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641 glucand Glomuszelle f* glomus jugulare n 12703* glomus organ n 9777* glomus tumor n 9776* glossa n 25732i porzione glossofaringeale fd Pars glossopharyngea f* glossopharyngeus TA 97979800 glossoplasty ng f -i glossoplastica fd Glossoplastik f; Zungenplastik f* glossal adj 13506* glossalgia n 97959793 glossectomy n; elinguation ng µ f -; µ f -i glossectomia fd Glossektomie f; Zungenentfernung f* Glossina n 262669794 glossitis ng f -; µ f -i glossite f; infiammazione della lingua fd Glossitis f; Zungenentzündung f9795 glossodynia n; glossalgia ng f -; f -; m -i glossodinia f; glossalgia f; dolore alla linguamd Glossodynie f; Glossalgie f; Zungenbrennennt9796 glossology ng f -i glottologia f; glossologia fd Glossologie f* glossopalatine arch n 17419* glossopalatinus n 174209797 glossopharyngeal adj; glossopharyngeus TAg adj -,-i glossofaringeo adjd glossopharyngeal adj9798 glossopharyngeal nerve n; nervusglossopharyngeus TAg nt -i nervo glossofaringeo md Nervus glossopharyngeus m;Zungenschlundnerv m9799 glossopharyngeal part n; parsglossopharyngea TAg µ f -9801 glossoplegia n; lingual paralysis ng f -; f -i glossoplegia f; paralisi della lingua fd Glossoplegie f; Zungenlähmung f* glossotrichia n 10207* glottal adj 9802* glottic adj 135069802 glottic adj; glottal adj; glotticus TAg adj -,-; adj -,-i glottico adjd glottisch adj; Glottis-* glottic slit n 9803* glottic spasm n 13063* glotticus TA 9802* glottidospasm n 130639803 glottis TA; glottic slit ng f -i glottide fd Glottis f; Stimmritze f* glottis respiratoria n 12070* glottis vocalis n 12150* Glu 98389804 glucagon ng f -i glucagone md Glukagon nt; Glucagon nt9805 glucagonoma ng µ nt -µi glucagonoma md Glukagonom nt; Glucagonoma m* glucagon-secreting cell n 1839806 glucan n

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