Lijst met alle officiële CODAP 2007 codes

Lijst met alle officiële CODAP 2007 codes

Lijst met alle officiële CODAP 2007 codes


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Letsels gesorteerd op letsel<br />

10MH Maligne hypertensie<br />

76LY Maligne Lymphoma<br />

88 Maligne melanoom<br />

88C1 Maligne melanoom, Clark level 1<br />

88C2 Maligne melanoom, Clark level 2<br />

88C3 Maligne melanoom, Clark level 3<br />

88C4 Maligne melanoom, Clark level 4<br />

88C5 Maligne melanoom, Clark level 5<br />

82NE Maligne perifere zenuwschedetumor /<br />

Neurofibrosarcoom<br />

76 Maligne proces nos<br />

99SW Maligne schwannoom<br />

99GS Maligne sex cord / gonadale stromale<br />

tumor<br />

89 Maligne teratoom<br />

80DD Maligne Tumor, differentieel<br />

diagnostisch probleem<br />

80 Maligne tumor, ongedifferentieerd<br />

42MB Mallory body<br />

71MA Mammotroop adenoom<br />

96MN Man ongedif.carcin. mammae<br />

47MA Mannosidose<br />

83BD Mantle cell lymphoma<br />

12MA Marantische endocarditis<br />

50MA Marfan<br />

83BF Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of<br />

mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue<br />

(MALT)<br />

77ML Mast cell leukaemia<br />

77MS Mast cell sarcoma<br />

56MA Mastocytosis<br />

97MG Matig gedifferentieerd carcinoma in<br />

situ<br />

74DC Mature teratoma, dermoid cyst<br />

55MT Matuur<br />

41MH May Hegglin<br />

36MA Mazelen<br />

60CM MDS CMMOL<br />

60EB MDS RAEB, (refractory anaemia with<br />

excess blasts)<br />

60ET MDS RAEBT<br />

16 Mechanisch geweld<br />

50ME Meckel, syndroom<br />

19ME Meconium ileus<br />

46MC Meconium-pigment<br />

29GG Medicamenteuze cholangitis<br />

29GE Medicamenteuze hepatitis<br />

40ME Mediterranean fever<br />

99MS Medullary carcinoma<br />

99PA Medullary carcinoma / parafolliculair<br />

carcinoom<br />

87ME Medulloblastoma<br />

87MP Medulloepithelioma<br />

87MM Medullomyoblastoma<br />

56ME Megakaryocyten hyperplasie<br />

51MA Megaloblastische rode reeks<br />

40MM Megamitochondria<br />

46ME Melaninepigmentatie<br />

53NE Melanocytic naevus<br />

53ME Melanocytoma<br />

88BN Melanoma arising from blue naevus<br />

88GI Melanoma arising in a giant<br />

congenital naevus<br />

47ME Melanosis<br />

87ML Melanotic Medulloblastoma<br />

67ME Melanotische neurectod tumor<br />

infantiel<br />

39GM Membraneuze glomerulonefritis<br />

39EM Membranoproliferative<br />

glomerulonefritis<br />

29ME Menetrier<br />

88MM Meningeal Melanomatosis<br />

75MG Meningiale gliomatose<br />

81ME Meningiale sarcomatose<br />

75ME Meningioma<br />

75MH Meningioma heldercellig<br />

75MQ Meningioma papillair<br />

75MM Meningiothelial Meningioma<br />

50MC Meningocoele<br />

34ME Meningokok<br />

02MP Menopauze<br />

02MS Menstrueel slijmvlies<br />

49MR Mentale retardatie nos<br />

79MC Merkel cell tumour<br />

03!! Merkwaardig geval<br />

39MC Mesangiaal C3 nefritis<br />

74HA Mesenchymaal hamartoom<br />

81MC Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma<br />

75MN Mesoblastic nephroma<br />

93WO Mesonephric adenocarcinoma<br />

71WO Mesonephric adenoma<br />

99ME Mesothelioom<br />

75BM Mesothelioom,benigne<br />

38ME Metaal stapeling<br />

47ML Metachromatische leukodystrofie<br />

71ME Metanephric adenoma<br />

58 Metaplasie<br />

75MZ Metaplastic Meningioma<br />

93MP Metaplastisch carcinoma<br />

57ME Metaplastische poliep<br />

9870 Metastase hersentumor<br />

9834 Metastase, amandeltumor<br />

9893 Metastase, bijniertumor<br />

9891 Metastase, bijschildkliertumor<br />

9857 Metastase, blaastumor<br />

9869 Metastase, borsttumor<br />

9889 Metastase, bottumor<br />

9823 Metastase, bronchustumor<br />

9864 Metastase, cervixtumor<br />

98 Metastase, doorgroei<br />

9863 Metastase, endo<strong>met</strong>riumtumor<br />

Codeboek Versie <strong>2007</strong><br />


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