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1145 osteolytic lesion17177 osteoclast ng m -i osteoclasta m; osteoclasto md Osteoklast m17178 osteoclast activity ng f -i attività degli osteoclasti fd Osteoklastenaktivität fi osteogenesi imperfetta f; osteopsatirosi fd Osteogenesis imperfecta f; Osteopsathyrosis f17186 osteogenetic adj; osteogenous adj;osteogenic adjg adj -,-; adj-,-i osteogenico adj; osteogeno adjd osteogenetisch adj; knochenbildend adj;osteogen adj17179 osteoclastic adjg adj -,-i osteoclastico adjd osteoklastisch adj17180 osteoclastoma n; giant cell tumor of bone n;giant cell myeloma ng m -;µ nt -µi osteoclastoma m; tumore osseo a cellulegiganti md Osteoklastom nt; Knochenriesenzelltumor m17181 osteocranium ng nt -i osteocranio md Osteokranium nt; Knochenschädel m17182 osteocyte n; bone cell n; bone corpuscle n;osseous cell ng nt -/-; nt -i osteocita m; cellula ossea fd Knochenzelle f; Osteozyt m;Knochenkörperchen nt* osteodynia n 17163* osteodystrophia n 1718317183 osteodystrophy n; osteodystrophia ng f -i osteodistrofia fd Osteodystrophie f; Knochendystrophie f17184 osteogenesis n; bone formation n;ossification n; ostosis n; osteosis ng f -; µµ m -; f -i osteogenesi f; ossificazione f; osteosi fd Osteogenese f; Ossifikation f;Knochenbildung f; Osteosis f17185 osteogenesis imperfecta n; osteitisfragilitans n; brittle bone disease n; brittlebones npl; osteopsathyrosis n; OIg f -17187 osteogenic adjg adj -/-,-i osteogeno adjd osteogen adj* osteogenic adj 17186* osteogenic cell n 17169* osteogenic sarcoma n 17210* osteogenous adj 1718617188 osteoid ng nt -i osteoide md Osteoid nt17189 osteoid collagen ng nt -i collagene osteoide md osteoides Kollagen nt17190 osteoid osteoma ng µ nt -µi osteoma osteoide md Osteoidosteom nt17191 osteology ng f -i osteologia fd Osteologie f; Knochenkunde f; Knochenlehref17192 osteolysis ng f -i osteolisi fd Osteolyse f; Knochenauflösung f17193 osteolytic adjg adj -,-i osteolitico adjd osteolytisch adj; knochenauflösend adj17194 osteolytic lesion ng f -i lesione osteolitica f

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