depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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The route called Lungo il Torrente Torre runs
entirely inside the territory of the municipality
of Povoletto. It runs for approximately 4,7 km
along the river bank, and on natural and unpaved
paths. The route is ring-shaped despite having
two different start and end points. One is
located in the hamlet of Primulacco and the
other in the hamlet of Savorgnano.
The main departure point is in Primulacco, a
short distance from the Agriturismo ‘Da Laura’
and the old church of San Nicolò (1), rich in
medieval frescoes.
The path runs for more than 1 km along the
Torre’s riverbank, with countryside on the left
and the Torre’s floodplain, which alternates
between meadows and wetland forests on the
On this stretch of the route, you can admire
both the hills of Savorgnano and the entire
range of the Prealpi Giulie.
On the edge of the embankment, there are two
rest points with benches which have views of
the mountain and the plain.
Approaching Savorgnano, you leave the
riverbank and continue on the path alongside a
dirt road, crossing the meadows until you reach
the riverbank located immediately south of the
arrival point in Savorgnano.
To return, retrace your steps and after about
200 meters, you will find yourself on a dirt road
that goes towards the floodplain of the Torre
(2). After following it for about 150 meters, you
come to a path that runs alongside the Torre’s
floodplain, in the middle of the wetland forest,
which takes you back to the starting parking
lot at Primulacco. There are also two stopping
points with benches along this stretch of the
Route general data
4,7 km 1 h
dirt road