Menu – Březen 2017 AN
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antipasti<br />
Millefoglie di melanzane alla parmigiana<br />
Baked aubergine and Stracciatella<br />
cheese pyramide with<br />
Parmigiano cheese ( veg.) 220 g..........................................179,<strong>–</strong><br />
Vitello tonnato con uovo poché<br />
di Massimiliano Celeste<br />
Veal with poached egg in tuna sauce from<br />
Michelin Chef Massimiliano Celeste 130 g.........219,<strong>–</strong><br />
Tartare di filetto di manzo<br />
con parmigiano reggiano<br />
Tartare of beef fillet with<br />
Parmigiano cheese 120 g......................................................249,<strong>–</strong><br />
Carpaccio di cervo con funghi in agrodolce<br />
Carpaccio of deer with pickled<br />
mushrooms 120 g.........................................................................249,<strong>–</strong><br />
zuppe . Soups<br />
Minestrone di verdure (veg.)<br />
Vegetable soup 0,25 l....................................................................69,<strong>–</strong><br />
Zuppa del giorno<br />
Soup of the day 0,25 l...................................................................79,<strong>–</strong><br />
Zuppa di pesce (piccola)<br />
Fish soup (small) 0,25 l............................................................169,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pesce in zuppa tradizionale (grande)<br />
Fish in soup — a traditional soup<br />
with hefty chunks of fish, prawns,<br />
shrimps, mussels, clams, tomatoes<br />
and parsley 450 g........................................................................349,<strong>–</strong><br />
pasta<br />
pasta di stagione . seasonal pastas<br />
Spätzle verdi con speck e panna<br />
Spinach spätzle with speck<br />
and cream 270 g..............................................................................179,<strong>–</strong><br />
Tortelli ripieni di mortadella<br />
e mascarpone con pesto di pistacchi<br />
Tortelli filled with mascarpone and<br />
mortadella, with pistachio pesto 220 g..................189,<strong>–</strong><br />
Spaghetti con polipo affogato<br />
Spaghetti with stewed octopus<br />
in tomato sauce 260 g..............................................................249,<strong>–</strong><br />
offerta stabile . permanent offerings<br />
Tagliatelle alla bolognese<br />
Tagliatelle with bolognese<br />
meat ragu 260 g...............................................................................179,<strong>–</strong><br />
Gnocchi ai quattro formaggi<br />
Gnocchi with four cheeses 270 g....................................179,<strong>–</strong><br />
Lasagne alla bolognese<br />
Lasagne bolognese with Italian<br />
beef ragu 350 g...............................................................................189,<strong>–</strong><br />
Spaghetti alla carbonara<br />
(egg, guanciale, pecorino cheese) 280 g......................................189,<strong>–</strong><br />
Spaghetti con gamberi<br />
Spaghetti with shrimps 290 g.........................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Rigatoni all'amatriciana<br />
(tomatoes, guanciale, pecorino cheese) 280 g...........................199,<strong>–</strong>
insalate . salads<br />
Insalata di Cesare al pollo alla griglia. Insalata<br />
romana, pollo alla griglia, prosciutto di San<br />
Daniele croccante, dressing di maionese<br />
e acciughe, Parmigiano, crostini di pane<br />
Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, crunchy<br />
pieces of prosciutto di San Daniele,<br />
croutons and caesar dressing made<br />
from mayonnaise, anchovies and<br />
Parmigiano Reggiano cheese 250 g.............................179,<strong>–</strong><br />
Insalata di Cesare ai gamberi e avocado.<br />
Insalata romana, gamberi, avocado,<br />
pomodorini, dressing di maionese e acciughe,<br />
Parmigiano, crostini di pane<br />
Romaine lettuce, shrimps, avocado,<br />
cherry tomatoes, croutons and caesar<br />
dressing made from mayonnaise, anchovies<br />
and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese 250 g................189,<strong>–</strong><br />
Insalata di tonno rosso. Filetti di tonno rosso<br />
sott’olio della nostra produzione, fagioli<br />
giganti di Spagna, cipolle di Tropea, misticanza,<br />
olio extra vergine di oliva e aceto di vino rosso<br />
Filet of red fin tuna marinated in oil<br />
with white beans, red Tropea onions,<br />
mixed green salad, extra virgin olive oil<br />
and red wine vinegar 250 g................................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Insalata calda<br />
di cavolfiore con polipetti<br />
Warm cauliflower salad with octopus,<br />
capers, olives and tomatoes 270 g...............................229,<strong>–</strong><br />
griglia e carne . grill & meat<br />
Padella tirolese con uova,<br />
speck e patate<br />
Tyrolese skillet with eggs, speck<br />
and potatoes 300 g......................................................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Straccetti di pollo fritti con insalata<br />
mista e maionese all’aglio<br />
Fried chicken strips with salad<br />
and homemade garlic aioli 200 g..................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Panino con tagliata<br />
di manzo, peperoni e cipolla<br />
Panino sandwich with sliced beef,<br />
peppers and onions 200 g....................................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Padella con salsiccia e fagioli toscani<br />
Skillet with salsiccia and<br />
tuscan beans 240 g.....................................................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Burger italiano con San Marzano<br />
pomodori confit e stracciatella<br />
Italian burger with confit of San Marzano<br />
tomatoes and Stracciatella cheese 200 g.............229,<strong>–</strong><br />
Burger di padrino e patate fritte<br />
Beef burger Padrino with pancetta,<br />
fried egg, provolone cheese and chilli<br />
peppers, served with fried potatoes 200 g.........259,<strong>–</strong><br />
menu per bimbi . Kids’ <strong>Menu</strong><br />
pesce . Seafood<br />
Calamaretti scottati alla pizzaiola con<br />
pomodorini, olive, capperi e salsa agrodolce<br />
Grilled calamari with tomatoes, olives,<br />
capers, sweet and sour sauce 230 g...........................239,<strong>–</strong><br />
Gnocchi al pomodoro<br />
Gnocchi with tomatoes (veg.) 180 g....................................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
Polpette con patatine fritte<br />
Meatballs with fried potatoes 150 g...........................149,<strong>–</strong><br />
Fritto misto di pesce con patate<br />
fritte e maionese al limone<br />
Fried seafood and fish with fried<br />
potatoes and lemon mayonaise 250 g......................249,<strong>–</strong><br />
Trota salmonata alle nocciole<br />
con polenta allo zafferano<br />
Fillets of wild salmon trout from<br />
the river in Trentino with nuts and<br />
saffron polenta 260 g...............................................................359,<strong>–</strong><br />
Bistecca di tonno con capperi,<br />
olive e cipolle rosse di Tropea<br />
Fillet of tuna with caper, olives and<br />
red onion Tropea 200 g..........................................................399,<strong>–</strong>
pizza<br />
gourmet<br />
32 cm / 45 cm<br />
classica<br />
32 cm / 45 cm<br />
Pizza Prosciutto di San Daniele<br />
Tomatoes, mozzarella, prosciutto<br />
di San Daniele DOP..............................................199,<strong>–</strong> / 299,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Mozzarella di bufala<br />
Tomatoes, fresh Datterino<br />
tomatoes, mozzarella di bufala DOP,<br />
black olives, basil (veg.).......................................219,<strong>–</strong> / 319,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Tonno e cipolla di Tropea<br />
Tomatoes, tuna, red Tropea onions,<br />
mozzarella.....................................................................219,<strong>–</strong> / 319,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza ai quattro formaggi<br />
Strachi di capra goat cheese,<br />
cows-milk cheese Robiola,<br />
buffalo-milk cheese Treccia,<br />
cows- milk Gorgonzola,<br />
mozzarella (veg.)...................................................... 239,<strong>–</strong> / 339,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Marinara<br />
Tomatoes, garlic, oregano (veg.)....................99,<strong>–</strong> / 159,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Margherita<br />
Tomatoes, mozzarella, basil (veg.).............119,<strong>–</strong> / 189,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Napoletana<br />
Tomatoes, mozzarella, capers,<br />
anchovies, black olives......................................139,<strong>–</strong> / 199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Salame piccante<br />
Tomatoes, mozzarella,<br />
spicy Napoli salami............................................ 149,<strong>–</strong> / 209,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Prosciutto cotto<br />
Tomatoes, prosciutto cotto,<br />
mozzarella, basil....................................................189,<strong>–</strong> / 289,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pizza Capricciosa<br />
Tomatoes, mozzarella, prosciutto<br />
cotto, artichokes, mushrooms...................189,<strong>–</strong> / 289,<strong>–</strong><br />
pinsa<br />
Pinsa con mozzarella e pomodori<br />
Pinsa with mozzarella and tomatoes (veg.).........119,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pinsa al prosciutto crudo e rucola<br />
Pinsa with prosciutto crudo and arugula..........179,<strong>–</strong>
colazioni . breakfast<br />
salate . savory breakfast<br />
Uova strapazzate con pomodorini<br />
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes (veg.).......................... 89,<strong>–</strong><br />
Uova strapazzate con speck<br />
Scrambled eggs with speck................................................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
Uova all’occhio di bue<br />
Fried egg................................................................................................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
Padella tirolese con uova, speck e patate<br />
Tyrolese skillet with eggs,<br />
speck and potatoes 300 g.....................................................199,<strong>–</strong><br />
Panini — Sandwiches. According<br />
to the daily specials.<br />
dolci . sweet breakfast<br />
Yogurt con müsli<br />
(yogurt: bianco, limone, fragola, frutti<br />
di bosco, miele e melissa, caffè)<br />
Yoghurt with muesli:<br />
plain, lemon, strawberry, fruits of the forest,<br />
honey and lemon balm, coffee..........................................79,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pane tostato con marmellate<br />
Toast with a selection of jams.........................................79,<strong>–</strong><br />
Selezione di dolci per colazione (croissant, brioche, ...)<br />
A selection of sweet pastries (croissant,<br />
brioche, ...). According to the daily specials.<br />
caffè e bevande calde .<br />
COFFE <strong>AN</strong>D HOT BEVERAGES<br />
caffè<br />
Espresso, ristretto Goppion.................30 ml / 20 ml 29,<strong>–</strong><br />
Lungo............................................................................120—140 ml 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Doppio...................................................................................... 60 ml 58,<strong>–</strong><br />
Cappuccino........................................................................200 ml 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Caffè latte...........................................................................300 ml 49,<strong>–</strong><br />
Caffè frappé.....................................................................300 ml 69,<strong>–</strong><br />
Flat white; A double espresso made<br />
from 18 g of coffee with milk froth,<br />
served in a glass........................................................... 180 ml 79,<strong>–</strong><br />
bevande calde . hot beverages<br />
Tè<br />
Black tea, Fruit tea, Green tea.......................300 ml 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Tisana di menta fresca / di zenzero<br />
Tea made from fresh mint or ginger........300 ml 49,<strong>–</strong><br />
Cioccolata calda<br />
Hot Chocolate.................................................................300 ml 49,<strong>–</strong><br />
Vin brulé<br />
Mulled wine...................................................................... 150 ml 79,<strong>–</strong><br />
Bombardino<br />
Egg-based liqueur with rum<br />
and mascarpone............................................................100 ml 99,<strong>–</strong>
vini . WINES<br />
spumanti . sparkling wines<br />
1,5 dl<br />
rossi . red wines<br />
1,5 dl<br />
Prosecco Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG,<br />
Extra Dry, Drusian, Veneto.................................................69,<strong>–</strong><br />
Lugana Brut DOC, Pasini San Giovanni,<br />
Lombardia...........................................................................................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
Rosso Conero DOC, Le Terrazze,<br />
Marche, 2014.....................................................................................69,<strong>–</strong><br />
Dolcetto di Dogliani DOCG, Papà Celso,<br />
Marziano Abbona, Piemonte, 2015..............................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
bianchi . white wines<br />
1,5 dl<br />
Nero d'Avola Noto Rosso DOC, Zisola,<br />
Mazzei, Sicilia, 2014...................................................................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
Vermentino di Toscana IGT, Belguardo,<br />
Mazzei, Toscana, 2015.............................................................79,<strong>–</strong><br />
Rosso di Montalcino DOC, San Polino,<br />
Toscana, 2015................................................................................159,<strong>–</strong><br />
Grechetto Umbria IGT, Fiorfiore,<br />
Roccafiore, Umbria, 2013..................................................... 89,<strong>–</strong><br />
da dessert . dessert wines<br />
0,6 dl<br />
Gavi di Gavi DOCG, La Meirana,<br />
Broglia, 2015..................................................................................... 89,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pigliatello Bianco Toscana IGT,<br />
Salcheto, Toscana, 2007.........................................................99,<strong>–</strong><br />
Pinot Grigio, Dessimis, Vie di Romans,<br />
Friuli-Venezia Giulia, 2014...............................................169,<strong>–</strong>
evande analcoliche .<br />
bevande alcoliche .<br />
Bibite fresche fatte in casa<br />
• limonata • lamponi • fragole con basilico e aceto<br />
balsamico • rapa rossa e limone • sambuco • timo<br />
Homemade fresh soft drinks<br />
• lemon • raspberry • strawberry with basil<br />
and Aceto Balsamico • beetroot with lemon<br />
• elderberry • thyme................................................. 0,4 l 59,<strong>–</strong><br />
Tè nero / verde freddo con limone fatto in casa<br />
Homemade iced black / green tea<br />
with lemon.............................................................................. 0,4 l 59,<strong>–</strong><br />
Paoletti<br />
• Grapefruit • orange<br />
• herbs • tonic...............................................................0,25 l 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Succo di mela<br />
Apple juice.............................................................................. 0,2 l 49,<strong>–</strong><br />
Spremuta di pompelmo / arancia<br />
Fresh pressed fruit juices<br />
grapefruit / orange......................................................... 0,2 l 59,<strong>–</strong><br />
Crodino — Non-alcoholic aperitif.................... 0,1 l 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Birra analcolica semi scura Birell<br />
Non-alcoholic semi-dark lager Birell.........0,33 l 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Acqua Dolomia naturale / frizzante<br />
Dolomia bottled water,<br />
still /sparkling.................................................................0,33 l 39,<strong>–</strong><br />
Acqua Dolomia naturale / frizzante<br />
Dolomia bottled water,<br />
still /sparkling................................................................. 0,75 l 59,<strong>–</strong><br />
Acqua filtrata<br />
Micro-filtered water...................................0,5 l / 1 l 9,<strong>–</strong> / 18,<strong>–</strong><br />
birra . beer<br />
Birra non filtrata<br />
Trautenberk 11° alla spina<br />
Unfiltered beer Trautenberk,<br />
11º, on draft...............................................0,3 l / 0,5 l 35,<strong>–</strong> / 49,<strong>–</strong><br />
cocktails . alcoholic drinks<br />
Hugo Spritz<br />
Prosecco, elderberry syrup,<br />
mint, lime, soda................................................................. 0,3 l 69,<strong>–</strong><br />
Aperol Spritz<br />
Prosecco, Aperol, soda................................................ 0,2 l 89,<strong>–</strong><br />
distillati . distillates<br />
Amaro 35° Nonino......................................................... 0,04 l 79,<strong>–</strong><br />
UE Uvabianca 38° Nonino..................................... 0,04 l 79,<strong>–</strong><br />
Grappa Chardonnay barrique<br />
41° Nonino.............................................................................0,04 l 89,<strong>–</strong><br />
Grappa Antica cuvée barrique<br />
43° Nonino......................................................................... 0,04 l 149,<strong>–</strong><br />
Hruškovice Pirus / Williams<br />
43° Nonino......................................................................... 0,04 l 149,<strong>–</strong><br />
Our staff will be happy to provide<br />
information about any allergens<br />
found in our food and beverages.