Jeffrey E. Moxie 3642 Pontina Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 April 27 ...

Jeffrey E. Moxie 3642 Pontina Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 April 27 ...

Jeffrey E. Moxie 3642 Pontina Court Pleasanton, CA 94566 April 27 ...


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<strong>April</strong> <strong>27</strong>, 2011<br />

<strong>Jeffrey</strong> E. <strong>Moxie</strong><br />

<strong>3642</strong> <strong>Pontina</strong> <strong>Court</strong><br />

<strong>Pleasanton</strong>, <strong>CA</strong> <strong>94566</strong><br />

It is my honor to nominate Nadine Day for President of United States Masters Swimming.<br />

Nadine has served USMS with distinction in many leadership capacities, most recently as its<br />

Vice President of Community Services which has oversight of the coaches committee, sports<br />

medicine and science committee and fitness education committee and various task forces. She<br />

has been a member of the BOD for the past six years with two of those years as a member of the<br />

Executive Committee. Nadine has been involved with many facets of the organization during<br />

her tenure, including the strategic plan in 2007, chair of the Compensation and Benefits<br />

Committee since 2007 and member of the Executive Director transition team in 2008 just to<br />

name a select few.<br />

I believe that as President of U.S. Masters Swimming Nadine will provide strong leadership and<br />

will be an excellent ambassador to the greater aquatics community.<br />

I recommend Nadine without reservation for this position.<br />

Very truly yours,<br />

<strong>Jeffrey</strong> E. <strong>Moxie</strong>

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