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Project Time Schedule
Milestones, November 2018 – July 2022
“Project for the promotion of routes for physical exercise, movement and
well-being”, Art. 9, paragraphs 25 - 27, Regional Law no. 25 on
“Intersectoral Financing Regulations” of 6 November 2018;
Activity plan 1 December 2018 - 30 November 2020, financial reporting
extended to 31 March 2021.
Initial workgroup including the Health Directorate, Federsanità ANCI FVG,
Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Udine for the
definition of the project, coordinated logo-image, communication plan and
project assessment plan.
Establishment of the “Technical-scientific project coordination
committee”, composed of the representatives of Federsanità ANCI FVG,
Health Directorate, Department of Economics and Statistics of the
University of Udine and PromoTurismo FVG.
Definition of the Call for Tender for FVG municipalities
20 June – Presentation of the Friuli Venezia Giulia on the Move. 10
thousand steps of Health project and call for tender, meeting at the FVG
Region headquarters in Udine, on urban regeneration for health, in
collaboration with FVG UISP and national UISP.
From 1 July to 15 October, Online publication of the First Call for Tender
“FVG ON THE MOVE. 10 thousand steps of health” dedicated to the
Municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia, 38 Municipalities took part
(among leading municipalities and partners).
Transmission of the call for tender to all 215 Municipalities of Friuli
Venezia Giulia, by Federsanità ANCI FVG and ANCI FVG.
Establishment of the “Call for Tender Commission”, composed of the
Coordination Committee and ANCI FVG representative.
38 Municipalities were granted contributions for the realisation of
accessible and sustainable routes, as well as for the realisation and
installation of the coordinated billboards and signs.
August – September Presentation of the Call for Tender on the territory, in
four locations of the Region
Design and realisation of billboards and signs by the contracted company
New requests of participation by Municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia
and following request to the Region.
Decree no. 2595 of 26 November 2019 on the assignment of
“supplementary resources”, 1 February 2020 – 30 September 2021, in
relation to the “Project for the promotion of routes for physical exercise,
movement and well-being”, Art. 9, paragraphs 25 - 27, Regional Law no. 25
on “Intersectoral Financing Regulations” of 6 November 2018.
Activity Plan: 1 February 2020 -30 September 2021.