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30 March 2021, operational Web conference with all the Municipalities that
participated in the Call for Tender.
31 March 2021, Financial reporting on the first project contribution
(extended due to the COVID-19 emergency).
7 April 2021, Web conference “World Health Day” OMS - “Urban setting and
territory to promote health”.
30 April, Activation of a FB page dedicated to the Project.
5 May, Online publication of the first brochure on the project with routes of
the Municipalities of the first Call for Tender.
25-26 June, The Italy-Croatia Interreg event “Take it Slow” presentation in
Lignano Sabbiadoro with the participation of the presidents and managers
of Federsanità ANCI Sicily and Calabria, ANCI Calabria and of the
Coordinator of the Regional ANCIs.
16-19 September, in San Daniele del Friuli, S.I.C.S. (Italian Society Sports
Cardiology) National Conference, presentation of the project, with posters,
by Dr Lucio Mos, President of S.I.C.S.
30 September, financial reporting on the second contribution.
April – December, production and installation of billboards and signs for
the Municipalities of the Second Call for Tender
January – June, completion of the presentation of the routes for the entire
Region, including a total of 56 meetings with approximately 1,500 people.
March – May, design and activation of “Theory-practice courses for Walking
Group Coordinators – Walking Leader”, under the scientific coordination of
the Degree Course in Motor Sciences of the University of Udine, Prof.
Stefano Lazzer, with 8 meetings in the entire Region, and participation of
about 350 people
March – September Agreement with the University of Udine,
Prof. Stefano Lazzer, Coordinator of the Degree Course in Motor Sciences of
the University of Udine
From 1 to 4 March, in Chicago, International Conference “EPILIFE STYLE”-
American Heart Society – presentation of the project poster, by Dr Lucio
Mos, formerly President S.I.C.S.
10 March, Journalist training course, on a national platform, project
presentation by Tiziana Del Fabbro and Alessia Del Bianco Rizzardo
7 April – World Health Day, in Amaro, practical part of the Course for
Walking Group Coordinators – guided walk by a graduate in Physical
Education from the University of Udine. In addition, in the Municipality of
Amaro, a meeting, hosted by “Gianni Cosetti Carnia and Tarvisiano”, was held
with the representatives of Upper Friuli Slow Food, for the presentation of