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The “10Thousand Steps in Ruda” pedestrian

route is a ring that touches historic places and

passages, and includes two equipped areas for

outdoor sports activities.

The route is also part of the existing “Celestial

Path” which crosses the municipal territory of


The route starts from the square of Ruda, a

place designed for the community, with layouts

and historical territorial landmarks of the late

19th century, in which the Church and the Town

Hall are no longer considered in contrast, but

become fundamental elements of a pedestrian

area of high urban quality.

A few years ago, the area was renewed as part

of a public works program and gained the value

it deserved.

The route then continues following the “Clipigna

road” which flanks the parish recreation centre

and joins a pleasantly accessible gravel road,

well hidden and immersed in the greenery of

the country-side. This road leads to the town

of Mortesins. Here, facing the square, you can

visit the small church of Saint Barbara (1) and

also practise some sports at the first of the two

equipped areas (2).

Continue for a stretch of the road and then

deviate into Via della Mondina, until you

reach the hamlet of San Nicolò. Here you can

admire the bridge over the canal (3), which still

retains part of the parapet with the original

ornamental frieze.

Near San Nicolò, you will find the second

equipped sports area (4), with areas sheltered

from the sun.

The hamlet of San Nicolò is an interesting and

particular testimony of a rural settlement in the

Lower Friulian area. Today, San Nicolò retains

very few traces of the ancient medieval village.

It stood at the intersection of two important

roads: the Levata, which connected Aquileia

to the fords of the Torre, in the direction of

Cividale, and the road to the boat pass on the

Isonzo River.

What makes San Nicolò so typical is the

presence of the religious building, formerly a

link between the fords of the Torre river and the

port of Aquileia, a boarding location for boats

bound for the Holy Land.

The route continues in the direction of

“Cortona”, along a stretch of Via Ponte Vecchio

and proceeds through the countryside until it

reaches the Torre River embankment (5).

The route, sided by the river, now offers a

pleasant stretch immersed in the green

countryside and leads travellers back to the

town of Ruda, to Piazza Libertà, and finally to

the finishing point of the route.

Route general data

9.5 km 1h 30’

dirt road

paved road







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