depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP
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a Gregorio da
o o ntelon
o Pa
rrente Bût
atta Morgagni
orni di Sotto
Via Giuliano Bonanni
dei Combattenti
Via Venticinque Aprile
Via Giovanni Gortani
Via Divisione Julia
Via Carnia Libera 1944
Via Rosta del Pievano
Via Divisione Garibaldi
Via Divisione Juli a
Via Paluzza
Via San Giovanni Bosco
Via Giacomo Matteotti
Via Dante Alighieri
Via della Cooperativa
Via Caterina Percoto
Via Giovanni Marinelli
Via della Vittoria Via della Vittoria
Via Primo Maggio
Via Antonio Somma
Via Raimondo della Torre
Via Cesare Battisti
Via Caterina Percoto
ia Arturo Zardini
Via Enrico Fruch
The Bût route is about 1.5 km long and starts
from a convenient parking area at the borders
of the Sfleus Hamlet.
The route starts above the bank of the Bût
Stream and continues towards the bridge
which separates the village of Caneva from
Tolmezzo, the provincial capital. After the
bridge, the route continues south along the
Via Paluzza
Via Officina Elettrica
stream bank until it reaches an equipped rest
and workout area near the sports ground.
The route does not present any particular
difficulties, making it therefore suitable for
Via Piave
Via Chiavris
Via Tarvisio
Moreover, while walking along the route, near
the bridge, you will come across the bike path
leading to Villa Santina and, once close to the
arrival point, you can leave the main route
to explore the various rural roads and paths
stretching into the Caneva countryside and
reaching up to the river streambed, forming
other routes such as the one dotted on the
Via John Lennon
Piazza Centa
Via Spalto
Via Clemente Lequio
Roggia Tolmezz o
Via Roma
Via Jacopo Linussio
Via Cascina
Via del Tintore
Via Giosuè Carducci
Via Prà Castello
Along the way, equipped rest areas are the
pleasant place for a relaxing break with a view
of the valley of Tolmezzo, and where you can
admire mounts Amariana, Strabut, Lovinzola,
San Simeone and a glimpse of the Sernio, as
well as the amazing colours of the Bût Stream.
Anello dello Strabut
Via Forame
Via del Fante
Castello di
Anello dello Strabut
Rio Picotta
Via Gemona
Pra Castello
Via Divisione Osoppo Via Divisione Osoppo
Via Giuseppe
Viale Aldo Moro
i M g
Via Quattro Novembre
Via Antonio Gramsci
Via Gianni Rodari
Via Val But
Via Cividale
Via Pal Piccolo
Via Monte Festa
Via Vittorio Cella
Via Riccardo Spinotti
Via Guglielmo Oberdan
Via Pal Piccolo
Via P s
i chini
Via Trieste
Via Francesco Ianesi
Via don Giuseppe Marchetti
Via Val Calda
Via Gorizia
Via Val Dolce
Via Val Pontaiba
Route general data
Via Val Chiarsò
Del Din
Via Val Pesarina Via Val del Lago
Roggia Tolmezzo
Via Val di Gorto
1.5 km 20’
dirt road paved road
Via Tagliamento
Via V a
Via Val del Lago
Pier Fortunato Calvi
Via Chiamue
i a Udine