TAVOLI SEDIE & SOFA by Novamobili

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Soluzione caratterizzante che disegna<br />

in modo unico ed originale<br />

questa proposta formata da due moduli<br />

angolari e pouf rivestiti in tessuto<br />

patch con cuscino in velluto luxor.<br />

Tavolino Up, piano laccato opaco<br />

bianco e gambe in olmo chiaro.<br />

A distinctive solution that gives this<br />

composition its unique and original<br />

look, comprising two corner modules,<br />

an ottoman covered in patch fabric<br />

and a luxor velvet cushion.<br />

Up occasional table with top in<br />

bianco matt lacquered finish and legs<br />

in olmo chiaro.<br />


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