depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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The Border path is a ring circuit on dirt roads

that passes through the rural villages of

Jalmicco, San Vito al Torre, Visco and Nogaredo

al Torre. The route starts in Jalmicco, a typical

rural village, near the church of the Queen of

Victory and Peace (1) surrounded by twentytwo

cypresses, dedicated to the fallen of

the Great War and built in the early 1900s on

the former border between Italy-Austria and

Hungary. From the church, take the paved road,

which then leads onto the dirt path. The route

crosses the evocative rural landscape, typical

of the lower Friulian plain, characterised by

the presence of fields, bordered by rows of

mulberry trees (2), and small lowland groves.

Among the peculiarities of this area, there is

a splendid monumental tree (3), a European

nettle. You can reach it with a small detour into

the countryside, where you will also find a rest

area and the ruins of an old Friulian farmhouse,

near Jalmicco, in Via Fornace (furnace), a

toponym that testifies to the existence of

furnaces in this area already during the Roman


The historic villages, which can be reached

through the circuit, conceal precious evidence

of the history of these places. In Visco, you can

visit the Museum on the Border (4), a building

that housed the former customs house on the

Italian-Austrian border. A multipurpose venue,

open to host meetings, temporary exhibitions

and cultural events, the museum tells the

history and displays the images of the village.

Overlooking the square in the historic centre

of San Vito al Torre stands the parish church

of Saints Vitus and Modest (5), built in the

18 th century. The village develops lengthwise

starting from the church and is characterized

by public spaces and private buildings of high

historical and cultural value.

One of the attractions of Nogaredo al Torre is

the ancient historic medieval village and the

imposing complex of Villa Gorgo (6), built in

the 18 th century, with the typical 18 th century

setting, the elegant side wings, “barchesse”,

the garden, the large park and Saint Andrew’s

Church (built in 1330 and restored in 1800) with

its small square. In the past, Nogaredo was the

seat of the Customs House and the Post Office.

In this area there is also a ford of Roman origin,

called the “Archduke’s ford” as it was once

an obligatory passage for those who wanted

to reach Vienna from Italy. Also in Nogaredo,

you can find the building that housed the old

Austro-Hungarian customs house.

Route general data

9.1 km 2h 45’

dirt road

paved road





San Vito al Torre - Palmanova - Visco

www.comune.sanvitoaltorre.ud.it - www.comune.palmanova.ud.it - www.comune.visco.ud.it

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