ELISDEVID S.R.L. VIA DON AMBROSINI, 14 I 25080 ... - PietraElite

ELISDEVID S.R.L. VIA DON AMBROSINI, 14 I 25080 ... - PietraElite

ELISDEVID S.R.L. VIA DON AMBROSINI, 14 I 25080 ... - PietraElite


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AIALE<br />

Modello irregolare di svariate pietre,<br />

come ad esempio magma e tufo.<br />

Si presta per ricoprire piccole nicchie in interni<br />

ma anche grandi superfici esterne<br />

e viene posata con il sistema “opus incertum”.<br />

This irregular model is composed of various types of stone,<br />

such as magma and tuff. It is suitable for covering small interior niches<br />

but also large external surfaces, and is applied using the “opus incertum” technique.

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