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stabilizing agent 1558g adj -,-; µadj -,-i stabilizzante adjd stabilisierend adj23612 stable plasmid ng µ nt -i plasmidio stabile md stabiles Plasmid nt* stabilizing agent n 23602* stabilizing factor n 2360223604 stabilizing selection n; normalizingselection ng µ f -; f -i selezione stabilizzante fd stabilisierende Selektion f23605 stable adjg adj -,-; adj -,-i stabile adj; costante adjd stabil adj; konstant adj23606 stable angina n; typical angina n; stableangina pectoris n; angina of effort ng f -; f-i angina stabile f; angina tipica fd stabile Angina f; typische Angina f* stable angina pectoris n 2360623607 stable conditions nplg fpl -i condizioni stabili fpld stabile Bedingungen fpl* stable factor n 1996323608 stable intermediate ng µ nt -i intermedio stabile md stabiles Zwischenprodukt nt23609 stable ion ng nt -i ione stabile md stabiles Ion nt23610 stable isotope n; not radioactive isotope ng nt -; µ nt -i isotopo stabile m; isotopo non radioattivo md stabiles Isotop nt; nichtradioaktives Isotop nt23611 stable line ng f -i linea stabile fd stabile Linie f23613 stachyose n; lupeose ng f -i stachiosio m; stachioso md Stachyose f23614 stachyosporous adjg adj -,-i stachiosporo adjd stachyospor adj23615 stack vbg vb ,-µ; vb ,-µ; vb,-µi accatastare vb; accumulare vb; impilare vb;ammucchiare vbd stapeln vb; aufstapeln vb23616 stack ng f -; m -i pila f; mucchio m; cumulo md Stapel m; Haufen m* stacked membranes npl 2361823617 stack of grana ng grana m -i pila di grani fd Granastapel m23618 stack of membranes n; stacked membranesnplg µ µµ fpl -; µµ m -i pila di membrane fd gestapelte Membranen fpl; Membranstapel m* stage n 1840723619 stage ng µ f -i tavolino md Objekttisch m23620 stage of cleavage n; stage of segmentation ng nt -; µµ nt-i stadio di segmentazione md Furchungsschritt m23621 stage of development ng nt -; nt -

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