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Prevention Plan”, and they are fundamental because they involve people and associations,

doctors and experts from different fields, through a medium term interdisciplinary and

interinstitutional programme that aims at making routes easily accessible, encouraging

and promoting physical and motor activity for all, through the maximum involvement

of citizens of all ages, walking groups and active local associations” (UISP – the Italian

Union Sports for All, the Pensioners’ Association, the Volunteer Association, FIASP – the

Italian Federation of Amateur Sports for All, Nordic Walking, grassroot organisations,

etc.), all invited to attend and promote the routes.

So thanks to great “teamwork”, carried out with incredible commitment and enthusiasm

for common goals, all together we have activated, consolidated and strengthened this

“Network of 70 Municipalities”- “active communities”, unique in Italy, concretely attentive

to the issues of health promotion and prevention (editor’s note: requests to join by other

municipalities are growing).

On behalf of Federsanità ANCI FVG a heartfelt thank you goes to all those who participated

in the creation and development of this Health route. First of all, thank you to the Vice

President of the FVG Region and Councillor for Health services, Riccardo Riccardi, and

to the Central Director of Health, Gianna Zamaro, who, from the very beginning, believed

in this simple yet innovative project, that enhances and coordinates significant local


A project supported through constant commitment by the “Technical and scientific

coordination committee” comprising Luana Sandrin, representative of the Central

Directorate for Health, Social Policies and Disabilities of the Region, Tiziana Del Fabbro,

Regional Secretary of Federsanità ANCI FVG, Laura Pagani, professor of the Department

of Economic and Statistical Sciences of the University of Udine, together with Demetrio

Panarello, for the scientific evaluation of the project and Alessia Del Bianco Rizzardo,

Cultural Area of PromoTurismo FVG.

Federsanità ANCI FVG was given the task of coordinating the projects, communication

with the municipalities, creation of posters and signs, brochures, local presentations and

regional and national promotion through Internet, mass media, social media, etc.

Besides the great interest FVG IN MOVIMENTO aroused at national level, through

Federsanità, ANCI and the regional organisations and that today constitutes a format of

great interest and a “best practice” to implement the National and Regional Prevention

plans, from Spring 2021, at the request of PromoTurismo FVG, it will join the “Take it Slow”,

the Italy-Croatia Interreg project through the enhancement of the “FVG in Movimento -

10.000 passi di salute” itineraries.

Currently (April 2022), we are engaged in theoretical-practical courses for “Walking

group coordinators”, under the scientific coordination of the degree course in Motor

Sciences at the University of Udine. In the next months, once again coordinated with the

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