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countertranscript 3805916 countertranscript ng µ nt -; µµ nt -µi controtrascritto md Gegentranskript nt* countertransport n 1859* counting cell n 59175917 counting chamber n; counting cell ng µ µ m -µi camera di conteggio fd Zählkammer f* coupled adj 13526; 17402* coupled pulse n 3050µ m -i danza di accoppiamento fd Balztanz m5926 covalent adjg µ adj -,-i covalente adjd kovalent adj5927 covalent bond ng µ µ m -i legame covalente md kovalente Bindung f5928 covalent intermediate ng µ µ nt -i intermedio covalente md kovalentes Zwischenprodukt nt5918 coupled reaction ng µ f -i reazione accoppiata fd gekoppelte Reaktion f5919 coupled transport ng µ µ f -i trasporto accoppiato md gekoppelter Transport m5920 coupling ng f -; f -i accoppiamento m; associazione fd Kopplung f; Verbindung f5921 coupling factor ng m -i fattore di accoppiamento md Kopplungsfaktor m5922 coupling protein ng f -i proteina di accoppiamento fd Kopplungsprotein nt* courting season n 142615923 courtship ng f -i corteggiamento md Liebeswerbung f; Balz f5924 courtship behavior ng µ f -i comportamento di corteggiamento md Balzverhalten nt5925 courtship dance n; mating dance ng m -; 5929 covalently closed adjg µ adj -,-i chiuso da legami covalenti adjd kovalent geschlossen adj5930 covalent modification ng µ f -i modificazione covalente fd kovalente Modifikation f5931 covariance ng µ f -i covarianza fd Kovarianz f* cover vb 172915932 covering epithelium n; surface epithelium ng nt -i epitelio di rivestimento m; epiteliosuperficiale md Deckepithel nt; oberflächenbildendes Epithelnt; Oberflächenepithel nt* coverslip n 22904* cowl muscle n 26071* Cowper gland n 3639* cowperian duct n 73115933 cowpox ng µ f -i cowpox md Kuhpocken npl* coxa TA 10700

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