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Testo del volume - Istat.it

Testo del volume - Istat.it


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BibliografiaAnderson, R. N. e Harry Rosenberg M. “Disease classification: measuring the effect of the TenthRevision of the International Classification of Diseases on cause-of-death data in the Un<strong>it</strong>edStates”. Statistics in medicine, 22, n. 9 (2003): 1359-1626.Anderson, R. N. “Methodologial Issues in the Design of the Un<strong>it</strong>ed States Comparabil<strong>it</strong>y Study”.In Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Automating Mortal<strong>it</strong>y Statistics,National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattesville, Maryland, 2 (2001): 129-134.Anderson, R. N., Miniño, A. M., Hoyert, D. L., Rosenberg, H.M. “Comparabil<strong>it</strong>y of cause ofdeath between Icd-9 and Icd-10: preliminary estimates”. National V<strong>it</strong>al Stat Report, 49, n. 2(2001): 1-32.Brocco, S., Vercellino, P., Goldoni, C. A., et al. “Il passaggio da Icd-9 a Icd-10 per le statistichedi mortal<strong>it</strong>à”. Epidemiologie e Prevenzione, 34, n. 3 (2010): 109-19.Brock, A., Griff<strong>it</strong>hs C., Rooney C. “The effect of the introduction of Icd-10 on cancer mortal<strong>it</strong>ytrends in England and Wales”. Health Statistics Quarterly, 23, (2004): 7-17.Brock, A., Griff<strong>it</strong>hs C., Rooney C. “The impact of introducing Icd-10 on analysis of respiratorymortal<strong>it</strong>y trends in England and Wales”. Health Statistics Quarterly, 29, (2006): 9-17.Bruzzone, S., Manzari, A., Pappagallo, M., Reale, A. “Indagine sulle cause di morte: nuovaprocedura automatica per il controllo e la correzione <strong>del</strong>le variabili demo-sociali”. Roma: <strong>Istat</strong>,2007. (Documenti <strong>Istat</strong>, 6).Cano-Serral, G., Perez, G., Borrell, C. et al. “Comparabil<strong>it</strong>y between Icd-9 and Icd-10 for theleading causes of death in Spain”. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 54, n. 4 (2006): 355-65.Chen, L., Walker, S. M., Tong, S. “The impact of the variation in death certification and codingpractices on trends in mortal<strong>it</strong>y from ischaemic heart disease”. Australian Health Review, 25, n.4 (2002): 189-197.Cole, S. “Comparison of Infant cause of death coding: Icd-9/Icd-10”. In Proceedings of theInternational Collaborative Effort on Automating Mortal<strong>it</strong>y Statistics, National Center forHealth Statistics, Hyattesville, Maryland, 2 (2001): 80-84.Désesquelles, A., Salvatore, M.A., Frova, L., Pace, M., Pappagallo, P., Meslé, F., Egidi, V..“Revis<strong>it</strong>ing the mortal<strong>it</strong>y of France and Italy w<strong>it</strong>h the multiple-cause-of-death approach”.Demographic Research, 23, (2010): 771-806.Eurostat. “Final report on production of methods and tools for improving causes of deathstatistics at codification level”. Working papers on Population and social cond<strong>it</strong>ions,3/2001/E/N°14, (2001).Eurostat. Task Force Eurostat on “Icd-10 updates and ACME implementation in Europe”.Eurostat, 2007http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/dsis/health/library?l=/methodologiessandsdatasc/causessofsdeath/icd-10_updates&vm=detailed&sb=T<strong>it</strong>le.139

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