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short gyri of insula 149822661 short gyri of insula npl; gyri breves insulaeTA; preinsular gyri nplg fpl -i circonvoluzioni brevi dell'insula fpld Gyri breves insulae mpl; kurzeInselwindungen fpl22662 short head n; caput breve TAg f -i capo breve md Caput breve m; kurzer Kopf m* shortsightedness n 1573022668 short-term memory n; recent memory n;temporary memory n; primary memory ng µµ f -; µµ µ f -; µµ f -i memoria a breve termine f; memoriaimmediata f; memoria primaria fd Kurzzeitgedächtnis nt; unmittelbaresGedächtnis nt* short-incubation hepatitis n 1050222663 short interspersed elements npl; SINESg fpl -;SINESi elementi dispersivi corti mpl; SINESd kurze verstreute DNA-Elemente ntpl; SINES* short levator costae muscle n 13393* short limb of incus n 2265022664 short palmar muscle n; musculus palmarisbrevis TA; palmaris brevis muscle ng µ µ m µi muscolo palmare breve md Musculus palmaris brevis m; kurzerHohlhandmuskel m22665 short-patch repair ng µ µ f -; µ µµ f -i riparazione di tratti brevi fd Kurzbereichsreparatur f; Kurzstückreparatur f22666 short-period interspersion ng f -; f -i dispersione a breve intervallo fd kurzphasige Einstreuung f* short peroneal muscle n 22655* short process of incus n 2265022667 short radial extensor muscle of wrist n;musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis TA;extensor carpi radialis brevis ng µ mµi muscolo estensore radiale breve del carpo md Musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis m* short saphenous vein n 22943* short sight n 1573022669 short-term regulation ng µ µ f -i regolazione a breve termine fd Kurzzeitregulation f22670 shotgun cloning ng f -; f -i clonazione shotgun fd Shotgun-Klonierung f* shotgun collection n 953822671 shotgun experiment ng µ nt -µ;µ µµ nt -µ;µ nt -µi esperimento shotgun md Schrotschussexperiment nt; Shotgun-Experiment nt22672 shoulder ng µ m -i spalla fd Schulter f* shoulder blade n 2204322673 shoulder bone ng µ nt -i osso della spalla md Schulterbein nt22674 shoulder girdle n; cingulum pectorale TA;pectoral girdle ng µ f -; f -i cingolo pettorale m; cintura pettorale f;cingolo scapolare m; cintura scapolare fd Schultergürtel m; Cingulum pectorale nt;Pektoralgürtel m* shoulder joint n 10943* Shprintzen syndrome n 26905* Shrapnell membrane n 8904

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