong>la</strong> règle<br />
<strong>la</strong> regina <strong>la</strong> rego<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> religión <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>ción<br />
religion re<strong>la</strong>tion, connection<br />
<strong>la</strong> religion <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> religione <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>zione<br />
el remol<strong>que</strong> el cobertizo<br />
trailer shed, shanty<br />
<strong>la</strong> remor<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> remise<br />
il rimor<strong>ch</strong>io <strong>la</strong> rimessa<br />
<strong>la</strong> renta, <strong>la</strong> pensión el encuentro<br />
pension, annuity meeting, encounter<br />
<strong>la</strong> rente <strong>la</strong> rencontre<br />
<strong>la</strong> pensione l'incontro (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> repetición <strong>la</strong> re<strong>para</strong>ción<br />
repetition repair<br />
<strong>la</strong> répétition <strong>la</strong> ré<strong>para</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> ripetizione <strong>la</strong> ri<strong>para</strong>zione<br />
<strong>la</strong> representación <strong>la</strong> respuesta, <strong>la</strong> contestación<br />
performance, representation answer, response<br />
<strong>la</strong> représentation <strong>la</strong> réponse<br />
<strong>la</strong> rappresentazione <strong>la</strong> risposta
<strong>la</strong> república <strong>la</strong> represión<br />
republic suppression<br />
<strong>la</strong> républi<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> répression<br />
<strong>la</strong> repubblica l´oppressione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> reserva <strong>la</strong> reputación, <strong>la</strong> fama<br />
reservation reputation<br />
<strong>la</strong> réservation <strong>la</strong> réputation<br />
<strong>la</strong> prenotazione <strong>la</strong> reputazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> resina <strong>la</strong> reserva<br />
resin reserve<br />
<strong>la</strong> résine <strong>la</strong> réserve<br />
<strong>la</strong> resina <strong>la</strong> riserva<br />
<strong>la</strong> respiración <strong>la</strong> resistencia<br />
breathing, respiration resistance, opposition<br />
<strong>la</strong> respiration <strong>la</strong> résistance<br />
<strong>la</strong> respirazione <strong>la</strong> resistenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> responsabilidad civil <strong>la</strong> responsabilidad<br />
liability responsibility<br />
<strong>la</strong> responsabilité civile <strong>la</strong> responsabilité<br />
<strong>la</strong> responsabilità civile <strong>la</strong> responsabilità
<strong>la</strong> restricción el parecido<br />
restriction simi<strong>la</strong>rity<br />
<strong>la</strong> restriction <strong>la</strong> ressemb<strong>la</strong>nce<br />
<strong>la</strong> restrizione <strong>la</strong> somiglianza<br />
<strong>la</strong> revalorización <strong>la</strong> retrospectiva<br />
revaluation, upgrading f<strong>la</strong>shback, retrospect<br />
<strong>la</strong> revalorisation <strong>la</strong> rétrospective<br />
<strong>la</strong> rivalutazione <strong>la</strong> retrospettiva<br />
<strong>la</strong> revuelta el farol<br />
revolt, uprising, insurrection street <strong>la</strong>mp<br />
<strong>la</strong> révolte <strong>la</strong> réverbère<br />
<strong>la</strong> rivolta il <strong>la</strong>mpione<br />
<strong>la</strong> revista <strong>la</strong> revolución<br />
magazine revolution<br />
<strong>la</strong> revue <strong>la</strong> révolution<br />
<strong>la</strong> rivista <strong>la</strong> rivoluzione<br />
el rigor <strong>la</strong> ri<strong>que</strong>za<br />
rigour (br.), rigor (am.) ri<strong>ch</strong>ness<br />
<strong>la</strong> rigueur <strong>la</strong> ri<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>sse<br />
il rigore, <strong>la</strong> rigidità <strong>la</strong> ric<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>zza
<strong>la</strong> rosa <strong>la</strong> oril<strong>la</strong>, el borde, <strong>la</strong> ribera<br />
rose shore<br />
<strong>la</strong> rose <strong>la</strong> rive<br />
<strong>la</strong> rosa <strong>la</strong> riva<br />
<strong>la</strong> rueda dentada, el piñón <strong>la</strong> rueda<br />
cogwheel, gearwheel, rack-wheel wheel<br />
<strong>la</strong> roue dentée, le pignon <strong>la</strong> roue<br />
<strong>la</strong> ruota dentata, il pignone <strong>la</strong> ruota<br />
<strong>la</strong> calle de dirección única <strong>la</strong> calle<br />
one-way street, oneway road<br />
<strong>la</strong> rue à sens uni<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> route<br />
<strong>la</strong> strada a senso unico <strong>la</strong> strada<br />
el callejón <strong>la</strong> calle transversal<br />
alley, <strong>la</strong>ne intersecting road<br />
<strong>la</strong> ruelle <strong>la</strong> rue transversale<br />
il vicolo <strong>la</strong> traversa<br />
el rumor <strong>la</strong> ruina<br />
rumour (br), rumor (am.) ruin<br />
<strong>la</strong> rumeur, le bruit <strong>la</strong> ruine<br />
<strong>la</strong> diceria <strong>la</strong> rovina
<strong>la</strong> astucía <strong>la</strong> rotura<br />
ruse, trick breaking<br />
<strong>la</strong> ruse <strong>la</strong> rupture, <strong>la</strong> fracture<br />
l'astuzia (f.) <strong>la</strong> frattura<br />
<strong>la</strong> estación <strong>la</strong> sabiduría<br />
season wisdom, sapience<br />
<strong>la</strong> saison <strong>la</strong> sagesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> stagione <strong>la</strong> sapienza<br />
<strong>la</strong> suciedad <strong>la</strong> ensa<strong>la</strong>da<br />
dirt, mud sa<strong>la</strong>d<br />
<strong>la</strong> saleté <strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong>de<br />
lo sporco l'insa<strong>la</strong>ta (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> saliva<br />
hall spittle, saliva<br />
<strong>la</strong> salle <strong>la</strong> salive<br />
<strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> saliva<br />
<strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> de espera el comedor<br />
waiting room dining room<br />
<strong>la</strong> salle d'attente <strong>la</strong> salle à manger<br />
<strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> d'aspetto <strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> da pranzo
<strong>la</strong> salud <strong>la</strong> sandalia<br />
health sandal, flip-flop<br />
<strong>la</strong> santé <strong>la</strong> sandale<br />
<strong>la</strong> salute il sandalo<br />
<strong>la</strong> salsa <strong>la</strong> satisfacción<br />
sauce satisfaction<br />
<strong>la</strong> sauce <strong>la</strong> satisfaction<br />
<strong>la</strong> salsa <strong>la</strong> soddisfazione<br />
el escenario el embutido<br />
stage sausage<br />
<strong>la</strong> scène, le p<strong>la</strong>teau <strong>la</strong> saucisse<br />
il palcoscenico <strong>la</strong> salsiccia<br />
<strong>la</strong> sierra <strong>la</strong> escena<br />
saw scene<br />
<strong>la</strong> scie <strong>la</strong> scène<br />
<strong>la</strong> sega <strong>la</strong> scena<br />
<strong>la</strong> escultura <strong>la</strong> ciencia<br />
sculpture science<br />
<strong>la</strong> sculpture <strong>la</strong> science<br />
<strong>la</strong> scultura <strong>la</strong> scienza
<strong>la</strong> aridez <strong>la</strong> sesión<br />
drought, aridity meeting, session<br />
<strong>la</strong> sé<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>resse <strong>la</strong> séance<br />
l'aridità (f.) <strong>la</strong> seduta<br />
<strong>la</strong> secretaria el segundo<br />
secretary second<br />
<strong>la</strong> secrétaire <strong>la</strong> seconde<br />
<strong>la</strong> segretaria il secondo<br />
el ca<strong>la</strong>mar <strong>la</strong> seguridad<br />
cuttlefish, squid safety, security<br />
<strong>la</strong> sei<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> sécurité<br />
il ca<strong>la</strong>maro <strong>la</strong> sicurezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> semana el sillín<br />
week saddle<br />
<strong>la</strong> semaine <strong>la</strong> selle<br />
<strong>la</strong> settimana <strong>la</strong> sel<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> sensación <strong>la</strong> semil<strong>la</strong><br />
sensation seed<br />
<strong>la</strong> sensation <strong>la</strong> semence<br />
<strong>la</strong> sensazione il seme
<strong>la</strong> serie <strong>la</strong> se<strong>para</strong>ción<br />
series, serial se<strong>para</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> série <strong>la</strong> sé<strong>para</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> serie <strong>la</strong> se<strong>para</strong>zione<br />
el invernadero <strong>la</strong> jeringuil<strong>la</strong><br />
greenhouse, g<strong>la</strong>sshouse syringe<br />
<strong>la</strong> serre <strong>la</strong> seringue<br />
<strong>la</strong> serra <strong>la</strong> siringa<br />
<strong>la</strong> cartera <strong>la</strong> cerradura<br />
portfolio, briefcase lock<br />
<strong>la</strong> serviette <strong>la</strong> serrure<br />
<strong>la</strong> cartel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> serratura<br />
<strong>la</strong> sexualidad <strong>la</strong> servilleta<br />
sexuality serviette (br.), napkin (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> sexualité <strong>la</strong> serviette<br />
<strong>la</strong> sessualità il tovagliolo<br />
<strong>la</strong> sinceridad <strong>la</strong> firma<br />
sincerity signature<br />
<strong>la</strong> sincérité <strong>la</strong> signature<br />
<strong>la</strong> sincerità <strong>la</strong> firma
<strong>la</strong> situación <strong>la</strong> sirena<br />
situation siren<br />
<strong>la</strong> situation <strong>la</strong> sirène<br />
<strong>la</strong> situazione <strong>la</strong> sirena<br />
<strong>la</strong> sociedad anónima <strong>la</strong> sociedad<br />
incorporated company, inc. society<br />
<strong>la</strong> société anonyme par actions <strong>la</strong> société<br />
<strong>la</strong> società per azioni (SpA) <strong>la</strong> società<br />
<strong>la</strong> hermana <strong>la</strong> monja<br />
sister<br />
nun<br />
<strong>la</strong> soeur <strong>la</strong> soeur, <strong>la</strong> religieuse<br />
<strong>la</strong> sorel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> monaca<br />
<strong>la</strong> sed <strong>la</strong> seda<br />
thirst silk<br />
<strong>la</strong> soif <strong>la</strong> soie<br />
<strong>la</strong> sete <strong>la</strong> seta<br />
<strong>la</strong> suma <strong>la</strong> solución<br />
sum solution<br />
<strong>la</strong> somme <strong>la</strong> solution<br />
<strong>la</strong> somma <strong>la</strong> soluzione
el sonido el timbre<br />
sound bell<br />
le son, <strong>la</strong> sonorité <strong>la</strong> sonnette<br />
il suono il campanello<br />
<strong>la</strong> variedad <strong>la</strong> bruja<br />
variety, breed, sort wit<strong>ch</strong>, hag<br />
<strong>la</strong> sorte, <strong>la</strong> variété <strong>la</strong> sorcière<br />
<strong>la</strong> varietà <strong>la</strong> strega<br />
<strong>la</strong> fuente <strong>la</strong> salida<br />
spring, source exit, way out<br />
<strong>la</strong> source <strong>la</strong> sortie<br />
<strong>la</strong> sorgente l'uscita (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> bodega de carga el ratón<br />
hold, forehold mouse<br />
<strong>la</strong> soute <strong>la</strong> souris<br />
<strong>la</strong> stiva il topo<br />
<strong>la</strong> estación <strong>la</strong> especialidad<br />
station speciality<br />
<strong>la</strong> station <strong>la</strong> spécialité<br />
<strong>la</strong> stazione <strong>la</strong> specialità
<strong>la</strong> estatua <strong>la</strong> gasolinera<br />
statue petrol station (br.), gas station (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> statue <strong>la</strong> station-service<br />
<strong>la</strong> statua <strong>la</strong> stazione di servizio<br />
<strong>la</strong> estructura el estímulo<br />
structure stimu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> structure <strong>la</strong> stimu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> struttura lo stimolo<br />
<strong>la</strong> sustancia nutritiva <strong>la</strong> sustancia<br />
nutrient substance<br />
<strong>la</strong> substance nutritive <strong>la</strong> substance<br />
<strong>la</strong> sostanza nutritiva <strong>la</strong> sostanza<br />
el <strong>ch</strong>upete <strong>la</strong> sucursal<br />
baby-soother, comforter, pacifier (am.) subsidiary<br />
<strong>la</strong> sucette <strong>la</strong> succursale<br />
il poppatoio <strong>la</strong> succursale<br />
<strong>la</strong> suiza los dulces<br />
Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd sweets, candies<br />
<strong>la</strong> Suisse <strong>la</strong> sucrerie<br />
<strong>la</strong> Svizzera i dolci
<strong>la</strong> superioridad el turno<br />
superiority order, turn<br />
<strong>la</strong> supériorité <strong>la</strong> suite, l'ordre (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> superiorità il turno<br />
<strong>la</strong> aréa <strong>la</strong> superstición<br />
area superstition<br />
le terrain <strong>la</strong> superstition<br />
areale <strong>la</strong> superstizione<br />
<strong>la</strong> sorpresa <strong>la</strong> superficie<br />
surprise surface<br />
<strong>la</strong> surprise <strong>la</strong> superficie, <strong>la</strong> surface<br />
<strong>la</strong> sorpresa <strong>la</strong> superficie<br />
<strong>la</strong> simpatía <strong>la</strong> vigi<strong>la</strong>ncia<br />
sympathy supervision, custody<br />
<strong>la</strong> sympathie <strong>la</strong> surveil<strong>la</strong>nce<br />
<strong>la</strong> simpatia <strong>la</strong> sorveglianza<br />
el índice <strong>la</strong> mesa<br />
directory, table of contents table<br />
<strong>la</strong> table des matières <strong>la</strong> table<br />
l'indice (m.) il tavolo
<strong>la</strong> tarea <strong>la</strong> man<strong>ch</strong>a<br />
task, mission spot, stain<br />
<strong>la</strong> tâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> ta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il compito, l'impegno <strong>la</strong> mac<strong>ch</strong>ia<br />
<strong>la</strong> tal<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> táctica<br />
size tactic, policy<br />
<strong>la</strong> taille <strong>la</strong> tacti<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> taglia <strong>la</strong> tattica<br />
<strong>la</strong> tía <strong>la</strong> cintura<br />
aunt waist, bodice<br />
<strong>la</strong> tante <strong>la</strong> taille<br />
<strong>la</strong> zia <strong>la</strong> vita<br />
<strong>la</strong> tasa <strong>la</strong> taza<br />
tax, due, fee cup<br />
<strong>la</strong> taxe <strong>la</strong> tasse<br />
<strong>la</strong> tassa <strong>la</strong> tazza<br />
el mando a distancia <strong>la</strong> técnica<br />
remote control te<strong>ch</strong>ni<strong>que</strong>, te<strong>ch</strong>nics<br />
<strong>la</strong> télécommande <strong>la</strong> te<strong>ch</strong>ni<strong>que</strong><br />
il telecomando <strong>la</strong> tecnica
<strong>la</strong> temperatura <strong>la</strong> tele, <strong>la</strong> televisión<br />
temperature television, TV<br />
<strong>la</strong> température <strong>la</strong> télévison<br />
<strong>la</strong> temperatura <strong>la</strong> televisione<br />
<strong>la</strong> tendencia <strong>la</strong> tempestad<br />
tendency, turn storm<br />
<strong>la</strong> tendance <strong>la</strong> tempête<br />
<strong>la</strong> tendenza <strong>la</strong> tempesta<br />
<strong>la</strong> tensión <strong>la</strong> caricia<br />
tension, suspense tenderness , caress<br />
<strong>la</strong> tension <strong>la</strong> tendresse<br />
<strong>la</strong> tensione <strong>la</strong> carezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> tentación <strong>la</strong> presión sanguínea<br />
temptation blood pressure<br />
<strong>la</strong> tentation <strong>la</strong> tension artérielle<br />
<strong>la</strong> tentazione <strong>la</strong> pressione sanguigna<br />
<strong>la</strong> tienda, <strong>la</strong> carpa (am.) <strong>la</strong> tentativa<br />
tent attempt, trial<br />
<strong>la</strong> tente <strong>la</strong> tentative<br />
<strong>la</strong> tenda il tentativo
<strong>la</strong> tierra <strong>la</strong> terraza<br />
earth terrace<br />
<strong>la</strong> terre <strong>la</strong> terrasse<br />
<strong>la</strong> terra <strong>la</strong> terrazza<br />
<strong>la</strong> cabeza <strong>la</strong> tierra firme<br />
head main<strong>la</strong>nd, continent<br />
<strong>la</strong> tête <strong>la</strong> terre ferme<br />
<strong>la</strong> testa <strong>la</strong> terraferma<br />
<strong>la</strong> terapia <strong>la</strong> teoría<br />
therapy theory<br />
<strong>la</strong> thérapie <strong>la</strong> théorie<br />
<strong>la</strong> terapia <strong>la</strong> teoria<br />
el mango <strong>la</strong> tesis<br />
stem, stalk thesis<br />
<strong>la</strong> tige <strong>la</strong> thèse<br />
il gambo <strong>la</strong> tesi<br />
<strong>la</strong> te<strong>la</strong>raña <strong>la</strong> tisana<br />
cobweb, spider web herb tea<br />
<strong>la</strong> toile d'araignée <strong>la</strong> tisane<br />
<strong>la</strong> ragnate<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> tisana
el tomate <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ta<br />
tomato sheet metal, p<strong>la</strong>te (ab 5mm)<br />
<strong>la</strong> tomate <strong>la</strong> tôle<br />
il pomodoro <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>tta<br />
<strong>la</strong> tone<strong>la</strong>da <strong>la</strong> tumba<br />
ton grave, tomb<br />
<strong>la</strong> tonne <strong>la</strong> tombe<br />
<strong>la</strong> tonnel<strong>la</strong>ta <strong>la</strong> tomba<br />
<strong>la</strong> tortuga <strong>la</strong> ator<strong>ch</strong>a<br />
turtle<br />
tor<strong>ch</strong> (br.), f<strong>la</strong>shlight (am.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> tortue <strong>la</strong> tor<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> tartaruga <strong>la</strong> fiacco<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> tec<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> tortura<br />
key, button torture<br />
<strong>la</strong> tou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> torture<br />
il tasto <strong>la</strong> tortura<br />
<strong>la</strong> tos <strong>la</strong> torre<br />
cough tower<br />
<strong>la</strong> toux <strong>la</strong> tour<br />
<strong>la</strong> tosse <strong>la</strong> torre
<strong>la</strong> tradición <strong>la</strong> huel<strong>la</strong><br />
tradition trace, track, spoor<br />
<strong>la</strong> tradition <strong>la</strong> trace<br />
<strong>la</strong> tradizione <strong>la</strong> traccia<br />
<strong>la</strong> tragedia <strong>la</strong> traducción<br />
tragedy trans<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
<strong>la</strong> tragédie <strong>la</strong> traduction<br />
<strong>la</strong> tragedia <strong>la</strong> traduzione<br />
<strong>la</strong> rebanada <strong>la</strong> traición<br />
slice, s<strong>la</strong>b betrayal<br />
<strong>la</strong> tran<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> <strong>la</strong> trahison<br />
<strong>la</strong> fetta il tradimento<br />
<strong>la</strong> travesía, el pasaje <strong>la</strong> transformación, <strong>la</strong> conversión<br />
crossing transformation, conversion<br />
<strong>la</strong> traversée, le passage <strong>la</strong> transformation<br />
<strong>la</strong> traversata <strong>la</strong> trasformazione, <strong>la</strong> conversione<br />
<strong>la</strong> tristeza <strong>la</strong> trenza<br />
grief, sadness, mourning pigtail<br />
<strong>la</strong> tristesse <strong>la</strong> tresse<br />
il lutto, <strong>la</strong> tristezza <strong>la</strong> treccia
el equipo, <strong>la</strong> tripu<strong>la</strong>ción <strong>la</strong> trompeta<br />
crew, team trumpet<br />
l'equipe (m.), l'equipage (m.) <strong>la</strong> trompette<br />
<strong>la</strong> squadra <strong>la</strong> tromba<br />
<strong>la</strong> vajil<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> vaca<br />
dishes cow<br />
<strong>la</strong> vaisselle <strong>la</strong> va<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> stoviglia <strong>la</strong> mucca<br />
el valor el valle<br />
value valley, vale, glen<br />
<strong>la</strong> valeur <strong>la</strong> vallée<br />
il valore <strong>la</strong> valle<br />
<strong>la</strong> válvu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> valija, <strong>la</strong> maleta<br />
valve suitcase, <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>st<br />
<strong>la</strong> valve <strong>la</strong> valise<br />
<strong>la</strong> valvo<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> valigia<br />
<strong>la</strong> venganza el vapor<br />
revenge steam<br />
<strong>la</strong> vengeance <strong>la</strong> vapeur<br />
<strong>la</strong> vendetta il vapore
<strong>la</strong> subasta <strong>la</strong> venta<br />
auction sale<br />
<strong>la</strong> vente aux en<strong>ch</strong>ères <strong>la</strong> vente<br />
<strong>la</strong> vendita all'asta <strong>la</strong> vendita<br />
<strong>la</strong> verdad <strong>la</strong> venta por correspondencia<br />
truth mail-order business<br />
<strong>la</strong> vérité <strong>la</strong> vente par correspondance<br />
<strong>la</strong> verità <strong>la</strong> vendita per corrispondenza<br />
<strong>la</strong> viuda <strong>la</strong> virtud<br />
widow virtue<br />
<strong>la</strong> veuve <strong>la</strong> vertu<br />
<strong>la</strong> vedova <strong>la</strong> virtù<br />
<strong>la</strong> víctima <strong>la</strong> carne<br />
victim meat<br />
<strong>la</strong> victime <strong>la</strong> viande<br />
<strong>la</strong> vittima <strong>la</strong> carne<br />
<strong>la</strong> vida <strong>la</strong> victoria<br />
life victory<br />
<strong>la</strong> vie <strong>la</strong> victoire<br />
<strong>la</strong> vita <strong>la</strong> vittoria
el <strong>ch</strong>alet <strong>la</strong> vida cotidiana<br />
vil<strong>la</strong> everyday life<br />
<strong>la</strong> vil<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> vie quotidienne<br />
<strong>la</strong> vil<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> vita quotidiana<br />
<strong>la</strong> violencia <strong>la</strong> ciudad<br />
violence town<br />
<strong>la</strong> violence <strong>la</strong> ville<br />
<strong>la</strong> violenza <strong>la</strong> città<br />
el tornillo <strong>la</strong> coma<br />
screw, bolt comma<br />
<strong>la</strong> vis, le boulon <strong>la</strong> virgule<br />
<strong>la</strong> vite, il bullone <strong>la</strong> virgo<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> visita guiada <strong>la</strong> visita<br />
sightseeing, perambu<strong>la</strong>tion visit<br />
<strong>la</strong> visite guidée <strong>la</strong> visite<br />
<strong>la</strong> visita guidata <strong>la</strong> visita<br />
<strong>la</strong> mar<strong>ch</strong>a (=motor) <strong>la</strong> velocidad<br />
gear, speed speed<br />
<strong>la</strong> vitesse (=moteur) <strong>la</strong> vitesse<br />
<strong>la</strong> marcia (=motore) <strong>la</strong> velocità
el vidrio el cristal<br />
g<strong>la</strong>ss panel, g<strong>la</strong>ss p<strong>la</strong>te g<strong>la</strong>ss<br />
<strong>la</strong> vitre <strong>la</strong> vitre<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>stra di vetro il vetro<br />
<strong>la</strong> vía el esca<strong>para</strong>te, <strong>la</strong> vidriera (am.)<br />
track shop window<br />
<strong>la</strong> voie <strong>la</strong> vitrine<br />
il binario <strong>la</strong> vetrina<br />
el co<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, el carro (am.) <strong>la</strong> ve<strong>la</strong><br />
car<br />
sail<br />
<strong>la</strong> voiture <strong>la</strong> voile<br />
<strong>la</strong> mac<strong>ch</strong>ina <strong>la</strong> ve<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> voz el co<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> de alquiler<br />
voice hired car, rental car<br />
<strong>la</strong> voix <strong>la</strong> voiture de location<br />
<strong>la</strong> voce <strong>la</strong> mac<strong>ch</strong>ina da noleggio<br />
<strong>la</strong> voluntad el ave<br />
will poultry<br />
<strong>la</strong> volonté <strong>la</strong> vo<strong>la</strong>ille<br />
<strong>la</strong> volontà il pol<strong>la</strong>me
<strong>la</strong> vista el zarcillo<br />
view, outlook tendril, strand, cirrus<br />
<strong>la</strong> vue <strong>la</strong> vrille<br />
<strong>la</strong> vista il viticcio<br />
<strong>la</strong> zona <strong>la</strong> vista general<br />
zone overview<br />
<strong>la</strong> zone <strong>la</strong> vue d'ensemble<br />
<strong>la</strong> zona <strong>la</strong> visione generale<br />
<strong>la</strong> abeja el abad<br />
bee abbot<br />
l'abeille (f.) l'abbé (m.)<br />
l'ape (f.) l'abate (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> abundancia el abismo<br />
abundance abyss<br />
l'abondance (m.) l'abîme (m.)<br />
l'abbondanza (f.) l'abisso (m.)<br />
arar el abono<br />
to plough, to plow, to furrow subscription, season ticket<br />
<strong>la</strong>bourer l'abonnement (m.)<br />
arare l'abbonamento (m.)
el albarico<strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> abreviatura<br />
apricot abbreviation<br />
l'abricot (m.) l'abréviation<br />
l'albicocca (f.) l'abbreviazione (f.)<br />
el abuso el absurdo, el dis<strong>para</strong>te<br />
abuse absurdity, nonsense<br />
l'abus (m.) l'absurdité (f.)<br />
l'abuso (m.) l'assurdità (f.)<br />
el acceso el acento<br />
access accent<br />
l'accès (m.) l'accent (m.)<br />
l'accesso (m.) l'accento (m.)<br />
el acuerdo, el convenio el accidente<br />
agreement accident<br />
l'accord (m.) l'accident (m.)<br />
l'accordo (m.), <strong>la</strong> convenzione l'incidente (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> acusación el acusador<br />
accusation accuser<br />
l'accusation (f.) l'accusateur (m.)<br />
l'accusa (f.) l'accusatore (m.)
<strong>la</strong> compra el acusado<br />
buy, buying, pur<strong>ch</strong>ase accused, defendant<br />
l'a<strong>ch</strong>at (m.) l'accusé (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> compra l'accusato (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> cobardía cobarde<br />
cowardice, recreance coward<br />
<strong>la</strong> lâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>té lâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> vigliac<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ria vigliacco, vile<br />
flojo el cobarde<br />
loose, <strong>la</strong>x, s<strong>la</strong>ck coward, recreant, wimp<br />
lâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> le lâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
trabal<strong>la</strong>nte il vigliaco<br />
el comprador soltar<br />
buyer to unc<strong>la</strong>sp, to let go, to release<br />
l'a<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>teur (m.) lâ<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
l'acquirente (m.) <strong>la</strong>sciar andare<br />
el anticipio el acero<br />
advance pay steel<br />
l'acompte (m.), l'avance (f.) l'acier (m.)<br />
l'anticipo (m.) l'acciaio (m.)
<strong>la</strong> adquisición el pago a cuenta<br />
acquisition deposit, down payment<br />
l'acquisition (f.) l'acompte (m.), les arrhes (f.)<br />
l'acquisto (m.) l'acconto (m.)<br />
el actor el acto<br />
actor act<br />
l'acteur l'acte (m.)<br />
l'attore (m.) l'atto (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> acción <strong>la</strong> acción<br />
action share<br />
l'action (f.) l'action (f.)<br />
l'azione (f.) l´azione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> actividad el accionista<br />
activity shareholder<br />
l'activité (f.) l'actionnaire (m.,f.)<br />
l'attività (f.) lo azionista<br />
<strong>la</strong> administración <strong>la</strong> actriz<br />
administration actress<br />
l'administration (f.) l'actrice (f.)<br />
l'amministrazione (f.) l'attrice (f.)
<strong>la</strong> mitigación el joven<br />
mitigation teenager, teen, youth<br />
l'adoucissement (m.) l'adolescent (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> mitigazione il giovane<br />
el adulto <strong>la</strong>s señas, <strong>la</strong> dirección<br />
adult address<br />
l'adulte (m.) l'adresse (f.)<br />
l'adulto (m.) l'indirizzo (m.)<br />
el aeropuerto el adversario<br />
airport adversary, opposer<br />
l'aéroport (m.) l'adversaire (m.)<br />
l'aeroporto (m.) l'avversario (m.)<br />
el negocio, <strong>la</strong> tienda el asunto<br />
shop matter, affair<br />
le magasin, <strong>la</strong> bouti<strong>que</strong> l'affaire (f.)<br />
il negozio l'affare (m.)<br />
el cartel el afecto<br />
poster, p<strong>la</strong>card affection<br />
l'affi<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> (f.) l'affection (f.)<br />
il cartellone l'affetto (m.)
<strong>la</strong> agencia de viajes <strong>la</strong> edad<br />
travel agency age<br />
l'agence de voyages (m.) l'âge (m.)<br />
l'agenzia di viaggi (f.) l'età (f.)<br />
el anticorrosivo <strong>la</strong> agenda<br />
antirust agent, rust inhibitor datebook, appointment calendar<br />
l'agent antirouille (m.) l'agenda (m.)<br />
l'antiruggine (m.) l'agenda (f.)<br />
el cordero el policía<br />
<strong>la</strong>mb policeman, constable, cop<br />
l'agneau (m.) l'agent de police (m.)<br />
l'agnello (m.) il poliziotto<br />
<strong>la</strong> agricultura el engrandecimiento<br />
agriculture, farming en<strong>la</strong>rgement<br />
l'agriculture (f.) l'agrandissement (m.)<br />
l'agricoltura (f.) l'ingrandimento (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> águi<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> ayuda, el socorro<br />
eagle help<br />
l'aigle (m.) l'aide (f.)<br />
l'aqui<strong>la</strong> (f.) l'aiuto (m.)
<strong>la</strong> a<strong>la</strong> el ajo<br />
wing garlic<br />
l'aile (f.) l'ail (m.)<br />
l'a<strong>la</strong> (f.) l'aglio (m.)<br />
el imán <strong>la</strong> amabilidad<br />
magnet kindness<br />
l'aimant (m.) l'aimabilité (f.)<br />
il magnete l´amabilità<br />
<strong>la</strong> área de descanso el aire<br />
resting p<strong>la</strong>ce air<br />
l'aire de repos (m.) l'air (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> piazzo<strong>la</strong> di sosta l'aria (f.)<br />
el álbum dejar<br />
album to let, to leave<br />
l'album (m.) <strong>la</strong>isser<br />
l'album (m.) <strong>la</strong>sciare<br />
<strong>la</strong> a<strong>la</strong>rma el alcohol<br />
a<strong>la</strong>rm alcohol<br />
l'a<strong>la</strong>rme (f.), l'alerte (f.) l'alcool (m.)<br />
l'al<strong>la</strong>rme (m.) l'alcool (m.)
el alimento <strong>la</strong> alga<br />
aliment, foodstuff alga<br />
l'aliment (m.) l'algue (f.)<br />
il prodotto alimentare l'alga (f.)<br />
Alemania <strong>la</strong> alimentación<br />
Germany nutrition<br />
l'Allemagne (f.) l'alimentation (f.)<br />
Germania <strong>la</strong> nutrizione, l'alimentazione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> alergia <strong>la</strong> ida<br />
allergy journey there<br />
l'allergie (f.) l'aller (m.)<br />
l'allergia (f.) l'andata (f.)<br />
el encendido <strong>la</strong> alianza<br />
ignition alliance<br />
l'allumage (m.) l'alliance (f.)<br />
l'accensione (f.) l'alleanza (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> alternativa <strong>la</strong> ceril<strong>la</strong>, el fósforo<br />
alternative mat<strong>ch</strong><br />
l'alternative (f.) l'allumette (f.)<br />
l'alternativa (f.) il fiammifero
el embajador <strong>la</strong> embajada<br />
ambassador embassy<br />
l'ambassadeur (m.) l'ambassade (f.)<br />
l'ambasciatore (m.) l'ambasciata (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> ambu<strong>la</strong>ncia el ambiente<br />
ambu<strong>la</strong>nce ambience<br />
l'ambu<strong>la</strong>nce (f.) l'ambiance (f.)<br />
l'autoambu<strong>la</strong>nza (f.) l'ambiente (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> multa el alma (f.!)<br />
fine, penance soul<br />
l'amende (f.) l'âme (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> multa l'anima (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> amiga el amigo<br />
friend, girlfriend friend<br />
l'amie (f.) l'ami (m.)<br />
l'amica (f.) l'amico (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> almendra <strong>la</strong> amistad<br />
almond friendship<br />
l'amande (f.) l'amitié (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> mandor<strong>la</strong> l'amicizia (f.)
el amplificador el amor<br />
amplifier love<br />
l'amplificateur (m.) l'amour (m.)<br />
l'amplificatore (m.) l'amore (m.)<br />
el analgésico <strong>la</strong> bombil<strong>la</strong><br />
painkiller, analgesic, anodyne bulb<br />
l'analgési<strong>que</strong> (m.) l'ampoule (f.)<br />
l'analgesico (m.) <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>mpadina<br />
<strong>la</strong> piña, el ananás (am.) el análisis<br />
pineapple analysis<br />
l'ananas (m.) l'analyse (f.)<br />
l'ananas (m.) <strong>la</strong> analisi<br />
<strong>la</strong> anc<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>nzar<br />
an<strong>ch</strong>or to throw, to fling<br />
l'ancre (f.) <strong>la</strong>ncer<br />
l'ancora (f.) <strong>la</strong>nciare<br />
el ángel el burro<br />
angel donkey<br />
l'ange (m.) l'âne (m.)<br />
l'angelo (m.) l'asino (m.)
el animal el ángulo<br />
animal angle<br />
l'animal (m.) l'angle (m.)<br />
l'animale (m.) l'angolo (m.)<br />
el año el anillo<br />
year ring<br />
l'année (f.) l'anneau (m.)<br />
l'anno (m.) l'anello (m.)<br />
el aniversario el cumpleaños<br />
anniversary birthday<br />
l'anniversaire (m.) l'anniversaire (m.)<br />
l'anniversario (m.) il compleanno<br />
<strong>la</strong> antena el anuncio<br />
aerial, antenna (am.) announcement<br />
l'antenne (f.) l'annonce (f.)<br />
l'antenna (f.) l'annuncio (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> antigüedad el antibiótico<br />
antiquity, ancient world antibiotic<br />
l'antiquité l'antibioti<strong>que</strong> (m.)<br />
l'anti<strong>ch</strong>ità l'antibiotico (m.)
el agosto <strong>la</strong> protección antirrobo<br />
August theft protection<br />
l'août (m.) l'antivol (m.)<br />
l'agosto (m.) l'antifurto (m.)<br />
el a<strong>para</strong>to el aperitivo<br />
device aperitif<br />
l'appareil (m.) l'apéritif (m.)<br />
l'apparec<strong>ch</strong>io (m.) l'aperitivo (m.)<br />
el apartamento, <strong>la</strong> vivienda <strong>la</strong> máquina fotográfica<br />
habitation, apartment (am.), f<strong>la</strong>t (br.) camera<br />
l'appartement (m.) l'appareil photographi<strong>que</strong> (m.)<br />
l'appartamento (m.) <strong>la</strong> mac<strong>ch</strong>ina fotografica<br />
<strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>mada el piso de propiedad<br />
call owner-occupied f<strong>la</strong>t, condo (am.)<br />
l'appel (m.) l'appartement en copropriété (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iamata l'appartamento in condominio (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>mada <strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>mada de urgencia<br />
appeal, plea emergency call, 911 (am.)<br />
l'appel (m.) l'appel d'urgence (m.)<br />
l'appello (m.) <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iamata d'emergenza
el aprendiz el apetito<br />
apprentice, trainee appetite<br />
l'apprenti (m.) l'appétit (m.)<br />
l'apprendista (m.) l'appetito (m.)<br />
el apoyo el aprendizaje<br />
support, sustainer apprenticeship<br />
l'appui (m.) l'apprentissage (m.)<br />
il sostegno il tirocinio<br />
<strong>la</strong> araña <strong>la</strong> tarde<br />
spider afternoon<br />
l'araignée (f.) l'après-midi (m.)<br />
il ragno il pomeriggio<br />
el árbol el árbitro<br />
tree referee (sport), arbitrator (<strong>la</strong>w)<br />
l'arbre (m.) l'arbitre (m.)<br />
l'albero (m.) l'arbitro (m.)<br />
el arco el arbusto, <strong>la</strong> mata<br />
bow bush, shrub<br />
l'arc (m.) l'arbuste (m.)<br />
l'arco (m.) l'arbusto (m.), il cespuglio
el arquitecto el arco iris<br />
ar<strong>ch</strong>itect rainbow<br />
l'ar<strong>ch</strong>itecte (m.) l'arc-en-ciel (m.)<br />
l'ar<strong>ch</strong>itetto (m.) l'arcobaleno (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> cresta <strong>la</strong> arquitectura<br />
ridge ar<strong>ch</strong>itecture<br />
l'arête (f.) l'ar<strong>ch</strong>itecture (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> cresta l'ar<strong>ch</strong>itettura (f.)<br />
el dinero an<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
money wide<br />
l'argent (m.) <strong>la</strong>rge<br />
il denaro, i soldi <strong>la</strong>rgo<br />
el dinero en efectivo <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ta<br />
cash silver<br />
l'argent comptant (m.) l'argent (m.)<br />
il denaro contante l'argento (m.)<br />
el argumento <strong>la</strong> arcil<strong>la</strong><br />
argument c<strong>la</strong>y<br />
l'argument (m.) l'argile (f.)<br />
l'argomento (m.) <strong>la</strong> argil<strong>la</strong>
el armisticio, <strong>la</strong> tregua el arma<br />
armistice weapon, arm<br />
l'armistice (m.) l'arme (f.)<br />
l'armistizio (m.) l'arma (f.)<br />
el aroma el armario<br />
aroma cupboard, wardrobe, locker<br />
l'arôme (m.) l'armoire (f.)<br />
l'aroma (m.) l'armadio (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>para</strong>da <strong>la</strong> disposición<br />
stop grouping, arrangement<br />
l'arrêt (m.) l'arrangement (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> fermata <strong>la</strong> disposizione<br />
<strong>la</strong> llegada <strong>la</strong> zona prohibida<br />
arrival no waiting<br />
l'arrivée (f.) l'arrêt interdit (m.)<br />
l'arrivo (m.) il divieto di sosta<br />
el artículo el arte (m.)<br />
article art<br />
l'article (m.) l'art (m.)<br />
l'articolo (m.) l'arte (f.)
el artesano <strong>la</strong> articu<strong>la</strong>ción<br />
workman, craftsman, artisan joint, articu<strong>la</strong>tion, hinge<br />
l'artisan (m.) l'articu<strong>la</strong>tion (f.)<br />
l'artigiano (m.) l'artico<strong>la</strong>zione (f.)<br />
el artista, <strong>la</strong> artista <strong>la</strong> artesanía<br />
artist handwork, handcraft, craft<br />
l'artiste (m.) l'artisanat (m.)<br />
l'artista (m. + f.) l'artigianato (m.)<br />
el asilo el ascensor<br />
asylum elevator (am.), lift (br.)<br />
l'asile (m.) l'ascenseur (m.)<br />
l'asilo (m.) l'ascensore (m.)<br />
el parecer <strong>la</strong> residencia de ancianos<br />
appearance retirement home, old people's home<br />
l'aspect (m.) <strong>la</strong> maison de retraite<br />
l'apparenza (f.) <strong>la</strong> casa per anziani<br />
el asfalto el aspecto<br />
asphalt aspect<br />
l'asphalte (m.) l'aspect (m.)<br />
l'asfalto (m.) l'aspetto (m.)
el asesino <strong>la</strong> aspiradora<br />
murderer, killer, assassin vacuum cleaner, Hoover (tm)<br />
l'assassin (m.) l'aspirateur (m.)<br />
l'assassino (m.) l'aspirapolvere (m.)<br />
el asistente <strong>la</strong> asamblea, <strong>la</strong> reunión<br />
assistant assembly, meeting<br />
l'assistant (m.) l'assemblée (f.), <strong>la</strong> réunion<br />
l'assistente (m.) <strong>la</strong> riunione, l'assemblea (f.)<br />
el seguro <strong>la</strong> asociación<br />
insurance association<br />
l'assurance (f.) l'association (f.)<br />
l'assicurazione (f.) l'associazione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong>teral el taller<br />
<strong>la</strong>teral, edgeways, f<strong>la</strong>nking workshop<br />
<strong>la</strong>téral l'atelier (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong>terale l'officina (f.)<br />
el atentado el ata<strong>que</strong><br />
assassination attack<br />
l'attentat (m.) l'atta<strong>que</strong> (f.)<br />
l'attentato (m.) l'attacco (m.)
<strong>la</strong> atención <strong>la</strong> espera<br />
attention waiting<br />
l'attention (f.) l'attente (f.)<br />
l'attenzione (f.) l'attesa (f.)<br />
el amanecer <strong>la</strong> actitud<br />
daybreak, dayspring, dawn attitude<br />
<strong>la</strong> pointe du jour, l'aube (f.) l'attitude (f.)<br />
l'alba (f.) il portamento<br />
<strong>la</strong> hostería, <strong>la</strong> posada, el hostal <strong>la</strong> alba<br />
inn, tavern, hostel dawn<br />
l'auberge (f.) l'aube (m.), le petit jour<br />
l'osteria (f.), l'ostello (m.) l'alba (f.)<br />
el aumento <strong>la</strong> vista de una causa<br />
raising, elevation trial, hearing<br />
l'augmentation (f.) l'audience (f.)<br />
l'aumento (m.) l'udienza (f.)<br />
el autor el incremento<br />
author increase<br />
l'auteur (m.) l'augmentation (f.), l'accroissement (m.)<br />
l'autore (m.) l'incremento (m.)
el autocar el autobús<br />
coa<strong>ch</strong> bus<br />
l'autocar (m.), le car l'autobus (m.)<br />
l'autobus l'autobus (m.)<br />
el automovilista el otoño<br />
car driver automn<br />
l'automobiliste (m.) l'automne (m.)<br />
l'automobilista (m.) l'autunno (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> autorización <strong>la</strong> autonomía<br />
authorisation, authorization autonomy<br />
l'autorisation (f.) l'autonomie (f.)<br />
l'autorizzazione (f.) l'autonomia<br />
<strong>la</strong> autopista <strong>la</strong> autoridad<br />
motorway (br.), freeway, highway (am.) authority<br />
l'autoroute (f.) l'autorité (f.)<br />
l'autostrada (f.) l'autorità (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> ava<strong>la</strong>n<strong>ch</strong>a Austria<br />
ava<strong>la</strong>n<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> Austria<br />
l'ava<strong>la</strong>n<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> (f.) l'Autri<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> va<strong>la</strong>nga Austria
el avaro <strong>la</strong> ventaja<br />
miser, meanie, tightwad advantage<br />
l'avare (m.) l'avantage (m.)<br />
l'avaro (m.) il vantaggio<br />
el futuro, el porvenir <strong>la</strong> avaricia<br />
future meanness, miserliness<br />
l'avenir (m.) l'avarice (f.)<br />
il futuro l'avarizia (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> avenida <strong>la</strong> aventura<br />
avenue adventure<br />
l'avenue (f.), l'allée (f.) l'aventure (f.)<br />
il viale l'avventura (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> aversión <strong>la</strong>var<br />
dislike, aversion to wash, to <strong>la</strong>under<br />
l'aversion (f.) <strong>la</strong>ver<br />
l'avversione (f.) <strong>la</strong>vare<br />
<strong>la</strong> confesión <strong>la</strong> advertencia<br />
confession warning<br />
l'aveu (m.) l'avertissement (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> confessione l'avvertimento (m.)
el aviso el avión<br />
notification, advice p<strong>la</strong>ne<br />
l'avis (m.) l'avion (m.)<br />
l'avviso (m.) l'aereo (m.)<br />
el abogado el abono en cuenta<br />
<strong>la</strong>wyer, attorney, advocate credit note<br />
l'avocat (f.) l'avis de crédit (m.)<br />
l'avvocato (m.) l'accredito (m.)<br />
el haber <strong>la</strong> avena<br />
credit, asset oat<br />
l'avoir (m.) l'avoine (f.)<br />
gli averi (m.) l'avena (f.)<br />
el abril el aborto<br />
April abortion<br />
l'avril (m.) l'avortement (m.)<br />
l'aprile (m.) l'aborto (m.)<br />
el transbordador el eje<br />
ferry axis<br />
le bac, le ferry-boat l'axe (m.), l'essieu (m.)<br />
il traghetto l'asse (m.)
el equipaje el ba<strong>ch</strong>illerato<br />
luggage, baggage s<strong>ch</strong>ool leaving examination<br />
le bagage le bacca<strong>la</strong>uréat, le bac<br />
il bagaglio il esame di maturità<br />
el beso el baño<br />
kiss bath<br />
le baiser le bain<br />
il bacio il bagno<br />
<strong>la</strong> escoba el baile<br />
besom, broom ball, dancing<br />
le ba<strong>la</strong>i le bal<br />
<strong>la</strong> scopa il ballo<br />
el banco el balcón<br />
ben<strong>ch</strong> balcony<br />
le banc le balcon<br />
il banco il balcone<br />
el bautizo el suburbio<br />
baptism suburb<br />
le baptème le banlieue<br />
il battesimo il sobborgo
el di<strong>que</strong> de contención el bar<br />
dam, embankment, bank bar<br />
le barrage le bar<br />
<strong>la</strong> diga di sbarramento il bar<br />
<strong>la</strong> media el cierre<br />
stocking barrier<br />
le bas le barrage<br />
<strong>la</strong> calza lo sbarramento<br />
<strong>la</strong> barca <strong>la</strong> pi<strong>la</strong><br />
boat basin, pelvis (anat.)<br />
le bateau le bassin<br />
<strong>la</strong> barca il bacino<br />
el edificio el barco<br />
building ship<br />
le bâtiment le bateau<br />
l'edificio (m.) <strong>la</strong> nave, il battello (piccolo)<br />
<strong>la</strong>s palpitaciones el palo<br />
beating of the heart cane, stick<br />
le battement du coeur le bâton<br />
<strong>la</strong> palpitazione il bastone
el suegro el cuñado<br />
father-in-<strong>la</strong>w brother-in-<strong>la</strong>w<br />
le beau-père le beau-frère<br />
il suocero il cognato<br />
el bebé el padrastro<br />
baby stepfather<br />
le bébé le beau-père<br />
il bebé il patrigno<br />
<strong>la</strong> ganancia el pico<br />
gain beak, bill<br />
le bénéfice le bec<br />
il guadagno, <strong>la</strong> vincita il becco<br />
el pastor <strong>la</strong> cuna<br />
shepherd, herder cradle<br />
le berger le berceau<br />
il pastore <strong>la</strong> cul<strong>la</strong><br />
el ganado <strong>la</strong>s necesidades<br />
cattle need, requirement<br />
le bétail le besoin<br />
<strong>la</strong> bestia il bisogno
<strong>la</strong> mantequil<strong>la</strong> el hormigón<br />
butter concrete<br />
le beurre le béton<br />
il burro il calcestruzzo<br />
<strong>la</strong> barriada pobre el bidón<br />
slum, shanty town canister<br />
le bidonville le bidon<br />
il quartiere povero il bidone<br />
<strong>la</strong> ba<strong>la</strong>nza el bistec<br />
ba<strong>la</strong>nce, ba<strong>la</strong>nce sheet steak<br />
le bi<strong>la</strong>n le steak, le bifteck<br />
il bi<strong>la</strong>ncio <strong>la</strong> bistecca<br />
el billete de ida y vuelta el billete, el boleto (am.)<br />
return ticket ticket<br />
le billet d'aller et retour le billet<br />
il biglietto di andata e ritorno il biglietto<br />
el billete de lotería el billete de banco<br />
lot banknote<br />
le billet de loterie le billet de ban<strong>que</strong><br />
il biglietto del<strong>la</strong> lotteria <strong>la</strong> banconota
<strong>la</strong> galleta <strong>la</strong> entrada<br />
biscuit (br.), cookie (am.) ticket<br />
le biscuit le billet d'entrée<br />
il biscotto il biglietto d'ingresso<br />
<strong>la</strong> carna de vaca el escudo de armas, el b<strong>la</strong>són<br />
beef coat of arms, crest, emblem<br />
le boeuf le b<strong>la</strong>son, les armoiries (f.)<br />
il manzo <strong>la</strong> stemma<br />
<strong>la</strong> leña <strong>la</strong> madera<br />
firewood wood<br />
le bois de <strong>ch</strong>auffage le bois<br />
<strong>la</strong> legna il legno<br />
el vale el bien<br />
vou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r good<br />
le bon le bon<br />
il buono il bene<br />
<strong>la</strong> felicidad el caramelo<br />
happiness candy<br />
le bonheur le bonbon<br />
<strong>la</strong> felicità <strong>la</strong> caramel<strong>la</strong>
el borde, <strong>la</strong> oril<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> gorra<br />
border, edge, brink cap<br />
le bord le bonnet<br />
l'orlo (m.) il berretto<br />
el ribete el canto<br />
seam, border, edge edge<br />
le bord, <strong>la</strong> bordure le bord<br />
il bordo lo spigolo<br />
el tapón el carnicero<br />
tap, peg, bung but<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
le bou<strong>ch</strong>on le bou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
il tappo il macel<strong>la</strong>io<br />
el panadero el atasco<br />
baker traffic jam<br />
le bou<strong>la</strong>nger le bou<strong>ch</strong>on, l'embouteil<strong>la</strong>ge<br />
il fornaio l'intasamento, l'ingorgo (m.)<br />
el ramo de flores el abedul<br />
bou<strong>que</strong>t, bun<strong>ch</strong> of flowers bir<strong>ch</strong><br />
le bou<strong>que</strong>t le bouleau<br />
il mazzo di fiori <strong>la</strong> betul<strong>la</strong>
el papelito el ciudadano<br />
slip of paper, leaflet citizen<br />
le bout de papier le bourgeois<br />
il pezzo di carta il cittadino<br />
el botón automático el botón<br />
press stud, press button bud<br />
le bouton-pression le bouton<br />
il bottone automatico il boccio<br />
<strong>la</strong> pulsera el boicoteo<br />
bracelet boycott<br />
le bracelet le boycottage<br />
il braccialetto il boicottaggio<br />
el encendedor el brazo<br />
lighter arm<br />
le bri<strong>que</strong>t le bras<br />
l'accendino (m.) il braccio<br />
el ruido <strong>la</strong> nieb<strong>la</strong><br />
noise fog, mist<br />
le bruit le brouil<strong>la</strong>rd, <strong>la</strong> brume<br />
il rumore <strong>la</strong> nebbia
<strong>la</strong> oficina, el despa<strong>ch</strong>o el boletín de calificaciones<br />
office s<strong>ch</strong>ool report<br />
le bureau le bulletin sco<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
l'ufficio (m.) <strong>la</strong> pagel<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> oficina de correos el escritorio<br />
post office desk<br />
le bureau de poste le bureau<br />
l'ufficio postale (m.) <strong>la</strong> scrivania<br />
el objetivo, el fin <strong>la</strong> oficina de objetos perdidos<br />
purpose, aim lost property office<br />
le but, l'objectif (m.) le bureau des objets trouvés<br />
lo scopo, l'obiettivo (m.) l'ufficio oggetti smarriti (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> de consulta, el consultorio el botón<br />
consulting room button<br />
le cabinet de consultation le bouton<br />
l'ambu<strong>la</strong>torio (m.) il bottone<br />
el timbre, el sello el cable<br />
stamp, <strong>ch</strong>op cable<br />
le ca<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>t, l'empreinte (m.) le câble<br />
il timbro il cavo
el marco el cadáver<br />
frame dead body, cadaver<br />
le cadre le cadavre<br />
<strong>la</strong> cornice il cadavere<br />
el café con le<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> el café<br />
white coffee, coffee with milk coffee<br />
le café au <strong>la</strong>it le café<br />
il caffe<strong>la</strong>tte il caffè<br />
el cajero el cuaderno<br />
cashier book, excercise book<br />
le caissier le cahier<br />
il cassiere il quaderno<br />
el tranquilizante el calzoncillo<br />
sedative, tranquillizer pants<br />
le calmant le caleçon, <strong>la</strong> culotte, le slip<br />
il sedativo le mutande<br />
el <strong>la</strong>drón <strong>la</strong> calma, el silencio<br />
burg<strong>la</strong>r quietness, calm, silence<br />
le cambrioleur le calme<br />
lo scassinatore <strong>la</strong> calma, <strong>la</strong> tranquillità
el campo el camión<br />
camp lorry, truck, camion<br />
le campement, le camp le camion<br />
l'accampamento (m.) il camion<br />
el sofá el canal<br />
sofa <strong>ch</strong>annel<br />
le canapé le canal<br />
il divano il canale<br />
el cáncer el pato<br />
cancer duck<br />
le cancer le canard<br />
il cancro l'anitra (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>n<strong>ch</strong>a motora el candidato<br />
motorboat candidate<br />
le canot, le canot à moteur le candidat<br />
il motoscafo il candidato<br />
el capital el capitán<br />
capital captain<br />
le capital le capitaine<br />
il capitale il capitano
el capri<strong>ch</strong>o el capitalismo<br />
caprice capitalism<br />
le caprice le capitalisme<br />
il capriccio il capitalismo<br />
el carácter <strong>la</strong> capu<strong>ch</strong>a<br />
<strong>ch</strong>aracter hood<br />
le caractère <strong>la</strong> capu<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, le capu<strong>ch</strong>on<br />
il carattere il cappuccio<br />
el carnaval el carburante<br />
carnival fuel, propel<strong>la</strong>nt<br />
le carnaval le carburant<br />
il carnevale il carburante<br />
<strong>la</strong> baldosa el co<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
tile carriage<br />
le carreau, le carreau de faïence le carrosse<br />
<strong>la</strong> piastrel<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> carrozza<br />
el tiovivo el cruce<br />
merry-go-round, roundabout crossing, junction, crossroads<br />
le carrousel le carrefour, le croisement<br />
il carosello l´incrociamento (m.)
el caso el cartón<br />
case carton, cardboard<br />
le cas le carton<br />
il caso il cartone<br />
el catálogo el casco<br />
catalogue helmet<br />
le catalogue le cas<strong>que</strong><br />
il catalogo il casco<br />
el soltero el apio<br />
ba<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>lor celery<br />
le célibataire le céleri<br />
il celibe il sedano<br />
el centímetro el cenicero<br />
centimetre (br.), centimeter (am.) ashtray<br />
le centimètre le cendrier<br />
il centimetro il portacenere<br />
el centro <strong>la</strong> central<br />
centre (br.), center (am.) central office<br />
le centre le central<br />
il centro <strong>la</strong> centrale
el ataúd el círculo<br />
coffin circle<br />
le cercueil le cercle<br />
<strong>la</strong> bara il cer<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
el certificado el ciervo<br />
certificate deer<br />
le certificat le cerf<br />
il certificato il cervo<br />
el pesar el cerebro<br />
hearta<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>, <strong>ch</strong>agrin brain<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>agrin, le souci le cerveau<br />
il dispiacere il cervello<br />
el hongo, <strong>la</strong> seta el campo<br />
mushroom, fungus field<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>ampignon le <strong>ch</strong>amp<br />
il fungo il campo<br />
el cande<strong>la</strong>bro el campeón<br />
candlestick <strong>ch</strong>ampion<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>andelier le <strong>ch</strong>ampion<br />
il candeliere il campione
el cambio, <strong>la</strong> modificación el cambio<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ange <strong>ch</strong>ange<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>angement le <strong>ch</strong>angement<br />
il cambiamento il cambio<br />
el cantante <strong>la</strong> canción<br />
singer song<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>anteur le <strong>ch</strong>anson<br />
il cantante <strong>la</strong> canzone<br />
el sombrero <strong>la</strong> obra<br />
hat building site, construction site<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>apeau le <strong>ch</strong>antier<br />
il cappello il cantiere<br />
el carbón el capítulo<br />
coal <strong>ch</strong>apter<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>arbon le <strong>ch</strong>apitre<br />
il carbone il capitolo<br />
el cazador <strong>la</strong> carretil<strong>la</strong> elevadora<br />
hunter forklift<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>asseur le <strong>ch</strong>ariot-élévateur à four<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
il cacciatore il carrello caricatore a for<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tta
el castillo el gato<br />
castle cat<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>âteau fort, le <strong>ch</strong>âteau le <strong>ch</strong>at<br />
il castello il gatto<br />
el calentador de agua <strong>la</strong> calefacción<br />
water heater, boiler heating<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>auffe-eau le <strong>ch</strong>auffage<br />
lo scaldaqua il riscaldamento<br />
el jefe <strong>la</strong> obra maestra<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ief, boss masterpiece, masterwork<br />
le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>f le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>f-d'oeuvre<br />
il capo il capo<strong>la</strong>voro<br />
el ferrocarril el camino, el sendero<br />
railway way, path, walk, <strong>la</strong>ne<br />
le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>min de fer le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>min<br />
<strong>la</strong> ferrovia il sentiero, il cammino<br />
<strong>la</strong> blusa el camino vecinal<br />
blouse cart track, dirt road<br />
le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>misier le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>min rural<br />
<strong>la</strong> camicetta il viottolo di campagna
el <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><strong>que</strong> el roble<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><strong>que</strong> (br.), <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ck (am.) oak<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>è<strong>que</strong> le <strong>ch</strong>êne<br />
l'assegno (m.) <strong>la</strong> <strong>que</strong>rcia<br />
el pelo el caballo<br />
hair horse<br />
le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>veu le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>val<br />
il capello il cavallo<br />
el <strong>ch</strong>icle el corzo<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>wing gum, bubble gum roe deer<br />
le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>wing-gum le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>vreuil<br />
<strong>la</strong> gomma da masticare il capriolo<br />
el trapo el perro<br />
rag dog<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>iffon le <strong>ch</strong>ien<br />
lo straccio il cane<br />
el químico <strong>la</strong> cifra<br />
<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>mist figure<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>imiste le <strong>ch</strong>iffre<br />
il <strong>ch</strong>imico <strong>la</strong> cifra
el <strong>ch</strong>oc el cirujano<br />
shock surgeon<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>oc le <strong>ch</strong>irurgien<br />
il <strong>ch</strong>oc il <strong>ch</strong>irurgo<br />
el coro el <strong>ch</strong>oco<strong>la</strong>te<br />
<strong>ch</strong>oir, <strong>ch</strong>orus <strong>ch</strong>oco<strong>la</strong>te<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>oeur le <strong>ch</strong>oco<strong>la</strong>t<br />
il coro il ciocco<strong>la</strong>to<br />
el desempleo, el paro <strong>la</strong> elección<br />
unemployment <strong>ch</strong>oice, selection<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>ômage le <strong>ch</strong>oix<br />
<strong>la</strong> disoccupazione <strong>la</strong> scelta<br />
el coliflor <strong>la</strong> col<br />
cauliflower cabbage, col<strong>la</strong>rd<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>ou-fleur le <strong>ch</strong>ou<br />
il cavolfiore il cavolo<br />
el puro el cielo<br />
cigar sky<br />
le cigare le ciel<br />
il sigaro il cielo
el cementerio el cemento<br />
cemetery cement<br />
le cimetière le ciment<br />
il cimitero il cemento<br />
<strong>la</strong> per<strong>ch</strong>a el cine<br />
coat hanger, hanger cinema (br.), movie theater (am.)<br />
le cintre le cinéma<br />
<strong>la</strong> gruccia <strong>la</strong> cinema<br />
el limón el circo<br />
lemon, citron circus<br />
le citron le cir<strong>que</strong><br />
il limone il circo<br />
el cliente el tec<strong>la</strong>do<br />
customer, client keyboard, keypad, console<br />
le client le c<strong>la</strong>vier<br />
il cliente <strong>la</strong> tastiera<br />
el clima el intermitente<br />
climate indicator<br />
le climat le clignotant<br />
il clima il <strong>la</strong>mpeggiatore
el c<strong>la</strong>vo el campanario<br />
nail <strong>ch</strong>ur<strong>ch</strong> tower<br />
le clou le clo<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
il <strong>ch</strong>iodo il campanile<br />
el código el payaso<br />
code of <strong>la</strong>w clown<br />
le code, le code civil le clown<br />
il codice il pagliaccio<br />
el corazón el código postal<br />
heart postcode<br />
le coeur le code postal<br />
il cuore il numero di codice<br />
<strong>la</strong> caja fuerte el cofre<br />
safe, vault, strongroom <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>st, coffer<br />
le coffre-fort le coffre<br />
<strong>la</strong> cassaforte il cofano<br />
el pelu<strong>que</strong>ro el maletero, el cofre (am.)<br />
hairdresser boot (br.), trunk (am.)<br />
le coiffeur le coffre, le coffre-arrière<br />
il parruc<strong>ch</strong>iere il bagagliaio
el rincón, <strong>la</strong> esquina <strong>la</strong> cuña<br />
corner wedge<br />
le coin <strong>la</strong> cale<br />
l'angolo (m.) il cuneo<br />
el escarabajo el paso<br />
beetle pass<br />
le coléoptère le col<br />
il coleottoro il passo<br />
el panty el co<strong>la</strong>borador<br />
pantyhose (am.), pair of tights (br.) col<strong>la</strong>borator, co-worker<br />
le col<strong>la</strong>nt le col<strong>la</strong>borateur<br />
il col<strong>la</strong>nt, <strong>la</strong> calzamaglia il col<strong>la</strong>boratore<br />
<strong>la</strong> lu<strong>ch</strong>a el colega<br />
fight colleague, fellow<br />
le combat, <strong>la</strong> lutte le collègue<br />
<strong>la</strong> lotta il collega<br />
el confort el combustible<br />
comfort fuel<br />
le comfort le combustible, le carburant<br />
<strong>la</strong> comodità il combustibile, il carburante
el comentario el comienzo<br />
comment beginning<br />
le commentaire le commencement<br />
il commento l'inizio (m.)<br />
el comisario el comercio<br />
commissioner trade, commerce<br />
le commissaire le commerce<br />
il commissario il commercio<br />
el compartimento el comunismo<br />
compartment communism<br />
le compartiment le communisme<br />
lo scompartimento il comunismo<br />
el complejo de inferioridad el compatriota<br />
inferiortity complex compatriot<br />
le complexe d'infériorité le compatriote<br />
il complesso d'inferiorità il compatriota<br />
el cumplido el cómplice<br />
compliment accomplice<br />
le compliment le complice<br />
il complimento il complice
<strong>la</strong> pastil<strong>la</strong> el componente<br />
tablet component<br />
le comprimé le composant<br />
<strong>la</strong> compressa il componente<br />
<strong>la</strong> cuenta el arreglo<br />
account compromise<br />
le compte le compromis<br />
il conto il compromesso<br />
el conde el contador<br />
count, earl counter<br />
le comte le compteur<br />
il conte il contatore<br />
el portero el concierto<br />
porter, doorman, janitor concert<br />
le concierge le concert<br />
il portiere il concerto<br />
el condimento, <strong>la</strong> especia el concurso<br />
spice, condiment competiton<br />
le condiment, l'épice le concours<br />
il condimento il concorso
el cono el conductor<br />
cone driver<br />
le cône le conducteur, le <strong>ch</strong>auffeur<br />
il cono il conduttore<br />
el conge<strong>la</strong>dor el conflicto<br />
deep-freezer, freezer conflict<br />
le congé<strong>la</strong>teur le conflit<br />
il conge<strong>la</strong>tore il conflitto<br />
<strong>la</strong> conífera el congreso<br />
conifer congress, convention<br />
le conifère le congrès<br />
<strong>la</strong> conifera il congresso<br />
el consumidor el consejo<br />
consumer advice, counsel<br />
le consommateur le conseil<br />
il consumatore il consiglio<br />
el consu<strong>la</strong>do el caldo<br />
consu<strong>la</strong>te broth, stock<br />
le consu<strong>la</strong>t le consommé<br />
il conso<strong>la</strong>to il brodo
el contenido el contacto<br />
content contact<br />
le contenu le contact<br />
il contenuto il contatto<br />
el contrato el continente<br />
contract continent<br />
le contract le continent<br />
il contratto il continente<br />
el contraste el contrario<br />
contrast contrary, opposite<br />
le contraste le contraire<br />
il contrasto il contrario<br />
el contrapeso el capataz, el mayoral<br />
counterweight foreman<br />
le contrepoids le contremaître, le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>f d'équipe<br />
il contrappeso il capo operaio<br />
el control el contribuyente<br />
control taxpayer<br />
le contrôle le contribuable<br />
il controllo il contribuente
el gallo el revisor<br />
cock inspector, conductor (am.)<br />
le coq le contrôleur<br />
il gallo il bigliettaio<br />
el desfile el cuerpo<br />
procession, <strong>para</strong>de body<br />
le cortège le corps<br />
il corteo il corpo<br />
el <strong>la</strong>do el traje<br />
side suit<br />
le côté le costume, le complet<br />
il <strong>la</strong>to l'abito (m.)<br />
el cuello el algodón<br />
cervical, neck, throat cotton<br />
le cou le coton<br />
il collo il cotone<br />
el codo <strong>la</strong> puesta del sol<br />
elbow sunset<br />
le coude le cou<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r du soleil<br />
il gomito il tramonto
el golpe, el <strong>ch</strong>o<strong>que</strong> el pasillo<br />
blow, stroke corridor<br />
le coup le couloir<br />
il colpo il corridoio<br />
<strong>la</strong> conversación telefonica el tiro<br />
phone call shot<br />
le coup de téléphone le coup de ...<br />
<strong>la</strong> telefonata lo sparo<br />
el coraje <strong>la</strong> pareja<br />
courage couple<br />
le courage le couple<br />
il coraggio <strong>la</strong> coppia<br />
<strong>la</strong> corriente de aire <strong>la</strong> corriente<br />
draught, draft stream, current<br />
le courant d'air le courant<br />
<strong>la</strong> corrente d'aria <strong>la</strong> corrente<br />
el tipo de cambio el curso<br />
ex<strong>ch</strong>ange rate course<br />
le cours du <strong>ch</strong>ange le cours<br />
il corso dei cambi il corso
<strong>la</strong> almohada el primo<br />
cushion, pillow cousin<br />
le coussin le cousin<br />
il cuscino il cugino<br />
<strong>la</strong> navaja el cu<strong>ch</strong>illo<br />
pocketknife, penknife knife<br />
le couteau de po<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> le couteau<br />
il coltellino il coltello<br />
el cubierto <strong>la</strong> tapa<br />
p<strong>la</strong>ce setting cap, cover, lid<br />
le couvert le couvercle<br />
il coperto il coper<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
el cráter el sapo<br />
crater toad<br />
le cratère le crapaud<br />
il cratere il rospo<br />
el acreedor el lápiz<br />
creditor pencil<br />
le créancier le crayon<br />
il creditore <strong>la</strong> matita
el alquiler con opción a compra el crédito<br />
leasing credit, loan<br />
le crédit-bail le crédit<br />
il leasing il credito<br />
el grito el crepúscolo<br />
cry twilight, dawn<br />
le cri le crépuscule<br />
il grido il crepuscolo<br />
el crimen el cedazo<br />
crime sieve, sifter, strainer<br />
le crime le crible, le tamis<br />
il delitto il setaccio, il staccio<br />
el gan<strong>ch</strong>o el cristal<br />
hook crystal<br />
le cro<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>t le cristal<br />
il gancio il cristallo<br />
el cubo <strong>la</strong> encrucijada<br />
cube crossing, crossbreeding<br />
le cube le croisement<br />
il cubo il incrocio
el cocinero el cuero<br />
cook leather<br />
le cuisinier le cuir<br />
il cuoco il cuoio<br />
el currículum vitae el cobre<br />
curriculum vitae (br.), resume (am.) copper<br />
le curriculum vitae, le curriculum le cuivre<br />
il curriculum vitae il rame<br />
el peligro el cilindro<br />
danger cylinder<br />
le danger le cylindre<br />
il pericolo il cilindro<br />
el deudor el debate<br />
debtor debate<br />
le débiteur le débat<br />
il debitore il dibattito<br />
el diciembre el principiante<br />
December beginner<br />
le décembre le débutant<br />
il dicembre il principiante
el defecto el decreto<br />
defect, fault decree<br />
le défaut le décret<br />
il difetto il decreto<br />
el déficit el desafío<br />
deficit <strong>ch</strong>allenge, provocation<br />
le déficit le défi<br />
il deficit <strong>la</strong> sfida<br />
el almuerzo el asco<br />
lun<strong>ch</strong>, lun<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>on disgust<br />
le déjeuner le dégoût<br />
il pranzo <strong>la</strong> nausea<br />
el delito <strong>la</strong> prorroga<br />
offence de<strong>la</strong>y, postponement<br />
le délit le dé<strong>la</strong>i<br />
il delitto <strong>la</strong> proroga<br />
<strong>la</strong> mudanza el arran<strong>que</strong>, el starter<br />
removal, move starter<br />
le déménagement le démarreur<br />
il trasloco il motorino d'avviamento
el dentífrico el semicírculo<br />
toothpaste semi circle<br />
le dentifrice le demi-cercle<br />
il dentifricio il semicer<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
el desodorante el dentista<br />
deodorant dentist<br />
le déodorant le dentiste<br />
il deodorante il dentista<br />
el departamento <strong>la</strong> partida, <strong>la</strong> salida<br />
department departure<br />
le département le départ<br />
il reparto, il dipartimento <strong>la</strong> partenza<br />
el depósito el enfado, el enojo<br />
depot, deposit annoyance, anger<br />
le dépôt le dépit, l'irritation (f.)<br />
il deposito il fastidio<br />
<strong>la</strong> molestia el diputado<br />
disturbance, trouble deputy<br />
le dérangement le député<br />
il disturbo il deputato
el inconveniente <strong>la</strong> divergencia de opiniones<br />
inconvenience difference of opinion<br />
le désagrément, l'ennui (m.) le désaccord<br />
l'inconveniente (m.) <strong>la</strong> divergenza d'opinioni<br />
<strong>la</strong> catástrofe el desarme<br />
disaster, catastrophe disarmament<br />
le désastre le désarmement<br />
il disastro il disarmo<br />
el desierto <strong>la</strong> desventaja<br />
desert disadvantage<br />
le désert le désavantage<br />
il deserto lo svantaggio<br />
<strong>la</strong> nostalgia el deseo<br />
longing, nostalgia desire, wish<br />
le désir ardent le désir<br />
<strong>la</strong> nostalgia il desiderio<br />
el postre el desorden<br />
dessert mess<br />
le dessert le désordre<br />
il dolce il disordine
el destinatario el dibujo<br />
receiver drawing, drawn<br />
le destinataire le dessin<br />
il destinatario il disegno<br />
el detergente el detalle<br />
washing powder, detergent detail<br />
le détergent le détail<br />
il detersivo il dettaglio<br />
el presupuesto el desarollo<br />
estimate, quotation development, evolution<br />
le devis le développement<br />
il preventivo lo sviluppo<br />
el diablo el deber<br />
devil duty<br />
le diable le devoir<br />
il diavolo il dovere<br />
el dialecto el diagnóstico<br />
dialect diagnosis<br />
le dialecte le diagnostic<br />
il dialetto <strong>la</strong> diagnosi
el diamante el diálogo<br />
diamond dialog<br />
le diamant le dialogue<br />
il diamante il dialogo<br />
el diccionario el diámetro<br />
dictionary diameter<br />
le dictionnaire le diamètre<br />
il dizionario il diametro<br />
el domingo el diluyente<br />
Sunday diluter, thinner<br />
le diman<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> le diluant<br />
<strong>la</strong> domenica il diluente<br />
el diploma el diplomático<br />
diploma diplomat<br />
le diplôme le diplomate<br />
il diploma il diplomatico<br />
el discurso el director<br />
spee<strong>ch</strong> director<br />
le discours le directeur<br />
il discorso il direttore
el disco el dispositivo<br />
disc device<br />
le dis<strong>que</strong> le dispositif<br />
il disco il dispositivo<br />
el distruibidor el disco duro<br />
distributor, dispenser harddisk<br />
le distributeur le dis<strong>que</strong> dur<br />
il distributore il disco fisso<br />
el documento el divorcio<br />
document divorce<br />
le document le divorce<br />
il documento il divorzio<br />
<strong>la</strong> hacienda el dedo<br />
manor, estate finger<br />
le domaine le doigt<br />
il podere il dito<br />
el daño el domicilio, el lugar de residencia<br />
damage residence<br />
le dommage, les dégâts (m.) le domicile<br />
il danno il domicilio
<strong>la</strong> espalda el donativo<br />
back donation<br />
le dos le don<br />
<strong>la</strong> s<strong>ch</strong>iena il dono<br />
el desagüe, el drenaje <strong>la</strong> duda<br />
drainage, dewatering doubt<br />
le drainage le doute<br />
il drenaggio il dubbio<br />
el dere<strong>ch</strong>o <strong>la</strong> bandera<br />
right, <strong>la</strong>w, justice f<strong>la</strong>g<br />
le droit le drapeau<br />
il diritto <strong>la</strong> bandiera<br />
el duelo el du<strong>que</strong><br />
duel duke, du<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ss<br />
le duel le duc<br />
il duello il duca<br />
el cartero el duplicado<br />
postman duplicate<br />
le facteur le duplicata<br />
il postino, il fattorino il duplicato
el aficionado el he<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
fan fact<br />
le fan le fait<br />
il tifoso il fatto<br />
el faro, el proyector el fantasma<br />
floodlight, headlight ghost, spectre<br />
le fare, le projecteur le fantôme<br />
il faro, il proiettore il fantasma<br />
el sillón de ruedas el sillón<br />
wheel<strong>ch</strong>air arm<strong>ch</strong>air<br />
le fauteuil rou<strong>la</strong>nt le fauteuil<br />
<strong>la</strong> sedia a rotelle <strong>la</strong> poltrona<br />
el hinojo el refugiado<br />
fennel refugee<br />
le fenouil le réfugié<br />
il finoc<strong>ch</strong>io il profugo<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>n<strong>ch</strong>a el hierro<br />
f<strong>la</strong>t-iron, iron iron<br />
le fer a repasser le fer<br />
il ferro da stiro il ferro
los fuegos artificiales el fuego<br />
firework fire<br />
le feu d'artifice le feu<br />
i fuo<strong>ch</strong>i d'artificio il fuoco<br />
el fieltro <strong>la</strong>s hojas<br />
felt leaves, foliage<br />
le feutre le feuil<strong>la</strong>ge<br />
il feltro il fogliame, le foglie<br />
el febrero el rotu<strong>la</strong>dor<br />
February felt pen, marker<br />
le février le crayon-feutre, le stylo-feutre, le feutre<br />
il febbraio il pennarello<br />
el fi<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ro, el ar<strong>ch</strong>ivo el novio<br />
file bridegroom, groom<br />
le fi<strong>ch</strong>ier le marié<br />
<strong>la</strong> fi<strong>la</strong>, l'ar<strong>ch</strong>ivio lo sposo<br />
el creyente el fi<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ro<br />
believer card index<br />
le fidèle le fi<strong>ch</strong>ier<br />
il fedele lo s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>dario
el a<strong>la</strong>mbre el a<strong>la</strong>mbre espinoso<br />
wire barbed wire, barbwire<br />
le fil métalli<strong>que</strong> le fil de fer barbelé<br />
il filo metallico il filo spinato<br />
el filete el hilo, <strong>la</strong> hebra<br />
fillet thread, twist, twine<br />
le filet le fil, l'aiguilée (f.)<br />
il filetto il filo<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelícu<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> red<br />
movie net, network<br />
le film le filet<br />
il film <strong>la</strong> rete<br />
el filtro el hijo<br />
filter son<br />
le filtre le fils<br />
il filtro il figlio<br />
el fin de trabajo el fin<br />
finish work, evening end<br />
le fin de <strong>la</strong> journée de travail le fin<br />
<strong>la</strong> cessazione del <strong>la</strong>voro <strong>la</strong> fine
el f<strong>la</strong>nco el final<br />
f<strong>la</strong>nk, side finale<br />
le f<strong>la</strong>nc <strong>la</strong> finale<br />
il fianco <strong>la</strong> finale<br />
el río el f<strong>la</strong>sh<br />
river f<strong>la</strong>shlight<br />
le fleuve le f<strong>la</strong>sh<br />
il fiume il f<strong>la</strong>sh<br />
el funcionario del Estado el heno<br />
official, functionary hay<br />
le fonctionnaire le foin<br />
l'impiegato statale (m.) il fieno<br />
el fondo el fondo<br />
background ground<br />
le fond le fond<br />
lo sfondo il fondo<br />
el fútbol el fundamento<br />
football, soccer (am.) foundation<br />
le football les fondations (f.), <strong>la</strong> base<br />
il calcio il fondamento
el tamaño el herrero<br />
format, size smith, b<strong>la</strong>cksmith<br />
le format le forgeron<br />
il formato il fabbro<br />
el foso, <strong>la</strong> zanja el formu<strong>la</strong>rio, el impreso<br />
dit<strong>ch</strong>, tren<strong>ch</strong> form<br />
le fossé, <strong>la</strong> rigole le formu<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
il fosso, <strong>la</strong> scolina il modulo<br />
<strong>la</strong> bufanda <strong>la</strong> fusta<br />
scarf whip, <strong>la</strong>sh<br />
le fou<strong>la</strong>rd le fouet<br />
lo scialle <strong>la</strong> frusta<br />
<strong>la</strong> estufa el horno<br />
oven, stove baking oven<br />
le four, le fourneau le four<br />
<strong>la</strong> stufa il forno<br />
el forraje el proveedor<br />
fodder, animal food supplier, furnisher<br />
le fourrage le fournisseur<br />
il foraggio, il mangime il fornitore
el fragmento el hogar<br />
fragment home<br />
le fragment le foyer, <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>z-moi<br />
il frammento il ricovero<br />
el fresno el freno<br />
ash tree brake<br />
le frêne le frein<br />
il frassino il freno<br />
<strong>la</strong> nevera el hermano<br />
refrigerator, fridge, icebox brother<br />
le frigidaire le frère<br />
il frigorifero il fratello<br />
el frío los escalofríos<br />
cold, coldness shudder, shiver<br />
le froid le frisson<br />
il freddo il brivido<br />
el re<strong>que</strong>són el <strong>que</strong>so<br />
curd <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ese, quark <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ese<br />
le fromage b<strong>la</strong>nc le fromage<br />
<strong>la</strong> ricotta il formaggio
<strong>la</strong> frente el trigo<br />
front wheat<br />
le front le froment<br />
<strong>la</strong> fronte il grano<br />
el estiércol <strong>la</strong> fruta<br />
dung fruit<br />
le fumier le fruit<br />
lo sterco, il letame <strong>la</strong> frutta<br />
el fusil el cortacircuito<br />
gun fuse<br />
le fusil le fusible<br />
il fucile il fusibile<br />
el guante <strong>la</strong> prenda<br />
glove pawn, mortgage<br />
le gant le gage<br />
il guanto il pegno<br />
el <strong>ch</strong>ico, el mu<strong>ch</strong>a<strong>ch</strong>o el garaje<br />
boy, <strong>la</strong>d garage<br />
le garçon le garage<br />
il ragazzo il garage
el vigi<strong>la</strong>nte el camarero<br />
attendant, warder waiter<br />
le gardien le garçon<br />
il custode il cameriere<br />
el pastel el guardia<br />
cake guard<br />
le gâteau le gardien<br />
il dolce il guardiano<br />
el gas <strong>la</strong> tarta<br />
gas tart, pie, fancy cake<br />
le gaz le gâteau, <strong>la</strong> tarte<br />
il gas <strong>la</strong> torta<br />
el gigante el gasóleo<br />
giant diesel<br />
le géant le gazole<br />
il gigante il gasolio<br />
el genio el yerno<br />
genius son-in-<strong>la</strong>w<br />
le génie le gendre, le beau-fils<br />
il genio il genero
el género <strong>la</strong> rodil<strong>la</strong><br />
genus, species, type knee<br />
le genre le genou<br />
il genere il ginoc<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
el gesto el germen<br />
gesture germ<br />
le geste le germe<br />
il gesto il germe<br />
el <strong>ch</strong>aleco salvavidas el venado<br />
life jacket, life vest game, quarry, <strong>ch</strong>ase<br />
le gilet de sauvetage le gibier<br />
il salvagente <strong>la</strong> selvaggina<br />
el golfo el globo<br />
gulf globe<br />
le golfe le globe<br />
il golfo il globo<br />
el desfi<strong>la</strong>dero el sabor<br />
bottleneck, not<strong>ch</strong> (am.) taste, f<strong>la</strong>vour<br />
le goulot d'étranglement le goût<br />
<strong>la</strong> strettoia il sapore, il gusto
el grado el gobierno<br />
grade, degree government<br />
le grade, le degré le gouvernement<br />
il grado il governo<br />
los grandes almacenes el gramo<br />
department store, big store gramme (br.), gram (am.)<br />
le grand magasin le gramme<br />
il grande magazzino il grammo<br />
<strong>la</strong> grava, <strong>la</strong> gravil<strong>la</strong> el abuelo<br />
gravel, grit grandfather<br />
le gravier le grand-père<br />
<strong>la</strong> ghiaia il nonno<br />
<strong>la</strong> paril<strong>la</strong> el desván<br />
grill, barbecue attic, loft<br />
le gril le grenier<br />
<strong>la</strong> griglia <strong>la</strong> soffitta<br />
el grupo el mayorista<br />
group wholesaler, wholesale dealer<br />
le groupe le grossiste<br />
il gruppo il grossista
el cajero automático <strong>la</strong> taquil<strong>la</strong><br />
cash dispenser, autoteller booking office<br />
le gui<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>t automati<strong>que</strong> le gui<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>t<br />
<strong>la</strong> cassa automatica prelievi <strong>la</strong> biglietteria<br />
el gimnasio el guía, <strong>la</strong> guía (Bu<strong>ch</strong>)<br />
gymnasium, gym guide, guidance<br />
le gymnase le guide<br />
<strong>la</strong> palestra <strong>la</strong> guida<br />
el horizonte <strong>la</strong> haya, el haya<br />
horizon bee<strong>ch</strong> tree<br />
le horizon le hêtre<br />
l'orizzonte (m.) il faggio<br />
el humus el humor<br />
humus, top soil humour (br.), humor (am.)<br />
le humus le humour<br />
il humus l'umore (m.)<br />
el enero el jamón<br />
January ham<br />
le janvier (m.) le jambon<br />
il gennaio il prosciutto
el huerto el jardín<br />
vegetable garden, kit<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>n garden garden<br />
le jardin potager le jardin<br />
l'orto (m.) il giardino<br />
el juego los tejanos<br />
game jeans, denims<br />
le jeu les jeans (m.)<br />
il gioco gli jeans<br />
<strong>la</strong> junta el jueves<br />
seal, gasket, packing Thursday<br />
le joint le jeudi<br />
<strong>la</strong> guarnizione il giovedì<br />
el juguete el día festivo<br />
toy holiday<br />
le jouet le jour férié<br />
il giocattolo il giorno festivo<br />
el día de año nuevo el jugador<br />
New Year's Day p<strong>la</strong>yer, gambler<br />
le jour de l'An le joueur<br />
il capodanno il giocatore
amanecer el día de descanso<br />
to dawn day off, day of rest<br />
le jour se lève le jour de repos<br />
si fa giorno il giorno di reposo<br />
el periódico el día<br />
newspaper day<br />
le journal le jour, <strong>la</strong> journée<br />
il giornale il giorno<br />
el periodista el diario<br />
journalist diary<br />
le journaliste le journal intime<br />
il giornalista il diario<br />
el aniversario <strong>la</strong> joya<br />
jubilee jewel<br />
le jubilé le joyau<br />
il giubileo il gioiello<br />
el juicio el juez<br />
judgement judge<br />
le jugement le juge<br />
il giudizio il giudice
el junio el julio<br />
June July<br />
le juin le juillet<br />
il giugno il luglio<br />
el jurista el gemelo<br />
jurisconsult, <strong>la</strong>wyer twin<br />
le juriste le jumeau<br />
il giurista il gemello<br />
el jugo el jurado<br />
juice jury<br />
le jus le jury<br />
il succo <strong>la</strong> giuria<br />
el kilogramo el zumo<br />
kilo fruit juice<br />
le kilogramme le jus de fruits<br />
il <strong>ch</strong>ilogrammo il succo di frutta<br />
el quiosco el kilómetro<br />
kiosk, newsstand kilometer, kilometre<br />
le kios<strong>que</strong> le kilomètre<br />
il <strong>ch</strong>iosco, l´edico<strong>la</strong> il <strong>ch</strong>ilometro
el <strong>la</strong>boratorio el c<strong>la</strong>xon<br />
<strong>la</strong>b, <strong>la</strong>boratory horn, hooter<br />
le <strong>la</strong>boratoire le k<strong>la</strong>xon<br />
il <strong>la</strong>boratorio il c<strong>la</strong>cson<br />
<strong>la</strong> le<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> el <strong>la</strong>go<br />
milk <strong>la</strong>ke<br />
le <strong>la</strong>it le <strong>la</strong>c<br />
il <strong>la</strong>tte il <strong>la</strong>go<br />
el tiro el <strong>la</strong>tón<br />
throw brass<br />
le <strong>la</strong>ncement le <strong>la</strong>iton<br />
il tiro l'ottone (m.)<br />
el bacon el conejo<br />
bacon rabbit, coney<br />
le <strong>la</strong>rd le <strong>la</strong>pin<br />
il <strong>la</strong>rdo il coniglio<br />
el <strong>la</strong>stre el <strong>la</strong>vabo<br />
bal<strong>la</strong>st washbasin, basin, sink (am.)<br />
le lest le <strong>la</strong>vabo<br />
lo zavorra il <strong>la</strong>vabo
<strong>la</strong> pa<strong>la</strong>nca <strong>la</strong> salida del sol<br />
lever sunrise<br />
le levier le lever du soleil<br />
<strong>la</strong> leva <strong>la</strong> levata del sole<br />
el lugar de reunión el autoservicio<br />
meeting p<strong>la</strong>ce self-service<br />
le lieu de rendez-vous, le lieu de rencontre le libre-service<br />
il luogo d'incontro il self-service<br />
<strong>la</strong> liebre el lugar, el sitio<br />
hare (br.), rabbit (am.) p<strong>la</strong>ce, spot<br />
le lièvre le lieu, l'endroit (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> lepre il luogo, il sito<br />
el león el barro, el limo<br />
lion loam<br />
le lion <strong>la</strong> terre g<strong>la</strong>ise, <strong>la</strong> g<strong>la</strong>ise<br />
il leone il limo<br />
el purín el líquido<br />
slurry liquidity<br />
le lisier, le purin le liquide<br />
lo scolo il liquido
el litro <strong>la</strong> cama<br />
litre, liter bed<br />
le litre le lit<br />
il litro il letto<br />
el libro de estampas el libro<br />
picture book book<br />
le livre d'images le livre<br />
il libro illustrato il libro<br />
el inquilino el local<br />
tenant, lodger, renter (am.) local<br />
le locataire le local<br />
l'inquilino (m.) il locale<br />
a lo <strong>la</strong>rgo de el alojamiento<br />
along accommodation<br />
le long de le logement, le quartier<br />
lungo l'alloggio (m.), il quartiere<br />
el lobo el alqui<strong>la</strong>dor<br />
wolf <strong>la</strong>ndlord, renter<br />
le loup le loueur<br />
il lupo il locatore
el lubrificante el alquiler<br />
lubricant rent, rental fee<br />
le lubrifiant le loyer<br />
il lubrificante l'affitto (m.)<br />
el lunes <strong>la</strong> co<strong>la</strong>ción<br />
Monday snack, col<strong>la</strong>tion, light meal<br />
le lundi <strong>la</strong> col<strong>la</strong>tion, le lun<strong>ch</strong><br />
il lunedì lo spuntino<br />
el albañil el lujo<br />
mason, brick<strong>la</strong>yer luxury<br />
le maçon le luxe<br />
il muratore il lusso<br />
el mago el almacén<br />
magician, wizard, sorcerer store, warehouse<br />
le magicien le magasin<br />
il mago il magazzino<br />
<strong>la</strong> camiseta el mayo<br />
undershirt, jersey May<br />
le maillot le mai<br />
<strong>la</strong> maglietta il maggio
el maíz el alcalde<br />
maize (br.), corn (am.) mayor<br />
le maïs le maire, le syndic<br />
il mais il sindaco<br />
el malo el maestro<br />
evil master, foreman<br />
le mal le maître<br />
il male il maestro<br />
el enfermo el mal<br />
sick person evil<br />
le ma<strong>la</strong>de le mal<br />
il ma<strong>la</strong>to il male<br />
el malentendido el ma<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
misunderstanding manikin, male<br />
le malentendu le mâle<br />
il malinteso il mas<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
<strong>la</strong> comida el mamífero<br />
food mammal<br />
le manger le mammifère<br />
il mangiare, il pranzo il mammifero
el abrigo <strong>la</strong> falta, <strong>la</strong> escasez<br />
coat <strong>la</strong>ck<br />
le manteau le man<strong>que</strong><br />
il cappotto <strong>la</strong> mancanza<br />
el mármol el manual<br />
marble manual<br />
le marbre le manuel<br />
il marmo il manuale<br />
el mercado el comerciante<br />
market trader, dealer<br />
le mar<strong>ch</strong>é le mar<strong>ch</strong>and, le commerçant<br />
il mercato il commerciante<br />
el martes el estribo<br />
Tuesday running board<br />
le mardi le mar<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>pied<br />
il martedì <strong>la</strong> pedana<br />
el marginado el marjal, el pantano<br />
outsider swamp, fen, bog, moor<br />
le marginal, le outsider le marais, le marécage<br />
il emarginato <strong>la</strong> palude
el matrimonio el marido, el esposo<br />
marriage husband<br />
le mariage l'époux, le mari<br />
il matrimonio il marito<br />
el marzo <strong>la</strong> boda<br />
Mar<strong>ch</strong> wedding, marriage<br />
le mars les noces (f.), le mariage<br />
il marzo le nozze<br />
<strong>la</strong> máscara el martillo<br />
mask hammer<br />
le mas<strong>que</strong> le marteau<br />
<strong>la</strong> mas<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ra il martello<br />
<strong>la</strong> masil<strong>la</strong> el masaje<br />
cement, lute massage<br />
le mastic le massage<br />
il mastice il massaggio<br />
el marinero el col<strong>ch</strong>ón<br />
sailor mattress<br />
le matelot, le marin le mate<strong>la</strong>s<br />
il marinaio il materasso
<strong>la</strong> mañana el material<br />
morning material<br />
le matin le matériel, les matériaux (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> mattina, <strong>la</strong> mattinata il materiale<br />
el máximum por <strong>la</strong> mañana<br />
maximum in the morning, before noon<br />
le maximum le matin<br />
il massimo di mattina<br />
el mecánico el fuel<br />
me<strong>ch</strong>anician, me<strong>ch</strong>anic fuel oil, heating oil<br />
le mécanicien le mazout<br />
il meccanico l'olio combustibile (m.)<br />
el mediador el doctor, el médico<br />
mediator doctor<br />
le médiateur le médecin<br />
il mediatore il dottore, il medico<br />
el mejor el medicamento<br />
the best medicinal drug, medicament<br />
le meilleur le médicament<br />
il migliore il farmaco
el alerce <strong>la</strong> mezc<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong>r<strong>ch</strong>, <strong>la</strong>r<strong>ch</strong> tree mixture<br />
le mélèze le mé<strong>la</strong>nge<br />
il <strong>la</strong>rice <strong>la</strong> misce<strong>la</strong><br />
el miembro el melón<br />
member melon<br />
le membre le melon<br />
il membro il melone<br />
el mendigo el mismo<br />
beggar the same<br />
le mendiant le même<br />
il mendicante lo stesso<br />
el mentiroso <strong>la</strong> mentira<br />
liar lie<br />
le menteur le mensonge<br />
il bugiardo <strong>la</strong> bugia<br />
el menú el mentón, <strong>la</strong> barbil<strong>la</strong><br />
menu, price list <strong>ch</strong>in<br />
le menu le menton<br />
il listino, il menù il mento
el miércoles el carpintero<br />
Wednesday carpenter, joiner<br />
le mercredi le menuisier<br />
il mercoledì il falegname<br />
el correo electrónico, el e-mail el mérito<br />
e-mail merit<br />
le mail le mérite<br />
<strong>la</strong> posta elettronica il merito<br />
el metal el mensajero<br />
metal messenger<br />
le métal le messager<br />
il metallo il messaggero<br />
el metro quadrado el metro<br />
square meter meter, metre<br />
le mètre carré le mètre<br />
il metro quadrato il metro<br />
el Metro el metro cúbico<br />
subway cubic metre (br.), cubic meter (am)<br />
le métro le mètre cube<br />
<strong>la</strong> metropolitana il metro cubico
el asesinato el mueble<br />
murder furniture<br />
le meurtre le meuble<br />
l'omicidio (m.) il mobile<br />
el microscopio el micrófono<br />
microscope microphone<br />
le microscope le microphone<br />
il microscopio il microfono<br />
<strong>la</strong> miel el mediodía<br />
honey midday, noon<br />
le miel le midi<br />
il miele il mezzogiorno<br />
el cenizo lo mejor<br />
downy mildew the best<br />
le mildiou le mieux<br />
<strong>la</strong> peronospera meglio di tutto<br />
el ejército <strong>la</strong> mitad<br />
army middle<br />
le militaire, l'armée (f.) le milieu<br />
l'esercito (m.) il mezzo
el menor de edad el millón<br />
minor million<br />
le mineur le million<br />
il minore il milione<br />
el ministerio el minimum<br />
ministry minimum<br />
le ministère le minimum<br />
il ministero il minimo<br />
<strong>la</strong> mediano<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> el ministro<br />
midnight minister<br />
le minuit le ministre<br />
<strong>la</strong> mezzanotte il ministro<br />
el espejo el mi<strong>la</strong>gro, <strong>la</strong> maravil<strong>la</strong><br />
mirror miracle<br />
le miroir le miracle<br />
lo spec<strong>ch</strong>io il miracolo, <strong>la</strong> meraviglia<br />
el modo, <strong>la</strong> manera <strong>la</strong>s instrucciones <strong>para</strong> el uso<br />
kind, way operating instructions<br />
le mode, <strong>la</strong> manière le mode d'emploi<br />
il modo, <strong>la</strong> maniera le istruzioni per l'uso
lo menos el modelo<br />
least of all model<br />
le moindre le modèle<br />
meno di tutti il modello<br />
el mes el monje<br />
month monk<br />
le mois le moine<br />
il mese il monaco<br />
el momento el rato<br />
moment while<br />
le moment, l'instant (m.) le moment<br />
l'attimo (m.), il momento l'istante (m.), il momento<br />
el mundo el monasterio<br />
world monastery, convent, cloister<br />
le monde le monastère<br />
il mondo il <strong>ch</strong>iostro<br />
el señor el monopolio<br />
gentleman, Mister monopoly<br />
le monsieur le monopole<br />
il signore il monopolio
el importe total el importe<br />
total amount amount<br />
le montant total le montant<br />
l'importo totale (m.) l'importo (m.)<br />
el monumento el reloj de pulsera<br />
monument wristwat<strong>ch</strong><br />
le monument le montre-bracelet<br />
il monumento l'orologio da polso (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> pa<strong>la</strong>bra el caído<br />
word person killed in action<br />
le mot le mort pour <strong>la</strong> patrie<br />
<strong>la</strong> paro<strong>la</strong> il caduto<br />
el motivo, <strong>la</strong> razón el motor<br />
motive, motif motor, engine<br />
le motif le moteur<br />
il motivo il motore<br />
el pañuelo de papel el pañuelo<br />
tissue, kleenex handker<strong>ch</strong>ief<br />
le mou<strong>ch</strong>oir en papier le mou<strong>ch</strong>oir<br />
il fazzoletto di carta il fazzoletto
el mosquito el molino<br />
mosquito, midge, gnat mill<br />
le mousti<strong>que</strong> le moulin<br />
<strong>la</strong> zanzara il mulino<br />
el movimiento <strong>la</strong> oveja<br />
motion, movement sheep<br />
le mouvement le mouton<br />
il movimento <strong>la</strong> pecora<br />
el bruto La Edad Media<br />
oaf, cub, boor Middle Ages<br />
le mufle le Moyen Âge<br />
il vil<strong>la</strong>no il Medioevo<br />
<strong>la</strong> pared el muro<br />
wall wall<br />
<strong>la</strong> paroi le mur<br />
<strong>la</strong> parete il muro<br />
el museo el músculo<br />
museum muscle<br />
le musée le muscle<br />
il museo il muscolo
el enano el músico<br />
dwarf, midget, runt musician<br />
le nain le musicien<br />
il nano il musicista<br />
<strong>la</strong> necesidad el naufragio<br />
needful, necessary wreckage, shipwreck<br />
le nécessaire le naufrage<br />
il necessario il naufragio<br />
el sobrino el nervio<br />
nephew nerve<br />
le neveu le nerf<br />
il nipote il nervo<br />
el nido <strong>la</strong> nariz<br />
nest nose<br />
le nid le nez<br />
il nido il naso<br />
el nudo el nivel<br />
knot level<br />
le noeud le niveau<br />
il nodo il livello
<strong>la</strong> nuez el <strong>la</strong>zo<br />
nut loop<br />
le noix <strong>la</strong> boucle<br />
<strong>la</strong> noce il fiocco<br />
el nombre el nombre<br />
Christian name, firstname, forename name<br />
le prénom le nom<br />
il nome il nome<br />
el norte el apellido<br />
north <strong>la</strong>st name, family name, surname<br />
le nord le nom de famille<br />
il nord il cognome<br />
el <strong>la</strong>ctante el notario<br />
nursling, suckling notary<br />
le nourisson le notaire<br />
il <strong>la</strong>ttante il notaio<br />
el núcleo el noviembre<br />
nucleus, kernel, core November<br />
le noyau le novembre<br />
il nucleo il novembre
<strong>la</strong> nube el hueso<br />
cloud pip<br />
le nuage le noyau (cerise), le pépin (pomme)<br />
<strong>la</strong> nuvo<strong>la</strong> il nocciolo<br />
el oídio el número<br />
mildew number<br />
le oïdium le numéro<br />
il oidium il numero<br />
el pa<strong>la</strong>cio el pan<br />
pa<strong>la</strong>ce bread<br />
le pa<strong>la</strong>is le pain<br />
il pa<strong>la</strong>zzo il pane<br />
el señal de tráfico el pomelo<br />
traffic sign grapefruit<br />
le panneau de signalisation le pamplemousse<br />
il segnale stradale il pompelmo<br />
el pantalón el vendaje<br />
trousers (br.), pants (am.) bandage<br />
le pantalon le pansement<br />
i pantaloni <strong>la</strong> fasciatura
el papel el papa<br />
paper pope<br />
le papier le pape<br />
<strong>la</strong> carta il papa<br />
el lío <strong>la</strong> mariposa<br />
bundle butterfly<br />
<strong>la</strong> liasse, le pa<strong>que</strong>t le papillon<br />
il mazzo <strong>la</strong> farfal<strong>la</strong><br />
el <strong>para</strong>caídas el pa<strong>que</strong>te<br />
<strong>para</strong><strong>ch</strong>ute parcel<br />
le <strong>para</strong><strong>ch</strong>ute le pa<strong>que</strong>t<br />
il <strong>para</strong>cadute il pacco, il pac<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tto<br />
el <strong>para</strong>guas el <strong>para</strong>íso<br />
umbrel<strong>la</strong> <strong>para</strong>dise<br />
le <strong>para</strong>pluie le <strong>para</strong>dis<br />
l'ombrello (m.) il <strong>para</strong>diso<br />
el <strong>para</strong>sol el parásito<br />
sunshade, <strong>para</strong>sol <strong>para</strong>site, sponger<br />
le <strong>para</strong>sol le <strong>para</strong>site<br />
l'ombrellone (m.) il <strong>para</strong>ssita
el parquímetro el par<strong>que</strong><br />
parking meter park<br />
le parcmètre le parc<br />
il par<strong>ch</strong>imetro il parco<br />
el perdón el recorrido<br />
pardon stret<strong>ch</strong>, way<br />
le pardon le trajet, le parcours<br />
il perdono il tratto<br />
el pariente el <strong>para</strong>brisas, el <strong>para</strong>vientos<br />
re<strong>la</strong>tive windscreen (br.), windshield (am.)<br />
le parent le pare-brise<br />
il parente il <strong>para</strong>brezza<br />
el aparcamiento, el estacionamiento <strong>la</strong> apuesta<br />
car park (br.), parking lot (am.) betting, wager, punt<br />
le parking le pari<br />
il par<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ggio <strong>la</strong> scommessa<br />
el par<strong>la</strong>mento el aparcamiento subterráneo<br />
parliament subterranean parking<br />
le parlement le parking souterrain<br />
il par<strong>la</strong>mento il garage sotteraneo
el partido el padrino<br />
party godfather<br />
le parti le parrain<br />
il partito il padrino<br />
el paso el participante<br />
passage participant<br />
le passage le participant<br />
il passaggio il partecipante<br />
el pasajero el paso subterráneo<br />
passenger subway (br.), underpass (am.)<br />
le passager le passage souterrain<br />
il passeggero il sottopassaggio<br />
el pasaporte el pasado<br />
passport past<br />
le passeport le passé<br />
il passaporto il passato<br />
el paciente el pasatiempo<br />
patient pastime<br />
le patient le passe-temps<br />
il paziente il passatempo
el patriota el patrimonio<br />
patriot patrimony<br />
le patriote le patrimoine<br />
il patriota il patrimonio<br />
el patrón el patrón<br />
master employer<br />
le patron le patron<br />
il padrone il datore d'opera, il padrone<br />
el patronato el patrono<br />
patronage patron saint<br />
le patronat le patron<br />
il patronato il patrono<br />
<strong>la</strong> pavimentación el pasto<br />
pavement, paving pasture, willow<br />
le pavé le pâturage<br />
<strong>la</strong> pavimentazione il pascolo<br />
el pago el pabellón<br />
payment pavilion<br />
le payement le pavillon<br />
il pagamento il padiglione
el paisaje el país<br />
<strong>la</strong>ndscape country<br />
le paysage le pays<br />
il paesaggio il paese<br />
el peaje el campesino<br />
toll, toll <strong>ch</strong>arge peasant, farmer<br />
le péage le paysan<br />
il pedaggio il contadino<br />
el peine el pecado<br />
comb sin<br />
le peigne le pé<strong>ch</strong>é<br />
il pettine il peccato<br />
<strong>la</strong> piel el pintor<br />
fur, skin painter<br />
le pe<strong>la</strong>ge le peintre<br />
<strong>la</strong> pelliccia il pittore<br />
<strong>la</strong> peregrinación el peregrino<br />
pilgrimage pilgrim<br />
le pèlerinage le pèlerin<br />
il pellegrinaggio il pellegrino
el padre el funcionario<br />
father functionary, official<br />
le père le fonctionnaire<br />
il padre il funzionario<br />
el permiso de conducir el perfeccionamiento<br />
driving licence perfection<br />
le permis de conduire le perfectionnement<br />
<strong>la</strong> patente di guida il perfezionamento<br />
el pesimismo el personal<br />
pessimism staff<br />
le pessimisme le personnel<br />
il pessimismo il personale<br />
el desayuno el pesimista<br />
breakfast pessimist<br />
le petit déjeuner le pessimiste<br />
<strong>la</strong> co<strong>la</strong>zione il pessimista<br />
el nieto el panecillo<br />
grand<strong>ch</strong>ild, grandson bun, bagel<br />
le petit-fils le petit pain<br />
il nipote il panino
el pueblo el petróleo<br />
people petroleum, mineral oil<br />
le peuple le pétrole<br />
il popolo il petrolio<br />
el farmacéutico el faro<br />
pharmacist, <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>mist (br.) lighthouse<br />
le pharmacien le phare<br />
il farmacista il faro<br />
el piano el fotógrafo<br />
piano photographer<br />
le piano le photographe<br />
il pianoforte il fotografo<br />
<strong>la</strong> trampa el pie<br />
trap foot<br />
le piège le pied<br />
<strong>la</strong> trappo<strong>la</strong> il piede<br />
<strong>la</strong> paloma el peatón<br />
pigeon pedestrian<br />
le pigeon, <strong>la</strong> colombe le piéton<br />
<strong>la</strong> colomba il pedone
el piloto el pi<strong>la</strong>r<br />
pilot pil<strong>la</strong>r<br />
le pilote le pilier<br />
il pilota il pi<strong>la</strong>stro<br />
el pincel el pino<br />
paint brush pine tree<br />
le pinceau le pin<br />
il pennello il pino<br />
<strong>la</strong> pisto<strong>la</strong> el picnic, <strong>la</strong> merienda<br />
pistol picnic<br />
le pistolet le pi<strong>que</strong>-ni<strong>que</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> pisto<strong>la</strong> il picnic<br />
el te<strong>ch</strong>o el pistón<br />
ceiling piston<br />
le p<strong>la</strong>fond le piston<br />
il soffitto il pistone<br />
el p<strong>la</strong>n el p<strong>la</strong>cer, <strong>la</strong> diversión<br />
p<strong>la</strong>n pleasure<br />
le p<strong>la</strong>n le p<strong>la</strong>isir<br />
il piano il piacere
el suelo el p<strong>la</strong>no de <strong>la</strong> ciudad<br />
floor city map<br />
le p<strong>la</strong>n<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r le p<strong>la</strong>n de <strong>la</strong> ville<br />
il pavimento <strong>la</strong> pianta del<strong>la</strong> città<br />
el p<strong>la</strong>to el plástico<br />
dish p<strong>la</strong>stic<br />
le p<strong>la</strong>t le p<strong>la</strong>sti<strong>que</strong><br />
il piatto <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>stica<br />
<strong>la</strong> bandeja el p<strong>la</strong>to<br />
tray bowl<br />
le p<strong>la</strong>teau le p<strong>la</strong>t, <strong>la</strong> soupière<br />
il vassoio <strong>la</strong> scodel<strong>la</strong><br />
los plenos poderes el yeso<br />
authority gypsum, p<strong>la</strong>ster<br />
le plein pouvoir, le mandat le plâtre<br />
<strong>la</strong> procura il gesso<br />
el precinto el pliegue, <strong>la</strong> arruga (piel)<br />
seal, lead seal fold, ply, pleat<br />
le plomb le pli<br />
l'otturazione (f.) <strong>la</strong> piega
el más alto el hoja<strong>la</strong>tero<br />
highest plumber, tinsmith<br />
le plus haut le plombier<br />
il più alto il <strong>la</strong>ttoniere<br />
el neumático el peor<br />
tyre, tire the worst<br />
le pneu le plus mauvais<br />
il pneumatico il pessimo<br />
el peso el poeta<br />
weight poet<br />
le poids le poète<br />
il peso il poeta<br />
<strong>la</strong> muñeca el puñal<br />
wrist dagger, poniard<br />
le poignet le poignard<br />
il polso (correcto??) il pugnale<br />
el punto el puño<br />
point fist<br />
le point le poing<br />
il punto il pugno
el punto culminante <strong>la</strong> comunidad<br />
height, pinnacle commonality, common ground<br />
le point culminant le point commun<br />
il culmine <strong>la</strong> comunanza<br />
el signo de interrogación el punto de vista<br />
<strong>que</strong>stion mark point of view<br />
le point d'interrogation le point de vue<br />
il punto interrogativo il punto di vista<br />
el guisante el puerro<br />
pea leek<br />
le pois le poireau<br />
il pisello il porro<br />
el pez (lebt), el pescado (tot) el veneno<br />
fish poison, venom<br />
le poisson le poison<br />
il pesce il veleno<br />
<strong>la</strong> sustancia nociva <strong>la</strong> pimienta<br />
harmful substance pepper<br />
<strong>la</strong> substance toxi<strong>que</strong>, le polluant le poivre<br />
<strong>la</strong> sostanza nociva il pepe
el cerdo el puente<br />
pig bridge<br />
le porc, le co<strong>ch</strong>on le pont<br />
il maiale il ponte<br />
el puerto el fran<strong>que</strong>o<br />
harbour, port postage<br />
le port le port<br />
il porto il porto<br />
el monedero, <strong>la</strong> cartera (hombres) el billetero<br />
purse, wallet wallet, billfold<br />
le porte-monnaie le portefeuille<br />
il portamonete il portafoglio<br />
el puesto el retrato<br />
job, post portrait<br />
le poste le portrait<br />
il posto il ritratto<br />
<strong>la</strong> estaca <strong>la</strong> sopa<br />
pale, post soup<br />
le poteau, le pieu, le pilotis <strong>la</strong> soupe, le potage<br />
il palo <strong>la</strong> zuppa
el pulgar el piojo<br />
thumb louse<br />
le pouce le pou<br />
il pollice il pidoc<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
el pulmón el pollo<br />
lung cockerel<br />
le poumon le poulet<br />
il polmone il pol<strong>la</strong>strello<br />
<strong>la</strong> propina por ciento<br />
tip, gratuity, perquisite percent<br />
le pourboire le pour cent<br />
<strong>la</strong> mancia il percento<br />
el polluelo el porcentaje<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ick percentage<br />
le poussin le pourcentage<br />
il pulcino <strong>la</strong> percentuale<br />
el predecesor el poder<br />
predecessor power<br />
le prédécesseur le pouvoir<br />
il predecessore il potere, <strong>la</strong> potenza
el primer p<strong>la</strong>no el prejuicio<br />
foreground prejudice<br />
le premier p<strong>la</strong>n le préjugé<br />
il primo piano il pregiudizio<br />
el regalo los primos auxilios<br />
gift first aid<br />
le cadeau le premier secours<br />
il regalo il pronto soccorso<br />
el anunciante <strong>la</strong> actualidad<br />
announcer present<br />
le présentateur le présent<br />
l'annunciatore (m.) il presente<br />
el presentimiento el presidente<br />
presentiment, hun<strong>ch</strong> president<br />
le pressentiment le président<br />
il presentimento il presidente<br />
el pretexto el préstamo<br />
pretext loan<br />
le prétexte le prêt, le prêt d'argent<br />
il pretesto il prestito
el príncipe el sacerdote<br />
prince priest<br />
le prince le prêtre<br />
il principe il prete<br />
<strong>la</strong> primavera el principio<br />
spring principle<br />
le printemps le principe<br />
<strong>la</strong> primavera il principio<br />
el preso <strong>la</strong> cárcel, <strong>la</strong> prisión<br />
prisoner, captive prison, jail<br />
le prisonnier le prison<br />
il prigioniero il prigione<br />
el precio el privilegio<br />
price privilege<br />
le prix le privilège<br />
il prezzo il privilegio<br />
el juicio el problema (m.)<br />
process, case problem<br />
le procès le problème<br />
il processo il problema
el próximo el protocolo<br />
next record, minutes, protocol<br />
le pro<strong>ch</strong>ain le procès-verbal<br />
il prossimo il verbale<br />
el producto el fiscal<br />
product public prosecutor<br />
le produit le procureur<br />
il prodotto il procuratore<br />
el maestro el profesor<br />
tea<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r professor<br />
le professeur, l'instituteur (m.) le professeur d'université<br />
l'insegnante (m.) il professore<br />
el prove<strong>ch</strong>o el perfil<br />
profit profile<br />
le profit le profil<br />
il profitto il profilo<br />
el progreso el programa (m.)<br />
progress program<br />
le progrès le programme<br />
il progresso il programma
el proprietario, el dueño el proyecto<br />
owner project<br />
le propriétaire le projet<br />
il proprietario il progetto<br />
el protagonista el prospecto<br />
headliner, leading actor prospectus, leaflet<br />
le protagoniste, <strong>la</strong> protagoniste le prospectus<br />
il protagonista il prospetto<br />
el público el proverbio<br />
public proverb, saying<br />
le public le proverbe<br />
il pubblico il proverbio<br />
el pozo, <strong>la</strong> fuente el pulgón<br />
well, fountain p<strong>la</strong>nt louse, aphid<br />
le puits, <strong>la</strong> fontaine le puceron<br />
<strong>la</strong> fonte il pidoc<strong>ch</strong>io delle piante, il afide<br />
el pus el pulóver, el jersey<br />
pus sweater, pullover, jumper, jersey<br />
le pus le pull-over, le <strong>ch</strong>andail<br />
il pus <strong>la</strong> maglia
el andén el pijama<br />
p<strong>la</strong>tform, track pyjamas<br />
le perron, le quai le pyjama<br />
<strong>la</strong> ban<strong>ch</strong>ina <strong>la</strong> pigiama (inv.)<br />
el barrio el cuarto<br />
district, quarter fourth, quarter<br />
le quartier le quart<br />
il quartiere del<strong>la</strong> città il quarto<br />
<strong>la</strong> cuota el cuestionario<br />
quota <strong>que</strong>stionairy<br />
le quota le <strong>que</strong>stionnaire<br />
<strong>la</strong> quota il <strong>que</strong>stionario<br />
<strong>la</strong> rebaja el diario<br />
rebate, discount daily newspaper<br />
le rabais le quotidien<br />
il ribasso il quotidiano<br />
el radiador <strong>la</strong> balsa<br />
radiator, heater raft<br />
le radiateur le radeau<br />
il radiatore <strong>la</strong> zattera
los <strong>ch</strong>ismes el refresco<br />
gossip, tattle, tittle-tattle refreshment<br />
le ragot, les ragots (m.) le rafraî<strong>ch</strong>issement<br />
le <strong>ch</strong>iac<strong>ch</strong>iere il rinfresco<br />
el ramo <strong>la</strong> uva<br />
bran<strong>ch</strong> bun<strong>ch</strong> of grapes, grapes<br />
le rameau, <strong>la</strong> bran<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> le raisin<br />
il ramo l'uva (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> máquina de afeitar el informe<br />
razor, shaver report<br />
le rasoir le rapport<br />
il rasoio il rapporto<br />
el rayo <strong>la</strong> rata<br />
ray, beam rat<br />
le rayon, le faisceau le rat<br />
il raggio il ratto<br />
el propulsor <strong>la</strong> radiación<br />
engine radiation<br />
le réacteur le rayonnement<br />
il motore propulsore <strong>la</strong> radiazione
el recipiente, el vaso <strong>la</strong> receta<br />
container, receptacle, vessel recipe<br />
le récipient <strong>la</strong> recette<br />
il recipiente <strong>la</strong> ricetta<br />
<strong>la</strong> marca récord el contenedor<br />
record container<br />
le record le récipient<br />
il record il contenitore<br />
el reférendum el rectángulo<br />
referendum rectangle<br />
le référendum le rectangle<br />
il referendum il rettangolo<br />
el resfriado el reflejo<br />
cold reflex<br />
le refroidissement le réflexe<br />
il raffreddore il riflesso<br />
<strong>la</strong> dieta <strong>la</strong> mirada<br />
diet look, view, g<strong>la</strong>nce<br />
le régime alimentaire le regard<br />
<strong>la</strong> dieta lo sguardo
<strong>la</strong> lista, el índice el registro<br />
index registry<br />
le registre le registre<br />
l'elenco (m.) il registro<br />
el riñón <strong>la</strong> lástima<br />
kidney regret<br />
le rein le regret<br />
il rene il rincrescimento<br />
el remedio el extracto de cuenta<br />
remedy bank statement, account statement<br />
le remède le relevé de compte<br />
il rimedio, il farmaco l'estratto conto (m.)<br />
el relleno el representante, el suplente<br />
filling, stuffing substitute<br />
le remplissage le remp<strong>la</strong>çant<br />
il ripieno il sostituto<br />
el rendimiento el zorro<br />
yield, return fox<br />
le rendement le renard<br />
il rendimento <strong>la</strong> volpe
el arrepentimiento <strong>la</strong> cita<br />
remorse, repentance, penitence appointment<br />
le repentir le rendez-vous<br />
il pentimento l'appuntamento (m.)<br />
el reportaje el tras<strong>la</strong>do<br />
report carryover<br />
le reportage le report<br />
<strong>la</strong> cronaca il riporto<br />
el descanso el reportero<br />
rest, break reporter<br />
le repos, <strong>la</strong> pause le reporter<br />
<strong>la</strong> sosta il cronista<br />
el repro<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> el representante<br />
reproa<strong>ch</strong> representative<br />
le repro<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> le représentant<br />
il rimprovero il rappresentante<br />
el tiburón <strong>la</strong> reproducción<br />
shark reproduction<br />
le requin <strong>la</strong> reproduction<br />
lo squalo <strong>la</strong> riproduzione
el respeto el depósito<br />
respect tank<br />
le respect le réservoir<br />
il rispetto il serbatoio<br />
el restaurante el muelle<br />
restaurant spring<br />
le restaurant le ressort<br />
il ristorante <strong>la</strong> mol<strong>la</strong><br />
el resultado el resto, lo demás<br />
result rest<br />
le résultat le reste<br />
il risultato il resto<br />
el retraso el resumen<br />
de<strong>la</strong>y, <strong>la</strong>teness summary, digest<br />
le retard le résumé<br />
il ritardo il riassunto<br />
el pensionista <strong>la</strong> vuelta, el regreso<br />
pensioner return<br />
le retraité le retour<br />
il pensionato il ritorno
el despertador el sueño<br />
a<strong>la</strong>rm clock dream<br />
le réveil le rêve<br />
<strong>la</strong> sveglia il sogno<br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>nta baja el revés<br />
ground floor back, reverse<br />
le rez-de-<strong>ch</strong>aussée le revers, le verso<br />
il pianterreno il roves<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
<strong>la</strong> risa <strong>la</strong> cortina<br />
<strong>la</strong>ughing curtain<br />
le rire le rideau<br />
<strong>la</strong> risata <strong>la</strong> cortina, <strong>la</strong> tenda (finestra)<br />
el rival el riesgo<br />
rival risk<br />
le rival le ris<strong>que</strong><br />
il rivale il ris<strong>ch</strong>io<br />
el grifo el arroz<br />
tap (br.), faucet (am.) rice<br />
le robinet le riz<br />
il rubinetto il riso
el rey <strong>la</strong> roca<br />
king rock<br />
le roi le ro<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r<br />
il re <strong>la</strong> roccia<br />
<strong>la</strong> nove<strong>la</strong> el papel<br />
novel part<br />
le roman le rôle<br />
il romanzo <strong>la</strong> parte<br />
<strong>la</strong> barra de carmín el asado<br />
lipstick roast<br />
le rouge à lèvres le rôti<br />
il rossetto l'arrosto (m.)<br />
el tomo el rollo<br />
volume roll<br />
le tome le rouleau<br />
il volume il rotolo<br />
el arroyo <strong>la</strong> cinta<br />
creek ribbon, tape<br />
le ruisseau le ruban, le cordon<br />
il ruscello il nastro
<strong>la</strong> arena el ritmo<br />
sand rhythm<br />
le sable le rythme<br />
<strong>la</strong> sabbia il ritmo<br />
el bolsillo el saco<br />
bag sack, bag<br />
le sac le sac<br />
<strong>la</strong> tasca il sacco<br />
el bolso <strong>la</strong> mo<strong>ch</strong>i<strong>la</strong><br />
handbag backpack<br />
le sac à main le sac à dos<br />
<strong>la</strong> borsa il zaino<br />
el sacrificio el cucuru<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
sacrifice bag<br />
le sacrifice le sa<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>t<br />
il sacrificio il sac<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tto<br />
el empleado el sa<strong>la</strong>rio, el sueldo<br />
employee earning, sa<strong>la</strong>ry, wage<br />
le sa<strong>la</strong>rié le sa<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
il prestatore d'opera il sa<strong>la</strong>rio
el sábado el saludo<br />
Saturday greeting<br />
le samedi le salut<br />
il sabato il saluto<br />
el bocadillo el santuario<br />
sandwi<strong>ch</strong> sanctuary<br />
le sandwi<strong>ch</strong> le sanctuaire<br />
il panino imbottito il santuario<br />
el jabalí <strong>la</strong> sangre<br />
wild boar, wild pig blood<br />
le sanglier le sang<br />
il cinghiale il sangue<br />
el abeto el bombero<br />
silver fir fireman, firefighter<br />
le sapin b<strong>la</strong>nc le sapeur-pompier<br />
il abete bianco il pompiere<br />
el salto el satélite<br />
jump satellite<br />
le saut le satellite<br />
il salto il satellite
el científico el rescate<br />
scientist rescue, salvation<br />
le savant le sauvetage<br />
lo scienziato il salvataggio<br />
el escándalo el jabón<br />
scandal soap<br />
le scandale le savon<br />
lo scandalo il sapone<br />
el es<strong>que</strong>ma el sello<br />
s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>me, pattern seal<br />
le s<strong>ch</strong>éma le sceau<br />
lo s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ma il sigillo<br />
el balde el escrúpulo<br />
bucket, pail scruple, inhibition<br />
le seau le scrupule<br />
il sec<strong>ch</strong>io lo scrupolo<br />
el secreto, el misterio el secador<br />
secret hair dryer<br />
le secret le sè<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>-<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>veux<br />
il segreto, il mistero l'asciugacapelli (m.)
el centeno <strong>la</strong> secretaría<br />
rye secretariat, secretary's office<br />
le seigle le secrétariat<br />
il segale <strong>la</strong> segreteria<br />
<strong>la</strong> estancia el seno<br />
stay bust, breasts<br />
le séjour le sein<br />
il soggiorno il seno<br />
el semestre <strong>la</strong> sal<br />
semester salt<br />
le semestre le sel<br />
il semestre il sale<br />
el sentido <strong>la</strong> siembra<br />
sense seed, sowing<br />
le sens le semis<br />
il senso <strong>la</strong> semina<br />
el sentimiento el sendero<br />
feeling footpath<br />
le sentiment le sentier, le <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>min<br />
il sentimento il sentiero
<strong>la</strong> seriedad el septiembre<br />
seriousness September<br />
le sérieux le septembre<br />
<strong>la</strong> serietà il settembre<br />
el serpiente el juramento<br />
snake vow, oath<br />
le serpent le serment<br />
il serpente il giuramento<br />
el servicio <strong>la</strong>s tenazas <strong>para</strong> tubos<br />
service pipe wren<strong>ch</strong><br />
le service le serre-tuyaux<br />
il servizio <strong>la</strong> tenaglia serratubi<br />
el sexo el servicio postventa<br />
sex after sales service, customer service<br />
le sexe le service après-vente<br />
il sesso il servizio clienti<br />
el siglo el <strong>ch</strong>ampú<br />
century shampoo<br />
le siècle (m.) le shampoing, le shampooing<br />
il secolo lo shampoo
<strong>la</strong> pitada el asiento<br />
whistle seat<br />
le sifflement le siège<br />
il fis<strong>ch</strong>io <strong>la</strong> sede<br />
el signo <strong>la</strong> señal<br />
sign signal<br />
le signe le signal<br />
il segno il segnale<br />
<strong>la</strong> ranura el silencio<br />
furrow, drill silence<br />
le sillon le silence<br />
il solco il silenzio<br />
el singu<strong>la</strong>r el mono<br />
singu<strong>la</strong>r monkey<br />
le singulier le singe<br />
il singo<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong> scimmia<br />
el bañador el jarabe<br />
swimsuit treacle, syrup<br />
le slip de bain le sirop<br />
i calzoncini da bagno lo sciroppo
<strong>la</strong> tarde por <strong>la</strong> tarde<br />
evening in the evening<br />
le soir le soir<br />
<strong>la</strong> sera di sera<br />
el soldado el suelo<br />
soldier soil<br />
le soldat le sol<br />
il soldato il suolo<br />
el solista el sol<br />
soloist sun<br />
le soliste le soleil<br />
il solista il sole<br />
<strong>la</strong> cumbre, <strong>la</strong> cima el sueño<br />
top, summit, peak sleep<br />
le sommet le sommeil<br />
il colmo, <strong>la</strong> cima il sonno<br />
el destino el sondeo<br />
fate, destiny probe<br />
le sort, le destin le sondage<br />
il destino, <strong>la</strong> sorte il sondaggio
<strong>la</strong> preocupación el sosia<br />
sorrow, worry double<br />
le souci le sosie<br />
<strong>la</strong> preoccupazione il sosia<br />
el zapato el alivio<br />
shoe relief<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>aussure, le soulier le sou<strong>la</strong>gement<br />
<strong>la</strong> scarpa il sollievo<br />
<strong>la</strong> cena <strong>la</strong> sospe<strong>ch</strong>a<br />
supper, dinner suspicion<br />
le souper le soupçon<br />
<strong>la</strong> cena il sospetto<br />
el sujetador el submarino<br />
bra, brassiere submarine, U-boat<br />
le soutien-gorge le sous-marin<br />
il reggipetto, il reggiseno il sottomarino<br />
el especialista el recuerdo<br />
specialist memory<br />
le spécialiste le souvenir<br />
lo specialista il ricordo
el espectador el espectáculo<br />
spectator, bystander, onlooker pageant<br />
le spectateur le spectacle<br />
lo spettatore lo spettacolo<br />
el deportista el deporte<br />
sportsman, jock sport<br />
le sportif le sport<br />
lo sportivo lo sport<br />
el estadio el es<strong>que</strong>leto<br />
stadium skeleton<br />
le stade le s<strong>que</strong>lette<br />
lo stadio lo s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>letro<br />
<strong>la</strong> persiana el stock<br />
shutter stock<br />
le store le stock, les provisions (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> serranda <strong>la</strong> scorta<br />
el estilo el estrés<br />
style stress<br />
le style le stress<br />
lo stile lo stress
el subordinado el bolígrafo<br />
subordinate ballpoint pen, ball pen, biro<br />
le subordonné le stylo à bille<br />
l'inferiore (m.) <strong>la</strong> penna a sfera<br />
el sucesor el éxito<br />
successor, follower success<br />
le successeur le succès<br />
il successore il successo<br />
el sur el azúcar<br />
south sugar<br />
le sud le sucre<br />
il sud il zuc<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ro<br />
el superior el suicidio<br />
superior suicide<br />
le supérieur le suicide<br />
il superiore il suicidio<br />
el suplemento el supermercado<br />
sur<strong>ch</strong>arge, additional payment supermarket<br />
le supplément le supermar<strong>ch</strong>é<br />
il supplemento il supermercato
el excedente el sobrenome<br />
surplus nickname<br />
le surplus le surnom<br />
<strong>la</strong> eccedenza il sopranome<br />
el símbolo el <strong>ch</strong>ándal<br />
symbol tracksuit<br />
le symbol le survêtement<br />
il simbolo <strong>la</strong> tuta<br />
el sindicato el síntoma<br />
trade union symptom<br />
le syndicat le symptôme<br />
il sindacato il sintomo<br />
el sistema operativo el sistema<br />
operating system system<br />
le système d'exploitation le système<br />
il sistema operativo il sistema<br />
el salpicadero el tabaco<br />
dashboard tobacco<br />
le tableau de bord (m.) le tabac<br />
il cruscotto il tabacco
el de<strong>la</strong>ntal <strong>la</strong> tab<strong>la</strong><br />
apron table, <strong>ch</strong>art<br />
le tablier le tableau, <strong>la</strong> table, le barème<br />
il grembiule <strong>la</strong> tavo<strong>la</strong><br />
el tacto el taburete<br />
tact, sense of tact stool<br />
le tact, <strong>la</strong> délicatesse le tabouret<br />
il tatto lo sgabello<br />
el talento, <strong>la</strong> facilidad el sastre<br />
talent, giftedness, aptitude tailor<br />
le talent, le don le tailleur<br />
il talento, l'ingegno il sarto<br />
el talón el tacón<br />
heel heel<br />
le talon le talon<br />
il tallone il tacco<br />
<strong>la</strong> alfombra el tambor<br />
carpet drum<br />
le tapis le tambour<br />
il tappeto il tamburo
el montón <strong>la</strong> tarifa<br />
pile, heap rate, <strong>ch</strong>arge<br />
le tas le tarif<br />
il muc<strong>ch</strong>io <strong>la</strong> tariffa<br />
el tipo de interés el toro<br />
interest rate bull<br />
le taux d'intérêt le taureau<br />
il tasso d'interesse il toro<br />
el teléfono el taxi<br />
phone taxi, cab<br />
le téléphone le taxi<br />
il telefono il tassì<br />
el televisor el accidente por alcance<br />
television set, TV set rear-end collision<br />
le téléviseur le télescopage<br />
il televisore il tamponamento<br />
el testigo el testimonial<br />
witness testimony<br />
le témoin le témoignage<br />
il testimone <strong>la</strong> testimonianza
el templo el temperamento<br />
temple temper, temperament<br />
le temple le tempérament<br />
il tempio il temperamento<br />
el tiempo libre el tiempo<br />
free time, spare time time<br />
le temps libre le temps<br />
il tempo libero il tempo<br />
el terreno el término<br />
ground, site, terrain term<br />
le terrain le terme<br />
il terreno il termine<br />
<strong>la</strong> can<strong>ch</strong>a el camping<br />
sports ground, sports field camping<br />
le terrain de sport le terrain de camping<br />
il campo sportivo il campeggio<br />
el terrorismo el territorio<br />
terrorism territory<br />
le terrorisme le territoire<br />
il terrorismo il territorio
el texto el testamento<br />
text testament, <strong>la</strong>st will<br />
le texte le testament<br />
il testo il testamento<br />
el teatro el té<br />
theatre tea<br />
le théâtre le thé<br />
il teatro il tè<br />
el termometro el tema<br />
thermometer topic, subject<br />
le thermomètre le thème<br />
il termometro il tema<br />
el tercio el ticket<br />
third cash receipt<br />
le tiers le ticket de caisse<br />
il terzo lo scontrino<br />
el tilo el tigre<br />
lime tree tiger<br />
le tilleul le tigre<br />
il tiglio il tigre
el sorteo el sello, <strong>la</strong> estampil<strong>la</strong> (am.)<br />
drawing lots, draw stamp<br />
le tirage le timbre<br />
il sorteggio il francobollo<br />
el cajón el sacacor<strong>ch</strong>os<br />
drawer corkscrew<br />
le tiroir le tire-bou<strong>ch</strong>on<br />
il cassetto il cavatappi<br />
el título el tejido<br />
title fabric, web, webbing<br />
le titre le tissu<br />
il titolo il tessuto<br />
el te<strong>ch</strong>o el tenedor<br />
roof holder<br />
le toit le titu<strong>la</strong>ire<br />
il tetto il sostegno, il tito<strong>la</strong>re<br />
el barrile el tono<br />
barrel, cask, vat tone, sound<br />
le tonneau, <strong>la</strong> barri<strong>que</strong>, le fût le ton, le son<br />
il barile il tono
<strong>la</strong> vuelta el trueno<br />
rotation, turn thunder<br />
le tour, <strong>la</strong> rotation le tonnerre<br />
il giro il tuono<br />
el turista el turismo<br />
tourist tourism<br />
le touriste le tourisme<br />
il turista il turismo<br />
el girasol <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ga, <strong>la</strong> molestia<br />
sunflower trouble, bother, p<strong>la</strong>gue<br />
le tournesol le tourment, le fléau<br />
il girasole <strong>la</strong> piaga<br />
el torneo el destornil<strong>la</strong>dor<br />
tournament screwdriver<br />
le tournoi le tournevis<br />
il torneo il cacciavite<br />
el tráfico el traductor<br />
traffic trans<strong>la</strong>tor<br />
le trafic le traducteur<br />
il traffico l'interprete (m.)
el tren de mercancías el tren<br />
freight train, goods train train<br />
le train de mar<strong>ch</strong>andises le train<br />
il treno merci il treno<br />
el tránsito el tranvía<br />
transit tram, streetcar<br />
le transit le tram<br />
il transito il tram<br />
el trabajo el transporte<br />
work, job transport<br />
le travail le transport<br />
il <strong>la</strong>voro il trasporto<br />
el trabajo c<strong>la</strong>ndestino el trabajo a tiempo parcial<br />
moonlighting, illicit work part-time work<br />
le travail au noir le travail à temps partiel<br />
il <strong>la</strong>voro c<strong>la</strong>ndestino il <strong>la</strong>voro a part-time<br />
el profesional liberal el trabajo a turno<br />
free<strong>la</strong>ncer shift work<br />
le travailleur indépendant le travail posté, le travail par roulement<br />
il libero professionista il <strong>la</strong>voro a turni
el a<strong>la</strong>mbrado <strong>la</strong> disfraz<br />
wire netting, mesh wire revetment, fairing<br />
le treillis le déguisement, le travestissement<br />
il retico<strong>la</strong>to il travestimento, il rivestimento<br />
el tesoro el terremoto<br />
treasure earthquake<br />
le trésor le tremblement de terre<br />
il tesoro il terremoto<br />
<strong>la</strong> tribu el triángulo<br />
tribe triangle<br />
le tribu le triangle<br />
il tribù il triangolo<br />
<strong>la</strong> mal<strong>la</strong> el tribunal<br />
tricot, bodice court<br />
le tricot, le maillot le tribunal<br />
<strong>la</strong> maglia il tribunale<br />
el triunfo el trimestre<br />
triumph quarter<br />
le triomphe le trimestre<br />
il trionfo il trimestre
el tronco el rasgo<br />
trunk dash, line<br />
le tronc le trait<br />
il tronco, il fusto il tratto<br />
el agujero <strong>la</strong> acera<br />
hole pavement (br.), sidewalk (am.)<br />
le trou le trottoir<br />
il buco il marciapiede<br />
el truco el rebaño<br />
trick herd, flock<br />
le truc le troupeau<br />
il trucco il gregge<br />
el bulbo el tubo<br />
tuber, bulb, corm tube, pipe<br />
le tubercule le tuyau, le tube<br />
il tubero il tubo<br />
el tutor el túnel<br />
guardian, custodian tunnel<br />
le tuteur le tunnel<br />
il tutore il tunnel
el tipo el tubo flexible, <strong>la</strong> manguera<br />
type tube, hose<br />
le type le tuyau, le tuyau souple<br />
il tipo il tubo flessibile<br />
el gitano el tirano<br />
gipsy (br.), gypsy (am.) tyrant<br />
le tzigane le tyran<br />
il zingaro il tiranno<br />
el florero el vagabundo<br />
vase tramp<br />
le vase le vagabond<br />
il vaso il vagabondo<br />
el vehículo el ternero<br />
vehicle calf<br />
le véhicule le veau<br />
il veicolo il vitello<br />
el vendedor el terciopelo<br />
seller, vendor, salesperson (m+f) velvet<br />
le vendeur le velours<br />
il venditore il velluto
el viento el viernes<br />
wind Friday<br />
le vent le vendredi<br />
il vento il venerdì<br />
el vientre el venti<strong>la</strong>dor<br />
belly venti<strong>la</strong>tor, fan<br />
le ventre le venti<strong>la</strong>teur<br />
il ventre il venti<strong>la</strong>tore<br />
el hielo el gusano<br />
ice worm<br />
le verg<strong>la</strong>s le ver<br />
il ghiaccio il verme<br />
el vaso, <strong>la</strong> copa <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>ca<br />
g<strong>la</strong>ss, tumbler, beaker, <strong>ch</strong>alice varnish, finish, <strong>la</strong>c<strong>que</strong>r<br />
le verre, le gobelet le vernis, <strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong><br />
il bic<strong>ch</strong>iere, <strong>la</strong> coppa <strong>la</strong> vernice<br />
el p<strong>la</strong>zo el ingreso<br />
instalment (br.), installment (am.) payment, deposit<br />
le versement, <strong>la</strong> mensualité le versement<br />
<strong>la</strong> rata il versamento
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>a<strong>que</strong>ta <strong>la</strong> guardarropa<br />
jacket wardrobe, coat rack, cloakroom<br />
le veston le vestiaire<br />
<strong>la</strong> giacca <strong>la</strong> guardaroba<br />
el veterinario el vestido<br />
veterinary, vet dress<br />
le vétérinaire le vêtement<br />
il veterinario il vestito<br />
el vicio el viudo<br />
vice widower<br />
le vice le veuf<br />
il vizio il vedovo<br />
el viejo el vacío<br />
old man, geriatric vacuum<br />
le vieux le vide<br />
il vec<strong>ch</strong>io il vuoto<br />
el viñedo el viticultor<br />
vineyard winegrower, vintner<br />
le vignoble le vigneron<br />
il vigneto il viticoltore
el vino el pueblo, <strong>la</strong> aldea<br />
wine vil<strong>la</strong>ge<br />
le vin le vil<strong>la</strong>ge<br />
il vino il paese<br />
el vino espumoso el vino b<strong>la</strong>nco<br />
sparkling wine white wine<br />
le vin mousseux le vin b<strong>la</strong>nc<br />
lo spumante il vino bianco<br />
el vino tinto el rosado, el c<strong>la</strong>rete<br />
red wine rosé<br />
le vin rouge le vin rosé<br />
il vino rosso il vino rosato<br />
<strong>la</strong> curva el vinagre<br />
curve, bend, turn vinegar<br />
le virage, <strong>la</strong> courbe le vinaigre<br />
<strong>la</strong> curva l'aceto (m.)<br />
el visado (esp.), <strong>la</strong> visa (am.) <strong>la</strong> transferencia<br />
visa remittance, transfer<br />
le visa le virement<br />
il visto il trasferimento
el visitante <strong>la</strong> cara<br />
visitor face<br />
le visiteur le visage<br />
il visitatore il viso<br />
el vecino el velo<br />
neighbour veil<br />
le voisin le voile<br />
il vicino il velo<br />
el vuelo el robo<br />
flight theft<br />
le vol le vol<br />
il volo il furto<br />
el volcán el vo<strong>la</strong>nte<br />
vulcan, volcano steering wheel<br />
le volcan le vo<strong>la</strong>nt<br />
il vulcano il vo<strong>la</strong>nte<br />
el <strong>la</strong>drón <strong>la</strong> contraventana<br />
thief shutter<br />
le voleur le volet<br />
il <strong>la</strong>dro <strong>la</strong> persiana
el voto el voluntario<br />
vote voluntary<br />
le vote, <strong>la</strong> voix le volontaire<br />
il voto il volontario<br />
el viajero el viaje<br />
traveller travel, trip, voyage, journey<br />
le voyageur le voyage<br />
il viaggiatore il viaggio<br />
el yogurt el fin de semana<br />
yoghurt weekend<br />
le yogourt, le yaourt <strong>la</strong> fin de semaine, le week-end<br />
il yogurt <strong>la</strong> fine settimana<br />
el cierre de cremallera el cero<br />
zipper, zip zero<br />
le zip, <strong>la</strong> fermeture éc<strong>la</strong>ir le zéro<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iusura <strong>la</strong>mpo il zero<br />
el agua el zoo<br />
water zoo<br />
l'eau (f.) le zoo<br />
l'acqua (f.) il zoo
el agua potable el agua mineral<br />
drinking water mineral water<br />
l'eau potable (f.) l'eau minérale (f.)<br />
l'acqua potabile (f.) l'acqua minerale (f.)<br />
el cambio el aguardiente<br />
ex<strong>ch</strong>ange booze<br />
l'é<strong>ch</strong>ange (m.) l'eau-de-vie (f.), le s<strong>ch</strong>naps<br />
lo scambio l'acquavite (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> fe<strong>ch</strong>a de caducidad <strong>la</strong> astil<strong>la</strong><br />
expiration date splinter<br />
<strong>la</strong> date de péremption, l'é<strong>ch</strong>éance (f.) l'éc<strong>la</strong>t (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> data di scadenza <strong>la</strong> s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ggia<br />
<strong>la</strong> esca<strong>la</strong> el fracaso<br />
scale, ben<strong>ch</strong>mark failure, flop<br />
l'é<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>lle (f.) l'é<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>c (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong> l'insuccesso (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong>mer <strong>la</strong> esca<strong>la</strong><br />
to lick, to leak, to <strong>la</strong>p <strong>la</strong>dder<br />
lé<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r l'é<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>lle (f.)<br />
leccare <strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong>
<strong>la</strong> salpicadura el eco<br />
sp<strong>la</strong>sh e<strong>ch</strong>o<br />
l'éc<strong>la</strong>boussure (f.) l'é<strong>ch</strong>o (m.)<br />
lo spruzzo l'eco (m.+f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> escue<strong>la</strong> el relámpago<br />
s<strong>ch</strong>ool lightning, f<strong>la</strong>sh<br />
l'école (f.) l'éc<strong>la</strong>ir (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> scuo<strong>la</strong> il <strong>la</strong>mpo, il fulmine<br />
el ecologista el parvu<strong>la</strong>rio, el jardín de infancia<br />
environmentalist kindergarten, nursery s<strong>ch</strong>ool<br />
l'écologiste (m.) l'école maternelle (f.), le jardin d'enfants<br />
il ecologista <strong>la</strong> scuo<strong>la</strong> materna<br />
<strong>la</strong> pantal<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> economía<br />
screen economy<br />
l'écran (m.) l'économie (f.)<br />
lo s<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>rmo l'economia (f.)<br />
el escritor <strong>la</strong> escritura<br />
writer, author, novelist handwriting<br />
l'écrivain (m.) l'écriture (f.)<br />
lo scrittore <strong>la</strong> scrittura
el editor <strong>la</strong> espuma<br />
publisher foam, spume<br />
l'éditeur (m.) l'écume (f.), <strong>la</strong> mousse<br />
l'editore (m.) <strong>la</strong> s<strong>ch</strong>iuma<br />
el efecto <strong>la</strong> formación, <strong>la</strong> educación<br />
effect education<br />
l'effet (m.) l'éducation (f.)<br />
l'effetto (m.) l'educazione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> eficiencia el efecto secundario<br />
efficiency side effect, byeffect, fall-out<br />
l'efficacité (f.) l'effet secondaire (m.)<br />
l'efficienza (f.) l'effetto secondario (m.)<br />
el esfuerzo el derrumbamiento, el co<strong>la</strong>pso<br />
effort breakdown, col<strong>la</strong>pse<br />
l'effort (m.) l'effondrement (m.)<br />
lo sforzo il crollo<br />
<strong>la</strong> igualdad de dere<strong>ch</strong>os legal<br />
equality, equal rights legal<br />
l'égalité des droits (f.) légal<br />
<strong>la</strong> parità dei diritti legale
legítimo ligero<br />
legitimate light<br />
légitime léger<br />
legittimo leggero<br />
el rasquiño <strong>la</strong> iglesia<br />
scrat<strong>ch</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ur<strong>ch</strong><br />
l'égratignure (f.), <strong>la</strong> rayure l'église (cat.), le temple (prot.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> grattatura <strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>iesa<br />
el elector el arran<strong>que</strong><br />
voter, elector, constituent inrun<br />
l'élécteur (m.) l'é<strong>la</strong>n (m.)<br />
l'elettore (m.) lo s<strong>la</strong>ncio<br />
<strong>la</strong> electricidad <strong>la</strong>s elecciones<br />
electricity election<br />
l'électricité (f.) l'élection (f.)<br />
l'elettricità (f.) l'elezione (f.)<br />
el elefante el elemento<br />
elephant element<br />
l'éléphant (m.) l'élément (m.)<br />
l'elefante (m.) l'elemento (m.)
el alumno <strong>la</strong> ganadería<br />
s<strong>ch</strong>oolboy, pupil stock breeding<br />
l'élève (m.) l'élevage de bétail<br />
l'allievo (m.) l'allevamento (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> desembocadura el emba<strong>la</strong>je<br />
estuary, mouth packing, wrapping<br />
l'embou<strong>ch</strong>ure (f.) l'embal<strong>la</strong>ge (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> foce l'imbal<strong>la</strong>ggio (m.)<br />
el abrazo <strong>la</strong> obstrucción<br />
embrace, hug blockage<br />
l'étreinte (f.), l'embrassade (f.) l'embouteil<strong>la</strong>ge (m.)<br />
l´abbraccio (m.) l'ostruzione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> emboscada el embrague<br />
ambush clut<strong>ch</strong><br />
l'embuscade (f.) l'embrayage (m.)<br />
l'imboscata (f.) <strong>la</strong> frizione<br />
<strong>la</strong> emoción el emigrante<br />
emotion emigrant<br />
l'émotion (f.) l'émigrant (m.), l'emigré (m.)<br />
l'emozione (f.) l'emigrante (m.)
el imperio el reino<br />
empire empire, reign<br />
l'empire (m.) le règne<br />
lo impero il regno<br />
el empleo el es<strong>para</strong>drapo<br />
employment band-aid (am.), p<strong>la</strong>ster (br.)<br />
l'emploi (m.) le pansement adhésif, le s<strong>para</strong>drap<br />
l´impiego (m.), il posto il cerotto<br />
<strong>la</strong> intoxicación el empleado<br />
poisoning employee, clerk, staffer<br />
l'empoisonnement (m.) l'employé (m.)<br />
l'avvelenamento (m.) l'impiegato (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> enciclopedia <strong>la</strong> tinta<br />
encyclopedia ink<br />
l'encyclopédie (f.) l'encre (f.)<br />
l'enciclopedia (f.) l'in<strong>ch</strong>iostro (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> niñez <strong>la</strong> energía<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ildhood energy<br />
l'enfance (f.) l'énergie (f.)<br />
l'infanzia (f.) l'energia (f.)
el infierno el niño, <strong>la</strong> niña<br />
hell <strong>ch</strong>ild<br />
l'enfer (m.) l'enfant (m.)<br />
l'inferno (m.) il bambino, <strong>la</strong> bambina<br />
el engranaje el fertilizante<br />
gear, gearbox fertilizer<br />
l'engrenage (m.) l'engrais (m.)<br />
l'ingranaggio (m.) il concime<br />
el aburrimiento el enemigo<br />
boredom enemy<br />
l'ennui (m.) l'ennemi (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> noia il nemico<br />
<strong>la</strong>s c<strong>la</strong>ses <strong>la</strong> ron<strong>que</strong>ra<br />
lessons, c<strong>la</strong>sses hoarseness<br />
l'enseignement (m.) l'enrouement (m.)<br />
le lezioni il raucedine<br />
despacio (adv.) lento<br />
slowly slow<br />
lentement lent<br />
lentamente lento
el entusiasmo el entierro, el funeral<br />
enthusiasm funeral, burial<br />
l'enthousiasme (m.) l'enterrement (m.)<br />
l'entusiasmo il funerale<br />
el entrenador el embudo<br />
coa<strong>ch</strong>, trainer funnel<br />
l'entraîneur (m.) l'entonnoir (m.)<br />
l'allenatore (m.) l'imbuto (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> entrada en escena <strong>la</strong> entrada<br />
entrance entry, entrance<br />
l'entrée en scène (f.) l'entrée (f.)<br />
l'entrata in scena (f.) l'entrata (f.), l'ingresso (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> empresa el empresario<br />
corporation entrepreneur<br />
l'entreprise (f.) l'entrepreneur (m.)<br />
l'impresa (f.) l'imprenditore (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> agencia de transportes <strong>la</strong> empresa<br />
forwarder company<br />
l'entreprise de transport (f.) l'entreprise (f.), <strong>la</strong> maison<br />
lo spedizioniere <strong>la</strong> ditta
<strong>la</strong> entrevista el mantenimiento<br />
parley, interlocution, interview maintenance<br />
l'entretien (m.) l'entretien (m.)<br />
il colloquio il mantenimento, <strong>la</strong> manutenzione<br />
<strong>la</strong>s ganas el sobre<br />
desire envelope<br />
l'envie (f.) l'enveloppe (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> voglia, il desiderio <strong>la</strong> busta<br />
el hombro el ahorro<br />
shoulder savings<br />
l'épaule (f.) l'épargne (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> spal<strong>la</strong> i risparmi<br />
<strong>la</strong> pícea <strong>la</strong> espada<br />
spruce sword<br />
l'épicéa (m.) l'épée (f.)<br />
il abete <strong>la</strong> spada<br />
<strong>la</strong> epidemia <strong>la</strong> delicadeza<br />
epidemic, pandemic delicacy<br />
l'épidémie (f.) le régal, l'épicerie fine (f.)<br />
l'epidemia (f.) <strong>la</strong> leccornia
el pin<strong>ch</strong>o, el aguijón <strong>la</strong> espina<br />
spike, spine thorn<br />
l'aiguillon (m.), l'épine (f.) l'épine (f.)<br />
il pungiglione <strong>la</strong> spina<br />
<strong>la</strong> época <strong>la</strong> esponja<br />
epo<strong>ch</strong>, era sponge, swam<br />
l'épo<strong>que</strong> (f.) l'éponge (f.)<br />
l'epoca (f.) <strong>la</strong> spugna<br />
el equilibrio <strong>la</strong> esposa<br />
ba<strong>la</strong>nce wife<br />
l'équilibre (m.) l'épouse (f.)<br />
l'equilibrio (m.) <strong>la</strong> moglie<br />
el arce el equipo<br />
maple tree equipment, outfit<br />
l'érable (m.) l'équipement (m.)<br />
il acero l'equipaggiamento (m.), l'arredamento (m.)<br />
el error el eremitaño<br />
mistake, fault, error hermit<br />
l'erreur (m.) l'ermite (m.)<br />
l'errore (m.), lo sbaglio l'eremita (m.)
<strong>la</strong>s noticias, el noticiario los accesorios<br />
news accessory<br />
les actualités (f.) les accessoires (m.)<br />
il giornale gli accessori<br />
los cítricos <strong>la</strong> despedida<br />
citrus fruits farewell, goodbye<br />
les agrumes (m.) les adieux (m., pl.)<br />
gli agrumi (m.) l'addio (m.), il congedo<br />
los Alpes los alrededores<br />
Alps surroundings, environment<br />
les Alpes (f.) les alentours (m.), les environs (m)<br />
le Alpi (f.) i dintorni<br />
el ap<strong>la</strong>uso el a<strong>para</strong>to doméstico<br />
app<strong>la</strong>use, approval home appliance<br />
les app<strong>la</strong>udissements (m..) les appareils électroménagers (m.)<br />
l'app<strong>la</strong>uso (m.) l'elettrodomestico (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong>s autoridades el ar<strong>ch</strong>ivo<br />
authorities, administrative bodies ar<strong>ch</strong>ive<br />
les autorités (f.) les ar<strong>ch</strong>ives (f..)<br />
l'autorità (f./pl.) l'ar<strong>ch</strong>ivio (m.)
los tirantes el equipaje de mano<br />
braces (br.), suspenders (am.) hand luggage, carry-on baggage<br />
les bretelles (f.) les bagages à main (m.)<br />
le bretelle il bagaglio a mano<br />
<strong>la</strong> ceniza el matorral<br />
ashes shrubbery, coppice<br />
les cendres (f.) les buissons (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> cenere il bos<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tto, <strong>la</strong> boscaglia<br />
el cabello los cereales<br />
hair cereal, grain<br />
les <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>veux (m.) les céréales (f.)<br />
il pelo i cereali<br />
el <strong>la</strong>mento <strong>la</strong>s tijeras<br />
<strong>la</strong>mentation scissors, a pair of scissors<br />
les <strong>la</strong>mentations (f.) les ciseaux (m.)<br />
il <strong>la</strong>mento le forbici<br />
los costos el saber<br />
costs knowledge<br />
les coûtes (m.), les frais (m.) les connaissances (f.)<br />
i costi il sapere
<strong>la</strong> basura, los dese<strong>ch</strong>os,los residuos los escombros<br />
trash, rubbish (br.), garbage (am) rubble, debris, wreckage<br />
les dé<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ts (m.) les débris (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> spazzatura, i rifiuti le macerie<br />
los gastos <strong>la</strong> escenografía<br />
expenses, spending stage setting, stage design<br />
les dépenses (f.) les décors (m.)<br />
le spese <strong>la</strong> scenografia<br />
los dos puntos ambos, ambas<br />
colon both<br />
les deuxpoints (m.) les deux<br />
i due punti ambedue<br />
<strong>la</strong> espinaca el ajedrez<br />
spina<strong>ch</strong> <strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ss<br />
les épinards (m.) les é<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>cs (m.)<br />
gli spinaci i scac<strong>ch</strong>i<br />
el semáforo <strong>la</strong> enhorabuena<br />
traffic light congratu<strong>la</strong>tions<br />
les feux, les feux de signalisation (m.) les félicitations (f.)<br />
il semaforo l'augurio (m.)
los mariscos <strong>la</strong>s finanzas<br />
seafood finances<br />
les fruits de mer (m.) les finances (f.)<br />
i frutti di mare le finanze<br />
<strong>la</strong> hierbas <strong>la</strong> gente<br />
herbs people, folks<br />
les herbes (f.) les gens (m.)<br />
le erbe (f., pl.) <strong>la</strong> gente<br />
<strong>la</strong>s horas de apertura <strong>la</strong>s horas punta<br />
opening hours, business hours rush hour<br />
les heures d'ouverture (f.) les heures de pointe (f.)<br />
l'orario di apertura (m.) l'ora di punto (f.)<br />
los inmuebles los honorarios<br />
real estate fee, royalty<br />
les immeubles (m.) les honoraires (m)<br />
gli immobili l'onorario (m.)<br />
los intereses los ingredientes<br />
interests ingredients<br />
les intérêts (m.) les ingrédients (m.)<br />
gli interessi gli ingredienti
los prismáticos en los días de <strong>la</strong> semana<br />
binocu<strong>la</strong>rs, spyg<strong>la</strong>ss on workdays<br />
les jumelles (f.) les jours ouvrables (m.)<br />
il binocolo nei giorni feriali<br />
<strong>la</strong>s gafas, los lentes (am.) <strong>la</strong> verdura<br />
g<strong>la</strong>sses, spectacles, specs vegetables<br />
les lunettes (f.) les légumes (f.)<br />
gli oc<strong>ch</strong>iali <strong>la</strong> verdura<br />
<strong>la</strong>s mareas los modales<br />
tides manners<br />
les marées (f.) les manières (f.)<br />
le maree le maniere<br />
el maltratamiento <strong>la</strong>s matemáticas<br />
maltreatment mathematics<br />
les mauvais traitements (m.) les mathémati<strong>que</strong>s (f.)<br />
il maltrattamento <strong>la</strong> matematica<br />
<strong>la</strong> munición el dolor de cabeza<br />
ammunition heada<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
les munitions (f.) les maux de tête (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> munizione il mal di testa
<strong>la</strong> pasta los padres<br />
pasta parents<br />
les pâtes (f.), les pâtes alimentaires (f.) les parents (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> pasta i genitori<br />
<strong>la</strong>s tenazas <strong>la</strong>s perspectivas<br />
pliers, tongs, c<strong>la</strong>w outlooks, prospects<br />
les pinces (f.), les tenailles (f.) les perspectives (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> pinza, le tenaglie le prospettive<br />
<strong>la</strong>s ri<strong>que</strong>zas del subsuelo los recursos<br />
mineral resources resources<br />
les ressources minières (f.) les ressources (f.)<br />
le risorse minerarie le risorse<br />
<strong>la</strong> venta total los ingresos<br />
selling off, sellout income<br />
les soldes (m.) le revenu (m.), les revenus (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> svendita le entrate<br />
el wáter, los servicios, los aseos <strong>la</strong> ropa interior<br />
toilet, <strong>la</strong>vatory, loo (br.), WC (br.) underwear<br />
les toilettes (f.), le W.C. les sous-vêtements (m.)<br />
il gabinetto <strong>la</strong> bian<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ria intima
<strong>la</strong>s vacaciones <strong>la</strong>s tareas domésticas<br />
holidays, vacation housework<br />
les vacances (f.) les travaux ménagers (m.)<br />
le vacanze il <strong>la</strong>voro domestico<br />
<strong>la</strong> ropa <strong>la</strong> vendimia<br />
clothes vintage<br />
les vêtements (m.) les vendanges (f.)<br />
l'abbigliamento (m.) <strong>la</strong> vendemmia<br />
<strong>la</strong> esca<strong>la</strong> los alimentos<br />
stopover foodstuffs, provisions<br />
l'escale (f.) les vivres (m.)<br />
lo scalo i generi alimentari<br />
<strong>la</strong> escalera mecánica <strong>la</strong> escalera<br />
esca<strong>la</strong>tor, stairmoving stairs, staircase, stairway (am.)<br />
l'escalier mécani<strong>que</strong> (m.) l'escalier (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong> mobile <strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong><br />
el caracol el escalope<br />
snail cutlet<br />
l'escargot (m.), <strong>la</strong> limace l'escalope (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> lumaca <strong>la</strong> scallopina
el estómago el esc<strong>la</strong>vo<br />
stoma<strong>ch</strong> s<strong>la</strong>ve<br />
l'estomac (m.) l'esc<strong>la</strong>ve (m.)<br />
lo stomaco lo s<strong>ch</strong>iavo<br />
España el espacio<br />
Spain room<br />
l'Espagne (f.) l'espace (m.)<br />
Spagna lo spazio<br />
<strong>la</strong> esperanza <strong>la</strong> espía<br />
hope spy<br />
l'espoir (m.) l'espion (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> speranza <strong>la</strong> spia<br />
el esbozo el espíritu<br />
sket<strong>ch</strong>, draft spirit, mind, ghost<br />
l'esquisse (f.) l'esprit (m.)<br />
lo s<strong>ch</strong>izzo lo spirito<br />
el limpia<strong>para</strong>brisas <strong>la</strong> gasolina<br />
windscreen wiper, wiper petrol (br.), gasoline (am.), gas (am.)<br />
l'essuie-g<strong>la</strong>ce (m.) l'essence (f.)<br />
il tergicristallo <strong>la</strong> benzina
el este <strong>la</strong> toal<strong>la</strong><br />
east towel<br />
l'est (m.) l'essuie-main (m.)<br />
l'este (m.) l'asciugamano (m.)<br />
el podio <strong>la</strong> estima<br />
p<strong>la</strong>tform, stage respect, reputation<br />
l'estrade (f.) l'estime (f.)<br />
il podio <strong>la</strong> stima<br />
el banco de trabajo el establo<br />
workben<strong>ch</strong> stable, barnstable, barn (am.)<br />
l'établi (m.) l'étable (f.), l'écurie (f.)<br />
il banco di <strong>la</strong>voro <strong>la</strong> stal<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>nta el establecemiento<br />
floor, story, storey enterprise, company<br />
l'étage (m.) l'établissement (m.)<br />
il piano lo stabilimento<br />
el semental el restante<br />
stallion shelf<br />
l'étalon (m.) l'étagère (f.)<br />
il stallone lo scaffale
el estado <strong>la</strong> etapa<br />
state hop<br />
l'État (m.) l'étape (f.)<br />
lo stato <strong>la</strong> tappa<br />
<strong>la</strong> <strong>ch</strong>ispa el verano<br />
spark summer<br />
l'étincelle (f.) l'été (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> scintil<strong>la</strong> l'estate (f.)<br />
el tejido, <strong>la</strong> te<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong> eti<strong>que</strong>ta<br />
fabric <strong>la</strong>bel<br />
l'étoffe (f.) l'éti<strong>que</strong>tte (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> stoffa l'eti<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>tta (f.)<br />
el extranjero <strong>la</strong> estrel<strong>la</strong><br />
foreign countries star<br />
l'étranger (m.) l'étoile (f.)<br />
l'estero (m.) <strong>la</strong> stel<strong>la</strong><br />
el estudiante el extranjero<br />
student foreigner, stranger<br />
l'étudiant (m.) l'étranger (m.)<br />
lo studente lo straniero
Europa el estu<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong><br />
Europe case<br />
l'Europe (f.) l'étui (m.)<br />
Europa l'astuccio (m.)<br />
el obispo el acontecimiento, el suceso<br />
bishop event<br />
l'évê<strong>que</strong> (m.) l'événement (m.)<br />
il vescovo l'evento (m.), l'avvenimento (m.)<br />
el derrame levantar<br />
sink to lift, to raise<br />
l'évier (m.) lever<br />
il acquaio levare, sollevare<br />
<strong>la</strong> excepción el examen<br />
exception examination<br />
l'exception (f.) l'examen (m.)<br />
l'eccezione (f.) l'esame (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> excitación el sobrepeso<br />
excitation overweight<br />
l'excitation (f.) l'excédent de poids (m.), l'excès de poids (m.)<br />
l'eccitazione (f.) il sovrappeso
<strong>la</strong> disculpa <strong>la</strong> excursión<br />
excuse excursion<br />
l'excuse (f.) l'excursion (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> scusa <strong>la</strong> gita<br />
el ejemplo el ejemp<strong>la</strong>r<br />
example sample, copy, specimen<br />
l'exemple (m.) l'exemp<strong>la</strong>ire (m.)<br />
l'esempio (m.) l'esemp<strong>la</strong>re (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> exhortación el ejercicio<br />
reminder, overdue notice exercise<br />
l'exhortation (f.) l'exercice (m.), l'entraînement (m.)<br />
l'ammonimento (m.) l'esercizio (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> existencia el exilio<br />
existence exile<br />
l'existence (f.) l'exil (m.)<br />
l'esistenza (f.) l'esilio (m.)<br />
el remitente <strong>la</strong> exc<strong>la</strong>mación<br />
sender, despat<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>r exc<strong>la</strong>mation<br />
l'expéditeur (m.) l'ex<strong>la</strong>mation (f.)<br />
l'emittente (m.), il mittente l'esc<strong>la</strong>mazione (f.)
<strong>la</strong> experiencia el experimento<br />
experience experiment<br />
l'expérience (f.) l'expérience (f.)<br />
l'esperienza (f.) l'esperimento (m.)<br />
el peritaje el experto<br />
expert opinion, expertise expert<br />
l'expertise (f.) l'expert (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> perizia l'esperto (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> hazaña <strong>la</strong> explicación<br />
exploit, heroic deed exp<strong>la</strong>nation<br />
<strong>la</strong> prouesse, l'exploit (m.) l'explication (f.)<br />
l'atto eroico, <strong>la</strong> prodezza <strong>la</strong> di<strong>ch</strong>iarazione<br />
<strong>la</strong> explosión el explosivo<br />
explosion explosive, b<strong>la</strong>sting agent<br />
l'explosion (f.) l'explosif (m.)<br />
l'esplosione (f.) l'esplosivo (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> exposición <strong>la</strong> exportación<br />
exhibition, exposition export, exportation<br />
l'exposition (f.) l'exportation (f.)<br />
l'esposizione, <strong>la</strong> mostra l'esportazione (f.)
<strong>la</strong> expulsión <strong>la</strong> expresión<br />
expulsion (from) expression<br />
l'expulsion (f.) l'expression (f.)<br />
l'espulsione (f.) l'espressione (f.)<br />
el extracto el extintor<br />
extract fire extinguisher<br />
l'extrait (m.) l'extincteur (m.)<br />
l'estratto (m.) l'estintore (m.)<br />
el habitante <strong>la</strong> habilidad<br />
inhabitant skill, aptness<br />
l'habitant (m.) l'habileté (f.)<br />
l'abitante (m.) l'abilità (f.), <strong>la</strong> destrezza<br />
<strong>la</strong> ha<strong>ch</strong>a <strong>la</strong> costumbre, el hábito<br />
axe, hat<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>t habit, custom<br />
l'ha<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> (f.), <strong>la</strong> cognée l'habitude (f.)<br />
l'ascia (f.), <strong>la</strong> scure l'abitudine (f.)<br />
el seto <strong>la</strong> carne picada<br />
hedge <strong>ch</strong>opped beef (am.), minced meat<br />
l'haie (f.) l'ha<strong>ch</strong>is (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> siepe <strong>la</strong> carne tritata
<strong>la</strong> cadera el aliento<br />
hip breath<br />
l'han<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong> (f.) l'haleine (f.), le souffle<br />
l'anca (f.) il fiato, il respiro<br />
<strong>la</strong> judía el minusválido<br />
bean handicapped person, disabled person<br />
l'haricot (m.) l'handicapé (m.)<br />
il fagiolo lo andicappato<br />
<strong>la</strong> casualidad <strong>la</strong> armonía<br />
<strong>ch</strong>ance, coincidence harmony<br />
l'hasard (m.) l'harmonie (f.)<br />
il caso l'armonia (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> altura <strong>la</strong> prisa<br />
height hurry, rush<br />
l'hauteur (f.) l'hâte (f.)<br />
l'altezza (f.) <strong>la</strong> fretta<br />
<strong>la</strong> hélice, el propulsor el altavoz, el altopar<strong>la</strong>nte (am.)<br />
propeller loudspeaker, speaker<br />
l'hélice (f.) l'haut-parleur (m.)<br />
l'elica (f.) l'altopar<strong>la</strong>nte (m.)
<strong>la</strong> hierba el helicóptero<br />
grass helicopter<br />
l'herbe (f.) l'hélicoptère (m.)<br />
l'erba (f.) l'elicottero (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> herencia el erizo<br />
heritage, inheritance hedgehog<br />
l'héritage (m.) l'hérisson (m.)<br />
l'eredità (f.) il riccio<br />
el héroe el heredero<br />
hero heir<br />
l'héros (m.) l'héritier (m.)<br />
l'eroe (m.) l'erede (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> jerarquía <strong>la</strong> hora<br />
hierar<strong>ch</strong>y hour<br />
l'hiéra<strong>ch</strong>ie (f.) l'heure (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> gerar<strong>ch</strong>ia l'ora (f.)<br />
el invierno <strong>la</strong> historia<br />
winter history, story<br />
l'hiver (m.) l'histoire (f.)<br />
l'inverno (m.) <strong>la</strong> storia
el caballero el hombre, el varón<br />
gentleman, squire man<br />
l'homme ga<strong>la</strong>nt (m.) l'homme (m.)<br />
il cavaliere l'uomo (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> vergüenza el honor<br />
disgrace, shame honour (br.), honor (am.)<br />
l'honte (f.) l'honneur (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> vergogna l'onore (m.)<br />
el horario el hospital<br />
timetable hospital, infirmary<br />
l'horaire (m.) l'hôpital (m.)<br />
l'orario (m.) l'ospedale (m.)<br />
los entremeses el horror<br />
starter, appetizer, antipasto horror<br />
l'entrée, (f.), l'hors-d'oeuvre (m.) l'horreur (f.)<br />
l'antipasto (m.) l'orrore (m.)<br />
el huespéd, el invitado el anfitrión, <strong>la</strong> anfitriona<br />
guest host, hostess<br />
l'hôte (m.), l'invité (m.) l'hôte (m.)<br />
gli ospite l'ospite (m.)
el ayuntamiento el hotel<br />
town hall, city hall (am.) hotel<br />
l'hôtel de ville, <strong>la</strong> mairie l'hôtel (m.)<br />
il municipio l'albergo (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> azada <strong>la</strong> azafata, <strong>la</strong> aeromoza<br />
hoe, mattock, hack hostess<br />
l'houe (f.) l'hôtesse (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> zappa, il sar<strong>ch</strong>io l'hostess<br />
el aceite <strong>la</strong> envoltura<br />
oil wrapper, hull, jacket<br />
l'huile (f.) l'housse (f.)<br />
l'olio (m.) l'involucro (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> humanidad <strong>la</strong> ostra<br />
mankind, humanity oyster<br />
l'humanité (f.) l'huître (f.)<br />
l'umanità l'ostrica (f.)<br />
liberar el humor<br />
to free, to liberate mood, temper<br />
libérer l'humeur (f.)<br />
liberare l'umore (m.)
despedir libre<br />
to dismiss, to dis<strong>ch</strong>arge free<br />
licencier libre<br />
licenziare libero<br />
<strong>la</strong> idea el ideal<br />
idea ideal<br />
l'idée (f.) l'idéal (m.)<br />
l'idea (f.) l'ideale (m.)<br />
el ídolo el idiota<br />
idol idiot<br />
l'idole (f.) l'idiot (m.)<br />
l'idolo (m.) l'idiota (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> ilusión <strong>la</strong> is<strong>la</strong><br />
illusion is<strong>la</strong>nd<br />
l'illusion (f.) l'île (f.)<br />
l'illusione (f.) l'iso<strong>la</strong> (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> imagen <strong>la</strong> ilustración<br />
picture illustration<br />
l'image (f.) l'illustration (f.)<br />
l'immagine (f.) l'illustrazione (f.)
<strong>la</strong> imitación <strong>la</strong> imaginación<br />
imitation imagination<br />
l'imitation (f.) l'imagination (f.)<br />
l'imitazione (f.) l´immaginazione (f.)<br />
el inmigrante limitar<br />
immigrant to limit<br />
l'immigrant (m.), l'immigré (m.) limiter<br />
l'immigrato (m.) limitare<br />
el impermeable el callejón sin salida<br />
raincoat impasse, dead end<br />
l'imperméable (m.) l'impasse (f.)<br />
l'impermeabile (m.) il vicolo cieco<br />
<strong>la</strong> importación <strong>la</strong> importancia<br />
import, importation importance<br />
l'importation (f.) l'importance (f.)<br />
l'importazione (f.) l'importanza (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> impresión el impuesto<br />
impression tax<br />
l'impression (f.) l'impôt (m.)<br />
l'impressione (f.) l'imposta (f.)
<strong>la</strong> impotencia <strong>la</strong> impresora<br />
impotence printer<br />
l'impuissance (f.) l'imprimante (f.)<br />
l'impotenza (f.) <strong>la</strong> stampante<br />
el incendio el impulso<br />
fire, b<strong>la</strong>ze impulse<br />
l'incendie (m.) l'impulsion (f.)<br />
l'incendio (m.) l'impulso (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> independencia <strong>la</strong> compensación<br />
independence compensation<br />
l'indépendance (f.) l'indemnité (f.), l'indemnisation (f.)<br />
l'indipendenza (f.) l'indennità (f.)<br />
el prefijo el indicador<br />
dialling code sign, signpost<br />
l'indicatif (m.) l'indicateur (m.)<br />
il prefisso l'indicatore (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> indigestión <strong>la</strong> indicación<br />
digestive disorder hint, tip<br />
l'indigestion (f.) l'indication (f.)<br />
il disturbo digestivo il riferimento
<strong>la</strong> industria el individuo<br />
industry individual<br />
l'industrie (f.) l'individu (m.)<br />
l'industria (f.) l'individuo (m.)<br />
el infarto <strong>la</strong> infamia<br />
infarct knavery, rascality<br />
l'infarctus (m.) l'infamie (f.)<br />
l'infarto (m.) <strong>la</strong> mascolzanata<br />
<strong>la</strong> enfermera el enfermero<br />
nurse male nurse<br />
l'infirmière (f.) l'infirmier (m.)<br />
l'infermiera (f.) l'infermiere (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> inf<strong>la</strong>ción <strong>la</strong> inf<strong>la</strong>mación<br />
inf<strong>la</strong>tion inf<strong>la</strong>mmation<br />
l'inf<strong>la</strong>tion (f.) l'inf<strong>la</strong>mmation (f.)<br />
l'inf<strong>la</strong>zione (f.) l'infiammazione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> información <strong>la</strong> influencia<br />
information influence<br />
l'information (f.) l'influence (f.)<br />
l'informazione (f.) l'influsso (m.)
el ingeniero <strong>la</strong> contravención<br />
engineer brea<strong>ch</strong>, vio<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
l'ingénieur (m.) l'infraction (f.)<br />
l'ingenere (m.) l'infrazione (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> inyección <strong>la</strong> iniciativa<br />
injection initiative<br />
l'injection (f.) l'initiative (f.)<br />
l'iniezione (f.) l´iniziativa (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> inundación <strong>la</strong> injusticia<br />
flooding, deluge wrong, injustice<br />
l'inondation (f.) l'injustice (f.)<br />
l'inondazione (f.) il torto<br />
<strong>la</strong> inscripción <strong>la</strong> inquietud<br />
inscription, <strong>la</strong>bel anxiety, inquietude<br />
l'inscription (f.) l'inquiétude (f.)<br />
l'iscrizione (f.), <strong>la</strong> scritta l'inquietudine (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> insecticida el insecto<br />
insecticide insect<br />
l'insecticide (m.) l'insecte (m.)<br />
l'insetticida (f.) l'insetto (m.)
<strong>la</strong> instantánea <strong>la</strong> insignia<br />
snapshot badge, insignia<br />
l'instantané (m.) l'insigne (m.)<br />
l'istantanea (f.) il distintivo<br />
el instituto el instinto<br />
institute instinct<br />
l'institut (m.) l'instinct (m.)<br />
l'istituto (m.) l'istinto (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> instrucción <strong>la</strong> institución<br />
instruction institution<br />
l'instruction (f.) l'institution (f.)<br />
l'istruzione (f.) l'istituzione (f.)<br />
el insulto el instrumento<br />
insult, vituperation instrument<br />
l'insulte (f.) l'instrument (m.)<br />
l'insulto (m.) lo strumento<br />
el intelecto <strong>la</strong> inteligencia<br />
intellect, mind, brain intelligence<br />
l'intellect (m.) l'intelligence (f.)<br />
l'intelletto (m.) l'intelligenza (f.)
<strong>la</strong> prohibición <strong>la</strong> intención<br />
prohibition intention, intent<br />
l'interdiction (f.), <strong>la</strong> défense, <strong>la</strong> prohibition l'intention (f.), le dessein<br />
il divieto l'intenzione (f.)<br />
el interior el interés<br />
inside interest<br />
l'interieur (m.) l'intérêt (m.)<br />
lo interno l'interesse (m.)<br />
el intermedio el interlocutor<br />
interlude interlocutor<br />
l'intermède (m.) l'interlocuteur (m.)<br />
l'intermezzo (m.) l'interlocutore (m.)<br />
el interruptor el interrogatorio<br />
swit<strong>ch</strong> interrogation<br />
l'interrupteur (m.) l'interrogatoire (m.)<br />
l'interruttore (m.) l'interrogatorio (m.)<br />
el intestino <strong>la</strong> interrupción<br />
intestine interruption, time-out<br />
l'intestin (m.) l'interruption (f.)<br />
l'intestino (m.) l'interruzione (f.)
<strong>la</strong> introducción <strong>la</strong> intriga<br />
introduction intrigue<br />
l'introduction (f.) l'intrigue (f.)<br />
l'introduzione (f.) l'intrigo (m.)<br />
el inventor <strong>la</strong> invasión<br />
inventor invasion<br />
l'inventeur (m.) l'invasion (f.)<br />
l'inventore (m.) l'invasione (f.)<br />
líquido <strong>la</strong> invitación<br />
liquid invitation<br />
liquide l'invitation (f.)<br />
liquido l'invito (m.)<br />
el regadío, el riego, <strong>la</strong> irrigación leer<br />
irrigation to read<br />
l'irrigation (f.) lire<br />
<strong>la</strong> irrigazione leggere<br />
liso el ais<strong>la</strong>miento<br />
smooth, glossy, sleek iso<strong>la</strong>tion<br />
lisse l'isolement (m.)<br />
liscio l'iso<strong>la</strong>zione (f.)
Italia <strong>la</strong> salida<br />
Italy way out<br />
L'Italie (f.) l'issue (f.)<br />
Italia (f.) <strong>la</strong> via d'uscita<br />
<strong>la</strong> borra<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>ra el itinerario<br />
drunkeness, befuddlement route<br />
l'ivresse (f.) l'itinéraire (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> sbornia l'itinerario (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> objeción el oasis<br />
objection oasis<br />
l'objection (f.) l'oasis (f.)<br />
l'obiezione (f.) <strong>la</strong> oasi<br />
<strong>la</strong> obligación el objeto<br />
commitment, obligation object<br />
l'obligation (f.) l'objet (m.)<br />
l'obbligo (m.) l'oggetto (m.)<br />
el observador <strong>la</strong> oscuridad<br />
observer darkness<br />
l'observateur (m.) l'obscurité (f.)<br />
l'osservatore (m.) l'oscurità (f.)
el obstáculo <strong>la</strong> obsesión<br />
obstacle obsession<br />
l'obstacle (m.) l'obsession (f.)<br />
l'ostacolo (m.) l'ossessione (f.)<br />
local <strong>la</strong> observación<br />
local observation<br />
local l'observation (f.)<br />
locale l'osservazione (f.)<br />
el occidente <strong>la</strong> ocasión, <strong>la</strong> oportunidad<br />
West opportunity, occasion<br />
l'Occident (m.) l'occasion (f.)<br />
l'occidente (m.) l'occasione (f.)<br />
el océano <strong>la</strong> ocupación<br />
ocean occupation<br />
l'océan (m.) l'occupation (f.)<br />
l'oceano (m.) l´occupazione (f.)<br />
el olor el octubre<br />
smell, scent, odour (br.), odor (am.) October<br />
l'odeur (f.) l'octobre (m.)<br />
l'odore (m.) l'ottobre (m.)
el ojo el olfato<br />
eye sense of smell, olfactory sense<br />
l'oeil (m.) l'odorat (m.)<br />
l'oc<strong>ch</strong>io (m.) il odorato<br />
<strong>la</strong> ofensa el huevo<br />
insult egg<br />
l'offense (f.) l'oeuf (m.)<br />
l'offesa (f.) l'uovo (m.), le uova (pl.)<br />
el oficial <strong>la</strong> oficina de turismo<br />
officer tourist office<br />
l'officier (m.) l'office du tourisme (m.)<br />
l'ufficiale (m.) l'ente per il turismo (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> oferta de empleo <strong>la</strong> oferta<br />
job offer offer<br />
l'offre d'emploi (f.) l'offre (f.)<br />
l'offerta d'impiego (f.) l'offerta (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> oca lógico<br />
goose logical<br />
l'oie (f.) logi<strong>que</strong><br />
l'oca (f.) logico
el pájaro <strong>la</strong> cebol<strong>la</strong><br />
bird onion<br />
l'oiseau (m.) l'oignon (m.)<br />
l'uccello (m.) <strong>la</strong> cipol<strong>la</strong><br />
<strong>la</strong> sombra <strong>la</strong> aceituna<br />
shadow olive<br />
l'ombre (f.) l'olive (f.)<br />
l'ombra (f.) l'oliva (f.)<br />
el tío <strong>la</strong> tortil<strong>la</strong><br />
uncle omelet<br />
l'oncle (m.) l'omelette (f.)<br />
lo zio <strong>la</strong> frittata<br />
<strong>la</strong>rgo <strong>la</strong> o<strong>la</strong><br />
long wave<br />
long l'onde (f.)<br />
lungo l'onda (f.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> operación <strong>la</strong> uña<br />
operation fingernail<br />
l'opération (f.) l'ongle (m.)<br />
l'operazione (f.) l'unghia (f.)
el oculista el procedimiento<br />
eye specialist, ophtalmologist procedure<br />
l'ophtalmologue (m.) le procédé<br />
l'oculista (m.) <strong>la</strong> procedura<br />
<strong>la</strong> oposición <strong>la</strong> opinión<br />
opposition opinion<br />
l'opposition (f.) l'opinion (f.), l'avis (m.)<br />
l'opposizione (f.) l'opinione (f.)<br />
el optimismo el óptico<br />
optimism optician<br />
l'optimisme (m.) l'opticien (m.)<br />
l'ottimismo (m.) l'ottico (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> tormenta el oro<br />
thunderstorm, tempest gold<br />
l'orage (m.) l'or (m.)<br />
il temporale l'oro (m.)<br />
el orador <strong>la</strong> naranja<br />
speaker orange<br />
l'orateur (m.) l'orange (f.)<br />
l'oratore (m.) l'arancia (f.)
<strong>la</strong> banda <strong>la</strong> or<strong>que</strong>sta<br />
band or<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>stra<br />
l'or<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>stre (m.), le groupe l'or<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>stre (m.)<br />
<strong>la</strong> banda l'or<strong><strong>ch</strong>e</strong>stra (f.)<br />
el orden el ordenador, <strong>la</strong> computadora (am.)<br />
order, command computer<br />
l'ordre (m.) l'ordinateur (m.)<br />
l'ordine (m.) il computer<br />
el órgano <strong>la</strong> oreja<br />
organ ear<br />