TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili

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Gabbiano<br />

210<br />

Foglio in lamiera piegata laccato in<br />

tutti i colori, da inserire in un contesto<br />

d’arredo come tavolino d’appoggio<br />

e comodo portariviste grazie alla sua<br />

originale forma.<br />

A sinistra: tavolino Gabbiano laccato<br />

opaco bianco e divano Smuk in tessuto<br />

patch.<br />

A sheet of bent metal lacquered in<br />

all colour options, its original shape<br />

making it an attractive addition to<br />

any room and allowing it to serve as<br />

a coffee table and handy magazine<br />

rack.<br />

Opposite: Gabbiano occasional<br />

table in bianco matt lacquered finish<br />

and patch fabric-covered Smuk sofa.

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