depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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‘Ator par Spilimberc e par lis muculis’ is a
project created to promote the knowledge
and ‘slow’ enjoyment of Spilimbergo and its
The route is a ring which starts from Piazza
Duomo and continues down to the Ancona
Church (1). After a first part on paved road,
take the dirt road that follows the Tagliamento
River shore and rises above the slope known as
the ‘cleva’ of Gaio and returns to the historical
centre, alternating stretches of paved and dirt
road. The route, which can be done on foot or
by bicycle, lets you explore very suggestive
landscape corners, the residential areas
of some hamlets of Spilimbergo and some
significant historical and artistic monuments.
Walking along the pebbly ground (in Italian
‘grava’) and around the surroundings of
Spilimbergo, you can appreciate the landscape
and the numerous small artistic treasures,
such as churches, pieces of folk art, manor
houses, etc. Along the dirt road that goes
from Spilimbergo to Valeriano under the
‘cleva’ of Baseglia, along the right bank of
the Tagliamento River, you will find a varied
spontaneous vegetation and a rich fauna,
typical of the foothills. Continuing along the
shore of the Tagliamento River, you arrive at the
‘cleva’ of Gaio, a steep climb towards St. Mark’s
Church (2).
From St. Mark’s Church, continue down to the
hamlet of Baseglia, through the homonymous
slope (‘cleva’). From here, you can return to the
starting point in Piazza Duomo, initially along a
dirt road running along the abandoned railroad,
and then on a paved road along via Filanda
Vecchia and on the pedestrian and cycling
track of via della Roggia, both flanked by the
artificial channel, ‘Roggia’ of Spilimbergo.
Take some time to visit the nearby Di Sopra
Palace (3) and its wonderful gardens.
The palace is now used as town hall. From the
palace’s terrace, you can admire the natural
environment of the Tagliamento River, the town
of San Daniele and the mountains stretching
all the way up to Carnia.
Due to the characteristics of the route, it is
suitable for families, adults, elderly people,
walking groups and Nordic walkers, and
ensures good safety conditions.
General route data
8.5 Km 2,5 h
dirt road
paved road
night time