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517 epigynyextradural space n; spatium peridurale n;spatium extradurale ng m -; f -i spazio epidurale m; spazio extradurale m;cavità epidurale fd Epiduralraum m; Epiduralspalt m; Spatiumepidurale nt; Spatium extradurale nt8050 epifauna ng f -i epifauna fd Epifauna f8051 epifluorescence microscope ng µ µ nt -i microscopio ad epifluorescenza md Auflichtfluoreszenzmikroskop nt8052 epigamic adjg µ adj -,-i epigamico adjd epigam adj; epigamisch adj8053 epigastric adjg adj -,-i epigastrico adjd epigastrisch adj* epigastric fold n 13183* epigastric hernia n 8055* epigastric region n 8054* epigastric zone n 80548054 epigastrium TA; pit of the stomach n;epigastric region n; epigastric zone n; regioepigastrica TAg nt -; f -; f -i epigastrio m; regione epigastrica fd Epigastrium nt; Magengrube f; Regioepigastrica f8055 epigastrocele n; epigastric hernia ng f -i epigastrocele m; ernia epigastrica fd Epigastrozele f; epigastrische Hernie f8056 epigenesis ng f -i epigenesi fd Epigenese f8057 epigenetic adjg adj -,-i epigenetico adjd epigenetisch adj8058 epigenetics ng f -i epigenetica fd Epigenetik f8059 epiglottic cartilage n; cartilago epiglotticaTAg m -; m -i cartilagine epiglottide fd Cartilago epiglottica f; herzförmigerKehldeckelknorpel m8060 epiglottic petiole n; petiolus epiglottidis TA;stalk of epiglottis n; pedicle of epiglottis ng µ m -i picciolo dell'epiglottide md Epiglottisstiel m; Kehldeckelstiel m; Petiolusepiglottidis m8061 epiglottic tubercle n; tuberculumepiglotticum TA; cushion of epiglottis ng µ nt -i tubercolo epiglottico md Tuberculum epiglotticum nt;Epiglottishöckerchen nt8062 epiglottic vallecula n; vallecula epiglotticaTAg nt -i vallecula epiglottica fd Vallecula epiglottica f* epiglottiditis n 80648063 epiglottis TAg f -i epiglottide fd Epiglottis f; Kehldeckel m8064 epiglottitis n; epiglottiditis n; supraglottitisng f -i epiglottite f; sopraglottite fd Epiglottitis f; Supraglottitis f8065 epigynous adj; syngynous adjg adj -,-i epigino adjd epigyn adj; oberweibig adj8066 epigyny n; syngyny ng f -i epiginia fd Epigynie f

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