Il-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa jilqa` t-talba tal-Kunsill Lokali Mellieħa

Il-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa jilqa` t-talba tal-Kunsill Lokali Mellieħa

Il-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa jilqa` t-talba tal-Kunsill Lokali Mellieħa


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Ittra mibgħuta lill-<strong>Papa</strong> Benedittu XVI<br />

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI<br />

Vatican City State<br />

Your Holiness,<br />

I am the Mayor of <strong>Mellieħa</strong>, a town in the north of Malta, and I am writing on my own behalf<br />

and my fellow Councillors who represent the whole <strong>Mellieħa</strong> community.<br />

Here in <strong>Mellieħa</strong> we have the ancient International Sanctuary dedicated to the Nativity<br />

of Our Lady. It is the oldest Sanctuary in these Islands and very strong tradition holds<br />

that the figure of Our Lady with Baby Jesus was painted by Saint Luke when he was<br />

shipwrecked in the vicinity of <strong>Mellieħa</strong> together with Saint Paul in the year 60 A.D.<br />

In 1960 His Holiness Pope John XXIII invited the Bishops of all Marian Sanctuaries,<br />

amongst them Mons. Michael Gonzi, to concelebrate with Him during the 2nd Vatican<br />

Council. The Pope had acclaimed the Sanctuary of Our Lady of <strong>Mellieħa</strong> as one of ‘le piu’<br />

celebri di tutti le nazioni’and donated an artistic candle to each bishop. Mons. Gonzi later<br />

presented this candle to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of <strong>Mellieħa</strong>, where it is still exhibited<br />

today.<br />

His Holiness Pope Paul VI sent another candle specifically to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of<br />

<strong>Mellieħa</strong> to be put at the feet of the Blessed Virgin in Her Marian Sanctuary. The Maltese<br />

Bishop Mons. M. Gonzi had concelebrated Mass with His Holiness the Pope during the 3rd<br />

Session of the Vatican Council in November 1964 during which Mass he was presented<br />

with this candle. As a sign of appreciation and thanksgiving, a telegram was sent to His<br />

Holiness on behalf of the Bishop, the Clergy and the <strong>Mellieħa</strong> Community.<br />

Then in 1990 His Holiness Pope John Paul II personally visited this Marian Sanctuary<br />

in May. He knelt and prayed in front of the Holy Icon of Our Lady of <strong>Mellieħa</strong> for about<br />

twenty minutes and later addressed the parents of Maltese missionaries scattered all over<br />

the world. His Holiness then presented Rosary Beads of gold and mother of pearl to Our<br />

Lady, in memory of His visit.<br />

Again in 1992 the <strong>Mellieħa</strong> Parish Priest attended the First World Congress on Sanctuaries<br />

and Pilgrimages organized at the Vatican where he represented the Marian Sanctuary of<br />

Our Lady of <strong>Mellieħa</strong>.<br />

Recently, in 2003, when the European Marian Network was formed in Lourdes, with the<br />

encouragement of the Vatican itself, and the best known Sanctuaries in twenty European<br />

countries where chosen, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of <strong>Mellieħa</strong> was selected to represent<br />

the Maltese Islands.<br />

Considering all this, your Excellency, and with Your Holiness visit to Malta between the<br />

17 and the 18 of April this year, we humbly beg to ask that a commemorative memento<br />

be presented by Yourself to this Sanctuary of Our Lady of <strong>Mellieħa</strong> during Your short<br />

stay here. This present to Our Lady will be reverently kept with the other presents in the<br />

Pope’s museum, already established in the same Sanctuary. This will surely increase the<br />

great devotion this Sanctuary enjoys as it is annually visited by thousands of pilgrims from<br />

all over the world.<br />

We remain,<br />

Your Obedient Servant in God,<br />

Robert Cutajar<br />

Mayor<br />

6 Mill-Qieg˙a | Mejju 2010 | Óar©a Nru. 42<br />

6 April 2010<br />

F'Ġunju jinfetaħ<br />

iċ-Ċentru ta'<br />

Matul il-Jum<br />

għall-Anzjani fil-<br />

<strong>Mellieħa</strong><br />

L-Anzjani tagħna jkomplu jingħataw<br />

l-attenzjoni li jixraqilhom mill-Gvern<br />

Ċentrali u l-<strong>Kunsill</strong> <strong>Lokali</strong> <strong>Mellieħa</strong>.<br />

<strong>Il</strong>-Gvern Ċentrali flimkien mal-<br />

<strong>Kunsill</strong> <strong>Lokali</strong> <strong>Mellieħa</strong> fl-4<br />

ta` Ġunju ser ikunu qed jiftħu<br />

ċ-Ċentru ta` Matul il-Jum għall-<br />

Anzjani fil-<strong>Mellieħa</strong>. Dan isservizz<br />

ser ikun qed jingħata<br />

mill-kumpless ta` Dar il-Madonna<br />

<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Mellieħa</strong>. <strong>Il</strong>-<strong>Kunsill</strong> <strong>Lokali</strong><br />

ser ikun qed jorganizza Open<br />

Weekend fid-29 u 30 ta` Mejju<br />

sabiex dawk interessati li jagħmlu<br />

użu minn dan is-servizz, ikollhom<br />

iċ-ċans imorru jaraw il-post u<br />

jiltaqgħu mal-istaff li ser ikun qed<br />

imexxi dan iċ-Ċentru. Matul dan<br />

l-Open Weekend ser jittellgħu<br />

wirjiet ta' pittura artiġġjanat,<br />

diskussjonijiet fuq suġġetti varji<br />

kif ukoll varjeta' mużikali. <strong>Il</strong>-poplu<br />

Mellieħi huwa mistieden sabiex<br />

jattendi u japrezza dan is-servizz<br />

ġdid li ser ikun qed jingħata lill<br />

komunita' Melleħija. Kull min<br />

jixtieq aktar informazzjoni huwa<br />

mitlub li jċempel il-<strong>Kunsill</strong> <strong>Lokali</strong><br />

fuq 21523230.

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