BROCHURE CLAMP.qxd - Agostino Ferrari S.p.A.

BROCHURE CLAMP.qxd - Agostino Ferrari S.p.A.

BROCHURE CLAMP.qxd - Agostino Ferrari S.p.A.


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UNI EN ISO 9001<br />

E. Patent 0 520 539<br />

Montaggio guide <strong>CLAMP</strong><br />

<strong>CLAMP</strong> - ON slides mounting<br />

FAST 3<br />

<strong>Ferrari</strong> si avvale della facolta’ di apportare modifiche tecniche e strutturali ai prodotti senza preavviso <strong>Ferrari</strong> hold the right to alter or amend any technical or structural specifications at any time without notice<br />

ITALY<br />

<strong>Agostino</strong> <strong>Ferrari</strong> S.p.a.<br />

I - 23878 Verderio S. (LC) Via per Cornate<br />

Tel. ++39.039.59001 - Fax ++39.039.5900222<br />

Web Site://www.ferrarispa.it - e-mail: ferrarispa@ferrarispa.it<br />


<strong>Agostino</strong> <strong>Ferrari</strong> Germany GMBH<br />

Im Meisenfeld 5 - 32602 Vlotho - Exter Germany<br />

Tel. 0049 5228 96080 - Fax 0049 5228 960824<br />

Web Site://www.ferrari-fittings.de - e-mail: ferrari@ferrari-fittings.de<br />

Per cassetti con spessore<br />

fianco da 11 a 14mm<br />

For drawers sides from 11<br />

to 14mm thickness<br />

FAST 3: macchina pneumatica piegatrice per grosse produzioni<br />

di cassetti.<br />

FAST 3: pneumatic press machine for drawer mass production.<br />

E. Patent: 0 674 968 U.S. Patent: 5.535.504<br />

FAST 8<br />

FAST 8: pinzatrice pneumatica adatta ad ogni tipo di produzione.<br />

FAST 8: pneumatic tool for any kind of production.<br />

E. Patent: 0 742 060 U.S. Patent: 5.737.820<br />

Guide Self-Closing<br />

Self-Closing Slides <strong>CLAMP</strong><br />

- Guida a chiusura automatica con recupero del gioco laterale del cassetto<br />

- Il fissaggio <strong>CLAMP</strong> avviene mediante 3 alette laterali ricavate nel corpo guida<br />

che consentono un montaggio veloce e senza viti.<br />

- Garanzia di una perfetta tenuta e di appoggio ottimale del profilo guida al fianco<br />

del cassetto<br />

- Disponibile con sistema di regolazione LIFT<br />

- Self - closing slide with drawer side adjustment<br />

- The fixing <strong>CLAMP</strong> is achieved by pressing 3 brackets inside the drawer panels<br />

- It allows a fast fixing without screws<br />

- The drawer slide is held uniformly along the length of the drawer side<br />

- Available with LIFT adjustment system<br />

Schema di foratura<br />

Drilling scheme<br />

U.S.A.<br />

<strong>Ferrari</strong> America INC.<br />

4189 Eagle Hill Drive - Suite 110 - High Point - North Carolina - 27265 - U.S.A.<br />

Tel. 001 336 8411445 - Fax 001 336 8413543<br />

Web Site://www.ferrariamerica.com - e-mail: ferrariusa@northstate.net<br />

U.K.<br />

<strong>Agostino</strong> <strong>Ferrari</strong> (UK) LTD Units H & L<br />

Strawberry Street Industrial Estate HU9 1EN Hull East Yorkshire - U.K.<br />

Tel. 0044 1482 594450 - Fax 0044 1482 594455<br />

Web site://www.aferrariuk.com - e-mail: info@aferrariuk.com<br />

GREECE<br />

<strong>Ferrari</strong> Greece LTD<br />

101 Syngrou Avenue - 11745 Athens -Greece<br />

Tel. 0030 210 9211838 - Fax 0030 210 9211836<br />

e-mail: ferrarinikos@internet.gr<br />


UNI EN ISO 9001<br />

Fissaggi disponibili<br />

Fixing systems<br />

12 min<br />

Euroviti 6.3x13mm<br />

Euroscrews 6.3x13mm<br />

Viti 3.5x13mm per pannelli truciolari<br />

3.5x13mm woodscrews<br />

11 min<br />

C<br />

Ø5mm<br />

Ø8mm<br />

A pressione con tasselli Ø 8mm<br />

premontati in posizione (T).<br />

Ø 10mm su richiesta<br />

Knock-in by premounted Ø 8mm<br />

dowels (T). Ø 10mm on request<br />

Chiave di lettura<br />

Key<br />

**<br />

Finitura del set<br />

Set finishing<br />

1 RAL 9001 Bianco White<br />

F RAL 9005 Nero Black<br />

D RAL 8017 Marrone Brown<br />

Lunghezza<br />

Length<br />

<strong>Ferrari</strong> si avvale della facolta’ di apportare modifiche tecniche e strutturali ai prodotti senza preavviso <strong>Ferrari</strong> hold the right to alter or amend any technical or structural specifications at any time without notice<br />

ITALY<br />

<strong>Agostino</strong> <strong>Ferrari</strong> S.p.a.<br />

I - 23878 Verderio S. (LC) Via per Cornate<br />

Tel. ++39.039.59001 - Fax ++39.039.5900222<br />

Web Site://www.ferrarispa.it - e-mail: ferrarispa@ferrarispa.it<br />


<strong>Agostino</strong> <strong>Ferrari</strong> Germany GMBH<br />

Im Meisenfeld 5 - 32602 Vlotho - Exter Germany<br />

Tel. 0049 5228 96080 - Fax 0049 5228 960824<br />

Web Site://www.ferrari-fittings.de - e-mail: ferrari@ferrari-fittings.de<br />

Z<br />

Guide Self-Closing<br />

<strong>CLAMP</strong><br />

Self-Closing Slides<br />

Codice<br />

Code<br />

<strong>CLAMP</strong><br />

Estensione<br />

Extension<br />

270mm GA270DV** 210mm<br />

300mm GA300DV** 225mm<br />

350mm GA350DV** 265mm<br />

400mm GA400DV** 315mm<br />

450mm GA450DV** 353mm<br />

500mm GA500DV** 403mm<br />

550mm GA550DV** 453mm<br />

Lunghezza Codice Estension<br />

Length Code Extension<br />

270mm GA270DT** 210mm<br />

300mm GA300DT** 225mm<br />

350mm GA350DT** 265mm<br />

400mm GA400DT** 315mm<br />

450mm GA450DT** 353mm<br />

500mm GA550DT** 403mm<br />

550mm GA550DT** 453mm<br />

Tipo di imballo<br />

Packing<br />

I Industriale Industrial<br />

A5<br />

U.S.A.<br />

<strong>Ferrari</strong> America INC.<br />

4189 Eagle Hill Drive - Suite 110 - High Point - North Carolina - 27265 - U.S.A.<br />

Tel. 001 336 8411445 - Fax 001 336 8413543<br />

Web Site://www.ferrariamerica.com - e-mail: ferrariusa@northstate.net<br />

U.K.<br />

<strong>Agostino</strong> <strong>Ferrari</strong> (UK) LTD Units H & L<br />

Strawberry Street Industrial Estate HU9 1EN Hull East Yorkshire - U.K.<br />

Tel. 0044 1482 594450 - Fax 0044 1482 594455<br />

Web site://www.aferrariuk.com - e-mail: info@aferrariuk.com<br />

Versione speciale<br />

Special version<br />

Con regolazione LIFT<br />

With LIFT adjustment<br />

system<br />

R<br />

Estensione = E<br />

Extension = E<br />

In caso di carichi gravosi<br />

inserire vite aggiuntiva nel<br />

foro indicato.<br />

In case of heavy load fix<br />

an additional screw in the<br />

stated position.<br />

GREECE<br />

<strong>Ferrari</strong> Greece LTD<br />

101 Syngrou Avenue - 11745 Athens -Greece<br />

Tel. 0030 210 9211838 - Fax 0030 210 9211836<br />

e-mail: ferrarinikos@internet.gr<br />


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