CHAZ-01/12 - Moeller

CHAZ-01/12 - Moeller

CHAZ-01/12 - Moeller

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2. As soon as the LED of zone 1 flashes in theprogramming mode, release the pushbutton.3. Press the programming button again and keep itpressed for 15 seconds4. After 10 seconds the LEDs of all heating zonesstart flashing rhythmically. Another 5 secondslater, the LEDs go out.5. Release the programming button. After successfuldeletion, the heating actuator is again in thestatus of delivery.9.4 Assignment in Comfort ModeIn the Comfort Mode you can assign Room controllersor central devices as the Room-/Home-Manageror the Communication interface to the heating actuator.10. Pump activation- OR logic with all outputs- Suppression of switching impulses < 2 min in alloperating modes- Follow-up time of 2 min ager the end of theactivationImpuls 2 min1.Input impulse from thethermostat2. No output signal from relay3. Relay output signal11. Blocking the heating or cooling operationOnly in single circuit systems is the heating/coolingapplication possible in conjunction with the radiosystem. It is possible to block individual rooms bymeans of jumpers.When programming a thermostat for several rooms,only the jumper position of the room with the lowestvalue is considered.1. Cooling mode blocked2. Heating mode blocked3. The room participates in heating/coolingoperation.<strong>12</strong>. OperationLED operating statusesLED ON / OFFLED ONLED OFFLED ONLED OFFLED ONLED OFFLED ONLED OFF1. Normal operation:The LEDs of the zones are switched on and offaccording to the requirements, in the range of afew minutes.2. Thermostat battery weak:The battery of the assigned Room controller isvery weak. Please change the battery.3. Weak reception signal:The field strength of the received signal from theRoom controller is very low.The control may be faulty. Please change theposition of the Room controller or connect anexternal receiver (CKOZ-00/<strong>12</strong>)4. Emergency Mode:The thermostat did not receive any signals fromthe Room controller for at least 3 hours5. Programming mode:The flashing zone is ready for the reception of aRoom controller.Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH6

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