TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili

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Adam<br />

154<br />

Tavolo Adam, importante per forma<br />

e dimensione, è un equilibrio perfetto<br />

tra tradizione e modernità.<br />

A lato: tavolo Adam in olmo ossido,<br />

sedia Candy in tessuto adams con<br />

gambe laccato opaco cascata e<br />

pouf Tamburello in tessuto joint.<br />

The Adam table, with its attentiongrabbing<br />

shape and impressive size,<br />

strikes a perfect balance between the<br />

traditional and the modern.<br />

Opposite: Adam table in olmo ossido<br />

finish, adams fabric-covered Candy<br />

chair with cascata matt lacquered legs<br />

and joint fabric-covered Tamburello<br />


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