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Professional Team in <br />

Auditor<br />

Mr. Simone D’Ambrosi<br />

November 1989: Graduated cum laude in Business Administration at the “Libera Università degli Studi Sociali” (L.U.I.S.S.)<br />

of Rome.<br />

January 1990 – July 1993: Professional activity at the Locatelli – Della Chiesa accounting firm at Via Sardegna 50,<br />

Rome, first as a trainee and then as an associate. During this period, Mr. D’ Ambrosi dealt with problems concerning tax,<br />

corporate, and commercial issues for medium-sized to large businesses.<br />

In regard to appraisals, he participated actively in the appraisal of companies and company divisions, even large companies<br />

(Lloyd’s International Insurance Company S.p.A. / Division of B.P. Italy S.p.A.). Together with the heads of the firm, he<br />

also provided assistance for extraordinary transactions such as conversions, mergers, and winding-up of medium-sized<br />

companies.<br />

From October 1990 to June 1991 he participated in the Specialization Course in Tax Law and Company Tax Accounting<br />

at the School of Management of the Free International University of Social Sciences;<br />

From February 1992 to September 1992 he participated in the training course on “International Tax Law” at the School of<br />

Political Sciences of La Sapienza University in Rome;<br />

Since July 1993 he heads his own firm in Rome, first at Via Romeo Romei 23, then at Via M. Ficino 5, later at Via<br />

G.B. Martini 6, and currently at Via di Villa Ada 10, with a client base including commercial and industrial companies for<br />

which he provides tax and corporate consulting; for some companies he also provides administrative assistance. In the course<br />

of his own activity, he continues his cooperation with the Locatelli – Della Chiesa firm, concentrating specifically on widely<br />

relevant issues such as expert appraisals, specific corporate transactions, and consulting regarding specific transactions.<br />

He periodically acts as a legal consultant in procedures that concern companies that are his clients.<br />

He has engaged in appraisals for Cassa di Risparmio di Viterbo (Intesa Banking Group).<br />

He has worked for the magazine La Società, published by Ipsoa Publishing;<br />

In the year 1994 he attended the training course for bankruptcy administrators organized by the Association of Graduate<br />

Accountants of Rome – Training School for Bankruptcy Administrators.<br />

From November 9 to December 7, 1999, he participated in the Seminar organized by the Bar Association of Rome,<br />

the Association of Graduate Accountants of Rome, and the Engineers’ Association of the Province of Rome in cooperation<br />

with the Chairman of the Court of Rome on “Technical Consultancy in Civil Proceedings”.<br />

He is a member of the Association of Graduate Accountants and Expert Accountants of Rome since March 10,<br />

1992 (Registration number AA_0<strong>03</strong>761)<br />

He is a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors, holding membership number 66295 (Ministerial Decree of<br />

July 26, 1995 – published in the Official Journal, 4th special series of August 1, 1995, no. 59 bis).<br />

He is a member of the Board of Court-Appointed Expert Witnesses - Civil Section of the Court of Rome since February<br />

10, 2000.<br />

He is a member of the Board of Court-Appointed Expert Witnesses - Penal Section of the Court of Rome since<br />

December 6, 2001.<br />

In 2001, with his colleague Mr. Mario Mastrantoni of Viterbo, he founded “Sintema Servizi” S.r.l. (L.L.C.), a company<br />

still in operation, founded in order to process accounting data and provide a wide range of business services, which<br />

numbers various clients, including notably Allergan S.p.a., a company active in the pharmaceutical sector, for which it has<br />

undertaken the activity of managing its national network of commercial agents on an outsourcing basis.<br />

At this form, he works in a team with payroll accountants and lawyers.<br />

He is also a member of the Board of Auditors of the Fioranello Real Estate S.p.A. company, with its headquarters<br />

in Rome at Le Falcognane (company capital: 5,390,000,000 euro).<br />

He has held the office of member of the Board of Auditors of the following companies:<br />

Techim S.r.l. (L.L.C.); Ecocentro S.p.A.; Erica Ceramics S.p.A. and Erica S.p.A.; Gruppo Tre S S.p.A.; C.T.C. S.r.l. (L.L.C.);<br />

Nepesina S.p.A.

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