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antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 110dipendente f; ADCCd antikörperabhängige zellvermittelteZytotoxizität f; ADCC* antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity n 1767* antibody enzyme n 1061768 antibody levels nplg ntpl -i livelli di anticorpi mpld Antikörperspiegel m* antibody-mediated hypersensitivityreaction n 264171769 antibody repertoire n; immunoglobulinrepertoire ng µ µ nt -µ; nt -; µ nt -i repertorio anticorpale m; repertorio delleimmunoglobuline md Antikörperrepertoire nt;Immunglobulinrepertoire nt1770 antibody response ng µ f -i risposta anticorpale fd Antikörperantwort f1771 antibody-stimulated adjg µµ µ adj -,-i stimolato da anticorpi adjd antikörperstimuliert adj* antibrachium n 91121772 anticholinergic adjg adj -,-i anticolinergico adjd anticholinergisch adj1773 anticholinesterase ng f -i anticolinesterasi fd Anticholinesterase f1776 anticoagulant adjg µ adj -,-; adj-,-i anticoagulante adjd antikoagulierend adj; gerinnungshemmendadj1777 anticoagulation ng f -i anticoagulazione fd Antikoagulation f1778 anticoding strand ng m -i filamento anticodificante md nichtcodierender Strang m1779 anticodon ng nt -; nt -; nt -i anticodone md Anticodon nt1780 anticodon loop ng f -i ansa dell'anticodone fd Anticodonschleife f1781 anticonvulsant adj; anticonvulsive adjg µ adj -,-i anticonvulsivante adjd antikonvulsiv adj; krampfhemmend adj1782 anticonvulsant n; anticonvulsive n;anticonvulsant drug n; anticonvulsantagent ng µ nt -; µµ nt -/-i anticonvulsivante m; farmacoanticonvulsivante md Antikonvulsivum nt; Entkrampfungsmittel nt* anticonvulsant agent n 1782* anticonvulsant drug n 1782* anticonvulsive adj 17811774 anticlinal adjg adj -,-i anticlinale adjd antiklin adj1775 anticoagulant ng µ nt -; nt -i anticoagulante m; farmaco anticoagulante md Antikoagulans nt; Antikoagulationsmittel nt* anticonvulsive n 17821783 antidepressant n; antidepressant agent ng nt -; m -i antidepressivo md Antidepressivum nt1784 antidepressant adj

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