depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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A network of 70 municipalities for 59 routes. Municipalities, local communities

and associations together with the Healthcare System to promote Health

Walking in the open air, amongst nature and exercising, alone or in groups (compatibly

with the new COVID-19 safety rules), close to home or in other municipalities, whenever

possible, is a “healthy lifestyle” (WHO) and an “open-air gym”, where to practise every

day. It is pleasant, helps to stay healthy, prevents many illnesses and improves the mood,

fights loneliness and promotes wellbeing and life quality at all ages.

In general, these are the purposes of the “FVG IN MOVIMENTO. 10mila Passi di Salute”

project. The final aim of the project is to provide people with opportunities and routes,

“mainly pedestrian and accessible to all”, to practise physical activities and movement

and, in general, live “correct lifestyles” (healthy diet, no smoking, no drugs and avoidance

of alcohol abuse), and, at the same time, promote “active ageing and fight loneliness”

(Regional Law no. 18 of 15 October, 2020).

The project is promoted and supported by the FVG Region, as of November 2018

(Regional Law no. 25/2018 Art. 9 Para. 25-27) and is part of a broader integrated and

coordinated plan of health promotion activities provided for in the “Regional Prevention

Plans” of 2014-2019 and 2021-2025. For this reason, considering the positive results

achieved and in order to support the entry of new municipalities and implementation of

other activities, additional resources have been provided, through Decrees no. 2595 of 26

November 2019; no. 2185 of 5 November 2020 and no. 3168 of 25 November 2021, which,

to date, support the Activity Plans, until 31 January 2024.

To actively involve all municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Region appointed

Federsanità ANCI FVG as project coordinator, that presented specific Activity Plans, set

up the “Project Coordination Committee” and the “Call Commission”, in which the project

partners are members: Central Directorate for Health, Department of Economic and

Statistical Sciences of the University of Udine and PromoTurismo FVG, and for the Call

Commission also the Secretary General of ANCI FVG. Then, two calls for the municipalities

were defined and published: the first with deadline 15 October 2019 and the second one

31 March 2021. Altogether, 70 municipalities (out of a total of 215), among “leaders” and

partner municipalities, signed up, covering a total of 59 routes throughout the entire

Region, from the sea to the mountains, lakes, rivers, hills, villages and countryside.

Federsanità ANCI FVG is an association of municipalities, healthcare authorities, the

research hospital IRCCS, public companies offering personal care services, Federfarma

FVG, municipal nursing homes, consortia and foundations.

The 70 Municipalities that took part in the two calls committed to upgrade and maintain

green areas and paths, and furnish and promote the routes for which they received a

contribution, according to the criteria indicated in the call. Only some municipalities,

about 20, did not request a contribution, but only asked to join the project, by installing

the “10mila passi di Salute” billboards and signs, promoting the project and any other

initiatives to promote health and correct lifestyles. In short, these are “fly-wheel

interventions” for qualified “community projects” - as indicated in the “2021-2025 Regional

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