depliant percorsi - ENG rev03_STP

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municipalities and associations, we will start physical and motor activity courses in the

municipal gyms with the collaboration of graduates in motor sciences.

At institutional level, a heartfelt thank you for the fruitful collaboration goes first of all

to ANCI FVG, to the President, Dorino Favot, who participated in numerous initiatives

on the territory and to the Secretary general, Alessandro Fabbro, also a member of the

Call Commission, as well as to all the staff of ANCI FVG for the remarkable support and

frequent communications to the municipalities.

For the development and strengthening of this “Health Network”, now and in the

future, the strategic role played by the municipalities (local administrators, managers,

technical referents and all operators) together with the health authorities (prevention

departments), all the very active associations and walking groups of which Friuli Venezia

Giulia is rich, the chemists, family doctors and many other people and active protagonists,

is fundamental.

In the end, a special thank you goes to Katia Fontanini and the entire staff working at

“Art& Grafica” for producing the billboards and brochures in Italian and English, that, with

the collaboration of PromoTurismo FVG, will soon be printed. Thanks to the translator,

Giuliana Bonifacio.

The maps and photos of the routes provided by the municipalities are of high quality and

allow us to see itineraries and environmental, cultural, historical and artistic beauties of

evocative places, that are mostly small and medium-sized places of Friuli Venezia Giulia,

going from the sea to the mountains, and with lakes, rivers, rural architectures, mills,

historical findings and so much more.

The billboard texts are in Italian and English (editor’s note: for the municipality of Duino

Aurisina, the second language is Slovenian) and are promoted through the project

website and social networks, www.federsanita.anci.fvg, www.invecchiamentoattivo.

regione.fvg.it, www.turismofvg.it as well as through the Qrcodes of PromoTurismo FVG

and municipality websites and social media.

We believe that in Friuli Venezia Giulia, also thanks to this project, we are all together

implementing “on the filed” the “Health and Equity in all Policies” WHO strategy ( The

Ottawa Charter, 1986), the “One Health” Strategy (WHO), the “Agenda 2030” (UN), as

indicated in the 2021-2025 FVG Regional Prevention Plan. Together with the organisations

and local authorities, we are doing so through actions and choices useful for making a

real change that will go from the sharing of principles to the concrete implementation of

“Good Practices”.

One step at a time, with an invitation to all to walk every day, whether alone or in company,

not only because it is good for you, but also because it is pleasant and enjoyable; it is a

way of meeting people and letting everyone know about the treasures and beauties of

Friuli Venezia Giulia.

President of Federsanità ANCI FVG

Deputy Vice President of Federsanità nazionale

Giuseppe Napoli

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