Pubblicazioni scelte degli afferenti, 2005 - 2011

Pubblicazioni scelte degli afferenti, 2005 - 2011

Pubblicazioni scelte degli afferenti, 2005 - 2011


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update review. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen, Special Issue: Mineralcontaminant<br />

relationships: towards a multi-scale, multidisciplinary analytical approach,<br />

Selected papers from the Geoitalia2009 Workshop W7, (guest eds): F. Frau and P.<br />

Marescotti, 188 (1), 1-9.<br />

Gatta D.G., Cappelletti P. and Langella A. (2010) - Crystal-chemistry of phillipsites from<br />

the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff. European Journal of Mineralogy , 22 (6), 779-786.<br />

Gatta G. D., Cappelletti P, Rotiroti N., Slebodnick C. and Rinaldi R. (2009) - New insights<br />

into the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of the zeolite phillipsite. American<br />

Mineralogist, 94, 190-199. doi: 10.2138/am.2009.3032<br />

Gliozzo E., Cavari F., Damiani D. and Memmi Turbanti I. (<strong>2011</strong>) - Pigments and plaster<br />

from Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco). Archaeometry, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-<br />

4754.<strong>2011</strong>.00617.x<br />

Gliozzo E., Damiani D., Camporeale S., Turbanti Memmi I. and Papi E. (<strong>2011</strong>) - Building<br />

materials from Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco): a diachronic local production from Roman<br />

to Islamic period, Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 38, 1026-1036.<br />

Gioncada A., Gonzalez-Ferran O., Lezzerini M., Mazzuoli R., Bisson M. and Rapue S.A.<br />

(2010) - The volcanic rocks of Easter Island (Chile) and their use for the Moai<br />

sculptures. Eur. J. Mineral., 22, 855-867.<br />

La Russa M. F. , Barone G. , Belfiore C. , Mazzoleni P. and Pezzino A. (<strong>2011</strong>) -<br />

Application of protective products to "Noto" calcarenite (South-eastern Sicily): a case<br />

study for the conservation of stone materials. Environmental Earth Science, 62, 1263-<br />

1272<br />

La Russa M. F., Ruffolo S. A. , Malagodi M. , Barca D. , Cirrincione R. , Pezzino A. ,<br />

Crisci G. M. and Miriello D. (2010) - Petrographic, biological and chemical techniques<br />

used to characterize two tombs in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome (Italy). Applied<br />

Physics A Materials Science & Processing, 100, 865-872.<br />

Lattanzi P., Da Pelo S., Musu E., Atzei D., Elsener B., Fantauzzi M. and Rossi A. (2008) -<br />

Enargite oxidation: a review. Earth Sciences Reviews, 86, 62-88.<br />

Lattanzi P., Meneghini C., De Giudici G. and Podda F. (2010) - Uptake of Pb by<br />

hydrozincite, Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 implications for remediation. Journal of Hazardous<br />

Materials, 177, 1138-1144.<br />

Lazzarini L. (2004) - Archaeometric aspects of white and coloured marbles used in<br />

antiquity, the state of the art. In “A showcase of the Italian research in Applied<br />

Petrology” (G.M Bargossi, M.Franzini e B.Messiga ed.), Special Issue 3, Periodico di<br />

Mineralogia, Vol.73 pp.113-125.<br />

Lazzarini L. (2007) - Poikiloi Lithoi, Versiculores Maculae: I marmi colorati della Grecia<br />

Antica. Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa- Roma, 285 pp.<br />

Lazzarini L. (2008) - Pietra d’Istria: uso, genesi, proprietà, cavatura e forme di<br />

deterioramento della pietra di Venezia. “Histria Terra”, Supplemento agli Atti e<br />

Memorie della Soc. Istriana di Archeologia e Storia Patria, 9, pp.7-43.<br />


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