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motion sickness 102015411 motion sickness n; travel sickness n;kinesia n; kinetosis ng f -; f-i chinetosi f; cinetosi f; cinesia f; sindrome damovimento fd Kinetose f; Bewegungskrankheit f;Reisekrankheit f15412 motivation ng f -; f -i incitamento m; motivazione fd Motivation f; Anregung f15413 motive ng µ nt -i motivo md Motiv nt* motoneuron n 15423g f -i dominio motore md motorische Domäne f* motor end-plate n 1612415420 motorial adjg adj -,-i motorio adjd motorisch adj15421 motor innervation ng f -i innervazione motrice fd motorische Innervation f15422 motor nerve n; neuromotor nerve ng nt -i nervo motore md motorischer Nerv m15414 motor ng m -i motore md Motor m* motor n 1542315415 motor adjg adj -/-,-i motorio adjd motorisch adj* motor aphasia n 353015416 motor apraxia n; innervation apraxia n;innervatory apraxia ng f -i aprassia motoria f; aprassia da innervazione fd motorische Apraxie f; Innervationsapraxie f* motor area n 1541815417 motor control ng m -i controllo motorio md motorische Kontrolle f15418 motor cortex n; motor area ng m -; f-i corteccia motoria f; area motoria fd motorische Großhirnrinde f; Motorcortex m;motorisches Rindenfeld nt* motor decussation n 645215419 motor domain n15423 motor neuron n; motoneuron n; motor unitn; motor ng m -i neurone motore m; motoneurone md motorisches Neuron nt; Motorneuron nt;motorische Nervenzelle f15424 motor neuron disease n; MNDg f -i malattia dei motoneuroni fd Motoneuronerkrankung f15425 motor neuron pool ng µ nt-µi pool motoneuronico md Motoneuronpool m15426 motor neuropathy ng f -i neuropatia motore fd motorische Neuropathie f15427 motor nucleus ng m -i nucleo motore md motorischer Kern m; Nucleus motorius m* motor nucleus of facial nerve n 1650315428 motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve n;nucleus motorius nervi trigemini TAg µ m -i nucleo motore del nervo trigemino md motorischer Trigeminuskern m; Nucleusmotorius nervi trigemini m

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