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107 anthraxd anthelminthisch adj; wurmabtreibend adj1711 anthelmintic n; anthelminthic n;antihelminthic n; vermifuge ng µ µ nt -/-; nt -i antielmintico m; vermifugo md Anthelminthikum nt; vermifuges Mittel nt;Vermifugum nt1712 anther ng m -i antera fd Anthere f; Staubbeutel m* antherid n 17151713 antheridiogen ng nt -i anteridiogeno md Antheridogen nt1714 antheridiophore ng m -i anteridioforo md Antheridienstand m1715 antheridium n; antherid ng nt -i anteridio md Antheridium nt1716 antherozoid ng nt -i anterozoide m; anterozoo md Antherozoid m1717 anthesis n; flowering n; florescence n;flowering period n; flower expansion ng f -i antesi f; fioritura fd Anthese f; Blüte f; Blütezeit f; Blühphase f;Blütenöffnung f* anthocyan n 17191718 anthocyanidin ng f -i antocianidina fd Anthozyanidin nt1719 anthocyanin n; anthocyan ng f -i antocianina fd Anthozyanin nt; Anthozyan nt1720 anthology ng f -i antologia fd Anthologie f; Blütenkunde f* Anthophyta npl 18363* anthophytes npl 183631721 anthoxanthin ng f -i antoxantina fd Anthoxanthin nt* Anthozoa npl 17221722 anthozoans npl; Anthozoa npl; floweranimals nplg ntpl -i Antozoi mpld Anthozoa ntpl; Blumenpolypen mpl;Blumentiere ntpl1723 anthracosis ng f -i antracosi fd Anthrakose f* anthracotic tuberculosis n 190571724 anthracycline ng f -i antraciclina fd Anthracyclin nt1725 anthranilate ng nt -i antranilato md Anthranilat nt1726 anthranilic acid ng nt -i acido antranilico md Anthranilsäure f* 3-anthraniloylalanine n 128931727 anthraquinolin ng f -i antrachinolina fd Anthrachinolin nt1728 anthraquinone ng f -i antrachinone md Anthrachinon nt1729 anthrax ng m -i antrace m

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