2011 Gold Fillies

2011 Gold Fillies

2011 Gold Fillies


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Sharazad RHR Schroder Welkene Weltmeyer 8.2 Katrina O'Neal Priest River, ID<br />

Allure Amazing Skattered Dreams Dreams in <strong>Gold</strong> 8.1 Jennifer DesRoche Petersburg, VA<br />

Chinook Coromino Donnastella Donner Bube 8.1 Nanci Pike Delta, OK<br />

Miragoround Mirabeau Adorable xx 8.1 April Wayenberg Wellandport, ON<br />

Ostentatious S Apiro Oestia Cicero 8.1 Silver Creek Farms Broken Arrow, OK<br />

Andrea Clibborn-<br />

Pagentry CF Palladio Rainfall Rainbow 8.1 Anderson<br />

Kent, WA<br />

A Plus Apiro Tuxedo Park Unknown 8.0 Cindy Bohn Bethel, PA<br />

Alpine's Claire de Lune Alpine Rhiannon Radjah Z 8.0 Alisa Shackelford Bahama, NC<br />

Alpine's Finest Hour Alpine Sassy San Ramiro 8.0 Alisa Shackelford Bahama, NC<br />

Ball'Rina Balta'Czar Arabella Alexander 8.0 Darlene Ganong Bethel, PA<br />

Bankable (Baron) Van Gogh B Smart Ali xx Houston xx 8.0 Jeanette Gilber Cotati, CA<br />

Bellaire Belissimo M Love Portion De Niro xx 8.0 Perry Badley Broken Arrow, OK<br />

Camara Carthago Sun III Maggie Mae Mezcal 8.0 Uli Helvoigt Yahk, BC<br />

Camara Carthago Sun III Maggie Mae Mezcal 8.0 Uli Helvoigt Cranbrook, BC<br />

Constellation Prize Crin Rouge Infinity Bud Light 8.0 Elizabeth Morgan Bostic, NC<br />

Divinity TSH Don DeMarco Sabrine Faire Grande Sabre 8.0 Jamie Lund Menifee, CA<br />

Duchess Don DeMarco Sternschnuppe Saint Tropez 8.0 Deborah Martinello Silver Creek, GA<br />

Elegance Escapade Blue Witch Sonic Blue 8.0 Lisa Lynch Weatherford, TX

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