TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili

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Time<br />

180<br />

Time, è una sintesi di comfort e raffinatezza.<br />

Una sedia dalle linee semplici<br />

e morbide interamente rivestita<br />

in tessuto o ecopelle.<br />

Fra le sue caratteristiche impilabilità e<br />

sfoderabilità.<br />

A sinistra: sedie Time in ecopelle artù<br />

e tessuto adams. Tavolo Big in olmo<br />

scuro.<br />

Time, a synthesis of comfort and<br />

refinement. A chair designed with<br />

simple, soft lines, covered in fabric<br />

or imitation leather from head to toe.<br />

Its features include a stackable design<br />

and removable covers.<br />

Opposite: Time chairs covered in artù<br />

imitation leather and adams fabric.<br />

Big table in olmo scuro finish.

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