ON LINE by Jesse_15

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COMP OL204 H 1900 L 3600 P 403 mm<br />

Schienali rovere therm, mensole<br />

velvet bianco, ante scorrevoli<br />

laccato opaco bianco, bianco, basi<br />

contenitore sospese laccato opaco<br />

bianco.<br />

Back panels therm oak, shelves<br />

velvet bianco, sliding doors bianco<br />

matt lacquer, hanging containers<br />

bianco matt lacquer.<br />

Panneaux des fonds en chêne<br />

therm, étagères velvet bianco, portes<br />

coulissantes laquées bianco mat,<br />

éléments suspendus laqués bianco<br />

mat.<br />

Rückwände Eiche Therm, Borde<br />

Velvet Bianco, Schiebetüren lackiert<br />

Matt Bianco, Hängeelemente lackiert<br />

Matt Bianco.<br />

Traseras roble therm, estantes velvet<br />

bianco, puertas correderas lacadas<br />

mate bianco, bases contenedores<br />

suspendidas lacado mate blanco.<br />

16<br />


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