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Via Ge


Via Gemona


ia Bi anca

Località Dogna


Ro ggia Roja


Canale Roia


Via della Dogna

San Vito al Tagliamento offers both casual

walkers and runners the incredible opportunity

to blend in with the varied surroundings of its

landscape. The 9.1 km long route alternates

the fascinating atmosphere of the town centre

with its historical buildings with the rural

environments. These environments are not only

interesting from a naturalistic point of view

Località Cragnutto

Via Ramon

Via del Tagliamento

Roggia Ramon

Località Rosa Vecchia

but also from a historical one as they are the

memory of a rural culture sung by Pier Paolo

Pasolini in the famous novel

‘A dream of something’, and forever present in

the local social fabric.

Starting from the central Piazza del Popolo

(1), the first part of the route unwinds along

streets in the centre of the town. After passing

under the historical Raimonda Tower (2), walk

Roggia Ram on

along the new Via Amalteo, leaving on the left

Saint Lawrence’s Church (3) and the annexed

Dominican convent. Next, cross the Saetta

Bridge (4), from which you can admire the

ancient Austrian prisons on the right.

Thanks to the well-developed network of cycle

and pedestrian paths, it is possible to safely

cross what can be considered the town’s

healthcare area, with the healthcare centre,

hospital, IRCCS ‘E.Medea - La Nostra Famiglia’

research centre, mental health centre and

Località Cragnutto




nursing home, witness of the calling to help

people in need, always dear to San Vito.

While still walking along safe paths and

crossing beautiful residential areas, you

reach the Ligugnana school and sports centre

and the Madonna di Rosa hamlet near the

impressive Sanctuary (5). From here, along

Via dei Cipressi, you arrive at the hamlet of

Sant’Urbano, with its vineyards and other

cultivations. Then, through easy country roads,

reach Villa di Casabianca (6) and the capital of

San Giuseppe in Boreanona (7).

The cycle and pedestrian paths are equipped

with benches, offering a quiet spot for a rest.

Once you have arrived in the residential area

of Favria, north of the railway, it is possible to

return to the centre of town. Enter the Rota

Park (8), near the old anti-aircraft bunker (9),

where you can admire the greenhouse hosting

a permanent exhibition on the life of Serbian

writer Milos Cernianski, and then exit again

into Piazza del Popolo, next to the Municipal

Palace (10). This palace was once the house

of the noble Altan family and later that of the

Rota Conturbia family. It was also scene of

those peasant rebel movements described in

Pasolini’s novel.

Località Cragnutto

Roggia Ramon

Canale Roia

Via Carbona

Via Carbona

Via Carbona

Località Pradis

Route general data

Via Spalato


9.1 km 2h 45’

dirt road

paved road





San Vito al Tagliamento


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