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1. CARATTERISTICHEDELL’ANELLO <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>1. CHARACTERISTICS OFROTARY SHAFT SEALSGli anelli di tenuta per alberi rotanti sono costituitida un’anima metallica, da un labbro di tenuta inelastomero sintetico, e da una molla a spirale inacciaio.Shaft seals consist of a metal case, a sealing elementand a garter spring.1.1. FUNZIONAMENTODELL’ANELLO <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>La tenuta dinamica è realizzata per effettodell’interferenza tra il labbro e l’albero, il labbroesercita sull’albero una forza denominata “caricoradiale”. Dopo un breve periodo di rodaggio lospigolo di tenuta si trasforma in una superficiepiana larga da 0,4 a 1,3 mm.Sotto la superficie piana del labbro si forma unasottilissima pellicola di fluido di spessore compresotra 1 e 3 µm, questa pellicola è mantenuta percapillarità tra il labbro di tenuta e l’albero versol’esterno (lato atmosfera) da un menisco, la cuitensione superficiale evita la fuoriuscita del fluido.Con l’aumento dello spessore della pellicola,aumenta pure la forza totale dovuta alla pressionedal fluido da tenere fino al raggiungimento di valoridi forze superiori alle tensioni superficiali e quindialla rottura del menisco e di conseguenza alleperdite di olio.1.1. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSThe sealing effect is achieved by interferencebetween lip and shaft, the spring allows the lip tomaintain a radial load.After a short period the sealing edge is transformedin a defined contact band which sizes are between0,4 and 1,3 mm.An oil film forms under the lip contact area, itsthickness is between 1 and 3 µm, the meniscus ismaintained through capillary action between shaftand the atmosphere in order to avoid leakage.An increase of the film thickness means increasingpressure of the fluid to be sealed reaching biggervalues which determine the meniscus break andtherefore leakages.2

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSTipi standard secondo norma <strong>DI</strong>N 3760 Standard types in accordance with <strong>DI</strong>N 3760Anello di tenuta di impiegouniversale, parte metallica esternaricoperta in gomma.(Rif. <strong>DI</strong>N 3760 tipo “A”)Shaft seal with rubber coveredO.D.(Ref. <strong>DI</strong>N 3760 “A” type)SCAnello di tenuta come per il tipo“SC” ma con labbro parapolveresupplementare, usato in ambientipolverosi.(Rif. <strong>DI</strong>N 3760 tipo “AS”)Shaft seal as above but anauxiliary lip provides protectionagainst dirts.(Ref. <strong>DI</strong>N 3760 “AS” type)TCTipi specialiAnello di tenuta con partemetallica scoperta, da utilizzarein sedi con lavorazioni precise.Minor costo in caso di impiego dimescola pregiata.Anello di tenuta come per il tipo“SB2” ma con copertura ingomma sulla parte interna latofluido.SB2Special typesShaft seal, metal O.D. to be fittedon housing bore with tighttolerances. Cost advantage ifspecial compounds are used.Shaft seal as “SB2” type but withfluid side rubber covered.SBAnello di tenuta come per il tipo“SB” in più copertura anche dellospessore metallico per migliorareefficienza di tenuta sul diametroesterno.Shaft seal as “SB” type but with abetter sealing efficiency on O.D.SBRAnello di tenuta come per il tipo“SB2” ma con labbro parapolveresupplementare.Shaft seal as “SB2” type but anauxiliary lip provides protectionagainst dirt.TB23

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSAnello di tenuta come per il tipo“SB” ma con labbro parapolveresupplementare.Shaft seal as “SB” type but anauxiliary lip provides protectionagainst dirt.TBAnello di tenuta come per il tipo“SB2” ma con labbro parapolveresupplementare.Shaft seal as “SB2” type but anauxiliary lip provides protectionagainst dirt.TBRAnello di tenuta con doppiaarmatura metallica. Usato perapplicazioni in condizioni piùdifficili.Shaft seal with double metalcase used for more severeapplications.SA2Anello di tenuta come per il tipo“SA2” ma con labbro parapolveresupplementare.Shaft seal as “SA2” type but anauxiliary lip provides protectionagainst dirt.TA2Anello di tenuta simile altipo “SB” inserto parzialmentericoperto in gomma.Shaft seal similar to “SB” typewith O.D. semi rubber covered.SBCAnello di tenuta simile altipo “TB” inserto parzialmentericoperto in gomma.Shaft seal similar to “TB” typewith O.D. semi rubber covered.TBC4

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSAnello di tenuta come per il tipo“SBC” con gomma ondulata.Shaft seal as “SBC” type withwaves on rubber.SBCWAnello di tenuta come il tipo“TBC” con gomma ondulata.Shaft seal as “TBC” type withwaves on rubber.TBCWAnello di tenuta a 2 labbri e2 molle.Shaft seal 2 lips 2 springs.DCAnello di tenuta per alta pressionefino a 4-5 BAR.Shaft seal for high pressure up to4-5 BAR.TCVAnello di tenuta per alta pressionefino a 15 BAR.Shaft seal for high pressure up to15 BAR.TCPAnello di tenuta per alta pressionefino a 100 BAR.Shaft seal for high pressure up to100 BAR.TCHP5

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSAnello di tenuta con rigature inrilievo per rotazione alberosinistro.Shaft seal with helical design forleft twist.HSCLAnello di tenuta con rigature inrilievo per rotazione alberodestro.Shaft seal with helical design forright twist.HSCRAnello di tenuta con rigaturein rilievo per albero rotazionebidirezionale.Shaft seal with helical design forbi-directional design.SCIAnello di tenuta compositogomma / poliuretano per impieghigravosi.Shaft seal combined rubber /poliurethane for hard workingconditions.TAFMAnello di tenuta compositogomma / poliuretano a doppiatenuta per impieghi gravosi.Shaft seal combined rubber /poliurethane double lips for hardworking conditions.DAPU6

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSAnello di tenuta con riporto diPTFE sul labbro, per alte velocitàe basso attrito.Shaft seal with additional PTFEon lip for high speed-lowfriction.TCJAnello di tenuta con metalloscoperto e labbro specialeper compensare eccentricitàdell’albero.Shaft seal with metal O.D.special lip to compensate shafteccentricity.SBEAnello C.S. con doppio labbro,due molle e doppia armaturametallica.Shaft seal as above with doublelips, two springs and doublemetal case.DAEAnello C.S. con labbro semplice edoppia armatura metallica.Shaft seal as above with singlelip and double metal case.SA2E7

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSLavatrici - Washing machinesAnello di tenuta per impiegolavatrici.Shaft seal for washing machine.TCLWYForcelle - ForksAnello di tenuta per forcelle adue labbri e due molle.Shaft seal as above two lips twosprings.DC4Anello di tenuta per forcella alabbro speciale con parapolvere.Shaft seal for forks special lipand dust lip.TC4Anello di tenuta per forcelle confunzione di parapolvere.Shaft seal for forks for dust andmud protection.XICY8

2. TIPI <strong>DI</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong><strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>2. TYPES OF ROTARYSHAFT SEALSAmmortizzatori - Shock absorbersAnello di tenuta per ammortizzatoria labbro speciale con parapolvere.Shaft seal for shock absorberspecial lip with dust lip.TC4PAnello di tenuta per ammortizzatoridue labbra e due molle.Shaft seal as above with two lipstwo springs.DC4PAnello di tenuta speciale conlubrificante a grasso interno perimpieghi agricoli.Special shaft seal with greaseinside for agricultural application.QAAnello di tenuta C.S. con bussolaricoperta in gomma.Shaft seal as above with O.D.rubber covered.QLFAnello di tenuta per assali incondizioni estremamente severein presenza di fango-sporcizia.Shaft seal for axile applicationsuitable for extreme hardconditions to protect against dirtmud.UA16Profili diversi disponibiliin considerazione dellecondizioni di lavoro.Various profiles avaiableaccording to differentworking conditions.9

3. MATERIALI DEGLI<strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>ARMATURA E LABBRO <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>3. SHAFT SEALSMATERIALSMETAL CASE AND SEAL LIPQUALITÀ POLIMERO TEMP. C° CARATTERISTICHEISO/NS. RIF.<strong>NBR</strong>/<strong>NBR</strong> BUTA<strong>DI</strong>ENE -40 +120 • Buona resistenzaACRYLONITRILEagli oli mineralied ai grassi prividi additivi, cloruratie aromatici.• Modesta resistenzaagli agenti chimici,alla luce eall’ossidazione.• Durezza 70 ± 5Shore A.QUALITY POLIMER TEMP. C° CHARACTERISTICSISO/OUR REF.<strong>NBR</strong>/<strong>NBR</strong> BUTA<strong>DI</strong>ENE -40 +120 • Good resistanceACRYLONITRILEto mineral oils andgreases withoutadditives, chlorinatedand aromatics.• Poor chemicalresistance to ageing,weathering andozone.• Hardness 70 ± 5Shore A.FPM/VI POLIMERO -25 +200 • Eccellente resistenzaFLUORURATOalle alte temperature,agli oli e grassianche con additivi,solventi, idrocarburidella serie aromaticae alifatica.• Durezza 75 ± 5Shore A.FPM/VI FLUORINATED -25 +200 • Excellent resistanceRUBBERto high temperature,to oils and greases,aromatic andchlorinatedhydrocarbons.• Hardness 75 ± 5Shore A.VQM/SI SILICONE -60 +200 • Eccellente resistenzaalle alte e bassetemperature.• Ottima elasticità ebasso coefficientedi attrito.• Eccellente resistenzaa ozono edall’ossidazione.• Medie proprietàmeccaniche.• Durezza 80 ± 5Shore A.ACM/PA POLIACRILICO -20 +150 • Idoneo alle altetemperature edalla tenuta di oli egrassi additivati.• Scarsa resistenzaall’acqua ed allesoluzioni acquose.• Non adatto allebasse temperature.• Durezza 75 ± 5Shore A.VQM/SI SILICONE -60+200 • Excellent resistanceto high and lowtemperatures.• Excellent flexibilityand lowfriction.• Excellent resistanceto ageing, weatheringand ozone.• Poor tensile andtear strength.• Hardness 80 ± 5Shore A.ACM/PA POLYACRYLATE -20 +150 • Suitable to hightemperatures andto oils and greaseswith additives.• Poor resistance towater.• Poor resistance tolow temperatures.• Hardness 75 ± 5Shore A.ANELLO METALLICO <strong>DI</strong> SOSTEGNOEsecuzioni normali: acciaio <strong>DI</strong>N 1624Esecuzioni speciali: acciaio inossidabileMOLLA ELICOIDALEEsecuzioni normali: acciaio per molleEsecuzioni speciali: acciaio inossidabileMETAL CASEStandard types: steel <strong>DI</strong>N 1624Special types: stainless steelGARTER SPRINGStandard types: spring steelSpecial types: stainless steel10

4. CON<strong>DI</strong>ZIONI <strong>DI</strong>FUNZIONAMENTO4. WORKINGCON<strong>DI</strong>TIONS4.1. TEMPERATURALa temperatura d’impiego ha una notevoleimportanza per la durata dell’anello di tenuta.Durante il funzionamento oltre alla temperaturadel fluido da tenere bisogna considerare il caloresviluppato per attrito fra lo spigolo di tenuta el’albero, la velocità periferica, il tipo di fluido,il livello del fluido, il tipo di gomma e la formadell’anello di tenuta. (vedi grafico 1)4.1. TEMPERATUREThe working temperature has great importance forthe seal life.Many factors have to be considered such as increasedtemperature caused by frictional heat, peripheralspeed fluid, level type and construction of the seal.(see graph 1)Sovratemperatura in °CExcess temperature °C6040206000 g/1' - rpm3000 g/1' - rpm1500 g/1' - rpm0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160Grafico 1Graph 1Diametro albero (mm)Shaft diameter (mm)Il grafico 2 riporta la sovratemperatura generata daun albero che gira a 3.000 giri/minuto in presenzadi grassi e olii SAE. I valori compresi al di sotto dellecurve si riferiscono ad alberi totalmente sommersinel fluido mentre quelli al di sopra delle curve siriferiscono ad alberi parzialmente immersi.The graph 2 gives the excess temperaturevalues of a shaft running at 3000 rpm withgreases and oils. Values of lower curves refer toa shaft fully submerged while the ones ofthe upper curves refer to a shaft partiallyimmerged.120GrassoGreaseSovratemperatura °CExcess temperature °C10080604020olio per ingranaggioil for gearsolio per motorioil for motors020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160Grafico 2Graph 2Diametro albero (mm)Shaft diameter (mm)11

4.2. PRESSIONEGli anelli di tenuta nei profili standard sono utilizzatiper pressione del fluido non superiore a 0,3 bar,solo in casi particolari vengono impiegati perpressioni massime pari a 0,5 bar ma con bassavelocità periferica.A richiesta possono essere forniti anelli di tenutaper pressioni fino a 7 bar.4.2. PRESSUREThe rotary shaft seals are used with pressure notover 0,3 bar at low peripheral speed.A value of 0,5 bar can be reached, special shaft sealssuitable for pressure up to 7 bar can be supplied.4.3. VELOCITÀIl grafico 3 rappresenta le varie possibilità diimpiego delle diverse mescole secondo velocità ediametro dell’albero.Selezionare il diametro e collegare con l’indice delnumero di giri, scegliere il materiale che apparesopra il punto di incrocio.Es. diametro albero pari a 140 mm con velocità2000 g/1’, occorre la mescola poliacrilica.4.3. SPEEDThe graph 3 shows the different materials to beused considering peripheral speed and shaftdiameter.Select shaft diameter and shaft rpm, choosematerial above the point where they cross.E.g. shaft diameter 140 mm and 2000 rpm you needpolyacrylic rubber.g/1'rpmm/s 30000 15000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4500 400040FPM + VQM350035303000252500Velocità perifericaPeripheral Speed2015ACM20001500109876543210010203040506070<strong>NBR</strong>80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190Diametro alberoShaft diameter1000500200 ÷ 500 mmGrafico 3Graph 312

4.4. LUBRIFICAZIONEGli anelli di tenuta non possono funzionare a secco.Un’adeguata lubrificazione è indispensabile per ilbuon funzionamento dell’anello di tenuta.È consigliabile all’atto del montaggio per ridurrel’attrito iniziale, lubrificare lo spigolo di tenuta conolio o grasso.Il fluido da tenere ha anche la funzione di smaltireil calore generato dall’attrito dell’anello sull’albero.Nel caso che il fluido da tenere presenti scarsequalità lubrificanti (acqua, soluzioni acquose)è consigliabile l’impiego di anelli con labbroparapolvere riempiendo di grasso l’incavo tra i duelabbri.Le prime ore di funzionamento servono allaformazione del menisco ed all’assestamento dellabbro di tenuta.Durante questo periodo piccole perdite sono possibili.Da considerare anche la perdita di potenza causatadall’attrito del labbro che potrebbe essereimportante in caso di trasmissione di scarsapotenza (vedi grafico 4).4.4. LUBRICATIONThe seals cannot run in dry conditions.Adeguate lubrication it is indispensable for goodfunctioning of the seal.Before fitting the sealing lip should be lubricatedwith oil or grease.The fluid to be sealed has also the function ofreducing the temperature increase caused by thefriction between lip and shaft.Should the fluid have poor lubricating capability(water and aqueous solutions) it is better to fill thespace between the two lips with grease.During the first hours of working not only themeniscus will form but also the sealing edge istransformed in a defined contact band.During this time limited leakages are possible.Friction of the lip can cause power loss which couldbe significant if low power is transmitted (seegraph 4).Assorbimenti di potenzaFrictional power loss300250200Ø 150 mmØ 100 mmØ 75 mmØ 50 mm150Watt100shaft Ø 25 mm50Grafico 4Graph 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 m/sVelocità perifericaPeripheral Speed13

5. PARTI METALLICHE 5. METAL PARTS5.1. ALBEROIl materiale più usato per la costruzione dell’alberoè l’acciaio temperato con medio tenore di carbonio.In presenza di fluidi abrasivi che contengonoimpurità, si consiglia l’impiego di acciai legati, conindurimento della superficie, quali la cromatura ola cementazione.Non sono da usare i materiali plastici, l’ottone, ilbronzo, l’alluminio, etc. in quanto non possiedonouna resistenza all’usura.DurezzaLa durezza minima è di 45 HRC, che aumenta a55 HRC, quando il fluido è abrasivo, e la velocitàsupera i 4 m/sec.Finitura superficialeLa finitura superficiale migliore è ottenuta darettifica a tuffo, cioè priva di solchi elicoidali tipicidelle rettifiche con movimento assiale e rotantedel pezzo. Questi solchi avrebbero un effettopompante a seconda del senso di rotazionedell’albero sullo spigolo dell’anello di tenuta,dando luogo a perdita.Una rugosità pari a 0,2 ÷ 0,63 µm è più chesufficiente per tutte le applicazioni.TolleranzeLa tolleranza di lavorazione è la ISO h11, come databella 1.5.1. SHAFTThe most suitable material for the shaft is temperedsteel.In cases of corrosive fluids or dirt and grid it issuggested the hardened or plated steel.Plastic material, brass, bronze, aluminium arepreferably not considered because of their poorwear resistance.HardnessThe minimum hardness is 45 HRC which shouldreach 55 HRC, in case of abrasive fluid or speedexceeding 4 m/s.Surface finishA surface finish by grinding must be completelyfree from longitudinal marks or scratches. Plungegrinding is preferable to traverse grinding.These marks will have a pomp effect towards thesealing lip causing leakage.A ground surface of 0,2 to 0,63 µm is recommendedfor most applications.TolerancesMachining tolerances is ISO h11 as per followingtable 1.Tab. 1mmDiametro albero - Shaft diameter Tolleranza - Toleranceda - a from - to h 116 100-0,09010 180-0,11018 300-0,13030 500-0,16050 800-0,19080 1200-0,220120 1800-0,250180 2500-0,290250 3150-0,320315 4000-0,36014

Eseguire uno smusso di invito, sulla superficiecilindrica della sede, di 5° ÷ 10°, con lunghezzadello smusso in funzione dello spessore dell’anellodi tenuta (vedi tabella 2).The entrance of the groove should have a chamferinclined by 5°÷10°, length according to sealthickness (see table 2).Fig. 1 Tab. 2mmt2H t 1 =0,86xH t 2 =H+0,3H4 3,4 4,3t15 4,25 5,36 5,1 6,35°÷10°7 5,95 7,38 6,8 8,39 7,65 9,3Ø D H820°±5°10 8,5 10,312 10,3 12,3R.113 11,1 13,3Ø dØ d115 12,75 15,316 13,6 16,3YX18 15,3 18,320 17,2 20,3Tab. 3mmd d 1d d 1d d 1d d 1d d 1h11h11h11h11h116 4,824 21,552 48,385 80,4160 1537 5,725 22,555 51,390 85,3170 1638 6,626 23,456 52,395 90,1180 1739 7,528 25,358 54,2100 95190 18310 8,430 27,360 56,1105 99,9200 19311 9,332 29,262 58,1110 104,7210 20312 10,235 3263 59,1115 109,6220 21314 12,136 3365 61120 114,5230 22315 13,138 34,968 63,9125 119,4240 23316 1440 36,870 65,8130 124,3250 24317 14,942 38,772 67,7135 129,2260 24918 15,845 41,675 70,7140 133280 26920 17,748 44,578 73,6145 138300 28922 19,650 46,480 75,5150 143320 30915

5.2. SEDEMaterialeAnche per la sede il materiale più usato è l’acciaio,si possono impiegare anche materiali non ferrosi osintetici, indispensabile è garantire uno spessore diparete tale che non si deformi per effetto dellatemperatura.TolleranzeLa sede deve essere lavorata con tolleranza ISO H8(vedi tabella 4).Per montaggio di anelli di tenuta con esterno inmetallo la tolleranza richiede ISO H7.Finitura superficialeLa finitura superficiale per la sede non richiedeparticolari valori di rugosità, per montaggio dianelli con diametro esterno in gomma non devesuperare i 3,2 µm mentre per anelli con esterno inmetallo il valore è 0,4 µm.Operazioni di montaggioDurante la fase di montaggio, lo spigolo di tenutanon deve essere danneggiato; si raccomandapertanto di eseguire questi accorgimenti:• eseguire uno smusso di invito sull’albero, coninclinazione pari a 20° e con diametro d1 (veditabella 3) se la direzione è X.• Eseguire sull’albero in raggio r = 1 mm se ladirezione è Y.5.2. HOUSING BOREMaterialThe most used material is steel, other non ferrousmaterial can be used providing that the wall thicknessis sufficient for avoiding deformation caused bytemperature.TolerancesMachining tolerance is ISO H8 as per followingtable 4.For shaft seals with metal O.D. the tolerance is ISOH7.Surface finishIt’s not required a particular surface finish which inany case should not exceed 3,2 µm, for seals withmetal O.D. the value is 0,4 µm.Assembly operationsIt is recommended to avoid damaging of thesealing lip during assembly, please considerfollowing suggestions:• the mounting end of the shaft should have achamfer inclined by 20° and with diameter d1 ifthe direction is X. (see table 3)• If the direction is Y make a ray r = 1 mm on theshaft.Tab. 4mmDiametro sede - Housing bore Tolleranza - Toleranceda - a from - to H810 1818 3030 5050 8080 120120 180180 250250 315315 400+0,0270+0,0330+0,0390+0,0460+0,0540+0,0630+0,0720+0,0810+0,089016

5.3. ECCENTRICITÀ E COASSIALITÀEccentricitàPer avere una prestazione ottimale dell’anellodi tenuta è indispensabile che l’albero giriperfettamente eccentrico. Tuttavia questecondizioni sono difficili da realizzarsi, in quantolo spigolo di tenuta, a causa della propriainerzia, non riesce ad aderire alla superficiemetallica dell’albero.È quindi importante, nella progettazione,avvicinare il più possibile la guarnizione alsupporto dell’albero (vedi fig. 2).5.3. ECCENTRICITY AND MISALIGNMENTEccentricityFor an efficient sealing the shaft should runperfectly centred and concentric to the axis ofthe rotary shaft seal. These conditions howeverare difficult to be obtained as the sealing lip,because of its inertia, cannot perfectly followthe shaft movements.It is therefore important to install the seal thenearest possible to the shaft support (see fig. 2).Eccentricità dinamica (mm)Permissive eccentricity (mm)Centro di rotazioneCenterlineCentro dell’alberoShaft centerlineSede anelloHousing boreFig. 2Dal grafico 5 si ricavano i valori limitedell’eccentricità dinamica ammessa per diversequalità di elastomero in funzione della velocitàdi rotazione dell’albero.The graph 5 shows the max eccentricity valuesadmitted with different compounds consideringalso shaft speed.Eccentricità dinamica (mm)Permissible eccentricity (mm)0,450,400,350,300,250,200,150,100,0501000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000VQM<strong>NBR</strong> ACM FPMGrafico 5Graph 5Giri dell’albero per minutoShaft rpm17

CoassialitàLa coassialità si verifica quando il centro della sededell’anello di tenuta non coincide con il centro dirotazione dell’albero.Questo inconveniente provoca una distribuzioneirregolare dei carichi radiali su tutta la lunghezzadello spigolo dell’anello, causando l’usura di unasola parte dello spigolo. (vedi fig. 3)MisalignmentIt is the distance the center of shaft rotation is fromthe center of the bore.In these conditions we have not a constant radialload on the sealing lip with an irregular wear of thesealing edge. (see fig. 3)Centro della sedeHousing borecenterlineCentro dell’alberoShaft centerlineSedeHousing boreErrore di coassialitàShaft-to boremisalignmentAlberoShaftFig. 3Dal grafico 6 si ricavano i valori massimi ammessiper l’errore di coassialità in funzione del diametrodell’albero.The graph 6 shows the max admitted values ofmisalignment considering shaft diameter.Errore di coassialità (mm)Shaft-to bore misalignment (mm)0,40,30,20,10 20 60 100 140 180 220 26040 80 120 160 200 240 280Grafico 6Graph 6Diametro albero (mm)Shaft diameter (mm)18

6. TOLLERANZE COSTRUTTIVE<strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>6. MANUFACTURINGTOLERANCESTabella delle tolleranze sul diametroesterno ed ovalizzazioneMedia delle misure in due posizioni a 90° secondola norma <strong>DI</strong>N 3761.Press fit allowance and permissibleeccentricityAverage values of the two measurements offset by90° in according with <strong>DI</strong>N 3761 standard.Diametro esternoOuter diameterdafromatoTolleranza diametro esternoPress fit allowanceEsterno gommaRubber O.D.Esterno metalloMetal O.D.mmOvalizzazionePermissible eccentricity– 50 +0,30 +0,15 +0,20 +0,10 0,2550 80 +0,35 +0,20 +0,23 +0,13 0,3580 120 +0,35 +0,20 +0,25 +0,15 0,50120 180 +0,45 +0,25 +0,28 +0,18 0,65180 300 +0,45 +0,25 +0,30 +0,20 0,80300 500 +0,55 +0,30 +0,35 +0,23 1,00Sull’altezza degli anelli è ammessa una tolleranzadi ± 0,2 mm per alberi con diametro entro 80 mm e± 0,3 mm per diametri superiori agli 80 mm.On seals height the tolerance is ± 0,2 for shaft up to80 mm diameter and ± 0,3 for bigger ones.19

7. MONTAGGIO ECONTROLLO VISIVO7. ASSEMBLY AND APPEARENCEOF ROTARY SHAFT SEALSMontaggioAttenersi alle seguenti regole:1. assicurarsi che lo spigolo di tenuta sia pulito elubrificato, eventualmente lubrificare congrasso oppure olio.2. Per i tipi di anelli con labbro parapolveresupplementare, riempire l’incavo tra i duespigoli con grasso.3. Per i tipi di anelli con rigature sinistra o destrae bidirezionali, lubrificare solo con olio.4. Evitare di fare passare gli anelli in prossimità dispigoli vivi (scarichi di filettature, gole perchiavette, ecc.) se non protette da bussole inacciaio rettificate di spessore massimo di 1 mm(vedi fig. 4).5. Per il montaggio degli anelli nelle loro sedi,attenersi alle figure sotto riportate.AssemblyPlease follow these suggestions:1. be sure that the sealing lip is clean andlubricated with grease or oil.2. For seals with dust lip fulfill space between thetwo lips with grease.3. For seals with uni or bi-directional feature onlyoil lubrication.4. Remove all roughness, sharp edges of keyways,screw threads over which the sealing lip has topass unless a fitting sleeve of max 1 mmthickness is employed (see fig. 4).5. For assembly of seals pls refer to followingexamples.Fig. 420

Controllo visivoa. Lo spigolo dell’anello di tenuta deve essereesente da difetti.b. Il dorso di ritegno della molla può permetteresolo piccole mancanze di materiale.c. Ancoraggio gomma metallo, distacchi nonammessi.d. Lo smusso deve risultare idoneo per un correttomontaggio.e. L’esterno dell’anello non deve presentare difettitali da pregiudicare l’efficienza di tenuta.Appearancea. The sealing edge must be free from faults.b. The spring retention lip can shows only smallmaterial shorts.c. Bonding rubber-metal, bond failures notadmitted.d. The chamfer must be suitable for an easyassembly of the seal.e. The seal O.D. must not have important faultswhich could prevent the sealing efficiency.8. IMMAGAZZINAGGIO 8. STORAGEL’immagazzinaggio degli anelli di tenuta devetenere conto di alcune regole importanti per la lorointegrità. Come ad esempio:1. Conservare gli anelli di tenuta nel loro imballooriginale, oppure in sacchetti di polietilene.2. L’ambiente deve essere asciutto, fresco e nonpolveroso con temperature comprese fra -10°C e+20°C.3. Evitare il contatto con la luce, poichè i raggiultravioletti danneggiano la superficie dellagomma, indurendola.4. Non appendere gli anelli di tenuta su chiodi olegarli fra loro mediante fili metallici, perevitare di danneggiare il labbro di tenuta.Some storage precaution have to be taken in orderto avoid deterioration of the shaft seals:1. They must be kept in original wrapping or inplastic envelope.2. They must be in a dust free and dry atmospherewith temperature between -10°C and +20°C.3. Avoid light exposure as rays are causing rubberhardening.4. Do not hang seals on hooks wides or nails sincethe sealing lip can be damaged.21

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type4x16x4SC11x22x7TC15x24x4SC6x12x4,5SC11x26x7SC15x24x5SC6x15x4SC12x19x5SC15x24x5TC6x15x7SC12x20x5SC15x24x6TC6x16x7SC12x20x5TC15x24x7SC6x19x7TC12x22x4SC15x24x7TC6x22x7SC12x22x5SC15x25x5SC6x22x7TC12x22x5TC15x25x5TC7x15x5SC12x22x6SC15x25x7SC7x16x7SC12x22x6TC15x26x7SC7x22x7TC12x22x6,5TC15x26x7TC8x16x5SC12x22x7SC15x27x7TC8x16x6SC12x22x7TC15x28x5SC8x16x7SC12x24x4,5SC15x28x6SC8x16x7TC12x24x5SC15x28x6TC8x18x5SC12x24x6SC15x28x7SC8x18x6TC12x24x7SC15x28x7TC8x19x4SC12x24x7TC15x30x4,5SC8x22x7SC12x25x4,5SC15x30x5SC8x22x7TC12x25x7SC15x30x7SC8x24x7SC12x25x7TC15x30x7TC8x25x7SC12x26x6SC15x30x8TC8x25x7TC12x26x7TC15x32x5TC8x26x6SC12x26x8SC15x32x7SC9x19x7TC12x26x8TC15x32x7TC9x22x7SC12x28x7SC15x35x6TC9x22x7TC12x28x7TC15x35x7SC9x24x7TC12x30x7SC15x35x7TC9x26x7SC12x30x7TC15x35x10TC9x30x7TC12x32x7SC15x40x10SC10x16x4SC12x32x7TC15x42x7SC10x18x4TC12x37x7TC15x42x7TC10x19x4SC12,7x25,4x6,35 TC16x22x4SC10x19x7SC12,7x31,75x7,9 TC16x24x4SC10x19x7TC13x30x8SC16x24x5SC10x20x4SC14x22x4SC16x24x7SC10x20x6SC14x22x6SC16x25x5TC10x22x6TC14x22x7TC16x26x5TC10x22x7SC14x24x4TC16x28x7SC10x22x7TC14x24x5TC16x28x7TC10x24x7SC14x24x6TC16x30x5SC10x24x7TC14x24x6SC16x30x7SC10x26x5,5SC14x24x7SC16x30x7TC10x26x7SC14x24x7TC16x32x7SC10x26x7TC14x25x5SC16x32x7TC10x30x7SC14x25x7TC16x35x7SC10x30x7TC14x28x7TC16x35x7TC11x17x4TC14x30x7SC16x35x8SC11x18x4SC14x30x7TC16x40x10SC11x22x7SC14x35x7TC17x22x5SC22

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type17x25x4SC19x35x7TC22x36x7SC17x25x4TC19x47x10SC22x36x7TC17x27x7TC20x26x4TC22x40x7SC17x28x5SC20x30x4SC22x40x7TC17x28x5TC20x30x4,5TC22x42x7SC17x28x6SC20x30x5SC22x42x7TC17x28x7SC20x30x5TC22x45x8SSSC17x28x7TC20x30x7SC22x45x8TC17x30x5SC20x30x7TC22x47x7SC17x30x7SC20x32x5SC22x47x7TC17x30x7TC20x32x7SC22x47x10SC17x32x5SC20x32x7TC22,23x38,1x6,4 SC17x32x5TC20x35x5,5SC23x40x8SC17x32x7SC20x35x6SC24x32x4TC17x32x7TC20x35x6TC24x32x7TC17x32x8TC20x35x7SC24x35x6TC17x35x5SC20x35x7TC24x35x7SC17x35x7SC20x35x8TC24x35x7TC17x35x7TC20x35x10SC24x37x7TC17x35x8SC20x35x10TC24x40x7SC17x35x8TC20x37x7SC24x40x7TC17x40x6SC20x37x7TC24x40x8TC17x40x7SC20x38x7TC24x42x8TC17x40x7TC20x38x8SC24x47x7TC17x40x8TC20x38x8TC24x47x10SC17x40x10TC20x40x7SC24x49x12TC17x47x7SC20x40x7TC24x52x10SC17x47x7TC20x40x10SC25x32x6TC17x47x8TC20x40x10TC25x35x5SC17x47x10TC20x42x7SC25x35x7SC17,4x28,5x6,3 TC20x42x7TC25x35x7TC18x26x6SC20x42x10TC25x35x9TC18x28x6SC20x45x7TC25x37x5SC18x28x7SC20x47x7SC25x37x7SC18x28x7TC20x47x7TC25x37x7TC18x30x5SC20x47x8TC25x38x7SC18x30x7SC20x47x10SC25x38x7TC18x30x7TC20x52x6SC25x38x8TC18x32x7SC20x52x7SC25x40x5SC18x32x7TC20x52x8TC25x40x7SC18x32x8TC20x52x10SC25x40x7TC18x35x7SC20x52x10TC25x40x8SC18x35x7TC21x40x7TC25x40x8TC18x35x10SC22x32x5SC25x40x10SC18x40x7SC22x32x5,5SC25x42x6SC18x40x7TC22x32x7SC25x42x7SC19x27x5TC22x32x7TC25x42x7TC19x27x6SC22x35x7SC25x42x8,5SC19x32x7SC22x35x7TC25x42x10SC19x32x7TC22x35x8SC25x42x10TC23

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions25x45x725x45x1025x45x1025x45x1125x46x725x47x525x47x725x47x725x47x825x47x825x47x1025x47x1025x50x1025x50x1025x52x525x52x725x52x725x52x825x52x825x52x1025x52x1025x55x1025x62x625x62x825x62x1025x62x1025x80x1025,4x44,5x4,825,4x50,8x12,725,7x35x7/926x35x726x36x726x37x726x37x726x37x826x42x726x42x726x47x726x48x826x52x726x52x827x36x627x37x727x40x727x42x1027x47x627x47x728x38x728x38x728x38x8Tipo - TypeTCSCTCTCTCSCSCTCSCTCSCTCSCTCTCSCTCSCTCSCTCTCSCTCSCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCSCTCTCSCTCSCTCSCSCTCSCTCSCSCTCSCTCTCDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type28x40x7SC30x55x7SC28x40x7TC30x55x7TC28x42x7SC30x55x10SC28x42x7TC30x55x10TC28x42x10TC30x56x10SC28x44x7TC30x56x10TC28x45x8SC30x60x7TC28x47x7SC30x60x10SC28x47x7TC30x62x3,5TC28x47x10SC30x62x7SC28x50x10TC30x62x7TC28x52x5SC30x62x8TC28x52x7SC30x62x10SC28x52x7TC30x62x10TC28x52x10SC30x72x6SC28x52x10TC30x72x10SC28x56x6TC30x72x10TC28x58x6TC31x47x7SC29x41x5SC31x51x7,8TC30x40x5TC31x52x7TC30x40x7SC32x40x7SC30x40x7TC32x42x7SC30x42x7SC32x42x7TC30x42x7TC32x45x7SC30x43x8SC32x45x7TC30x43x8TC32x47x7SC30x45x7TC32x47x7TC30x45x8SC32x47x10TC30x45x8TC32x48x7TC30x47x6SC32x50x7TC30x47x7SC32x50x8SC30x47x7TC32x52x5SC30x47x8TC32x52x7SC30x47x10SC32x52x7TC30x47x10TC32x52x10SC30x48x8SC32x52x10TC30x50x5SC32x56x10TC30x50x7SC32x58x10TC30x50x7TC33x50x6TC30x50x8SC33x50x10TC30x50x8TC33x52x6SC30x50x10SC34x44x4SC30x50x10TC34x52x8SC30x52x6SC34x52x8TC30x52x7SC34x62x10SC30x52x7TC35x44x4SC30x52x8TC35x45x5SC30x52x10SC35x45x7SC30x52x10TC35x45x7TC30x52x11SC35x47x7SC24

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - 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,6x7,3SC40x88x6SC35x56x12SC40x50x5TC40x90x8SC35x58x10TC40x50x8TC40x90x10SC35x60x10SC40x52x7SC40x90x10TC35x60x10TC40x52x7TC40x110x10TC35x62x7SC40x52x8TC41x53x7TC35x62x7TC40x52x10TC42x55x7SC35x62x8TC40x55x7SC42x55x8SC35x62x10SC40x55x7TC42x55x8TC35x62x10TC40x55x8SC42x56x7SC35x62x12SC40x55x8TC42x56x7TC35x65x10SC40x55x10SC42x60x10SC35x65x10TC40x56x7TC42x60x10TC35x68x8SC40x56x8SC42x60x12SC35x72x7TC40x56x8TC42x62x7SC35x72x10SC40x56x12SC42x62x7TC35x72x10TC40x58x10SC42x62x8SC35x72x12TC40x58x10TC42x62x8TC35x80x10SC40x58x12SC42x62x10SC35x80x10TC40x60x7SC42x62x10TC35x80x12SC40x60x7TC42x65x10TC35x80x12TC40x60x10SC42x68x8TC35x82x6SC40x60x10TC42x72x8SC36x47x7SC40x60x12SC42x72x8TC36x50x7SC40x62x7SC42,86x63,5x9,52 SC36x50x7TC40x62x7TC43x75x10SC36x52x7SC40x62x8SC44x60x10SC36x54x7,5SC40x62x8TC44x62x10SC36x58x10SC40x62x10SC45x55x7SC25

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - 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

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type60x85x8TC70x95x10TC85x105x10TC60x85x10SC70x95x13TC85x105x13SC60x85x10TC70x100x10SC85x105x13TC60x90x8SC70x100x10TC85x110x12SC60x90x8TC70x105x12TC85x110x12TC60x90x10SC70x110x8SC85x110x13SC60x90x10TC70x110x10SC85x110x13TC60x95x10SC70x110x10TC85x120x12SC60x95x10TC70x110x12SC85x120x13TC60x100x10TC70x110x12TC85x125x12TC60x100x13TC70x120x12TC85x130x12SC60x110x12TC71x88x8SC85x130x12TC60,5x78x10TC72x90x10SC90x105x10TC62x85x10SC72x95x10SC90x110x10SC62x85x10TC72x100x10TC90x110x12SC62x90x10SC72x110x10TC90x110x12TC62x90x10TC75x90x8SC90x110x13SC63x90x10SC75x90x10TC90x115x13SC63x90x10TC75x95x10SC90x120x12SC63x100x10TC75x95x10TC90x120x12TC64x80x8TC75x95x12SC90x120x13TC64x85x10TC75x100x10SC90x125x12SC65x75x8TC75x100x10TC90x130x12SC65x80x8SC75x100x12SC90x130x12TC65x80x10SC75x105x13TC90x140x13SC65x80x10TC75x110x12SC92x120x12TC65x85x8TC75x110x13TC92x120x13TC65x85x10SC75x120x12SC95x110x12TC65x85x10TC75x120x12TC95x115x12TC65x85x12TC75x130x10TC95x120x8SC65x90x10SC78x100x10SC95x120x8TC65x90x10TC78x110x12SC95x120x12SC65x95x10SC80x100x10SC95x120x12TC65x95x10TC80x100x10TC95x120x13SC65x100x10SC80x100x12TC95x125x12SC65x100x10TC80x100x13SC95x125x12TC65x100x12SC80x100x13TC95x125x13TC65x110x10TC80x105x12TC95x130x12SC65x120x13TC80x110x10SC95x130x12TC66x100x10SC80x110x10TC98x120x13SC68x90x10SC80x110x12SC100x115x9TC68x90x10TC80x110x12TC100x120x10SC68x98x10TC80x120x12SC100x120x12SC68x100x13SC80x120x13TC100x120x12TC70x85x8SC80x125x10TC100x125x12SC70x85x8TC80x125x12SC100x125x12TC70x90x10SC80x125x12TC100x125x13TC70x90x10TC85x100x6SC100x130x12SC70x90x12SC85x100x9SC100x130x12TC70x95x10SC85x105x10SC100x140x13SC27

<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> <strong>NBR</strong>(tipo SC - TC)<strong>9.1</strong> <strong>NBR</strong> SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - 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

9.2 <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> PER ALBERIROTANTI PER ALTE PRESSIONI9.2 SEALS FOR ROTATINGSHAFTS FOR HIGH PRESSUREAnello tipo SCPSCP seal typeAnello tipo SCVSCV seal typeAnello tipo SCHPSCHP seal typeAnello tipo TCPTCP seal typeAnello tipo TCVTCV seal typeAnello tipo TCHPTCHP seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type8x22x6,4TCV25x35x6/6,5TCP55x80x12TCV10x20x4TCV25x35x7TCV56x70x10TCV10x22x6,4TCP25x38x7TCV56x72x8TCHP10x26x6,4TCP25x40x6TCV60x80x7SCP11x30x6TCV25x42x7SCV60x80x8TCV12x22x6TCP25x45x11TCV60x80x10/12 TCP12x22x6TCV25x47x6TCV60x80x12TCV12x24x6TCV25x50x12TCV60x90x7/7,5TCP12x25x7TCV30x42x7TCP70x90x12TCHP12x26x6TCP30x45x8TCV70x90x12TCV12x28x6TCP30x47x7TCP70x92x12TCP12x28x7SCV30x47x8TCV70x110x8TCV13x22x5SCV30x50x11TCV75x90x10/11 TCP14x24x6TCP32x44x8TCV80x100x8/6SCHP16x30x7TCV33x45x8SCHP 90x110x12/13 TCP16x32x10TCV35x47x6/6,5TCP130x160x12/13 TCV18x30x7TCP35x48x5,5SCP18x30x7TCV35x50x10TCP19x32x7TCV35x50x10TCV20x35x7TCV35x55x10TCV20x40x7/7,5TCV38x57x7TCV20x40x11TCV40x55x8TCV20x44x6SCV40x62x12TCV22x32x7TCV45x58x6,6,5TCP22x34x7TCV45x65x6TCV22x42x11TCV45x65x10TCV24x36x7TCV45x72x8TCV24x40x7TCV45x80x10TCV24x40x7TCP48x62x7TCV24x40x8TCV55x68x7/7,5TCP29

9.3 <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> FPM(tipo SC - TC)9.3 FPM SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type6x15x4SC20x42x6TC35x47x7SC6x16x7SC20x42x7SC35x47x7TC7x16x7SC20x42x7TC35x50x7SC8x16x7SC20x47x7SC35x52x7SC8x18x5SC20x47x7TC35x52x7TC8x22x7SC20x48x7SC35x52x10SC9x19x4SC22x32x7SC35x55x10SC9x22x7SC22x35x7SC35x56x10SC10x22x7SC22x40x7SC35x60x10SC10x26x7SC24x40x7TC35x62x7SC10x30x7SC25x35x7SC35x62x10SC10x30x7TC25x35x7TC35x62x10TC12x22x7SC25x40x7SC35x68x10SC12x24x6SC25x42x7SC35x72x10SC12x28x7SC25x42x7TC35x72x10TC12x32x7SC25x47x7SC36x50x7TC14x24x7SC25x47x7TC36x52x7TC14x28x10SC25x50x10SC36x58x10SC14x42x6SC25x52x7SC38x52x7TC15x24x5SC25x52x7TC38x55x7SC15x24x7SC25x62x10SC38x62x7SC15x30x4,5SC27x37x7SC40x52x7SC15x30x7SC28x40x7TC40x52x7TC15x30x10SC28x42x10TC40x55x7SC15x32x5TC28x47x7SC40x55x7TC15x32x7SC30x40x7SC40x55x8TC15x35x7SC30x40x7TC40x56x8SC15x42x7SC30x42x7TC40x56x8TC16x28x7SC30x45x8SC40x60x7SC17x25x4SC30x47x6TC40x60x10SC17x28x7SC30x47x7SC40x62x7SC17x30x7SC30x47x7TC40x62x7TC17x32x5SC30x47x10SC40x62x8SC17x32x5TC30x50x7SC40x62x8TC17x32x7SC30x50x8SC40x65x10SC17x32x7TC30x50x10SC40x65x10TC17x35x7SC30x52x7SC40x68x10TC17x35x7TC30x52x7TC40x72x10SC17x40x7TC30x52x10SC40x80x7TC17x47x7SC30x55x7SC40x80x10SC18x30x7TC30x55x7TC42x55x8SC18x32x7TC30x55x10SC42x56x7TC20x30x5SC30x56x8TC42x72x8SC20x30x7SC30x57x7SC45x58x7TC20x32x7SC30x62x3,5TC45x60x7SC20x35x7SC30x62x7SC45x60x7TC20x35x7TC30x62x10TC45x60x8SC20x36x7TC32x47x7SC45x62x7SC20x40x7TC32x52x7SC45x62x8SC20x40x8TC35x42x6TC45x62x8TC30

9.3 <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> FPM(tipo SC - TC)9.3 FPM SHAFT SEALS(SC - TC type)Anello tipo SCSC seal typeAnello tipo TCTC seal typeDimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - Type Dimensioni - Dimensions Tipo - 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

10. TAPPI <strong>DI</strong>CHIUSURA (tipo EC)10. CLOSING COVERS(EC type)Sono costituiti da inserto metallico rivestito inelastomero <strong>NBR</strong>.Metal insert covered with <strong>NBR</strong> elastomer.ECHDDimensioni - DimensionsDH13 4,518 419 720 422 422 522 724 725 526 6,528 428 730 530 630 832 532 732 9,535 535 735 837 537 737 1038 1040 742 742 9,545 545 745,29 6,447 547 747 847 1050 952 752 852 10Tipo - TypeDimensioni - DimensionsTipo - TypeECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECDH55 755 1056 1058,75 7,959 860 762 762 862 9,565 1068 870 1072 972 1080 1080 1283 785 1085 1289 9,590 790 1090 12100 10100 12110 10110 12120 12125 12130 12140 15150 15160 15165 12170 15180 12200 13230 14ECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEC32

9.5 <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> PER BUSSOLE<strong>DI</strong> SCORRIMENTO (tipo VC-W e VB)9.5 SEALS FOR SLI<strong>DI</strong>NG BALLBUSHING (VC-W and VB types)Gli anelli di tenuta per movimenti assiali sonocostituiti da inserto metallico in acciaio, da unrivestimento in elastomero e da un labbro ditenuta senza molla con speciale interferenza, chegarantisce un bassissimo assorbimento di potenza.L’anello di tenuta deve avere il labbro rivoltoverso il fluido da tenere, oppure verso l’esterno,se deve effettuare la tenuta di infiltrazioniprovenienti dall’ambiente esterno.Specifiche tecniche:• Materiali: <strong>NBR</strong> -40 ÷ +120°CFKM -30 ÷ +200°C• Velocità di esercizio: 8 m/s• Pressione d’esercizio: 0 kg/cm 2DdThese seals suitable for axial movements applications,consist of a metal case with rubber covered and asingle thin lip, without spring that, toghether withminimal interference, has very low frictional loss.Seals can be fitted with the lip in front of the fluidto be sealed or toward the outside to protect fromdust and dirt.Technical data:• Compounds: <strong>NBR</strong> -40 ÷ +120°CFKM -30 ÷ +200°C• Speed limit: 8 m/s• Pressure: 0 kg/cm 2VC-WHDimensioni - Dimensionsd D HTipo - TypeDimensioni - Dimensionsd D HTipo - Type7 15 38 12 38 15 39 13 39 16 310 14 310 17 312 16 312 18 312 19 313 19 314 20 314 21 314 22 314 22 415 21 316 20 2,516 22 316 24 316 25 317 22 517 23 317 25 318 24 318 24 420 26 420 28 422 28 4VC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-W22 30 424 32 425 32 425 34 425 35 427 35 428 35 430 37 430 38 430 40 431 38 432 42 433 40 335 42 435 45 438 45 438 48 440 47 440 50 440 52 542 52 445 52 446 54 450 58 450 62 570 78 470 78 5VC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-WVC-W33

9.5 <strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong> PER BUSSOLE<strong>DI</strong> SCORRIMENTO (tipo VC-W e VB)9.5 SEALS FOR SLI<strong>DI</strong>NG BALLBUSHING (VC-W and VB types)DdVBEsterno metallo - Metal O.D.HDimensioni - Dimensionsd D HTipo - TypeDimensioni - Dimensionsd D HTipo - Type5 9 2VB25 32 4VB6 10 2VB27 35 4VB6 12 2VB28 35 2,5VB7 11 2VB28 35 3VB8 12 3VB28 35 4VB10 14 3VB30 37 4VB10 15 3VB32 42 4VB12 18 3VB35 41 2,5VB12 19 3VB40 47 4VB14 18 3VB42 52 4VB14 20 3VB45 50 3VB17 23 3VB45 52 4VB22 30 4VB50 58 4VB25,4 31,75 3,2VB34

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<strong>ANELLI</strong> <strong>DI</strong> <strong>TENUTA</strong>SHAFT SEALS

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