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Libreria Belriguardo di Francesco Magnani

Italian Rare Books

Brief selection of Rare books on Italy and Italian Books

from the XV up to the XIX century

June 2021


Paolo GIOVIO – Ragionamento di Mons. Paolo

Giovio sopra i motti, et disegni d’arme, et d’amore,

che communamente chiamano imprese. Con un

discorso di Girolamo Ruscelli, intorno allo stesso

soggetto – 1556. In Venetia, appresso Giordano

Ziletti, all’Insegna della Stella (BOUND

WITH:) / Andrea ALCIATI – Les Emblemes de

Maistre Andre Alciat, mis en rime francoyse, et

puis nagueres reimprime auec curieuse correction

– 1539. On les vend a Paris, en la maison de

Chrestien Wechel.

Full eighteenth-century rigid vellum, with gilt

titleson a leather patch applied to the spine and,

handwritten, to the lower edge, sprayed edges,

sedicesimo, 16,3 cm; pp. (2b) + (16) + 236 (real

232), 245 + (3b); title pages of both works very

lightly stained, rare blooms in the first work,

missing the last sheet of Alciati’s which would

carry the repeated Wechel letterpress mark on the

verso, overall an excellent copy.

Ragionamento: letterpress in woodcut on the title

page (allegory of the star with the motto “inter

omnes”), some talking caps and final in woodcut,

text in italics.

Emblemes: title page almost entirely in Gothic characters, with beautiful letterpress in woodcut representing Pegasus, woodcut caps,

introduction in French in Gothic type, followed by Latin text in italics with a French translation always in Gothic type; in total 112

allegorical representations in woodcut (most mid-page, some smaller, some larger, two full-page) of emblems.

Graceful and curious juxtaposition of works in some ways similar: the first edition of Giovio's Ragionamento on Enterprises and

the Ruscelli’s Discorso - always on the same theme - and the very rare Latin-French edition of the Emblemata by Alciati. This is

the re-edition, also by Wechel, of the first (French) of 1536, which includes the magnificent woodcut apparatus attributed to Jean

Mercure Jollat, composed of more than one hundred allegorical and symbolic woodcuts.

€ 3570 / $ 4353

(Various Authors)

Beatae Mariae Virginis Officium – 1740.

Venetiis, apud Jo. Baptistam Pasquali //

(BOUND WITH:) Ad Majorem Dei

Gloriam. Laudate Dominum in Sanctis

Ejus Vocatis in Societatem Filii ejus Jesu –

1 7 5 6 . Ve n e t i i s , e x Ty p o g r a p h i a


Full leather with gilt titles, friezes and fillets

on the boards and spine, gilded edges with

d r y e m b o s s i n g , h a r d s l i p c a s e ;

ventiquattresimo, 13,5 cm; 2 works bound

in one volume; pp. (40) + 427 + (5),

XXXVII; slight traces of use on the case,

overall an excellent copy.

First work: title page with vignette, 16 fullpage

tables and 15 endings, all in copper

engraving by Marco Pitteri based on

drawings by Piazzetta. Second work:

framed title page with vignette, framed

text, 18 full-page copper plates.

€ 1445 / $ 1762

(Various Authors)

Codice di Napoleone il grande pel regno

d’Italia Edizione originale e la sola

ufficiale – 1806. Milano, dalla Stamperia

Reale (“Stampato per cura di L. Nardini,

direttore della Regia stamperia”, as from

the frontispiece).

Half leather with golden titles and fillets

on the spines, boards with floral

decorations in relief; quarto, 31 cm; pp. (2)

+ XXXVI + 633 + (3); both hinges

slightly tired and worn, very rare and

almost imperceptible internal blooms,

overall more than a good copy, fresh and

on rustling paper.

First edition, variant without portrait. Text

in Italian, French and Latin, shown on

page V the promulgation of the code, at

the end of the work “Tavola delle distanze

da Milano a tutti i Capo-luoghi dei

Dipartimenti regolate col ragguaglio del

miriametro al miglio italiano. Seconda


€ 807,50 / $ 984,50

(Various Authors)

Officium Hebdomade Sancte, secundum

consuetudinem Sancte Romane Ecclesie.

A Dominica Palmarum sive Olivarum,

usque ad tertium die Pasche, cum

quibusdam novis orationibus ante

communiones et post, nuper adiectis –

1563. Venetiis impressum, in officina

heredum Luceantonii Juncte (from the


Full moder n r ig id vellum with

handwritten titles in gothic characters on

the spine; ventiquattresimo, 14,7 cm;

leaves 155 + (1); title page a little worn,

overall more than a good copy. Title page

in red and black with typographic mark of

the Giunta in woodcut at the bottom and

woodcut vignette with Jesus Christ

entering Jerusalem on a donkey, following

a beautiful full-page woodcut depicting

Christ on the cross, all text in red and

black with (also talking) initials and 23

woodcut friezes. Ex-libris Renzo and

Mirella Comastri on end paper.

€ 552,50 / $ 674

(Various Authors)

Statuti et ordinationi dell’honoranda

Compagnia de’ Fabbri dell’inclita città di

Bologna. Di nuovo r ifor mati, &

confirmati dall’illustre Reggimento di

detta città – 1579. In Bologna, per

Giovanni Rossi.

Full rigid vellum, entirely covered with

beautiful - leather style - paper, full of

embossed decorations; quarto, 30,8 x 23,3

cm; pp. (2b) + 59 + (3) + (2b); binding

with slight traces of use, almost all papers

(with the exception of the first and last

blank) reinforced at the inner margin, the

first woodcut reinforced on the verso on

all edges, slight blooms. Acephalous copy,

the entire preface and the two woodcuts

representing the Via Crucis and the

Crucifixion of Christ are also missing.

Two beautiful full-page woodcuts, in an

architectural frame, both with a beautiful

vignette relating to the shoeing of a horse

and coats of arms of the city of Bologna,

of Pope Gregory XIII and of the

company of blacksmiths, woodcut

headlines and initials. On the first

endpaper, old bookstore label that indicates the volume as 'very rare'.

First, unique and in fact very rare edition of these statutes relating to the “Compagnia dei Fabbri della città di Bologna”, a

consortium that was responsible for the continuous supply of coal for the city. The internal regulations to be followed for the

members, the rules for elections and the functions of the council are dealt with and then move on to 'technical' addresses on

shoeing, nailing, the type of metals to be used and on how to carry out trade in lawful way.

€ 1530 / $ 1865


Dante con l’espositione di Christofoto

Landino, et di Alessandro Vellutello, Sopra

la sua Comedia dell’Infer no, del

Purgatorio, et del Paradiso. Con tavole,

argomenti, & allegorie, & riformato,

riveduto, & ridotto alla sua vera lettura,

per Francesco Sansovino fiorentino –

1564. In Venetia, appresso Giovambattista,

Marchiò Sessa, et fratelli.

Full rigid vellum with handwritten titles

on the spine and hot stamped on the

lower edge, raised bands; folio, 32,4 x 22,9

cm; sheets (1b) + (28) + 163 + (4) +

[164-392] + (1b); coeval binding with

Japanese paper restorations on the spine

and little damages at the corners,

reassembled (nineteenth-century guard

cards) as well as the title page, title page

with small defects restored on the verso

and deleted ownership notes, restoration

at the bottom corner of the last leaf of the

index table, slight blooms, some burnished

paper, some halo.

Beautiful oval woodcut portrait of Dante with allegorical frame on the title page, headboards and initials in woodcut, 47 beautiful

woodcuts adorn Hell, 22 Purgatory and 28 Paradise, canonical Sessa letterpress mark on the back of the last page. Famous 'nasone'

edition (so known for the portrait of the Poet on the title page, reissue of the first 1544, adorned with a rich and splendid

iconographic apparatus engraved on wood.

€ 5100 / $ 6218


De Civilibus Romanorum bellis historiarum libri quinque. Eiusdem libri

sex: Illyrius, Celticus, Libycus, Syrius, Parthicus, Mithridaticus, &

Romanae historiae prooemium. P. Vellei Paterculi historiae Romanae duo

volumina (BOUND WITH:) // P. Vellei Paterculi. Historiae Romanae

duo volumina, ad M. Vinicium Cos. progenerum Tiberii Caesaris, per

Beatum Rhenanum Selestadiendem ab interitu utcumque vindicata –

1538. Parisiis, ex Officina Michaelis Vascosani.

Full rigid vellum, spine and corners covered in nineteenth-century

parchment, gilded titles on a patch applied to the spine; quarto, 33,5 x 22

cm; two parts in one volume; pp. (36) + 283 + (1b), (20) + 41 + (1b);

slightly stained binding and with traces of wear, marginal woodworm

holes and slight halos at the inner margin for the entire volume but

without ever damaging the text, overall a good copy, marginal, fresh and

on strong and rustling paper.

Modern endpapers, beautiful double woodcut title page, in full page

architectural frame, with cherubs and portraits, beautiful vignette with

representation of the typographic process inside; talking initials - even

large ones - always in woodcut, numerous coeval handwritten glosses.

Fine Parisian edition of the Roman History of Appianus from Alexandria

and the work of Velleius Paterculus, always focuesed on the history of


€ 1445 / $ 1762

ARIOSTO Ludovico

Orlando Furioso di M. Lodovico Ariosto,

tutto ricorretto, et di nuove figure

adornato. Con le Annotationi, gli

Avertimenti, & le Dichiarationi di

Ieronimo Ruscelli. La Vita dell’Autore,

descritta dal Signor Giovan Battista Pigna.

Gli Scontri de’ luoghi mutati dall’Autoree

doppo la sua prima impressione. La

Dichiaratione di tutte le Istorie, & Favoole

toccate nel presente libro, fatta da M.

Nicolò Eugenico. Di nuovo aggiuntovi Li

Cinque Canti, del medesimo Autore. Et

una Tavola de’ principij di tutte le Stanze.

Con altre cose utili, & necessarie / I

Cinque Canti di M. Lodovico Ariosto, i

quali seguono la materia del Furioso. Tutti

di nuovo revisti et ricorretti da molti

importantissimi errori, che sin quì sono

stati in tutti gli altri. Con gli argomenti in

rima, & discorsi di M. Luigi Grotta d’Aria.

Con alcune brevi & impor tanti

annotationi del medesimo – 1565. In

Venezia, appresso Vincenzo Valgrisi.

Full late seventeenth-century vellum with

gilded and framed titles on the spine;

quarto, 25 cm; pp. (16) + 654 + (34); slightly worn binding with traces of handwritten notes on the back board, the corners and

especially the hinges stripped, small lack at the lower edge of the spine, lower headband loose, trimmed title page with very slight

loss of the engraving at the upper margin, slight millstone that goes flat slowly disappearing up to page 255, some slight other small

marginal gore, some browned pages.

Double title page (the first entirely in

woodcut, beautiful architectural frame

with the portrait of the author and female

figures at the top, Valgrisi’s typographical

mark supported by two cherubs under the

title; the second - on page 533 - with

only the mark, also repeated at the end

volume), text on one and two columns,

also in italics, some numbering errors,

speaking initial in woodcut, before each

‘canto’ a beautiful full-page woodcut

vignette is inserted (for a total of 51 fullpage

woodcuts), subject of each panel in a

beautiful woodcut frame that takes up

almost half a page.

Nice illustrated Valgrisi’s edition, printed

along the lines of the first of 1556 but in

this more complete version, being the first

to accompany the 'last five' to the first 46

‘canti’. The edition here shows the dedication by Ruscelli to Alfonso Este dated 1556, it follows the life of Ariosto written by the

Este’s secretary Giovanni Battista Pigna, finally 'To the readers' always by Ruscelli, a short table of names to then begin the poem .

The last 'cinque canti' with notes by Luigi Grotta, follow the ‘stanze' of Mr. Luigi Gonzaga, known as Rodomonte, to M. Lodovico

Ariosto and 'Scontri de’ luoghi, i quali M. Lodovico Ariosto mutò doppo la prima impressione del suo Furioso. Et la cagione

perche lo facesse di luogo in luogo. Raccolti et essaminati dal S. Gio. Battista Pigna’ and, finally, the table edited by Giovanbattista


Perhaps the most beautiful Valgrisi’s edition of the Furioso, in which the 'usual' iconographic repertoire is enriched by the woods

that precede each of the further and final Cinque Canti. The full-page woodcuts, in which the representation of the canto is

entirely surrounded by a beautiful allegorical border, can be traced back to Dosso Dossi, although there is no certain attribution.

€ 1700 / $ 2073

BAROTTI Gian Andrea

Memorie istoriche di letterati ferraresi Opera

postuma di Giannandrea Barotti – 1792 / 1793.

In Ferrara, per gli eredi di Giuseppe Rinaldi.

Half vellum with gilded titles imprinted on

leather patch applied to the spine, sprayed edges,

folio, 28,7 cm; 2 vols.; pp. 423, 387; very slight

traces of use to the binding, very slight blooms,

supplementary restoration to the first blank page

of volume II, overall more than a good marginal

and rustling copy.

€ 510 / $ 622


Pirotechnia del S. Vannuccio Biringuccio senese; nella quale si tratta non solo della diversità delle minere, ma anche di quanto si

ricerca alla pratica di esse. E di quanto s’appartiene all’arte della fusione, ò getto, dei metalli. Far campane, arteglierie, fuochi

artificiali, et altre diverse cose utilissime. Nuovamente

corretta, et ristampata. Con la tavola delle cose notabili –

1559. In Venetia, appresso P. Gironimo Giglio, e


Eighteenth-century half leather with gilt titles and

friezes imprinted on the spine; ventiquattresimo, 14,8

cm; leaves (1) + 345 + (7); slightly worn corners, ancient

paper reinforcement at the inner margin between the

verso of the title page and the verso of the preface first

page, a couple of two-page tears without losses, slight

and sporadic halos and blooms, overall a good copy,

slightly trimmed at the upper margin. Old annotations

of ownership on the title page and on the first blank,

beautiful letterpress in woodcut on the title page,

woodcut initials and 84 vignettes, also in woodcut, in the

text. Fourth edition (third Italian) of this famous

illustrated treatise dedicated to metal casting techniques

and other various and interesting topics such as

mineralogy, pyrotechnics, alchemy, making bells,

goldsmithing, mint, creation of typefaces. Worthy of

mention is the part relating to antimony, the first description of which in order to isolate it dates back to this treaty, the technique is

in fact traced back to Biringuccio.

€ 2295 / $ 2798


Carte de’ Regni di Napoli, e di Sicilia,

loro provincie, ed isole adjacenti, fatte

esattamente incidere da Antonio Bolifoni

nel 1692, ed ora dal dottor Luigi Bolifoni

suo nipote, con piccole mutazioni fatte

ristampare e dedicate alla Sacra Maestà di

Carlo Re di Napoli, infante di Spagna,

Duca di Parma, di Piacenza, e di Castro,

&c. e Gran Principe di Toscana, &c –

1734. In Napoli, nella Stamperia di

Francesco Ricciardo.

Full contemporary leather with gilt titles

and friezes imprinted on the spine, with

embossed raised bands, quarto, 27,5 x 22,5

cm; leaves (1b) + (4); tear with lack of the

first upper compartment of the spine,

slight wear on the hinges, slight internal

blooms, overall good copy. 19 doublepage

copper engravings, almost all

engraved by Francesco Cassiano De Silva

(Kingdom of Naples, Terra di Lavoro,

Campagna Felice, Isola d’Ischia and view

of Procida, Abruzzo Ultra, Abruzzo Citra,

Basilicata, Terra di Bari, Terra d’Otranto,

Calabria Citra, Calabria Ultra, Kingdom

of Sicily, Mazara Valley, Demona Valley, Noto Valley, Headmasters of His Catholic Majesty in Tuscany).

In the dedicatory Luigi Bulison tells of the discovery of the branches dedicated to Naples by his uncle Antonio, “miraculously saved

from the sack” perpetrated by the Alemmanic’s. It is also indicated how this edition was printed in “some few copies to be able to

present them to your Majesty and distribute them to his Ministers, and General Officers” in view of a campaign to acquire the

territories engraved on these plates.

Work – in first and only edition – of good rarity, currently present in only five national libraries in Italy and one foreign, almost

always absent on the market.

€ 6500 / $ 7925

CAPRIATA Pietro Giovanni

The History of the Wars of Italy from the year MDCXIII to

the Year MDCXLIV. In XVIII Books. Written originally in

Italian, by Pietro Giovanni Capriata, Dr at Law. And rendred in

English by Henry Earl of Monmouth – 1663. London, printed

by J. Macock.

Full leather with handwritten titles, visible raised bands and gilt

friezes imprinted on the nails; quarto, 28.5 cm; pp. (2b) + (12)

+ 797 + (5b); very slight traces of use to the binding, giving

about 5 cm to the upper front hinge that does not affect the

strength of the binding, first blank leaf partially detached,

overall a good copy with very fresh and crunchy papers. Small

woodcut vignette on the title page, beautiful double-page

copper plate (with a slight halo in the upper part and probably

re-glued) with a central view of the city of Rome with the

papal coat of arms and 12 other smaller views on the sides (St.

Peter’s Basilica, Basilica of St. Paul, Basilica of St. John Lateran,

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica of Santa Croce in

Gerusalemme, Basilica of San Sebastiano outside the walls,

Basilica of San Lorenzo, Loreto, Naples, Pozzuoli, Malta and

Lucca), ex libris Sir John Dashwood King. First – and very rare

– English translation of the Capriata war chronicle, here

embellished with a beautiful table with 13 views engraved in


€ 722,50 / $ 881

CARTARI Vincenzo

Le vere e nove Imagini de gli Dei delli antichi di

Vicenzo Cartari Reggiano. Ridotte da capo a piedi in

questa novissima impressione alle loro reali, & non piu

per l’adietro osservate simiglianze. Cavate da’ Marmi,

Bronzi, Medaglie, Gioie, et altre memorie antiche; con

esquisito studio, et particolare diligenza da Lorenzo

Pignoria Padovano. Aggiontevi le Annotationi del

medesimo sopra tutta l’opera, et un Discorso intorno le

Deità dell’Indie Orientali, et Occidentali, con le loro

Figure tratte da gl’originali, che si conservano nelle

Gallerie de’ Principi, et ne’ Musei delle persone private.

Con le Allegorie sopra le Imagini di Cesare Malfatti

Padovano, migliorate, & accresciute novamente. Et un

Catalogo del medesimo di cento piu famosi Dei della

gentilità. Il tutto ridotto a somma perfettione, come si può facilmente vedere nella prefatione al Lettore – 1615. In Padova appresso

Pietro Paolo Tozzi, Nella stampa del Pasquati.

Half leather with gilt titles and friezes imprinted on the spine, marbled boards; octavo, 20.8 cm; pp. (2b) + (31) + (1b) + 576 + (4)

+ LXIII + (3b); somewhat loose binding in correspondence with the endpapers (the last white sheet partially detached), missing

pages from LIX to LXII included (therefore missing two woodcuts) of the second part, overall very fresh and clean interiors, very

light and marginal halos. Beautiful vignette engraved on wood on the title page, always on the title page old stamp of belonging

formerly canceled, woodcut heads, initials and endings, 2 woodcut folded plates out of the text, 225 total full-page woodcuts

engraved by Cesare Malfatti. Beautiful edition from the Tozzi press, to which the "Seconda parte delle imagini de gli Dei Indiani"

by Pignoria is added to the Imagini by Cartari.

€ 850 / $ 1036

CLUVER Philipp

Philippi Cluveri Italia Antiqua Opus post

omnium curas elaboratissimum; tabulis

geographicis aere expressis illustratum.

Ejusdem Sicilia Sardinia et Corsica, cum

Indice locuplettisssimo / Philippi Cluveri

Sicilia Antiqua; cum minoribus insulis, ei

adjacentibus. Item Sardinia et Corsica.

Opus post omnium curas elaboratissimum;

taublis geographicis, aere expressis,

illustratum – 1619 / 1624. Lugduni

Batavorum, ex Officina Elseviriana.

Full coeval vellum with handwritten titles

on the spine, modern fastenings; folio,

36.5 x 24 cm; 2 complementary works

bound in 3 volumes (2 Italia antiqua + 1

Sicilia); pp. (2b) + (20) + 786 + (2b), (2b)

+ (4) + [787-1338] + (21) + (3b), (2b) +

(16) + 510 + (12) + (4b); small tear to

two plates without affecting the image,

some blooms in the second volume of

Italia Antiqua, some numbering errors but

complete text, lack of part of the

fastenings in the Sicily antiqua volume, on

the whole more than a good copy with

wise margins. Italia Antiqua: half-title,

beautiful copper engraved portrait of Cluverio in an oval frame at the front door, beautiful allegorical copper engraved title page to

volume I, old handwritten annotation of possession in the lower white margin, to the first volume 9 double-page copper

geographical maps (Summa Italiae Descriptio , Alpium Cottiarum Maritimarum, Rhaetiae et Lepoontiorum, Venetiae, Histriae et

Carnici Agri descriptio, Alpium Penninarum, Etruriae Antiquae descriptio, Umbriae Antiquae descriptio, Sabinorum et Marsorum

Agri carta descriptio, Piceni et Vestinorum – NOTE: Unfortunately missing the plate Galliae Circumpadanae) to the second

volume, title page with classic Elzevirian typographic mark, 4 double-page copper geographical maps (Latii Utriusque, Samni et

Campaniae, Apuliae Mesapiae in qua Calabri ac Salentini et Lucaniae descriptio, Brutii Agri descriptio) and a beautiful engraved

view of Rome always in double page (Antiquae Urbis Romae Descriptio). Sicilia Antiqua: half-title, beautiful copper engraved

allegorical titlepage, old handwritten annotation of possession in the lower white margin, 4 geographical maps on double-page

copper (Siciliae Antiquae Descriptio, same card in Greek with minimal modifications, Insularum Orientali Siciliae lateri divina in

three panels, Corsicae / Sardiniae antiquae descriptio) and a beautiful double-page copper engraved view of Syracuse (Veterum

Syracusarum typus).

First, uncommon edition, of this milestone of Italian geography, elaborated by the famous German geographer following the trip he

made to the peninsula just one year before giving life to this work, which began in 1619 with the relative “commentary” volume to

the islands, later completed and published posthumously in 1624 with the two volumes relating to the entire country.

€ 7000 / $ 8500


Il costume antico e moderno o storia del

governo, della milizia, della religione, delle

arti, scienze ed usanze di tutti i popoli

antichi e moderni provata coi monumenti

dell’antichità e rappresentata cogli

analoghi disegni del dottor Giulio Ferrario

// (WITH:) Aggiunte all’opera Il costume

antico e moderno di tutti popoli cogli

analoghi disegni del dottore Giulio

Ferrario. 1823 / 1837 – 1841. Firenze, per

Vincenzo Batelli.

Half leather with golden titles imprinted

on the spine, marbled boards; octavo, 23.5

cm; 29 volumes in 34 tomes; pp. 11746

overall; very slight traces of use to the

binding, some woodworm holes at the

spines and endpapers, without ever

affecting text or tables, some slight blooms

and physiological redness, 2 detached but

present tables, 3 tables with small tears, overall a good copy. (2) 1661 plates (including maps, views, portraits, landscapes) and 5 tables,

but most of them watercolored in color and some folded several times. Incorrect numbering, as per the index, as some plates are

reported in the same map while other plates have a sub-number. The main work is part of Batelli’s revised and augmented second

edition, with the exception of the first volume of Asia and of the first volume of America (whose number of pages and tables is

unchanged), taken from the next edition, always from Batelli.

€ 3400 / $ 4145

GINANNI Marc’Antonio

L’arte del blasone dichiarata per alfabeto. Con le figure necessarie per la intelligenza de’ termini in molte tavole impresse in rame, e

tre indici, due delle voci in franzese, e latino, uno

d’ nomi delle famiglie, comunità e società, di cui

vi sono l’Ar me blasonate. Del conte

Marc’Antonio Ginanni – 1756. In Venezia, presso

Guglielmo Zerletti.

Full contemporary vellum, boards framed in

double embossed fillet, gilt titles and friezes

imprinted on the spine, raised bands; folio, 33.5

cm; pp. (2b) + 392 + (2b); minimal tears at the

c o r n e r s o f t h e b i n d i n g , l o o s e n e d i n

correspondence with both guard papers, very

fresh interior, strong and rustling paper, beautiful

marginal copy. Nice full page frontispiece

engraved on copper, designed by Andrea Barbiani

and engraved by Pietro Monaco, with a knightly

tournament scene, red and black title page with

vignette, engraved headers, drop caps and endings,

35 copper plates in the text representing a total of

881 Italian families coats of arms. First (and only

original) uncommon edition of the work that

made the Ravenna-born Ginanni famous. Often

considered as the best modern heraldic dictionary,

it is an accurate and very precise treatment of the Italian noble families (to whom the work is dedicated), embellished with a

remarkable iconographic apparatus, with several hundred representations of shields, heralds and blazons.

€ 850 / $ 1036


Cantus Novi Thesauri Musici Liber

Primus Quo Selectissime Planeque Novae,

Nec Unquam In Lucem Editae Cantiones

Sacrae (Quas Vulgo Moteta Vocant)

Continentur Octo, Septem, Sex, Quinque;

Ac Quatuor Vocum, A Prestantissimis Ac

Huius Aetatis, Precipuis Symphoniacis

Compositae, Quae In Sacra Ecclesia

Catholica, Summis Solemnibusque;

Festivitatibus, Canuntur, Ad Omnis

G e n e r i s I n s t r u m e n t a M u s i c a ,

Accomodatae: Petri Ioannelli Bergomensis

De Gandino, Summo Studio Ac Labore

Collectae, Eiusque Expensis Impressae.

Venetis, apud Antonium Gardanum, 1568.

Full parchment with raised bands, large

letter G handwritten in gothic font on the

front board; octavo, 24 cm; excellent and

very fresh copy. Five title pages, one for

each book, with minimal variations of

titles, all in an architectural frame with the

Imperial coat of arms of Maximilian II of

Habsburg at the top and at the bottom

two lions holding up a rose with the

Gardano’s motto Concorde Virtute et Naturae Miraculis; hundreds of woodcut drop caps; dedication to the Emperor Maximilian II;

portrait of Ferdinand I on pp. (8) and 405, coat of arms of Maximilian II on pp. (10) and 413, coat of arms of Ferdinand I on pp.

(12) and 423, coat of arms of Charles Archduke of Austria on pp. (14) and 427 and the coat of arms of Pietro Giovannelli on p. 459,

all by Donat Hubschmann (and not by Daniel Hopfer as reported in some bibliographies); musical notations on staff; indices. Very

rare first edition of this sort of anthology of music at the time of the Habsburgs. It contains, among the many, compositions by

Jacob Regnart, Jacobus Vaet, Matthias Zaphelius, Michel-Charles des Buisson, Henri de la Corte. For some of these composers, the

works reproduced in the cantus novi thesauri musici remain the only testimony of their works.

This is one of the most sumptuous and pretentious works of a musical nature in the book production of the Renaissance, with a

clear intention to commemorate the Habsburg court as well as the music itself. These are five books in a single volume, with a

height of approx. 24 cm, an unusual format at the time for musical texts. Signature a-ooo4 for pages (15) + 467 (real 466). Each

book has its own title page, each of which differs only in the title of the book. This is enclosed in a very elegant woodcut

architectural frame: at the base, a typographic mark by Gardano, a lion and a bear holding a flower and the motto Concordes virtute

et naturae miracolis; on the sides two human figures, one male and one female, like columns; in the center at the top imperial coat

of arms of Maximilian II and two winged figures with laurel wreaths. Dedication to the emperor himself, dated 10 August 1568;

various portraits and woodcut coats of arms follow: Ferdinand I (c. A3r, repeated in gggr), coat of arms of Maximilian II (c. A4r,

repeated in hhhr), coat of arms of Ferdinand I (c. Br, repeated in iii2r), vignette with nature dead (c. B2v), coat of arms of Charles

Archduke of Austria (c. B2r, repeated in iii4r), insignia of Pietro Giovannelli (c. Nnn4r). In reference to these numerous woodcuts,

at least in a past auction sales, the author of the same was indicated in Daniel Hopfer. But this is a mistake. Now, the monogram that

identifies each engraving is, yes, DH, but it is the monogram of Donat Hubschmann, as can be seen from numerous other

compositions by him with the same monogram as their signature. Each book contains an index of the various musical compositions

motets, to be precise as the last page. The entire volume, decorated with hundreds of talking drop caps, is articulated on the staff.

There is scarce news about Pietro Giovannelli (Petrus Ioannellus Gergomensis de Gandino). It is known that he was born in

Gandino di Bergamo in the sixteenth century and that he was a musician. There are those who identify him with a character of the

same name, typographer and bookseller who practiced in Emilia Romagna, but there are no certainties. His name is only

remembered by virtue of the compilation of this book. On Antonio Gardano instead we know something more. Part of an active

family of Venetian printers (active from the mid-sixteenth century to almost the entire seventeenth century), he is probably the

most famous of his lineage. In addition to being a typographer, he was also a musical composer and this certainly helped him in the

innovations he brought to the printing of musical texts. In fact, he was able to combine notes and musical line through a single

impression, when at the time for this operation it was customary to repeat the operation at least three times. Over the years

Gardano had specialized in the publication of numerous motets, those compositions for two and three voices of a sacred nature that

will later compose the cantus. The latter saw the light, as mentioned, in 1568, that is a year before Antonio died and his business

passed to his children, continuing to maintain a leading role in musical typography. The Cantus is made up of 257 motets, for a

minimum of two and a maximum of eight voices. The composers of the works contained in this book are: Andrea Gabrielli, Georg

Prenner, Jacobus Vaet, André Pevernage, Alexander Utendal, Giaches de Wert, Orlando di Lasso, Joaquin Desprès, Philippe Due, Jean

Guyot, Jacobus Regnart, Matthias Zapfelius, Johannes Deslins , Michael Buissons, Michael Deiss, Simon de Roy, Joannes Chainée,

Stephan Mahu, Franciscus Mergot, Antonio Galli, Wilhelmus Formellis, Adam de Ponte, Jacob van Brouck, Gregorius Trehou, Petrus

Speillier, Antoine de la Court, Henry de la Court, Joannes Lois, Christiaan Jansz Hollander, Lambert de Sayve and Johannes de

Cleve. For some of these authors, the pieces shown in the Cantus represent the only surviving written testimony of their

compositions. Of particular interest, among the many, is the composition of Regnart in praise of Alfonso Este (in Laudem

illustrissimi principis Alphonsi Estensis Ferrarie Ducis, p. 443, lll4r) and that of Henry de la Court in memory of Pietro Piovannelli

himself (in memoriam Petri Ioannelli huius operis collectoris, page 460 ooov). The whole work is intrinsically a celebration of the

music itself, even before the illustrious and sacred characters to whom the compositions are addressed. Likewise, it is an almost

memorial volume, a testimony and a tribute that Giovanelli wanted to address to that Habsburg court where, it is assumed, he

found asylum. One volume, five books that transmit very strong emotions, both for the care and typographic composition, and for

the historical, cultural and musical legacy it bears witness to.

€14450 / $ 17618


Teatro geneologico et istorico delle

antiche, & illustri famiglie di Ferrara del

Conte, e Cavaliere Alfonso Maresti

ferrarese. Tomo primo. All’Eminentissimo,

e Reverendissimo Principe il Sig.

Cardinale Sigismondo Chigi. / Tomo

secondo. All’Altezza Serenissima di

Francesco II Duca di Modona, Reggio

etc. – 1678 / 1681. In Ferrara, nella

Stampa Camerale.

Coeval rustic marbled cardboard with

handwritten titles on a patch applied to

the spine; quarto, 34,5 cm (32,5 cm the

second volume, a little shorter at the

upper margin); pp. (2b) + (4) + 264 +

(2b), (2b) + (16) + 226 + (6) + (2b); both

bindings with traces of use (that of the

second volume quite loose), some rare

internal blooms but overall very fresh and

rustling papers, pages 75-78 of the second

volume detached and with the upper

internal corner completely torn (but

present, without hence loss of text), on

the other hand good copy. Both title pages

– framed in double fillet like all the text –

in red and black with the Chigi coat of arms woodcut in the first volume and typographic mark in the second (also present at the

end of tome I), headings, initials and endings in woodcut, each family bears the own coat of arms in woodcut; in the first volume

11 full-page woodcut plates (“Perspective of the Tower of Ricobello” pag. 41, “Brief sketch of the Island that was called Fero

d’Alieno, overo Ferrara, which is nowadays the Friar”, pag. 70, ” Compendious prospectus of the island, which was called Vico-

Abenza, and later Ferrariola, where today is Voghenza “page 72,” Ristretto del Prospetto, as Ferrarola was found, ò Ferrara

Traspadana the year 698. when at 15. August the People passed the Po “page 94,” Compendious drawing as the city of Ferrara was

found to be the year 768. after the death of Giovanni Secondo Bendedei “page 98,” Drawing as the city of Ferrara was found year

839, after the Death of Bendedio II de Bendedei “page 107,” Palazzo Regio, which in the year 1101. it was later destroyed by

Countess Matilda for contempt of Ferraresi “page 111”, funerary monument of Alessandro Bendedei in San Paolo page 116,

Embellishment of the city of Ferrara page 119, “Drawing of Ferrara as it was left by Timothy II” page 126, ” Drawing of Ferrara as

it was left by Timoteo III “pag. 127) plus various family trees; to the second tome beautiful family coat of arms of the Este family in

woodcut at the verso of the title page, 4 full-page woodcut plates (“In this way the city of Ferrara was destroyed by the army of the

Duchess Matilda d’Este” pag. 50, “Drawing or prospectus of the city of Ferrara, which shows that after being destroyed & c. It was

rebuilt by his fellow citizens in six years in the way you see “page 52,” Drawing ò Prospectus of the place called Ferrata, overo Frata,

in front of the esplanade and other surrounding places “Page 60,” Statue of Duke Hercules “page 152) and various family trees.

First and only original edition of this important treatise by Alfonso Maresti (the two original volumes of Alfonso are proposed here,

the third – published in 1708 – was compiled by his son Francesco); unfinished work, due to his death. In addition to the countless

historical and genealogical information contained in the two volumes, the iconographic apparatus composed of numerous woodcut

plates representing some monuments but above all views of Ferrara in various periods of its history, from the early Middle Ages up

to pre-Renaissance.

€ 1020 / $ 1244



Delle antichità Estensi ed Italiane trattato

d i L o d ov i c o A n t o n i o M u r a t o r i

Bibliotecario del Serenissimo Rinaldo I

Duca di Modena, Reggio, Mirandola & c.

Parte prima in cui si espone l’Origine ed

Antichità della Casa d’Este, e la sua

diramazione nella Linea Reale ed

Elettorale del Regnante Monarca della

gran Bretagna Giorgio I e de i Duchi di

Brunsuic, e Luneburgo, e nella Linea de’

Marchesi d’Este, de i Duchi di Ferrara, di

Modena & c. E si rapportano i

Documenti, e le Pruove, che occorrono /

Delle Antichità Estensi continuazione, o

sia Parte Secondam composta, e dedicata

all’Altezza di Serenissima di Francesco III

Duca di Modena, Reggio, Mirandola et c.

Principe di Carpi, e Correggio, Marchese

d’Este, e della Concordia, Conte di

Novellara et c. Da Lodovico Antonio

Muratori suo Bibliotecario – 1717 / 1740.

In Modena, nella Stamperia Ducale.

Half leather with titles and friezes

imprinted on the spine, marbled boards; folio, 37 x 26,5 cm 2 volumes;

pp. (2b) + XXXI + (1b) + (24) + 439 + (3b), (2b) + (16) + 736 +

(2b); lower margin of the spine of the first volume reinforced with a

leather strip, boards with some paper lacks, slight halos, the most

marked at the outer margin of the last leaves of the first volume, overall

more than good copy, extremely marginal, on strong and rustling paper.

Beautiful full page engraved frontispiece to the first volume with

portrait of King George I of England with cherubs and female figures

holding a representation of Italy, one putto holding a crown, another

crown held by a helmsman on a ship in the background, engraved by

Francesco Maria Francia based on a design by Antonio Consetti,

engraved vignette with cherubs on the title page of the first volume,

woodcut initials, 12 genealogical tables out of the text in the first

volume, others in the text, printed fists scattered in correspondence

with the various years of which it is narrated the story, on the title page

of the second tome an engraved vignette with a portrait of Francesco

III engraved by Giuseppe Benedetti based on a design by Domenico

Fratta, another genealogical table outside the text.

First and important edition of one of Muratori's most famous works,

dedicated to the genealogical study of the Este family and completed

over the course of over twenty years of study and work.

€ 2295 / $ 2798

OSIO Teodato

L’armonia del nudo parlare overo la musica ragione della voce continua

nella quale a forza di aritmetiche et di musiche speculationi si pongono

alla prova le regole sino al presente stabilite da gli osservatori del numero

della prosa et del verso (L’armonia del nudo parlare con ragione di

numeri pitagorici discoperta da Teodato Osio all’Ecc.mo Sr. Don Fran.co

di Melo) – No date (but 1637 from dedication).

In Milano per Carlo Ferrandi. Coeval soft cardboard with titles on gusset

applied to the spine; sedicesimo, 16 cm; pp. (16) 35 (1) 191; half-title page

restored without loss of text, overall excellent copy. Title of eyelet slightly

different from that of the title page; full page engraved title page;

dedicatory (which shows the year of printing) to Count Don Francesco

Braganza; initials, friezes and endings in woodcut; 11 tipped plates folded

several times; editorial glosses.

First edition, uncommon and of a certain rarity. Osio was probably the

first to integrate the aesthetic charge of music into an aesthetic

relationship with poetry and human history in general, in a sort of

harmonic-rhetorical connection and custom.

€ 2125 / $ 2591


Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio. Ridotte da

Giovanni Andrea Dell’Anguillara, in ottava

rima. Impressione sesta, al Christianissimo

Rè di Francia Henrico secondo. Con

l’Annotationi di M. Gioseppe Horologgi,

novamente corretto, et ristampato. Con

Postille, et con gli Argomenti nel

principio di ciascun libro di M. Francesco

Turchi – 1578. In Venetia, appresso

Camillo Franceschi.

Rustic cardboard, spine covered in

parchment with handwritten titles,

handwritten title even at the bottom edge;

octavo, 21,8 cm; leaves (1b) + (4) + 268 +

(1b); slight traces of use on the binding,

old ownership notes formerly canceled on

the title page, sporadic and very slight

halos, slightly more marked halo than the

last 15 leaves without ever compromising

the usability of the text, overall a good

copy. Title page with beautiful woodcut

letterpress (bird of prey that feeds its

puppies with its own interior, framed and

motto “I offend me for only feed you”,

initials, headings and endings in woodcut,

each book with beautiful woodcuts (15 in total) at three quarter page in beautiful architectural frames, text mainly in italics on two

columns, with the exception of the final annotations to each book, usual numbering errors.

Beautiful and uncommon sixteenth-century illustrated edition of Ovid’s Matamorphoses, in the sixth impression of the octave

reduction rhyme edited by the poet Dell’Anguillara.

€ 850 / $ 1036

PIEROZZI (Saint) Antonino

In nomine Sancte ac invividue trinitatis.

Incipit prologus, Tertie partis Summe Beati

Antonini, archipresulis florentini ordinis

predicatorum – (1480). Impressa Venetijs,

industry atque impensa Leonardi Wild de

Regensburg (dating from the colophon in

the second volume, missing here).

Half leather from the end of the 18th

century, gilt titles and floral friezes

imprinted on the spine, boards covered in

Remondini-like paper, sprayed edges;

quarto, 31,2 x 22 cm; leaves (1b) + (219) +

(1b), signature A-N10 O8 P-Q10 R8 S10

T8 V-Y10 Z8; peeling at the binding, with

some holes and woodworm walkways, first

flying white paper but present, missing the

A1 (blank) leaf, a dozen of the first leaves

have a cut on the outer margin, in

correspondence with an old pen stroke,

some holes of woodworm and slight halos

that do not in any way affect the fruition of

the work, Z8 leaf and the last blank one

flying but present. Old ownership notes on

leaaf A2 (slightly trimmed) and A4

(formerly erased), always on leaf A2, trace

of an old illegible stamp of belonging, Tabulae on leaves A2 and A3, valuable illuminated initial (in gold, red, cobalt, ocher and two

shades of pink) on A4 leaf, initials inscribed in red and cobalt throughout the volume, text in gothic characters, on two columns and

on 58 lines (59 counting the signature), last ownership note after the last line of text on page Z8, handwritten glosses and ‘manicula’

in the margins on various leaves.

Only the first volume of the third part (complete in two volumes) of the Summa of Antonino Pierozzi, theologian originally from

Florence. This volume initially focuses on the sacrament of marriage and then moves on to various instructions (addressed to the

ecclesiastical and lay Florentine world of the mid-1400) on multiple ethical and theological themes. Incunabulum printed twenty

years after the author’s death.

€ 3300 / $ 4000

PIGNA Giovanni Battista

Historia de Principi di Este di Gio. Batt. Pigna, a donno Alfonso Secondo, Duca di Ferrara. Primo volume. Nel quale si contengono

congiuntamente le cose principali della rivolutione del Romano Imp. in fino al M. CCCC. LXXVI. – 1570. In Ferrara, appresso

Francesco Rossi Stampator Ducale.

Full parchment with handwritten titles on the spine; quarto, 34,7 cm; pp. (8) 635

(119 of various tables and genealogical trees); minimal tears on the binding, small

and absolutely irrelevant woodworm holes in the inner margin, rare blooms and

water gore, overall a good copy with papers that are still fresh, crunchy and

rustling. Title page with woodcut vignette that reproduces the coats of arms of

the Princes of Este; stamp belonging to the old library of Cardinal Giuseppe

Renato Cardinali in the lower margin of the title page; to the back of the title

page it is applied the ex-libris by Archbishop Francesco Vitelli; woodcut talking

caps and editorial glosses in the margins.

Rare first edition of the History of the Este Princes of Pigna, of which only this

first volume was published. This copy is also embellished with references to the

important previous owners: Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali (as per the

stamp on the title page) and Archbishop Francesco Vitelli (as per the ex-exlibris

applied to the back of the title page). Work with a dedication to Alfonso II d’Este

where Pigna traces the intention to have this first volume followed by another of

equal size, the latter effort that will not take place due to the premature death of

the Author. Splendid and clean editorial composition of Francesco Rossi’s presses

that give us a work with wide margins, with the magnificent woodcut of arms on the title page, talking drop caps and numerous

comments in the margins of the text. The Historia closes with 60 papers of very copious tables and genealogical trees on the

descendants of Este (in one case expanded by an anonymous handwritten note); finally, the errors, the register and the inquisitorial


€ 1275 / $ 1555

PLINIUS (the elder)

C. Plinii Secundi Historiae Mundi libri XXXVII. Maiore, quam hactenus unquam, studio, fide, religione à vitiis quibus multiplici

olim impressione contaminati suerant, vindicati. Adiectis ad marginem non minus doctis quàm succinctis Castigatiunculis, partim è

vetustissimorum codicum collatione erutis, partim gravissimorum scriptorum autoritate, doctissimorúmque hominim iudicio aptè

appositis: quas ad syncerioris lectionis indagationem, velut in tenebris accensa face, non parum lucis confidimus allaturas. Una cum

Indice totius operis copiosissimo, non poenitenda rursus accessione locupletato, locisque

propemodum innumeris, quae cum autoris sensis non fatis congruebant, quàm

accuratissimè restituto (WITH:) / In C. Plinii Secundi Naturalem Historiam Index

Copiosissimus – 1561. Lugduni, apud Ioannem Frellonium (Lugduni, excudebat

Symphorianus Barbier, see second part’s last page).

Nineteenth-century half leather with titles, friezes and golden fillets imprinted on the

spine, four raised bands, parchment boards but entirely covered in marbled paper, traces

of ancient friezes impressed on each of the cuts; folio, 40,8 x 28 cm; pp. (36) + 679 +

(1b) + (70) + (1b), (185) + (3b); traces of use to the binding, including the upper

external corner of the worn front board, first white missing (probably applied to the title

page’s verso as a reinforcement?), very small lack reinstated in the title page, some

browned pages, others with slight stains and blooms, slight path of woodworm at the

inner margin from sheet B4 on 16 sheets, away from the text, another at the lower outer

corner from page 341 to 357, another from 605 to 637, at the inner margin from pag.

677 for 20 sheets, another walkway in the second part on the white margin of 8 sheets

and one in 30 sheets of the final index, overall a good copy though, on still rustling paper.

Double title page, each with a letterpress (crab and butterfly in an architectural frame with the motto “Matura”) engraved on

copper, engraved initials, a couple of handwritten notes from the seventeenth century.

Imposing and uncommon Lyon edition of the mid-sixteenth century of the famous Natural History of Pliny the Elder, edited by

Johannes Nicolaus Victorius and Sigmund Gelen.

€ 1360 / $ 1658

PLINIUS (the elder)

Historia naturale di G. Plinio Secondo. Tradotta per M.

Lodovicho Domenichi. Con le additioni in margine, nelle

quali, ò vengono segnate le cose notabili, ò citati altri Auttori,

che della stessa materia habbiano scritto, ò dichiarati i luoghi

difficili, ò posti i nomi di Geografia moderni. Di nuovo

ristampate, riviste, & ricorrette. Con le sue tavole copiosissime

di tutto quel che nell’opera si contiene – 1589. In Venetia,

appresso Gio. Battista Uscio.

Nineteenth-century half leather with gilt titles and friezes

imprinted on the spine, marbled boards; octavo, 21,2 cm; pp.

(2b) + 55 + (1b) + 1189 + (3b); peeling at the bottom corner

of the front board, small restoration on the title page and at the

corner of the a3 sheet, halos scattered here and there, some

browned gatherings, a couple of light woodworm walkways on

the inner margin, without ever affecting the text. Typographic

mark (San Pietro in oval, allegorical frame and motto Iusti

Intrabunt for Eam), in woodcut on the title page, headers,

initials and endings in woodcut, numerous editorial glosses.

Octavo Venetian edition of the late sixteenth century, in almost

pocket format, of the classic by Plinius the elder.

€ 1062,50 / $ 1295


L’isole piu famose del mondo descritte da

Thomaso Porcacchi da Castiglione

arretino e intagliate da Girolamo Porro

padovano, al Sereniss. Principe et Sig.re il

S. Don Giovanni d’Austria General della

Santiss. Lega – 1572. In Venetia, appresso

Simon Galignani et Girolamo Porro.

Full floppy vellum with handwritten titles

on the spine; quarto, 29,8 x 20,8 cm; pp.

(2b) + (22) + (2b) + 117 + (2) + (1b);

parchment stripped in its entirety except

at the upper edge of the spine, slight

neckline of the binding at the lower edge

in correspondence with the first blank

leaf, some very rare and very slight

internal blooms, overall more than good

copy, very clean and still crisp paper.

Beautiful copper engraved title page in an

architectural frame with male figures in

the shape of columns, four cherubs, an

armillary sphere and two globes, woodcut

vignettes and initials, text also in italics, 30

beautiful half-page copper plates of islands

– many of which show the rose of the

winds and sea monsters – engraved by

Girolamo Porro, letterpress on the last page.

Copy from the Nassau-Dillenburg Library (as per label applied to the first blank page: “Ad Bibliothecam Principalem Arausio-

Nassauiensem Dillengurgicam”), old stamp canceled on the verso of the title page.

First edition of this famous treatise by Porcacchi, illustrated by beautiful maps – each of which accompanied by a refined textual

description -, of which the first fifteen refer to the Mediterranean islands (Venice, Corfu, Morea, Crete, Cyprus, Rhodes, Greek

archipelago, Euboea, Sicily, Malta, Corsica, Sardinia, Elba, Mallorca and Menorca) , followed by six relating to the North Sea

(United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Iceland and Gotland) and five others outside Europe (Haiti, Cuba, San Lorenzo

Island in Alaska, Sri Lanka, Moluccas Islands, the entire North American continent and Temistitan). Finally, the famous Globe and

the beautiful nautical equivalent close the work.

€ 5780 / $ 7047

RIPA Cesare

Nova Iconologia di Cesare Ripa

perugino Cavalier de Ss. Mauritio, &

Lazzaro. Nella quale si descrivono

diverse Imagini di Virtù, Vitij, Affetti,

Passioni humane, Arti, Discipline,

Humori, Elementi, Corpi Celesti,

Provincie d’Italia, Fiumi, tutte le parti

del Mondo, ed’altre infinite materie.

Opera Utile ad Oratori, Predicatori,

Poeti, Pittori, Scultori, Disegnatori, e

ad’ogni studioso. Per inventar Concetti,

Emblemi, ed Imprese, per divisare

qualsivoglia apparato Nuttiale, Funerale,

Trionfale. Per rappresentar Poemi

Drammatici, e per figurare co’ suoi

propij simboli ciò, che può cadere in

p e n s i e r o h u m a n o . A m p l i a t a

Ultimamente dallo stesso Auttore di

Trecento Imagini, e arricchita di molti discorsi pieni di varia eruditione; e con nuovi intagli, et con molti Indici copiosi. Dedicata

all’Illustre, & Rev. Padre D. Massimo da Mantova Decano, & Vicario perpetuo di Civè – 1618. In Padova, per Pietro Paolo Tozzi,

nella stampa del Pasquati.

Full floppy vellum (probably coeval but reassembled in a later period, or eighteenth century, as well as the endpapers) with traces of

handwritten notes on the spine; octavo, 22 x 17 cm; pp. (2b) + (48) + 648 + (2b); worn binding, old ownership note deleted from

the title page, rare and slight blooms, a couple of pages with slightly torn lower margin, overall a good copy, fresh and rustling paper.

Title page with allegorical vignette in woodcut, woodcut caps, full-page engraved portrait of the author in a4v, 306 half-page

woodcut illustrations with architectural decorations on the sides. As often happened, the genitals represented in the illustrations have

been censored here by an ancient hand.

Nice example of the fifth edition of the work that made Ripa famous. Last – and most complete – edition edited by the author in

life. The extraordinary iconographic set – increased from edition to edition and now completed – impregnated with allegorical

symbolism makes the work a true classic. It ranges from the representation of concepts, virtues, geographical places, intended for the

use of artists and writers. The work is considered as a ‘summa’ of allegorical representation, a forerunner and an ever-current source

of inspiration.

€ 2975 / $ 3627

SARDI Gasparo / FAUSTINI Agostino

Libro delle Historie Ferraresi del sig. Gasparo Sardi con una nuova aggiunta del medesimo Autore. Aggiuntivi di più quattro Libri

del Sig. Dottore Faustini sino alla devolutione del Ducato di Ferrara alla

Santa Sede. Con le Tavole di tutti gli due Libri. All’Eminentiss.mo, e

Reverendiss.mo Signore il Signore Cardinale Giulio Sacchetti – 1646.

Ferrara, per Giuseppe Gironi.

Full blank parchment with handwritten titles on the spine; octavo, 22,5

cm; 2 vols. in 1; pp. (10) 230 (28); 182 (28) (4b); traces of use on the

binding, some flowering, numerous woodworm holes especially at the

edges, overall a poor to fair copy. Title page with letterpress mark,

vignettes, initials and end caps engraved, 13 copper engraved full page

plates in and out of the text. Missing title page of the addition of the

Faustini’s; lacking pages from 21 to 28 and from 67 to 70 of the Sardi’s

work and pages from 9 to 16 and from 163 to 166 of the addition by

Faustini; numerous membership notes and handwritten glosses. The

genesis of the work is linked to the controversy over the precedence

that for forty years opposed the representatives of the Este house to the

Medici one, putting into play, beyond the apparent futility of the causes,

reasons of substantial rank and prestige for both families, committed to

consolidating the fortunes of their states. The two authors tell stories

about Ferrara with particular regard for the members of the family of

the Dukes of Este, pushed by them to magnify the glories of the city

and, above all, of its rulers. On Gaspare Sardi (about 1480 – after 1559),

in the Literary History of Italy, Giovanni da Pozzo, speaking of the language used, says that the Histories of Ferrara certainly do not

benefit from a vernacular dedicated to annals aimed at mere support of a still formidable potentate.

€ 700 / $ 850

SCALETTI Carlo Cesare

Scuola mecanico-speculativo-pratica in cui si esamina la proporzione,

che ha la Potenza alla resistenza del Corpo grave, e la causa per la quale

la suddetta Potenza si estenda a maggior’ attività mediante la Machina;

Opera utile all’uso civile, e militare necessaria ad ogni Matematico,

Ingegniero, Architetto, Machinista, e Bombardiere. Autore Carlo Cesare

Scaletti patrizio faentino – 1711. In Bologna, per Costantino Pisarri

sotto le Scuole all’Insegna di S. Michele.

Contemporary full vellum with gilded titles imprinted on leather patch

applied to the spine; quarto, 28 cm; pp. (18) + 188; small restoration at

the first blank, very rare and very slight foxing here and there, some

coeval handwritten glosses, overall an excellent copy with wide margins.

First edition; copper engraved frontispiece on full page; title page with

typographic mark; ornate end caps and drop caps; 12 copper plates

outside the text.

€ 1650 / $ 2000

(SCALIGERO Giuseppe Giusto)

Yvonis Villiomari Aremorici In locos controversos

Roberti Titii animadversorum liber. Ad

Nobilissimum virum Andream Oessentum

Quinpentonij et Burentelli dominum,

Maecenatem suum. Cum Duplici indice, altero

auctorum utriusque linguae, qui in hoc libro aut

emendantur, aut illustrantur, aut a Titij cesura

praua, vel calumnia vindicantur: altero rerum, &

vocum memorabilium in utraque lingua – 1586.

Lutetiae, apud Mamer tum Patissonium

Typographum Regium. In Officina Roberti


Eighteenth-century paperback; sedicesimo, 16,2

cm; pp. (4) 197 (6); slight water halo and rare and

irrelevant woodworm holes in the inner margin,

overall more than a good copy. Latin text with

some headwords and phrases in Greek; title page

with vignette, some engraved endings; some engraved medals; numbering error: pag. 83 repeated. Very rare first Parisian edition,

published under a pseudonym, of this satirical pamphlet by Giuseppe Giusto Scaligero on Loci Controversi by the Sansepolcrian

scholar and philologist Roberto Tito of 1583. Scalìgero, Giuseppe Giusto (fr. Joseph-Juste Scaliger). – French philologist of Italian

origin (Agen 1540 – Leiden 1609), son of Julius Caesar. He excelled in the study of antiquity for his perfect command of Latin and

Greek to which he also combined knowledge of Arabic and Hebrew. It seems that this satirical pamphlet, sharply criticizing the

philology of Roberto Tito, was enthusiastically welcomed by many scholastics and undermined the credibility of the opponent

against which he was directed.

€ 510 / $ 622


M I R A N D O L A G i u s e p p e


Breve instruttione alli giovani per

imparare con ogni facilità il canto fermo,

divisa in due parti. Nella prima

s’assegnano le regole succinte d’esso

Canto, col vero modo di pratticarle. Il

canto francescano, con una regola al

chorista per ben regger’il Choro, e

un’altra all’Organista, per lasciar in Tono

con l’Organo i Canti, ch’occorrono in

tutto l’anno. Nella seconda si pone tutt’il

canto della Settimana Santa con quello

per la Processione della Purificatione

della B. V. e quattro Credi nel fine. Del P.

F. Gioseppe Maria Stella della Mirandola

Minor’Osservante Lettore Teologo;

Predicatore Generale, e Vicario del Choro

d’Araceli – 1665. In Roma nella

Stamperia di Iacomo Fei d’Andr. F..

Half vellum with titles, on a patch, and gilded friezes impressed on the spine, marbled boards; octavo, 23 cm; two parts in one

volume; pp. 149 (11); 111 (but real 120 due to numbering errors); title page with traces of restoration, restored tear on pages 39-40,

overall an excellent copy. Initials, friezes and endings in woodcut. Full-page Guidonian hand in woodcut in the text; numerous

musical notations.

€ 680 / $ 829

TASSO Torquato

Discorsi del Signor Torquato Tasso.

Dell’arte poetica; et in particolare del

Poema Heroico. Et insieme il primo libro

delle lettere scritte a diversi suoi amici, le

quali oltra la famigliarità, sono ripiene di

molti concetti, & avertimenti poetici à

dichiaratione d’alcuni luoghi della sua

Gierusalemme liberata. Gli uni, e l’altre

scritte nel tempo, ch’egli compose detto

suo Poema. Non piu stampati – 1587. I

Venetia ad instanza di Giulio Vassalini

Libraro à Ferrara (BOUND WITH:) / Il

Messaggiero dialogo del Signor Torquato

Tasso al Sereniss. Sign. Vincenzo Gonzaga

Principe di Mantova, et di Monferrato –

1582. In Venetia, appresso Bernardo

Giunti, e fratelli (BOUND WITH:) /

Discorso della Virtù Heroica, et della

Charità del Sig. Torquato Tasso. Al

Sereniss. Sig. Monsig. il Cardinale Cesareo

– 1582. In Venetia, appresso Bernardo

Giunti, e fratelli (BOUND WITH:) /

Discorso della Virtù Feminile, e Donnesca,

del Sig. Torquato Tasso. Alla Serenissima

Sig. Duchessa di Mantova, et c. – 1582. In

Venetia, appresso Bernardo Giunti, e

fratelli (BOUND WITH:) / Il Gonzaga secondo, overo del Giuoco, Dialogo del signor Torquato Tasso – 1582. In Venetia, appresso

Bernardo Giunti, e fratelli.

Rigid half parchment with handwritten titles on the spine, boards covered with decorated paper; octavo, 19,8 cm; 5 volumes bound

in a single one; leaves (1b) + (4) + 108, (2) + 36, 10, 8, 20; slight damages at paper covering the boards, very fresh interiors, only a

few slight halo and a couple of burnished pages at Il Messaggiero (whose title page is the only one with slight foxing), overall more

than a good copy. Old manuscript ex libris on the endpaper, each title page with woodcut mark, woodcut heads and initials, some

handwritten glosses in the margins.

Curious volume that collects some of the “minor” works by Tasso, albeit all worthy of note. In fact, this is the first edition of the

Discorsi Dell’arte poetica which also contains an epistolary of him; of the first edition of Il Messaggiero, that is, a Platonic-inspired

dialogue on the essence of spirits and demons; of the first edition of the Discorso della Virtù Heroica, an attempt to curry favor

with Cardinal Albert of Austria, hoping for his intercession in order to put an end to his imprisonment; of the first edition of the

Discorso della Virtù Feminile, which also set itself as an end an ingratiation to obtain freedom; and of the first definitive edition of Il

Gonzaga secondo, a pleasant booklet on games.

€ 1870 / $ 2280


Pub. Terentii Afri Comoediae in sua metra restitutae.

Interp[re]tantibus Aelio Donato gra[m]matico,

Guidone Iuuenale Cenomano, Io[hanne] Calphurnio,

nec no[n] & Seruio, Iodocoq[ue] Badio Asce[n]sio,

cu[m] figuris aptissimis multisq[ue] in locis

adiu[n]ctis dictionibus Graecis q[uae] deera[n]t.

Necnon & ornatissimus index tam vocabulorum

q[uam] adagiorum quae digna annotatu visa sunt,

nouerit impressae – 1526. Impressum Tusculani apud

Benacum in edibus Alexandri Paganini.

Full rigid vellum with handwritten titles on the

spine; octavo, 22,1 cm; leaves (10) + CCLXXXVII;

missing the last leave with register (available in

facsimile on request), modern endpapers, some halo,

some browned leaves and some woodworm path that

does not damage the text (except for a few letters of

the editorial glosses, in 6 central leaves). Nice title

page in geometric frame, text in the center with

comment on two columns on the sides, ornate drop

caps, 5 beautiful full-page woodcut plates.

Rare edition of Terenzio’s comedies printed in

Toscolano Maderno, on Garda lake, by Alessandro

Paganini, part of a large family of Typographers also

active in Venice. Ex libris Renzo and Mirella

Comastri on the last page of the initial index.

€ 2000 / $ 2439

Libreria Belriguardo di Magnani Francesco

Via Madonnina 2/g, 44034, Copparo (FE)



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