GIUSEPPE IADONISI Curriculum vitae - INFN Napoli
GIUSEPPE IADONISI Curriculum vitae - INFN Napoli
GIUSEPPE IADONISI Curriculum vitae - INFN Napoli
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<strong>GIUSEPPE</strong> <strong>IADONISI</strong><br />
<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong><br />
Indirizzo:Via Vecchia S. Gennaro 161<br />
80078 Pozzuoli (Na)<br />
e-mail:,,<br />
tel +39 081 5267529<br />
cell +39 3334580326<br />
Posizione attuale: in quiescenza per limiti di età dal 1/11/2010<br />
Luogo e data di nascita:<br />
Vitulano (Bn), 21/12/1939<br />
Codice Fiscale<br />
DNSGPP39T21M093N<br />
Carriera<br />
- Laureato con lode in Fisica all’Università di <strong>Napoli</strong> (1962) con una tesi sulla teoria<br />
della diffusione da potenziale<br />
- Borsista presso l’Istituto di Fisica teorica dell’Università di <strong>Napoli</strong> dove ha<br />
frequentato la Scuola di Perfezionamento in Fisica Teorica e Nucleare<br />
- nel 1965 superò il concorso a R5 <strong>INFN</strong> ed è stato ricercatore associato a tale Ente<br />
fino al 1971<br />
- negli a.a. 1964-65 e 1965-66 prof. incaricato a Messina di Fisica sperimentale<br />
(corso di laurea in Chimica)<br />
- dall’a.a. 1966-67 al 1969-70 prof. incaricato di Fisica generale presso l’Univ. di<br />
<strong>Napoli</strong> (corso di laurea in Matematica)<br />
- dal 1970-71 fino al 2009-10 prof. di Fisica dello Stato Solido prima come prof.<br />
stabilizzato, poi come prof. associato e dal 1986 come prof. ordinario<br />
- dal 1988 al 1993 presidente del CCL in Fisica<br />
- nel triennio 2000-2003 direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche<br />
- dal 1996 al 2002 membro del senato accademico dell’Ateneo “Federico II”<br />
- dal 1986 al 2010 portavoce del Gruppo Teorico di Fisica dello Stato Solido<br />
Principali Progetti Scientifici<br />
- negli anni 1994-97 responsabile italiano del progetto europeo “Polarons,<br />
Bipolarons, and Excitons. Properties and Occurrence in New Material” in the Human<br />
Capital and Mobility Project<br />
- negli anni 1998-2000 responsabile locale del progetto PRIN “Sistemi quantistici<br />
correlati a bassa dimensionalità”<br />
- negli anni 2000-2002 responsabile locale del progetto PRIN “Effetti quantistici in<br />
sistemi solidi a bassa dimensionalità”
- negli anni 1997-2000 responsabile nazionale del Progetto INFM-SUD “Studio,<br />
caratterizzazione e costruzione di prototipi di sensori di gas a base di Silicio Poroso”<br />
- negli anni 2001-2002 responsabile di un contratto di ricerca ENEA nel progetto<br />
integrato Portici con la realizzazione di due brevetti<br />
- negli anni 2003-04 membro del gruppo locale del progetto PRIN “Manganiti, effetto<br />
Hall, assorbimento infrarosso e colossale magnetresistenza”<br />
- negli anni 2003-04 e 2008-09 membro di gruppi locali di tre progetti PON<br />
industriali<br />
Scuole internazionali<br />
- Direttore della Scuola annuale GNSM per giovani Laureati (Lecce, 1986)<br />
- Condirettore con R. Schrieffer del Corso CXXXVI della Scuola Internazionale di<br />
Fisica “Enrico Fermi” (Varenna, 1997) su “Models and Phenomenology for<br />
Conventional and High Tc Superconductivity”<br />
- Condirettore con J. Ranninger del Corso CLXI della Scuola Internazionale di Fisica<br />
“Enrico Fermi” (Varenna, 1997) su “Polarons in Bulk Materials and Systems with<br />
reduced Dimensionality”<br />
Attività editoriale<br />
- Referee per almeno due decenni di Phys. Rev. B e Phys.<br />
Rev. Lett., Jour. of European Phys. B, Journal of Condensed Matter, ecc<br />
Articoli di review<br />
1) Electronic impurity levels in semiconductors<br />
F. Bassani, G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Rep. on Progress in in Physics, 37, 1099,<br />
1974.<br />
2) Electron-phonon interaction: effects on the excitation spectrum of solids.<br />
G. Iadonisi, La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 7, n. 11, 1984.<br />
3) Interaction between elementary excitations in solids.<br />
F. Bassani and G. Iadonisi, Proceedings of the Inter. Symp. on Quantum Field<br />
Theory, edited by F. Mancini, North-Holland 1986, pag. 573.<br />
4) Polaronic effects on free and harmonically bound electrons in magnetic field.<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella and D. Ninno, Progress of optical spectroscopy of solids,<br />
G. Girlanda, G. Pastori Parravicini and A. Quattropani Eds, Reidel Company 1989,<br />
pag. 99<br />
5) Theory of dynamical screening effects in the exciton and bipolaron formation; an<br />
application to strongly photoexcited semiconductors and to the bipolaron model for<br />
high T_{c} superconductivity<br />
G. Capone, V. Cataudella, M.L. Chiofalo, R. Di Girolamo, G. Iadonisi, F. Liguori,<br />
and D. Ninno, Intern. Conf. on Superconductity and strongly correlated electron<br />
systems, Amalfi, Ottobre 1993, M. Marinaro, F. Mancini and G. Scarpetta Eds.,<br />
World Scientific 1994<br />
6) CDW instability and infrared absorption of an interacting large polaron gas
G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, in Stripes and Related Phenomena, A.<br />
Bianconi and N.L. Saini Eds., Kluwer Academic N. Y. 2000, pag. 175<br />
7) Boson-fermion model and high T_{c} superconductivity<br />
V. Cataudella, G. Capone, M.L. Chiofalo, G. De Filippis, G. Iadonisi, D. Ninno, E.<br />
Piegari, Proceedings of the CXXXVI Course of the Enrico Fermi School, G.<br />
Iadonisi, R. J. Schrieffer and M.L. Chiofalo Eds., Varenna 1997, IOS Press 1998,<br />
393<br />
8) Models and Phenomenology for Conventional and High-Temperature<br />
Superconductivity<br />
G. Iadonisi, R. Schrieffer, M. Chiofalo eds, IOS Press 1998<br />
9) Coexistence of large and small polarons in manganites and cuprates<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, C.A. Perroni, E. Piegari and F. Ventriglia,<br />
in Electrons and Photons in Solids, Collana della Scuola Normale Superiore, 2001<br />
Pisa<br />
10) Electronic states and optical properties in quantum wires and dots<br />
G. Iadonisi, F. Buonocore, G. Cantele, G. Di Francia, V. Marigliano and D. Ninno,<br />
in Electrons and Photons in Solids, Collana della Scuola Normale Superiore, 2001<br />
Pisa<br />
11) Electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures<br />
G. Iadonisi, G. Cantele, V. Marigliano Ramaglia, and D. Ninno, in Festschrift in<br />
honour of Jozef Devreese, Physica Status Solidi (b) 237, 320 (2003)<br />
12) Lattice effects in manganites<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, V. Marigliano Ramaglia, C.A. Perroni,<br />
and F. Ventriglia, in Festschrift in honour of Jozef Devreese, Physica Status Solidi<br />
(b) 237, 215 (2003)<br />
13) Electron gas with polaronic effects: beyond the mean-field theory<br />
F. Bassani, V. Cataudella, M. Chiofalo, G. De Filippis, G. Iadonisi, C.A. Perroni, in<br />
Festschrift in honour of Jozef Devreese, Physica Status Solidi (b) 237, 173 (2003)<br />
14) Thermodynamical and dynamical instabilities in the homogeneous polaron gas<br />
G. Cantele, C.A. Perroni, V.K. Mukhomorov, D. Ninno, and G. Iadonisi, Proc. Intern<br />
School "Enrico Fermi", Varenna, 2005, corso CLXI, (IOS Press 2006)<br />
15) Infrared absorption in polaronic systems<br />
C.A. Perroni, V.Cataudella, G. De Filippis, G. Iadonisi, and V. Marigliano<br />
Ramaglia, Proc. Intern School "Enrico Fermi", Varenna, 2005, corso CLXI, (IOS<br />
Press 2006)<br />
16) “Polaroni”, G. Iadonisi, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze Fisiche (Istituto della<br />
Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, 1992)<br />
17) Coexistence of large and small polarons and relative optical infrared properties<br />
in perovskitic materials<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, Invited paper to the XXXVI Meeting<br />
European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG), Catania 1998, Physica B, 265,<br />
146 (1999)<br />
18) The role of quantum confinement in porous silicon gas sensors
D. Ninno, F. Buonocore, G. Cantele, G. Iadonisi, G. Di Francia, in Sensors and<br />
Microsystems, World Scientific 2001, pag. 134<br />
19) Coexistence of charges trapped in local lattice distorsion and free carriers in<br />
cuprates<br />
V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, G. Iadonisi, A. Bianconi, N.L. Saini, III Intern. Conf.<br />
on Stripes and high Tc superconductivity, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 14, 3398 (2000)<br />
20) Variational approach to polarons<br />
V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, G. Iadonisi, C.A. Perroni, Proc. Intern School "Enrico<br />
Fermi", Varenna, 2005, corso CLXI, (IOS Press 2006)<br />
Contributi a libri<br />
Nel volume “Giuseppe Franco Bassani, Uomo e Scienziato” (SIF, 2010), sono<br />
riprodotti gli articoli ritenuti più importanti di Bassani; tra essi compaiono i lavori n.<br />
3 e n. 31 dell’elenco delle pubblicazioni, oltre che ad un articolo del sottoscritto e di<br />
Bruno Preziosi sull’origine della Fisica dei Solidi a <strong>Napoli</strong> e su alcune linee di<br />
sviluppo<br />
Pubblicazioni<br />
1) A model for optical transition between bound states for F-centers in Alkali<br />
Halides.<br />
G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Il Nuovo Cimento 48, 92, 1967.<br />
2) On the Schrödinger equation in Extended Crystal Momentum Representation.<br />
G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Physica Status Solidi 37, 281, 1970.<br />
3) Band structure and impurity states.<br />
F. Bassani, G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Phys. Rev. 186, 735, 1969.<br />
4) Possibility of two stages of phase transition in an interacting Bose gas.<br />
G. Iadonisi, M. Marinaro and R. Vasudevan, Il Nuovo Cimento 70B, 147, 1970.<br />
5) Donor ground states of group IV and III-V semiconductors.<br />
M. Altarelli and G. Iadonisi, Il Nuovo Cimento 5B, 21, 1971.<br />
6) Resonant states for a realistic impurity problem in crystals: discussion of L-bands<br />
in Alkali Halides<br />
M. Altarelli and G. Iadonisi, Il Nuovo Cimento 5B, 36, 1971.<br />
7) On the role of phase shift in crystals<br />
G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Il Nuovo Cimento 15B, 45, 1973.<br />
8) Resonant states in III-V semiconductors compounds<br />
G. Iadonisi and G.P. Zucchelli, Physica Status Solidi b 62 625, 1974.<br />
9) Three-dimensional model for surface states<br />
G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Phys. Rev. B 9, 4178, 1974.<br />
10) Electronic states for impurity near surfaces<br />
G. Iadonisi and B. Preziosi, Il Nuovo Cimento 27B, 193, 1975.<br />
11) Localized electronic impurity near surface bands<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia and A. Tagliacozzo, Jour. Phys. C: Solid State<br />
Phys. 8, 4010, 1975.<br />
12) Atomic hydrogen level near a metallic surface.
G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia and G.P. Zucchelli, Physica Status Solidi b 80,<br />
245, 1977<br />
13) Resonant states of an atom near a metallic surface<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia, A. Tagliacozzo and G.P. Zucchelli, Il Nuovo<br />
Cimento 46B, 195, 1978.<br />
14) Hybridization between s and p resonances induced by a metallic surface.<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia and G.P. Zucchelli, Surface Science 88, 177,<br />
1979.<br />
14) Coupling between the electronic and ionic motion in the chemisorption<br />
problem: exact unidimensional model<br />
G. Iadonisi, Il Nuovo Cimento 53B, 233, 1979.<br />
15) Propagation of electromagnetic waves and plasmons in spatially dispersive<br />
metals.<br />
G. Iadonisi, B. Preziosi and G.P. Zucchelli, Il Nuovo Cimento 53B, 402, 1979.<br />
16) A physical approach to chemisorption through the Green function method.<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia and B. Preziosi, Int. Jour. Quantum Chemistry<br />
XIX, 1043, 1981.<br />
17) Electromagnetic modes and plasmons at the surface of spatially dispersive<br />
metals.<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia and G.P. Zucchelli, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5163,<br />
1981.<br />
18) Electron-hole pair excitations in atom surface scattering.<br />
G. Iadonisi and A. Levi, Int. Jour. Quantum Chem. XXVI, 823, 1984<br />
19) Excitonic polaron states and optical transitions.<br />
G. Iadonisi and F. Bassani, Il Nuovo Cimento 2D, 1541, 1983.<br />
20) Core excitons in the electronic polaron model.<br />
G. Iadonisi and F. Bassani, Il Nuovo Cimento 3D, 408, 1984.<br />
21) Effective electron-hole potential in polar semiconductors.<br />
G. Iadonisi and V. Marigliano Ramaglia, Il Nuovo Cimento 6D, 193, 1985.<br />
22) Electrostastic edge modes for a hyperbolic dielectric wedge: analitical solution.<br />
V. Cataudella and G. Iadonisi, Solid State Comm. 59, 267, 1986.<br />
23) Magnetoplasmons in a two-dimensional electron gas: strip geometry.<br />
V. Cataudella and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 35, 7443, 1987.<br />
24) Polaronic correction to the exciton effective mass.<br />
G. Iadonisi and F. Bassani, Il Nuovo Cimento 9D, 703, 1987.<br />
25) Calculation of surface-polaron ground state energy and effective potential.<br />
D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 38, 3803, 1988.<br />
26) The effect of a phenomenological relaxation time on the magnetoplasmons in a<br />
two dimensional inhomogeneous electron gas.<br />
V. Cataudella and G. Iadonisi, Physica Scripta 38, 753, 1988.<br />
27) Polaronic effects on exciton states with different angular momenta.<br />
G. Iadonisi, F. Bassani and G. Strinati, Physica Status Solidi b, 153, 611, 1989<br />
28) Variational calculations of two-dimensional polaron energy levels in a magnetic<br />
D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 39, 10963, 1989.<br />
29) Polaronic effects on two-dimensional excitons.<br />
M. Geddo and G. Iadonisi, Il Nuovo Cimento D 12, 1641, 1990<br />
30) Image states near metallic and insulating surfaces<br />
D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Vuoto 20, 20, 1990<br />
31) Variational calculations of bipolarons binding energies.<br />
F. Bassani, M. Geddo, G. Iadonisi and D. Ninno, Phys. Rev. B 43, 5296, 1991<br />
32) Binding energies, effective masses and screenings effects of Fröhlich bipolarons<br />
V. Cataudella,G. Iadonisi and D. Ninno, Physica Scripta, T39, 71, 1991<br />
33) Plasmon effects on Fröhlich bipolarons binding energy<br />
V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi and D. Ninno, Europhysics Letters, 17, 709, 1992<br />
34) Plasmon-phonon cooperative effects in the diluite large bipolaron gas: a<br />
possible mechanism for high T_{c} superconductivity<br />
G. Iadonisi, M. Chiofalo, V. Cataudella and D. Ninno, Phys. Rev. B 48, 12966, 1993<br />
35) Mobility of Biplasmapolarons and high T_{c} superconductivity<br />
G. Iadonisi, M. Chiofalo, V. Cataudella and D. Ninno, Il Nuovo Cimento D 15,<br />
1035, 1993<br />
36) Dynamical screening of excitons in GaAs electron-hole plasma<br />
D. Ninno, F. Liguori, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi and G. Di Francia, Il Vuoto 25, 54,<br />
(1996)<br />
37) Polaron and bipolaron coexistence in high T_{c} superconductivity<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, D. Ninno and M.L. Chiofalo, Physics Letters A 196, 359,<br />
1995<br />
38) Dynamical screening of excitons in a semiconductor electron-hole plasma<br />
D. Ninno, F. Liguori, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, Jour. Phys. : Condensed Matter 6,<br />
9335, 1994<br />
39) Linear screening effects on large bipolaron<br />
G. Capone, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, D. Ninno, Il Nuovo Cimeno D 17, 143, 1995<br />
40) A simple model for porous silicon photoluminescence line shape<br />
G. Di Francia, G. Iadonisi, P. Maddalena, M. Migliaccio, D. Ninno, E. Santamato,<br />
Optics Communications 127, 44 (1996)<br />
41) On the boson-fermion model of superconductivity<br />
V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, D. Ninno and M.L. Chiofalo, Il Nuovo Cimento D 18,<br />
1307 (1996)<br />
42) Electron screening effect on self-trapping of polarons<br />
G. Iadonisi, G. Capone, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, Phys. Rev. B 53, 13497, 1996<br />
43) Plasmapolaron self-energy and effective mass in uniaxial polar crystals<br />
G. Iadonisi, G. Capone, V. Cataudella and D. Ninno, Physica Status Solidi (b) 197,<br />
381 (1996)<br />
44) Testing of porous Silicon as H2O vapour sensor<br />
V. La Ferrara, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, G. Di Francia, F. Bellucci, T. Monetta and<br />
E.V. Sasso, Proceedings SAA96, Sberveglieri e Todello Edit., Editrice Compositori<br />
1997, pag. 181<br />
45) Polaron theory in wide and narrow electron bands
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, D. Ninno, Physica Status Solidi (b), 203, 411 (1997)<br />
46) Coexistence of large and small mass polarons<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, D. Ninno, Europhysics Letters 41, 309<br />
(1998)<br />
47) Conduction electron gas dielectric function of multi-valley semiconductors: an<br />
application to silicon<br />
F. Liguori, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, Physica Status Solidi (b) 207, 205 (1998)<br />
48) Boson-Fermion model in mean field approximation<br />
E. Piegari, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, Physica C 303, 273 (1998)<br />
49) Large polarons, bipolarons and boson-fermion model of superconductivity<br />
V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, D. Ninno, G. De Filippis and M.L. Chiofalo, Il Nuovo<br />
Cimento 19D, 1357 (1997)<br />
50) Optical properties of an interacting large polaron gas<br />
V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, G. Iadonisi, European Physical Journal B 12, 17<br />
(1999)<br />
51) Normal state properties of an interacting large polaron gas<br />
G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, European Physical Journal B 8, 339<br />
(1999)<br />
52) Carrier localization and photoluminescence in porous silicon<br />
D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, F. Buonocore, Solid State Comm. 112, 521 (1999)<br />
53) Theoretical calculations of shallow impurity states in deformed quantum wires<br />
with an application to porous silicon<br />
F. Buonocore, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 62, 10914 (2000).<br />
54) Variational approach for the Holstein Molecular Crystal Model<br />
V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 60, 15653 (1999)<br />
55) Polaron features of the one-dimensional Holstein Molecular Crystal Model<br />
V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 62, 1496 (2000)<br />
56) Topological surface states in deformed wires<br />
G. Cantele, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 61, 13730 (2000)<br />
57) A theory for semiconductor nanostructure reactivity to gas environment<br />
D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, F. Buonocore, G. Cantele, G. Di Francia, Sensors and<br />
Attuators B 68, 17 (2000)<br />
58) Localized states in arbitrarly shaped quantum wire: a variation-perturbation<br />
technique,<br />
F. Buonocore, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, physica status solidi (b) 225, 343 (2001)<br />
59) Confined states in ellipsoidal quantum dots<br />
G. Cantele, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 12, 9019 (2000)<br />
60) Calculation of plasmonic dispersion in quantum wires: state filling, shape<br />
confinement and angular degeneracy effects<br />
F. Liguori, F. Buonocore, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, Phil . Magazine B 81, 365 (2001)<br />
61) Impurity and topological surface states in porous silicon<br />
D. Ninno, F. Buonocore, G. Cantele, G. Iadonisi, physica status solidi (a), 182, 285<br />
(2000)<br />
62) Internal vibrational structure of the three-dimensional large bipolaron
G. Iadonisi, V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis, V. Mukhomorov, European Journal of<br />
Physics B 18, 67 (2000)<br />
63) Crossover from large to small bipolaron<br />
G. Iadonisi, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, C.A. Perroni, Jour. Phys.: Condensed<br />
Matter 13, 1499 (2001)<br />
64) Coexistence of large and small polarons in manganites<br />
V. Cataudella, G. De Filippis and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 63, 52406 (2001)<br />
65) Calculation of the infrared optical transition in semiconductor ellipsoidal<br />
quantum dots<br />
G. Cantele, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, Nano Letters 1, 121 (2001)<br />
66) Shape effects on the one- and two-electrons ground state in ellipsoidal quantum<br />
dots<br />
G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 64, 125325 (2001)<br />
67) Polarons in cylindrical quantum wires<br />
F. Buonocore, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi and F. Ventriglia, Phys. Rev. B 65, 205415<br />
(2002)<br />
68) Polaron and bipolaron formation in the Hubbard-Holstein model: role of nextnearest<br />
neghbor electron hopping<br />
G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia, C.A. Perroni<br />
and F. Ventriglia, Phys. Rev. B 64, 155105 (2001)<br />
69) Spectral properties and infrared absorption in manganites<br />
C.A. Perroni, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 64, 144302<br />
(2001)<br />
70) Effects of the magnetic field and the isotopic substitution upon the infrared<br />
absorption in manganites<br />
C.A. Perroni, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano Ramaglia,<br />
and F. Ventriglia, Phys. Rev. B 66, 184409 (2002)<br />
71) Comment on "Polarons in Carbon Nanotubes"<br />
E. Piegari, V. Cataudella, V. Marigliano and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 49701<br />
(2002)<br />
72) Optical anisotropy of ellipsoidal quantum dots<br />
G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 66, 113308 (2002)<br />
73) Infrared conductivity of a one-dimensional charge-ordered state: quantum lattice<br />
effects<br />
C.A. Perroni, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, V. Marigliano, F. Ventriglia, G.<br />
Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 67, 214301 (2003)<br />
74) Infrared absorption of the charge-ordering phase: lattice effects<br />
C.A. Perroni, G. De Filippis, V. Cataudella, G. Iadonisi, V. Marigliano, F.<br />
Ventriglia, Phys. Rev. B 67, 94302 (2003)<br />
75) Electron-electron correlation in silicon anisotropic quantum dots<br />
G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, phys. stat. sol. (a) 197, 432 (2003)<br />
76) A tight binding study of LUMO states in ellipsoidal silicon nanocrystals<br />
F. Trani, G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Physica E 22, 808 (2004)
77) Conduction-band anisotropy effects in spherical semiconductor nanocrystals: a<br />
theoretical study<br />
G. Cantele, F. Trani, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Jour. Phys.: Condensed Matter 15,<br />
5715 (2003)<br />
78) Electronic and Optical Properties of Silicon Nanocrystals: Structural Effects<br />
E. Degoli, S. Ossicini, M. Luppi, E. Luppi, R. Magri, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, G.<br />
Iadonisi,<br />
79) On the interplay between quantum confinement and electron-electron interaction<br />
in silicon deformed quantum wires<br />
G. Parascandolo, G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 68, 245317<br />
(2003)<br />
80) A theoretical study of 1-amino-3-cyclopenthene adsorption on nanostructured<br />
silicon: toward a silicon biosensor<br />
G. Cantele, M. Cossi, G. Festa, D. Ninno, V. Barone, G. Iadonisi, Eurosensor 2004<br />
81) Formation of polaron clusters<br />
C.A. Perroni, G. Iadonisi, and V.K. Mukhomorov, Eur. Phys. J. B, 41,163(2004)<br />
82) A first-principle study of n- and p-doped Silicon nanoclusters<br />
G. Cantele, Elena Degoli, Eleonora Luppi, Rita Magri, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi and S.<br />
Ossicini, Phys. Rev. B 72, 113303 (2005)<br />
83) A first-principle study of the adsorption of 1-amino-3-cyclopentene on the (100)<br />
silicon surface<br />
G. Festa, M. Cossi, V. Barone, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi, Jou. Chem.<br />
Phys.122, 184714 (2005)<br />
84) Tight binding calculations for the optical properties of ellipsoidal silicon<br />
nanocrystals,<br />
F. Trani, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 72, 75423 (2005)<br />
85) Criteria for the appearance of a periodic component in the polaron distribution<br />
function,<br />
G. Iadonisi, V.K. Mukhomorov, G. Cantele, and D. Ninno, Phys. Rev. B 72, 94305<br />
(2005)<br />
86) Tight binding calculations for the optical properties of ellipsoidal silicon<br />
nanocrystals<br />
F. Trani, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, and G. Iadonisi, phys. Stat. Solidi (c) 2, 3435 (2005)<br />
87) Electronic, structural and optical properties of hydrogenated silicon nanocrystals:<br />
the role of the excited states,<br />
G.Cantele, Elena Degoli, Eleonora Luppi, Rita Magri, D. Ninno, O. Bisi, Stefano,<br />
Ossicini, and G. Iadonisi, phys. Stat. solidi (c) 2, 3263 (2005)<br />
88) The rutile TiO2 (110) surface: Obtaining converged structural properties from<br />
first-principles calculations,<br />
K.J. Hameeuw, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, F. Trani, and G. Iadonisi, The journal of<br />
chemical physics 124, 24708, (2006)<br />
89) Microscopic Description of Point Charge Screening in Semiconductor<br />
D. Ninno, F. Trani, G. Cantele, K. J. Hameeuw, G. Iadonisi, Elena Degoli, Stefano<br />
Ossicini, Europhys. Lett. 74, 519 (2006)<br />
90) Thomas-Fermi model of electronic screening in semiconductor nanocrystal<br />
D. Ninno, F. Trani, G. Cantele, K. J. Hameeuw, G. Iadonisi, Elena Degoli, Stefano<br />
Ossicini, Europhys. Lett. 74, 519 (2006)<br />
91) Screening in semiconductors nanocrystals: ab initio results and Thomas-Fermi<br />
theory<br />
F. Trani, D. Ninno, G. Cantele, and G. Iadonisi, K. Hameeuw, E. Degoli and S.<br />
Ossicini, Phys. Rev. B, 73, 245430 (2006)<br />
92) Influence of surface and subsurface defects on the behaviour of the rutile<br />
TiO2(110) surface<br />
K. Hameeuw, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, F. Trani, and G. Iadonisi, Physica Status Solidi<br />
(a) 203, 2219 (2006)<br />
93) Polaron effects and boundary conditions in cylindrical wires<br />
G. Iadonisi, F. Trani, G. Cantele, and D. Ninno, Europhysical Journal B 53, 143<br />
(2006)<br />
94) Role of local fields in the optical properties of silicon nanocrystals using the tight<br />
binding approach<br />
F. Trani, D. Ninno, and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 75, 33312 (2007)<br />
95) Tight binding formulation of the dielectric response in semiconductor<br />
nanocrystals<br />
F. Trani, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev B 76, 85326 (2007)<br />
96) Formation of large polaron crystal from a homogeneous, dilute polaron gas<br />
G. Iadonisi, V. Mukhomorov, G. Cantele and D. Ninno, Phys. Rev B 76, 144303<br />
(2007)<br />
97) Ab initio study of electron affinity variation indiced by organic molecule<br />
absorption on the silicon (100)surface<br />
Ivo Borriello, Giovanni Cantele, Domenico Ninno, Giuseppe Iadonisi, Maurizio<br />
Cossi, and Vincenzo Barone, Phys. Rev. B 76, 35430 (2007)<br />
98) Ab initio calculations of electron affinity and ionization potential of carbon<br />
nanotubes<br />
F. Buonocore, F. Trani, D. Ninno, A. Di Matteo, G. Cantele and G. Iadonisi,<br />
Nanotechnology 19, 25711 (2008)<br />
99) Solutions of the equations for piezoelettromagnetism in polarized ceramics:<br />
infinite medium and slab<br />
G. Iadonisi, C.A. Perroni, G. Cantele, and D. Ninno, Journal of Applied Physics 103,<br />
64109 (2008)<br />
100) Spontaneous polarization and piezoelectricity in polar molecular crystals<br />
I. Borriello, G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G. Iadonisi, Phys. Rev. B 79, 125126 (2009)<br />
100) Propagation of acoustic and electromagnetic waves in piezoelectric,<br />
piezomagnetic and magnetoelectric materials with tetragonal and hexagonal<br />
symmetry<br />
G. Iadonisi, C.A. Perroni, G. Cantele, and D. Ninno, Phys. Rev. B 80, 94103 (2008)<br />
101) Nanotechnology: A new era for photodetection?
M. Ambrosio, A. Ambrosio, et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics<br />
Research A 610, 1 (2009)<br />
Proceedings di conferenze internazionali<br />
1) Relazione orale: 16 th International Conference on the semiconductor Physics<br />
(Montpelier 1982), “Excitonic polarons and core excitons: dielectric relaxation and<br />
optical transitions”, G. Iadonisi and F. Bassani, Physica B+C 117-118, 284, 1983.<br />
2) Relazione alla 22 th International Conference on the semiconductor Physics<br />
(Montpelier 1982), su connessione tra fisica dei polaroni e superconduttività ad alta<br />
Tc (testo perduto)<br />
3) “A theory for Porous Silicon reactivity to gas environment”, D. Ninno, G.<br />
Iadonisi, F. Buonocore, G. Di Francia, Proceedings of Eurosensor XIII (European<br />
Conference on solid state transducers), The Hague, The Netherland, 12-15 september<br />
1999, pag. 179 (Delft University)<br />
4) “Reversible and Irreversible Effects of Gas Environments on Porous Silicon<br />
Photoluminescence”, G. Di Francia, V. La Ferrara, T. Fasolino, L. Quercia, L.<br />
Lancellotti, G. Iadonisi, D. Ninno, in Proc. of the 4th Italian Conference on Sensors<br />
and Microsystems (C. Di Natale, A. D'Amico and G. Sberveglieri Eds., (World<br />
Scientific Publishing, Singapore 2000)<br />
5) “Applications of Porous Silicon as a Gas Sensor” G. Di Francia, L. Quercia, G.<br />
Iadonisi, V. La Ferrara, L. Lancellotti, D.Ninno, C. Baratto, E. Comini, G. Faglia<br />
and G. Sberveglieri, in Proc. of Workshop Biosensori organizzato dall'ENEA, Roma<br />
18-19 Marzo 1999<br />
6) “Carrier localization in porous silicon”, D. Ninno, G. Iadonisi: Proc. of the sixth<br />
national meeting on LIGHT EMETTING SILICON, G. Di Francia, P. Maddalena,<br />
D. Ninno Editors, Naples 29-30 October 1998 (Cuen, Naples)<br />
7) “Optical responce of non-spherical quantum dots”, G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G.<br />
Iadonisi, in "Optical Properties of Nanocrystals", Zeno Gaburro Ed., Proceedings of<br />
SPIE, Vol. 4808, 85 (2002)<br />
8) “On the interplay between quantum confinement and electron-electron interaction<br />
in silicon deformed quantum wires”, G. Parascandolo, G. Cantele, D. Ninno and G.<br />
Iadonisi, in Optoelectronics of Group-IV-based Materials, eds. T. Gregorkiewicz,<br />
R.G.Elliman,P.M. Fauchet, and J.A. Hutchby, MRS Proceedings, Vol. 770 (2003)<br />
9) “Electron-electron correlation in anisotropic quantum dots”, G. Cantele, D. Ninno<br />
and G. Iadonisi, in Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology, eds. L.T.<br />
Canham, A. Nassiopoulou and V. Parkhutik (RAYTON Impresores, Valencia, Spain,<br />
2002)<br />
10) “Localized impurity and topological surface states in porous silicon”, D. Ninno,<br />
G. Iadonisi, F. Buonocore and G. Cantele, in Porous Semiconductors-Science and<br />
Technology, eds. V. Parkhutik and L.T. Canham (RAYTON Impresores, Valencia,<br />
Spain, 2002)<br />
11) “Electronic structural and optical properties of hydrogenated silicon nanocrystals:<br />
the role of the excited states”, G. Cantele, E. Degoli, E. Luppi, R. Magri, D. Ninno,<br />
O. Bisi, S. Ossicini, and G. Iadonisi, phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 3263 (2005)
12) “Tight binding calculations for the optical properties of ellipsoidal silicon<br />
nanocrystals”, F. Trani, G. Cantele, D. Ninno, and G. Iadonisi, phys. stat. solidi (c) 2,<br />
331 (2005)<br />
Editore<br />
- “Models and Phenomenology for Conventional and High Tc Superconductivity”<br />
(IOS Press, 1998)<br />
- “Polarons in Bulk Materials and Systems with reduced Dimensionality” (IOS Press,<br />